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8 Lunar New Year Recipes for Good Times Ahead

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-28 06:11

        If Jan. 1 didn’t feel like quite the annual reset you were hoping for, you can celebrate now by cooking for the Lunar New Year. For this Year of the Tiger, that’s Feb. 1, and the inaugural feast commences the night before. In China and other Asian countries that recognize the holiday, such as Singapore, Vietnam and South Korea, the festivities can last for two weeks, and the foods often symbolize promises for a better year ahead. But the immediate reward is something delicious to eat, whether you’re preparing a feast or just one dish.        如果一月一日没能达到你想要的开启新一年的效果,你可以用烹饪来庆祝农历新年。今年的2月1日将迎来虎年,开年的第一顿大餐将在这一天的前夜上桌。在中国以及其它会过这个节的亚洲国家——比如新加坡、越南和韩国——整个节庆将持续两周,期间烹制的许多食物寄托着对新一年更美好生活的期待。不过最直接的好处就是能大饱口福,无论是一顿大餐还是一道菜。
        1. Peking Duck With Honey and Five-Spice Glaze        1. 蜜汁五香烤鸭
        A highlight of restaurant banquets, this dish can be made at home, too, especially with streamlined techniques from Kay Chun. It keeps with the tradition of serving whole poultry to signal abundance. But it also tastes more special than chicken and feels like a celebration in both the cooking process and in serving.        这道餐厅里的硬菜在家中也可以烹制,尤其是用Kay Chun改良优化过的手法。它保持了整鸭上桌以显丰美充裕的传统做法,同时它的味道比鸡肉更特别,无论从烹制还是上菜的角度看,都有庆祝佳节的感觉。
        Recipe: Peking Duck With Honey and Five-Spice Glaze        食谱:蜜汁五香烤鸭
        2. Nonya Hokkien Stir-Fried Noodles        2. 闽南娘惹炒面
        Long noodles symbolize long life, and there are endless variations for the holiday dish beyond classic Cantonese longevity noodles. This Singaporean version, topped with egg ribbons and crisp shallots, comes from Sharon Wee, the author of “Growing Up in a Nonya Kitchen.” She suggests topping it with spicy sambal belacan, a hot sauce made savory with shrimp paste.        长长的面条寓意长寿,除了经典的广东长寿面,面条在节日中的变化是无穷无尽的。Sharon Wee的这个新加坡版加入了丝带状的鸡蛋和酥脆的葱。这位《在娘惹厨房里长大》的作者建议最后加一些参巴辣酱,一种用虾酱调味的辣酱。
        Recipe: Nonya Hokkien Stir-Fried Noodles        食谱:闽南娘惹炒面
        3. