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Faceless painting worth £750k ruined after 'bored' security guard draws eyes on it

来源:中国日报    2022-02-11 08:00

        On his first day on the job, the security guard had drawn two pairs of eyes with a ballpoint pen onto artist Anna Leporskaya’s ‘Three Figures’ (1932–1934) painting during an abstract art exhibition at the Yeltsin Center in the city of Yekaterinburg, western Russia.在上班的第一天,在俄罗斯西部的叶卡捷琳堡市叶利钦中心举行的抽象艺术展上,一名保安用圆珠笔在艺术家安娜•莱波尔斯卡娅的画作《Three Figures》 (1932–1934)上画了两对眼睛。
        'The Birth of a New Art’ at the Yeltsin Center spotted the extra details to two of the three figures on the 1930s painting on December 7 last year, reports the Art Newspaper.据《艺术报》报道,去年12月7日,在叶利钦中心举办的“新艺术的诞生”展览上,人们发现画中三人里的两位人物身上出现了新的变化。
        The identity of the suspect has only been revealed now as a security guard by the Yeltsin Centre, although they did not name the worker.叶利钦中心直到近日才披露这名嫌疑人的身份是一名保安,但他们没有透露其姓名。
        Police have now opened an investigation for vandalism, with comes with a £395 fine and a one-year correctional labour sentence.警方已经以故意破坏公物罪对这名保安展开调查,并将对其处以395英镑(约合人民币3400元)的罚款和一年劳教。
        The damage to the painting and cost of restoration has been estimated at £2,470.这幅画的损坏和修复费用估计为2470英镑(约合人民币21248元)。
        It has been reported that the company where the security guard worked is paying for the restoration.据报道,保安所在公司将支付修复费用。

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