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Two years after his death, the Chinese doctor who warned of the virus is remembered.

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-08 09:48

        Two years after the death of Li Wenliang, the doctor who tried to warn China about the coronavirus only to succumb to it himself, his memory remains a source of equal parts grief, anger and hope for many Chinese.        李文亮医生曾试图向中国发出关于新冠病毒的警告,但自己却感染了这种病毒。在他去世两年后,对他的回忆仍然是许多中国人悲痛、愤怒和希望的源泉。
        Dr. Li, an ophthalmologist from Wuhan, where the pandemic began, rose to national attention after he warned friends on social media in late December 2019 of a mysterious new virus in his hospital, only to be reprimanded by the local police for spreading rumors. When the government belatedly confirmed that there was an outbreak at hand, Dr. Li became a national hero, seen as an embodiment of the importance of free expression.        2019年12月下旬,来自疫情暴发地武汉的眼科医生李文亮在社交媒体上警告朋友,他所在的医院遇到一种神秘的新病毒,结果被当地警方以散布谣言为由训诫,这引起了全国的关注。当政府姗姗来迟地确认疫情暴发时,李文亮成了民族英雄,被视为表达自由重要性的体现。
        But Dr. Li soon fell ill with the virus himself. On Feb. 6, 2020, he died.        但李文亮自己很快感染了这种病毒,于2020年2月6日去世。
        Chinese social media exploded in fury and grief, at both Dr. Li’s fate and the government’s sluggish response to the outbreak generally. Many users flocked to Dr. Li’s profile on Weibo, a Twitter-like social media platform. They thanked him for his bravery in speaking up, apologized for his treatment by the authorities and shared a quote he gave in an interview with Chinese media before his death: “A healthy society should have more than one voice.”        对于李文亮的命运和政府对疫情的总体反应迟缓,中国的社交媒体上充满了愤怒和悲伤。在微博上,许多用户涌向李文亮的个人页面。他们感谢他勇敢发声,为当局对他的对待而道歉,并分享他生前在接受中国媒体采访时的一句话:“一个健康的社会不应只有一种声音。”
        Two years later, much of that anger has faded from view, because of both censorship and the government’s subsequent success at controlling the outbreak. But Dr. Li’s Weibo profile suggests that the memory of those early days remains strong.        两年后,由于审查制度和政府随后在控制疫情方面取得的成功,这种愤怒的情绪大部分已经淡出人们的视野。但李文亮的微博资料表明,那些早期的记忆仍然强烈。
        In the days before the anniversary of his death, a torrent of comments accumulated under his last post, in which he had shared the news that he had tested positive.        在他逝世周年纪念日的前几天,人们在他的最后一条微博里留下了大量评论。在那条微博中,他分享了检测呈阳性的消息。
        Some urged him to rest in peace, telling him not to worry about the pandemic in China anymore and that the Beijing Winter Olympics were proceeding well. Others treated him like a confidante or guardian angel. “Dr. Li, please bless me to find somebody I love,” wrote one user.        有人请他安息,不要再担心中国的疫情,并且北京冬奥会进展顺利。还有人将他视为知己或守护天使。“李医生,请保佑我找到我爱的人,”一位用户写道。
        “The construction industry is having mass layoffs,” wrote a man who said he worried about his career prospects.        “建筑业正在大规模裁员,”一位自称担心自己职业前景的人写道。
        Other posts were more explicitly political. Several commenters quoted the written apology that police forced Dr. Li to sign after he was reprimanded. Others mentioned recent news events that have stoked public anger, including officials’ tepid response to the case of a mentally ill woman who was found chained in a shed this month. “They’re ignoring people’s anger,” one user wrote.        其他一些评论更具政治性。几位评论者引用了李文亮在被警方训诫后强迫签下的书面道歉。有人提到了最近引起公众愤怒的新闻事件,其中包括本月一名患有精神疾病的女性被发现锁在小屋中,而官员对此反应冷漠。“他们无视人们的愤怒,”一位用户写道。
        Users have left more than one million comments under Dr. Li’s last post in the past two years, though it is not clear how many have been deleted by censors.        在过去两年里,用户在李文亮的最后一篇帖子下留下了超过一百万条评论,但不清楚有多少被审查员删除。

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