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Why Don’t Figure Skaters Get Dizzy When They Spin?

来源:中国日报    2022-02-08 16:40

        Each event typically consists of a short and long routine that helps determine a competitor's score. The short routine (also known as the short program) acts as a qualifier - only the top-scoring skaters from this portion of the competition advance to the long program (also known as the free skate or free program). Skaters then receive a combined score from the short and free programs to find the overall winner.
        Within each routine, a skater receives two sets of scores: the technical element score (TES) and the program component score (PCS). The PCS is based primarily on presentation, while the TES evaluates the difficulty and completion of the routine (things like spins and jumps).
        How do figure skaters who spin at incredible speeds, avoid losing their balance?
        The short answer is training, but to really grasp why figure skaters can twirl without getting dizzy requires an understanding of the vestibular system, the apparatus in our inner ear that helps to keep us upright. This system contains special sensory nerve cells that can detect the speed and direction at which our head moves. These sensors are tightly coupled with our eye movements and with our perception of our body's position and motion through space. For instance, if we rotate our head to the right while our eyes remain focused on an object straight ahead, our eyes naturally move to the left at the same speed. This involuntary response allows us to stay focused on a stationary object.简单来说,靠训练。但要真正弄懂花样滑冰运动员为什么不会转晕,我们需要先了解前庭系统,即内耳中帮助人体保持直立的器官。前庭系统包含特殊的感觉神经细胞,可以检测头部运动的速度和方向。这些神经传感器与眼球运动,以及人们对自身在空间中的位置和运动的感知紧密相连。例如,如果我们把头向右转,而眼睛依然聚焦在前方的物体上,眼睛自然会以相同的速度向左移动。这种下意识的反应使我们能够盯住静止的物体。
        Skaters suppress the dizziness by learning how to counteract nystagmus with another type of eye movement, called optokinetic nystagmus. Optokinetic nystagmus occurs in the opposite direction of the nystagmus and allows us to track a moving object—such as a train whizzing by—with our eyes while our head remains in place. As the first few cars of the train move out of view, our eyes jump back to their initial position to follow the next few, and the motion repeats. Skaters can train themselves to engage this opposing eye movement when they rotate to offset the nystagmus and keep the world from spinning.滑冰者通过学习用另一种类型的眼球运动来对抗眼球震颤,从而抑制眩晕,这种眼球运动被称为视动性眼震。视动性眼震与眼球震颤的方向相反,使我们能够在头部保持不变的情况下,用眼睛追踪移动的物体,如呼啸而过的火车。当火车的前几节车厢离开视线时,我们的眼睛会跳回到最初的位置,跟随接下来的几节车厢,重复眼球运动。滑冰者可以训练自己在旋转时进行这种相反的眼球运动,以抵消眼球震颤,防止头晕。
        As the name suggests, a sit spin is when the skater must sink towards the ice in a sitting position. They must hold one leg out parallel to the ice while rotating on their supporting leg.
        The camel spin is instantly recognizable. This is when the skater creates a horizontal line using their leg and upper body, which runs parallel to the ice.燕式旋转很容易辨认。滑冰者的一条腿和上半身连成一条水平线,与冰平行。

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