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Video of Mentally Ill Woman Chained in Shack Stirs Anger in China

来源:纽约时报    2022-02-04 11:24

        The video was seemingly everywhere on the Chinese internet: A middle-aged woman standing in a doorless brick shack, a dazed expression on her face, wearing no coat though it was the middle of winter. Around her neck was a metal chain, shackling her to the wall.        这段视频在中国的网络上似乎已随处可见:一个中年妇女站在一间没有门的砖房里,脸上带着茫然的表情,尽管正值隆冬,却没穿外套。她的脖子上挂着一条金属锁链,把她拴在墙上。
        The brief clip, posted by a blogger on Douyin, China’s version of TikTok, raised many questions, and social media users demanded answers. Who was she? Why was she locked up? And under what circumstances had she given birth to the eight children living in the house next door who said she was their mother?        这段由一名博主发在抖音上的短视频引发了许多疑问,社交媒体用户要求得到答案。她是谁?为什么她被锁了起来?她是在什么样的情况下生下了住在隔壁房子里那八个称其为母亲的小孩?
        As anger built, officials in Jiangsu Province, where the video was filmed last week, issued a terse statement. The woman, surnamed Yang, had married her husband in 1998, it said, and was not the victim of human trafficking. She had been diagnosed with mental illness, but “at present, she has already been treated, and her family has been given further assistance, to ensure they have a warm Lunar New Year.”        随着愤怒的滋长,这段视频拍摄地点所在的江苏省官员发布了一份简短的情况通报。通报称,这名女子姓杨,在1998年与丈夫领证结婚,并非人口拐卖的受害者。她被诊断出患有精神疾病,但当局“目前已对其进行救治,并对其家庭开展进一步救助,确保过上温暖的春节”。
        Many commenters were only more incensed. A delegate to China’s legislature, who is also a well-known screenwriter, said she had reported the case to the “relevant leaders.” Hu Xijin, the former editor of Global Times, a state-controlled tabloid, said anyone with common sense could see that the woman had been treated inhumanely. But officials seemed to have blindly accepted the husband’s story, he added.        许多评论者却更加愤怒了。一名人大代表(同时也是知名编剧)表示,她已经向“有关领导人”报告了这件事。国家控制的小报《环球时报》的前主编胡锡进说,任何有常识的人都能看出这名女子受到了不人道的对待。但官员们似乎单方面采信了丈夫的说法,他补充道。
        “To forcibly have so many children with a mentally ill person, and turn her into a reproductive tool — is this not illegal?” Mr. Hu wrote on the social media platform Weibo.        “与精神病人强行生育,生这么多,把她当成生育工具,这难道不涉嫌违法吗?”胡锡进在社交媒体平台微博上写道。
        The video, and the officials’ response, drew renewed attention to several longstanding problems in China. Chinese society traditionally regarded mental disorders as deeply shameful, and people with such conditions were hidden at home or confined in institutions. Today, though that view is changing, resources remain limited mostly to cities. In rural areas, like the place where the video was made, old attitudes remain widespread.        这段视频以及官员的回应再次引发了人们对中国一些长期存在的问题的关注。中国社会传统上认为精神障碍是非常可耻的,患有这种疾病的人要么被藏在家中,要么关在精神病院。如今,尽管这种观点正在改变,但相关资源仍主要局限在城市里。在农村地区,比如这段视频的拍摄地点,旧观念仍然很普遍。
        Decades of the Chinese Communist Party’s one-child policy have also led to a shortage of women, as many families abandoned infant daughters or aborted female fetuses in hopes of having a boy next time. As a result, a bride-trafficking industry has emerged. News reports have also highlighted cases of women with mental illness or an intellectual disability getting married when it was unclear whether they had truly given consent.        中国共产党实行了数十年的“独生子女政策”也导致女性人口不足,因为许多家庭会丢弃女婴或是堕胎,希望下次怀的是男孩。结果导致了一个贩卖新娘的行业出现。新闻报道也聚焦了一些患有精神疾病或智力存在缺陷的女性在不清楚她们是否真正同意的情况下结婚的案例。
