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Beijing offers high tech power naps to journalists at the Games

来源:中国日报    2022-02-10 08:00

        Journalists reporting on the Winter Olympics are being offered the chance to sleep on the job thanks to high-tech cabins at the Beijing media centre.
        The "Sleep Rest Cabins" are just one of a number of innovations to be unveiled at the Games.“睡眠休息舱”只是北京冬奥会上众多创新之一。
        The spacious cabins contain the same bed Olympians are sleeping on in the Athletes’ Village with the user able to adjust their position and with a remote control or mobile phone.宽敞的休息舱里有冬奥村运动员同款智能床,用户可以用遥控器或手机调整高度。
        Zhao Yufeng, a spokesperson for cabin manufacturer Keeson Technology Corp., said 30 to 40 people a day have been using them so far.睡眠休息舱制造商麒盛科技发言人赵玉峰(音译)表示,到目前为止,每天有30-40人使用休息舱。

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