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What Happens When a Stealth Jet Ends Up on the Ocean Floor?

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-11 03:59

        WASHINGTON — On Jan. 24, one of the U.S. Navy’s most expensive warplanes crashed as it tried to land on an aircraft carrier and sank to the bottom of the South China Sea. The $94 million F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is now the subject of a salvage operation.        华盛顿——1月24日,美国海军最昂贵的战机之一试图在航空母舰上降落时坠毁,并且沉入了南海海底。这架价值9400万美元的F-35联合攻击战斗机现在成了一场打捞行动的目标。
        In a statement issued on the day of the incident, the Navy said seven sailors had been injured when the jet suffered a “landing mishap” on the aircraft carrier, the Carl Vinson. It did not mention that the plane had ended up in the ocean.        在事件发生当天发表的声明中,美国海军表示,飞机在“卡尔·文森号”航空母舰上发生“着陆事故”,造成七名水兵受伤。声明没有提到飞机已经坠入大海。
        The Navy has said little publicly since then about the incident. In response to questions from The New York Times, the Navy’s Seventh Fleet said last week that the service had “begun mobilizing units that will be used to verify the site and recover” the F-35 involved in the crash.        自那以后,海军几乎没有公开谈论这一事件。在回应《纽约时报》提问时,海军第七舰队上周表示已经“开始调动各单位,用于核实现场,并寻回”坠机事故中的F-35战机。
        Photos and videos that appeared to have been taken aboard the Vinson have been posted on social media. Public affairs officers said that some of the images — such as one of the F-35 on the ocean surface — were authentic. “There is an ongoing investigation into both the crash and the unauthorized release of the shipboard video footage,” said Cmdr. Zach Harrell, a spokesman for Naval Air Forces.        社交媒体上已经出现似乎是在“文森号”上拍摄的照片和视频。公共事务官员说,其中一些图片是真实的,比如飞机在海面上的照片。美国海军空军发言人扎克·哈勒尔中校说,“对于坠机事件,以及未经授权发布的舰上视频,我们正在进行调查。”
        It was only after a Twitter user posted video of the crash on Feb. 6 that Navy officials acknowledged that the jet had slammed into the rear of the flight deck before skidding the length of the ship and falling into the ocean.        直到2月6日,一名Twitter用户发布了坠机视频后,海军官员才承认,飞机撞上了航母飞行甲板后部,然后滑过舰身,坠入大海。
        Will the Navy recover its expensive jet from the ocean floor before an adversary finds it? Here’s what we know so far about the incident, and what the salvage operation might entail.        美国海军是否能在对手找到这架昂贵的飞机之前将其从海底打捞上来?以下是到目前为止我们对这起事故的了解,以及打捞行动可能涉及的问题。
        Where is the plane?        飞机在哪里?
        Short answer: We don’t exactly know. We do, however, have a tantalizing clue from public statements.        简而言之,我们不知道确切的答案。然而,我们确实从公开声明中得到了一个让人感兴趣的线索。
        On Jan. 29, the Japanese Coast Guard posted a notice informing mariners of ongoing salvage operations in an area in the northern part of the South China Sea. The notice said salvage operations at a particular latitude and longitude would continue “until further notice.”        1月29日,日本海上保安厅发布通知,表明船员正在南海北部海域进行打捞作业。该通知称,在某一特定区域的打捞作业将继续进行,“直到另行通知。”
        The U.S. Navy’s Japan-based Seventh Fleet directed questions about the notice to the Japanese Coast Guard, which said last week that the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency had requested that the warning be posted. A spokeswoman for the agency, which is part of the Defense Department, directed queries about that notice back to the Navy.        美国海军驻日本的第七舰队将有关该通知的问题转给了日本海岸警卫队,后者上周说,美国国家地理空间情报局要求发布这一警告。该局隶属国防部,其发言人将有关该通知的询问转回给海军。
        The notice puts the salvage site roughly 13,000 feet below the surface of the ocean, and closer to the Philippines than to China.        该通知称,打捞地点位于海面以下约4000米,更靠近菲律宾,而不是中国。
        The Navy’s initial statement said three of the sailors injured in the crash had been evacuated to Manila for medical treatment. The Japanese Coast Guard’s notice said the salvage location was about 320 miles from Manila — which is well within range of the Vinson’s Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft that would have transported the injured sailors from the carrier to the Philippine capital.        美国海军最初的声明说,在坠机事故中受伤的三名水兵已被送往马尼拉接受治疗。日本海岸警卫队的通知说,打捞地点距离马尼拉约515公里,这完全在“文森号”上的鱼鹰倾转旋翼飞机的飞行范围内,这些飞机可以将受伤的水兵从航母运送到菲律宾首都。
