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China fell far short of promises it made to purchase American goods.

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-11 11:40

        China fell far short of the commitments it made in a 2020 trade deal with the United States, failing to purchase the promised volume of American airplanes, soybeans, energy, services and other products before the end of last year, data released Tuesday morning showed.        周二上午公布的数据显示,中国远未兑现在与美国达成的2020年贸易协议中做出的约定,未能在去年底前购买承诺数量的美国飞机、大豆、能源、服务和其他产品。
        In a trade agreement signed with former President Donald J. Trump in January 2020, Chinese leaders committed to buying an additional $200 billion worth of American goods and services over 2017 levels by the end of 2021, in addition to other trade commitments. Those targets were viewed as ambitious at the time and would have amounted to a record level of purchases by China.        在2020年1月与前总统唐纳德·J·特朗普签署的贸易协议中,中国领导人做出的承诺是,在其他贸易约定的基础上,2021年底之前购买价值比2017年水平高出2000亿美元的美国商品和服务。在当时这被认为是一个相当大的目标,足以创造中国购买水平的记录。
        In order to reach those targets, China would have needed to purchase at least $227.9 billion of U.S. exports in 2020 and $274.5 billion in 2021, for a total of $502.4 billion over the two years, said Chad Bown, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.        彼得森国际经济学研究所高级研究员查德·鲍恩说,为了实现这些目标,中国将需要在2020年和2021年分别购买至少2279亿美元和2745亿美元的美国出口产品,两年内总共需要购买5024亿美元。
        But China did not come close, Mr. Bown said in an analysis of the trade data published Tuesday, buying only $288.8 billion, or 57 percent, of the American exports it promised.        但鲍恩在对周二公布的贸易数据的分析中说,中国离目标差得很远,仅购买了2888亿美元的产品,即承诺的57%。
        That volume was actually below the 2017 levels that had served as a baseline for the agreement, Mr. Bown said. In other words, China bought none of the additional $200 billion of exports that it pledged to purchase, he said.        鲍恩说,这个数字实际上低于作为该协议基准的2017年水平。他说,换句话说,中国没有购买它承诺的额外2000亿美元的出口产品。
        “The data released today confirms that China has fallen well short of the purchase commitments they made under the Phase One agreement,” Adam Hodge, assistant United States Trade Representative for media and public affairs, said in a statement. “We have engaged the PRC on its shortfalls for months, but have not seen real signs towards making good on the purchase commitments and our patience is wearing thin.”        “今天公布的数据证实,中国远远没有履行他们在第一阶段协议中做出的采购承诺,”负责媒体和公共事务的美国贸易代表助理亚当·霍奇在一份声明中说。“几个月来,我们与中国就其差距问题进行了接触,但尚未看到兑现购买承诺的真正迹象,我们的耐心正在消退。”
        The Biden administration has been carrying out negotiations with Chinese officials about the trade deal and said that it intends to hold China to its commitments. But it has not yet clarified what action it will take in response.        拜登政府一直在与中国官员就贸易协议进行谈判,并表示打算坚持要求中国履行承诺。但尚未明确会采取什么行动作为回应。
        The trade agreement did include an enforcement mechanism, in case one side failed to follow through on meeting its commitments. In that scenario, the trade deal calls for both governments to carry out talks; if those talks are unsuccessful, tariffs can be imposed.        为了防止一方无法履行承诺,贸易协定的确加入了一个强制机制。在这种情况下,贸易协议要求两国政府进行谈判;如果这些谈判不成功,可以征收关税。
        But many American companies have complained that tariffs on Chinese products are already high. And in conversations with the Biden administration, Chinese leaders have cited a clause in the trade deal that calls for consultations between the governments “in the event that a natural disaster or other unforeseeable event outside the control of the Parties delays a Party from timely complying with its obligations.”        但许多美国公司抱怨说,对中国产品征收的关税已经很高了。在与拜登政府的对话中,中国领导人引用了贸易协议中的一项条款,该条款要求政府之间进行磋商,“以防发生双方不可控的自然灾害或其他不可预见事件,导致一方无法及时遵守其义务。”
        Mr. Trump, who imposed stiff tariffs on Chinese goods in an attempt to force a trade deal, had said the purchases would lower the U.S. trade deficit with China. Mr. Trump viewed the gap between what America imports and what it exports as evidence of economic weakness, and he promised that his trade deal would generate an export boom, particularly in farm country, heading into the 2020 election.        为了达成贸易协议,特朗普对中国商品征收了高额关税,他曾表示,这些采购将降低美国对中国的贸易逆差。特朗普将美国进口与出口之间的差距视为经济疲软的证据,并承诺他的贸易协议将在2020年大选前带来出口繁荣,尤其是在农业地区。