        More broadly, legal protections against sexual and domestic abuse remain weak or poorly enforced. Marital rape is not a crime in China.        从更广泛的层面来看,针对性侵和家庭暴力的法律保护仍很薄弱,或是执行力度不够。婚内强奸在中国不属于犯罪。
        And the case underscored, yet again, how wary the authorities are of any upswell of public opinion. Even as pro-government voices such as Mr. Hu criticized the local officials’ response, Douyin shut down the account of the blogger who had originally posted the video of Ms. Yang on its platform. (The video was soon reposted by social media users on other platforms.) Weibo also censored some related hashtags.        这起事件再一次凸显出当局对舆情的紧张程度。就在胡锡进这样亲政府的声音批评当地政府的回应同时,抖音关停了最初发布杨女士视频的博主帐户。(该视频迅速被社交媒体用户发到了其他平台上)微博也对一些相关标签进行了审查。
        “Even though officials will respond to turbulent public opinion, they always want to keep the response and solution firmly under control,” said Fang Kecheng, a journalism professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong who studies media and politics. “They don’t want the people to talk or organize too much.”        “官方虽然会对汹涌的民意进行回复,但政府希望这种对问题的回应和解决过程都是牢牢由自己控制的,”香港中文大学研究媒体和政治的新闻学教授方可成说。“(他们)不希望民间有过多的组织讨论和行动。”
        In a longer follow-up statement on Sunday, officials said they were investigating Ms. Yang’s husband for locking her up. They did not address concerns about whether she had been forced into having children, though they said her husband had “used various methods to evade the family planning department’s management.” (Until last year, China limited most couples to having two children.)        在周日发布的一份篇幅更长的后续通报中,官员们表示正在对杨女士的丈夫将其锁起来的行为展开调查。他们没有回应外界关于她是否被迫生孩子的关切,但表示她丈夫“多次采取不同方式逃避计生部门的管理和服务”。(直至去年,中国仍限制大多数夫妻最多生育两个孩子。)
        The new statement maintained that Ms. Yang had not been trafficked, and said that her mental illness had led her to be violent toward her children.        新声明坚持认为杨女士并非被拐卖,并且说她发病时会对孩子有暴力举动。
        How Ms. Yang and her family came to public notice is unclear. Ms. Yang’s husband, whom the authorities identified by the surname Dong, appears to have gained attention online last year, when local bloggers discovered that he had eight children, seven of whom were sons. Because having many boys is traditionally considered lucky, people sought Mr. Dong out for interviews. And Mr. Dong himself began posting videos on Douyin showing off his children.        尚不清楚杨女士及其家人是如何被公众注意到的。杨女士的丈夫(官方称其姓董)似乎去年开始吸引一些网络关注,当时,当地的博主发现他有八个孩子,其中七个为儿子。由于传统观念认为多生儿子能有好运,人们便纷纷找董先生做采访。董先生自己也开始在抖音上发布视频,炫耀孩子。
        The videos had captions like “The kids and I” or “Eight children’s happy childhood.”        这些视频有着“孩子们和我”或“八个孩子的快乐童年”这样的说明文字。
        None of the 13 videos on his page appear to show Ms. Yang.        他的主页上的13个视频中,没有一个里面有杨女士。
        Mr. Dong’s Douyin profile is still visible on the app, but attempts to message him there brought a notification that his account had been shut down.        董先生的抖音主页仍可从该应用上看到,但通过该应用给他发送消息会返回一条推送,称他的帐号已关停。
        The blogger who posted the viral video of Ms. Yang visited the family’s home in Feng County, near the city of Xuzhou, last Wednesday. His profile, which like Mr. Dong’s is still visible but deactivated, does not include his name. A short description says that he lives in Xuzhou and posts videos of “special households.” The other videos on his profile show him interviewing people with disabilities and underprivileged residents.        发布被疯转的杨女士视频的博主上周三前往了这家人位于徐州附近丰县的住所。他的主页和董先生的一样仍可看到,但已被注销,也没有他的名字。一则简短介绍说他住在徐州,发布关于“特殊家庭”的视频。他的主页上其他视频展示了他对残疾人和贫困居民的采访。