        Can the Navy recover a plane that deep in the ocean?        海军能从那么深的海中找回一架飞机吗?
        According to Navy documents, the service can lift a wrecked airplane from as deep as 20,000 feet by using a remote-operated vehicle the Navy calls CURV-21. Weighing more than three tons, the box-shaped underwater drone can be deployed from the deck of a Navy salvage ship or a commercial vessel and controlled by technicians on the surface via a cable.        根据海军文件,军方可以使用一种名为CURV-21的远程操作工具,将失事飞机从6000米深的地方吊起。这种盒子状的水下无人机重达三吨以上,可以从海军打捞船或商业船只的甲板上部署,并由水面上的技术人员通过电缆进行控制。
        Last year, the Navy used a CURV-21 aboard a Norwegian-flagged civilian ship named the Grand Canyon II to salvage an MH-60S helicopter from a depth of more than 19,000 feet in the North Pacific Ocean.        去年,美国海军使用一艘悬挂挪威国旗的“大峡谷二号”民用船只上的CURV-21,从北太平洋5800米深的水下打捞了一架MH-60S直升机。
        Reached by phone, an executive with Volstad Maritime, which owns the Grand Canyon II, said the ship was not involved in the Navy’s F-35 salvage effort. It is currently leased to an energy company and is working in oil and gas fields off Thailand.        大峡谷二号的所有者沃尔斯塔德海事公司的一名高管在接受电话采访时表示,这艘船没有参与海军的F-35打捞行动。它。该艘船目前租给了一家能源公司,在泰国近海的油气田作业。
        How would the recovery work?        打捞工作如何进行?
        The Navy could use another ship to do the same job, as long as it has the ability to carry an underwater vehicle like CURV-21, which would be used to connect a cable from the ship to the airplane. The ship would also need to have a crane strong enough to lift the wreck off the ocean floor, probably one capable of lifting at least 100 tons. Additionally, the ship would most likely need a large open deck so the wreckage could be placed there.        海军可以使用别的船来完成同样的工作,只要其有能力携带像CURV-21这样的水下航行器,航行器可以将船上的一根线缆接到飞机上。这艘船还需要有一个足够强大的起重机,可以将飞机残骸抬离海底,可能至少需要举起100吨的重量。此外,这艘船很可能需要一个大的开放式甲板,以便将残骸放置在那里。
        During last year’s deepwater helicopter salvage, a Maryland-based company called Phoenix International provided support on the Grand Canyon II. A Phoenix executive reached by phone declined to comment on whether the company was involved in the current F-35 salvage effort.        在去年的深水直升机打捞中,位于马里兰州的凤凰国际公司为大峡谷二号提供了支持。记者通过电话联系到凤凰公司的一名高管,他拒绝就公司是否参与了目前的F-35打捞工作发表评论。
        Could China recover the plane?        中国能否打捞飞机?
        We don’t know, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility, given that China has already displayed underwater remote-operated vehicles of its own. The real question would be: Can the Chinese vehicles function at the same depth as the American ones?        我们不知道,但这并非不可能的事,因为中国已经展示了自己的遥控水下工具。真正的问题是:中国的工具能否达到与美国工具相同的深度?
        Given that the F-35 crashed with a full aircraft carrier strike group in the vicinity, it is possible that the Navy has left a smaller escort warship, like a destroyer, to watch over the crash site. However, the Pentagon brushed off the idea that the Navy was in a race with its Chinese counterpart to pull the ship off the seafloor.        考虑到这架F-35飞机坠毁时附近有一个完整的航母打击群,美国海军有可能在事故现场留下了一艘较小的护航战舰,比如驱逐舰。然而,五角大楼不认为中国海军打算在捞船一事上与美国展开争夺。
        “I think you can understand we’re taking all the appropriate planning that we need to salvage our aircraft and we’re going to recover it in a timely manner, as we’ve done in the past,” John F. Kirby, the chief Pentagon spokesman, said at a news conference on Monday. “So I think any question about being in some sort of competition to recover what is in fact our property is speculative at best.”        “我想你可以理解,我们正在采取一切必要的适当计划来打捞我们的飞机,我们将及时收回飞机,就像我们过去所做的那样,”五角大楼首席发言人约翰·F·柯比在周一的新闻发布会上说。“所以我认为,任何关于在某种形式的争抢中收回我们资产的问题,充其量只是一种猜测。”

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