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Criticism of Zhu Yi, a U.S.-born skater, shows the harsh scrutiny of naturalized athletes in China.

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-08 10:47

        For two days, social media users in China have been heaping scorn onto Beverly Zhu, a 19-year-old figure skater who was born and raised in the United States but competes for China under the name Zhu Yi.        两天来,中国的社交媒体用户一直在嘲讽19岁的花样滑冰选手贝弗莉·朱,她在美国出生长大,但以“朱易”的名字代表中国参赛。
        The criticism began on Sunday, when the naturalized athlete fell during the women’s singles short program in the team event.        批评始于周日,当时这位归化运动员在团体赛的女子单人短节目中摔倒。
        By that afternoon, the hashtag #ZhuYiFellDown had been viewed more than 200 million times on Weibo, a popular Chinese social media platform. Commenters called her “shameless,” “rotten” and an “embarrassment.”        截至当天下午,#朱易摔了#在中国流行的社交媒体平台新浪微博上的点击量超过2亿次。评论者称她“脸都不要了”、“摆烂”、“尴尬”。
        In an unusual move, Weibo stepped in by Sunday evening to ban the hashtag. It did not provide a reason, citing only “relevant guidelines and policies.”        新浪微博周日晚间采取了不同寻常的行动,禁止了该话题标签。该平台没有给出这么做的理由,只称是根据“相关法规政策”。
        “I’m upset and a little embarrassed,” a tearful Zhu said after the competition, according to Reuters. “I guess I felt a lot of pressure because I know everybody in China was pretty surprised with the selection for ladies’ singles, and I just really wanted to show them what I was able to do, but unfortunately I didn’t.”        “我很沮丧,还有点尴尬。”据路透社报道,朱易赛后含泪说。 “我想我压力很大,因为我知道中国所有人都对女单的人选非常惊讶,我真的很想向他们展示我的能力,但不幸的是,我没有做到。”
        Searches for Zhu’s name remained visible. Furor erupted again on Monday, after she stumbled twice during her free skate event. Zhu, who broke out in tears during the program, finished last.        搜索朱易的名字仍然可见。周一,她在自由滑比赛中摔倒两次,再次引发了愤怒。朱易在节目中泪流满面,最终获得最后一名。
        “Don’t cry, I’m the one who wants to cry,” one commenter wrote online.        “你别哭了。我才想哭呢。”一位网友评论道。
        Chinese athletes face enormous pressure to win medals and bring glory to the country. The criticism of Zhu showed how naturalized athletes were sometimes subject to even harsher scrutiny.        中国运动员面临着赢得奖牌、为国争光的巨大压力。对朱易的批评表明,归化运动员有时会受到更严厉的审视。
        Before the 2022 Games, Zhu had come under attack for her apparent inability to speak fluent Chinese. The uproar is in contrast to the international attention on Eileen Gu, the star skier who was born and raised in California but is also competing for China, and is widely favored to be a gold medal contender.        在2022年冬奥会之前,朱易曾因显然不能说流利的中文而受到攻击。这样的风波与国际社会对滑雪明星谷爱凌的关注形成鲜明对比,谷爱凌在加州出生长大,但也代表中国参赛,外界普遍认为她有望角逐金牌。
        Some social media users suggested, without evidence, that Zhu had gained a spot on the Chinese Olympics team because of the prominence of her father, Song-Chun Zhu, a computer scientist who relocated to Peking University from the United States.        一些社交媒体用户在没有证据的情况下表示,朱易之所以能够入选中国奥运代表队是因为她父亲朱松纯的声望。朱松纯是一名计算机科学家,离开美国到北京大学任教。
        Her unsteady performances also elicited sympathy from some users. Even Hu Xijin, a recently retired editor of Global Times, a brashly nationalist Chinese newspaper, criticized the mockery of Zhu.        她不稳定的表现也引起了一些用户的同情。甚至中国激进民族主义报纸《环球时报》最近退休的编辑胡锡进也批评了对朱易的嘲讽。
        “To vent emotions on this young athlete, using social media to throw rocks down a well when she makes mistakes — that’s cyberbullying, and no matter what it’s going too far,” Hu wrote in a commentary that was widely shared online.        “而且有意见就把情绪针对年轻的运动员个人,当她出现失误时在社交媒体上公然落井下石,网暴,这无论如何都很过分,”胡锡进在一篇被广泛转发的评论中写道。
        Chen Lu, a Chinese former figure skater who won bronze medals at two Olympics in the 1990s, said Zhu’s mistakes reflected the pressures of performing at a global event before a Chinese audience.        曾在1990年代两次奥运会上获得铜牌的前中国花样滑冰运动员陈露表示,朱易的失误反映了当着中国观众在全球赛事上表现的压力。
        “For Zhu Yi, the biggest challenge is lack of experience in big competitions,” Chen said, according to Sohu, a Chinese news website. “She has never had this experience of competing on her home doorstep, and the pressure is enormous.”        “对于朱易来说最大的挑战就是缺乏大赛经验。她没有这样在家门口比赛的经历,这种压力是巨大的,”根据中国新闻网站搜狐的报道,陈露说。
        Zhu is scheduled to compete again in the women’s singles skating program next week.        朱易将于下周再次参加花样滑冰女子单人比赛。

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