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In a speedskating showdown, short races and lingering grudges.

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-10 11:16

        The rivalry between South Korea and China on the short-track speedskating rink took another turn on Wednesday when South Korea’s Hwang Dae-heon won the men’s 1,500-meter race after a Chinese rival was disqualified in an earlier round.        周三,中韩在短道速滑项目对抗上出现新的转折,韩国选手黄大宪赢得了短道速滑男子1500米比赛的金牌,他的中国对手则在前一轮比赛被取消资格。
        Short-track events involve skaters careening around a 365-foot oval-shaped track in packs without lanes — a formula made for tumbles, pileups and disputes. And one certainty in this sport full of uncertainty seems to be that Chinese and South Korean athletes and fans will accuse the other side of poor sportsmanship, if not outright foul play.        在短道速滑比赛中,选手们成群结队地在长达111.12米、不分道次的椭圆形赛道上滑行,注定会出现跌倒、相撞和争执。在这一充满不确定性的项目中,可以确定的一点,大概就是中韩选手和粉丝一定会指责对方缺乏体育精神,或是直接违规。
        After some contentious decisions earlier in the week, attention fell on the men’s 1,500-meter competition. Several South Koreans were in contention, as were several Chinese skaters, including Ren Ziwei, who won the 1,000-meter short-track gold on Monday.        本周早些时候的一些判罚就充满争议,男子1500米比赛因此备受关注。多名韩国选手都参加了这场比赛,还有几名中国选手,包括在周一拿下短道速滑男子1000米项目金牌的任子威。
        China has won two golds in short-track; until Wednesday, South Korea, usually strong in the event, had failed to win any after referee decisions that it and other countries criticized.        中国拿下了两枚短道速滑金牌;在周三之前,通常在这一项目中表现强劲的韩国队因裁判判罚一直未能夺金,这也引来了韩国和其他国家的批评。
        Deliberately blocking or pushing another skater earns disqualification in short-track skating, but decisions can rest on hairbreadth distinctions involving fleeting contact.        在短道速滑比赛中,故意阻挡或推搡其他选手会被取消比赛资格,但选手瞬间身体接触的细微差别也可能导致判罚结果的不同。
        Two South Korean skaters were disqualified from the men’s 1,000-meter event on Monday, and South Korea’s Sport and Olympic Committee has vowed to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The committee called the decisions disqualifying Hwang and Lee June-seo in the semifinals “biased and not transparent.”        两名韩国选手在周一的男子1000米比赛中被取消资格,大韩体育会决意向国际体育仲裁法庭上诉。该体育会声称,取消黄大宪和李俊瑞半决赛资格的决定是“不公正且不透明的”。
        Hwang won the 1,500-meter final after pipping Canada’s Steven Dubois, who took the silver, and Russia’s Semen Elistratov, who took the bronze. Ren, the main Chinese contender, had been disqualified in an earlier round for an illegal arm block. After the final, Hwang was diplomatic about the ruckus.        黄大宪在男子1500米决赛中拿到金牌,加拿大选手史蒂文·杜博伊斯夺得银牌,俄罗斯选手西蒙·叶利斯特拉托夫获得铜牌。中国的夺金热门任子威在前一轮比赛中因手臂阻挡犯规被取消了成绩。决赛结束后,黄大宪在谈到各种纷争时采用了外交辞令。
        “I think the earlier refereeing was very fair, but I strove tonight so the race would be even fairer,” he told reporters. Asked if he felt wronged by the earlier disqualification, he said, “I’m a human being, and although I said it doesn’t matter, I thought about this and worked hard so that today could be a fairer contest.”        “我认为之前的判罚很公正,但我今晚很努力,所以比赛会更加公正,”他对记者表示。当被问及是否对此前被取消资格感到不平,他说,“我也是人,虽然我说过没关系,但为了让今天的比赛更公正,我认真思考了这件事,并付出了努力。”
        Some South Korean fans had expressed their anger at China on social media. A petition calling for South Korea’s government to directly protest the decisions was submitted to the website of the Blue House — the president’s official home — and had gained more than 16,000 signatures by Wednesday.        一些韩国粉丝在社交媒体上表达了对中国的愤怒。一封要求韩国政府直接抗议判罚的请愿书被递交到了韩国总统府青瓦台的官方网站,截至周三,请愿书已获得了超过1.6万份签名。
        For many Chinese commentators and fans, their country’s success so far is sweet revenge after the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Several of China’s short-track stars at those Games were disqualified after referee decisions, which some Chinese athletes and fans put down to South Korean foul play.        对许多中国评论员和粉丝来说,中国迄今为止的成功是对2018年平昌冬奥会大快人心的复仇。在那届冬奥会,多名中国短道速滑选手因裁判判罚而被取消资格,一些中国选手和粉丝认为是韩国选手犯规。
        Wu Dajing, who helped win a gold for China in the mixed-gender short-track relay, told reporters in Beijing on Monday that the victory had “really helped work off some anger.”        帮助中国赢下混合团体2000米接力赛金牌的武大靖在周一对记者表示,该场胜利“是非常解气的”。
        China and South Korea have sought to maintain a steady relationship in a volatile region, but public distrust of China has been growing in South Korea. South Korean companies in China were hit by boycotts in 2017 over South Korea’s installation of a missile shield that Beijing said would undermine China’s defenses. Many South Koreans are also upset by China’s support for communist North Korea.        中韩两国一直寻求在一个动荡地区保持稳定关系,但韩国公众对中国的不信任与日俱增。2017年,因为北京声称韩国正在部署的反导防御系统将损害中国国防体系,在华的韩国企业遭到了民众抵制。许多韩国人也对中国支持朝鲜感到不安。
        The Chinese news media has in recent days resuscitated an interview that Wang Meng, a now-retired Chinese short-track skater, gave over a decade ago.        近段时间,中国媒体开始重新炒作已经退役的中国短道速滑选手王濛在十多年前的一次采访。
        “For me, my goal is to take down the South Korean team, take them down in every event,” Wang said. “No matter what, leave the South Korean team trailing us — that is a must.”        “我的目标就是把韩国队干掉,每一个项目都是把韩国队干掉,”王濛说。“不管怎么样,一定要把韩国队滑到我们身后,这个是必须要做到的。”

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