        But trade data released Tuesday morning show that those results never materialized.        但周二上午公布的贸易数据显示,这样的结果始终没有出现。
        U.S. goods exports to China did grow substantially in 2021 from the previous year, rising 21.4 percent to $151.1 billion in 2021, including a record volume of agricultural goods. But American demand for imports from China also surged, and the U.S. deficit with China widened 14.5 percent from the previous year to reach $355.3 billion.        美国对中国的商品出口在2021年增长了21.4%,升至1511亿美元,确实比上一年有大幅上升,增长包括创纪录的农产品出口量。但美国对中国进口的需求也激增,美国对中国的贸易逆差较上年扩大14.5%,达到3553亿美元。
        While purchases of products like soybeans, medical supplies and semiconductors were strong, sales of autos and airplanes were weak, and service exports, like tourism and education, were badly hurt by the pandemic, Mr. Bown’s tracking shows.        鲍恩的数据追踪显示,尽管购买大豆、医疗用品和半导体等产品的需求强劲,但汽车和飞机的销售疲软,而且旅游业和教育等服务业出口受到疫情的严重打击。
        China made more progress on other commitments in the trade deal, like removing technical barriers to American agriculture, strengthening protections for intellectual property and opening its financial sector.        中国在贸易协议中的其他承诺方面取得了更多进展,例如取消对美国农业的技术壁垒、加强对知识产权的保护以及开放金融部门。
        And officials in both governments have pointed to the unusual circumstances of the pandemic as a reason for the shortfall, including factory stoppages, shipping disruptions and swings in consumer demand.        两国政府的官员都指出,造成购买不足是由于大流行这一特殊情况,包括工厂停工、运输中断和消费者需求波动。
        But “signing something that was problematic, if not unrealistic, from the start, shows some degree of bad faith on both sides,” Mr. Bown said.        但“从一开始就签署一些有问题的东西,甚至不切实际的东西,这表明双方都缺乏一定程度的诚意”,鲍恩说。
        Scott Paul, the president of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, which represents manufacturers and workers, said that commodity purchases were never the solution to fixing a lopsided U.S.-China trade relationship, and that until more fundamental issues in that relationship were addressed — like Chinese subsidies, intellectual property theft and lax labor and environmental laws — the massive trade gap would remain.        代表制造商和工人的美国制造业联盟的主席斯科特·保罗表示,购买大宗商品从来都不是美中贸易不平衡关系的解决方案,除非这种关系中更基本的问题得到解决——比如中国的补贴、知识产权盗窃以及宽松的劳工和环境法——巨大的贸易逆差将继续存在。
        “The results of the much-hyped Phase 1 trade deal with China are officially in — and, my, are they disappointing,” he said.        “曾经大张旗鼓的中美第一阶段贸易协议的结果正式公布了——天呐,太让人失望了,”他说。
        Unlike Mr. Trump, Mr. Biden has made no concrete promises to lower the trade deficit. But he has pledged to spur a revival in American manufacturing and reduce the country’s dependence on China.        与特朗普不同,拜登没有做出降低贸易逆差的具体承诺。但他已承诺刺激美国制造业的复兴,并减少对中国的依赖。
        To accomplish this, the Biden administration has thrown its weight behind a massive legislative package that would pour nearly $300 billion into research and development and manufacturing, including major investments in the chips sector, in addition to an infrastructure bill that has already been signed into law.        为了实现这一目标,拜登政府大力支持一项庞大的立法计划,将投入近3000亿美元用于研发和制造,其中包括对芯片行业的重大投资,此外还有一项已经签署成为法律的基础设施法案。
        Mr. Hodge added that the trade deal Mr. Trump signed in 2020 “did not address the core problems” with China’s state-led economy, and that the United States would continue its “efforts to shape the environment around China.”        霍奇还说,特朗普在2020年签署的贸易协议“没有解决中国的国家主导经济的核心问题”,美国将继续“努力塑造与中国进行贸易的环境”。
        That included “building resilience and competitiveness at home, diversifying markets, limiting the impact of Beijing’s harmful practices, working with allies and partners, and using the full range of tools we have to defend American economic interests,” he said.        这包括“在国内建立弹性和竞争力,使市场多样化,限制北京有害做法的影响,与盟友和伙伴合作,以及使用我们手中的各种工具来捍卫美国的经济利益”,他说。

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