        In the video of Ms. Yang, one of the young sons tells the blogger that he brings food to his mother every day.        在关于杨女士的视频中,其中一名年幼的儿子告诉博主他每天会给母亲带食物。
        Then the video cuts to the shack. Ms. Yang is standing beside a table, on which sits bowl of food that appears to have frozen solid. The blogger asks Ms. Yang if she is cold, and if she can understand him. She shakes her head several times.        然后视频转回小屋。杨女士站在一个桌子旁,桌上放着一碗食物,似乎已被冻成固体。博主问杨女士她冷不冷,能不能听懂他说话。她多次摇头。
        “In this weather, what has this big sister gone through?” the blogger asks. “Where has our love gone?”        “这个天气,这个大姐经历了什么?”这名博主问道。“我们的爱心到哪里去了?”
        After county officials issued their first statement on Friday, the public skepticism was immediate. Under a Weibo hashtag about the response, which has been viewed more than 190 million times, commenters asked why officials seemed to suggest that her mental illness explained her being locked up, but did not appear to consider if the situation raised questions about whether she had consented to bear eight children.        在县官员周五发布了第一份通报后,公众立刻发出质疑。在一个浏览量已经超过1.9亿的微博标签下,评论者问道,为什么官员似乎暗示她的精神疾病是她被锁起来的原因,但似乎没有考虑过这种情况是否引出她有没有同意生育八个孩子的问题。
        On Sunday, officials issued another statement. They said that in 1998 Ms. Yang had been taken in by the father of the man who was now her husband, after the father found her begging on the street.        周日,官员们发布了另一则声明。他们称在1998年,董先生的父亲发现杨女士在街头乞讨,后将其收留。
        “Over time, it was found that Yang showed signs of mental disability but could still take care of herself,” the statement said. When Ms. Yang and Mr. Dong went to register their marriage, it continued, the local staff “did not strictly verify their identity information.”        “生活中发现,杨某侠有智障表现,但生活尚能自理,”声明说。当杨女士与董先生前去注册结婚时,当地工作人员“未对其身份信息进行严格核实”。
        Mr. Dong began locking up Ms. Yang in mid-2021, when her condition began to deteriorate, the statement said.        通报称,董先生在2021年6月开始将杨女士用锁链锁起来,当时她的情况开始恶化。
        Officials said they had not found Ms. Yang’s name in any national databases of missing people. In addition to investigating Mr. Dong, they said that they had diagnosed Ms. Yang with schizophrenia, and that she was in a hospital for treatment.        官员们表示他们没有在全国失踪人口数据库中找到杨女士的信息。除了对董先生展开调查,他们还表示杨女士经诊断患有精神分裂症,并称她目前正在医院接受治疗。
        In recent years, other high-profile cases have raised questions about protections for people with mental illnesses or disabilities, especially women, when it comes to marriage and childbirth. Last March, another viral video showed what appeared to be a wedding ceremony in Henan Province between a 55-year-old man and a 20-year-old woman with an intellectual disability, who was crying on camera. Local officials later told reporters the couple could not marry, because of the woman’s condition, but could live together.        近年来,其他广受关注的案件也引发了人们对于在婚姻和生育方面保护精神疾病患者或残疾人士,尤其是女性的相关疑问。去年3月,另一个被疯转的视频显示,河南一名55岁男子与一名20岁智力残疾女子似乎正在举办婚礼,后者当时正在镜头前哭泣。当地官员后来告诉记者,由于女方的情况,两人无法结婚,但仍可生活在一起。

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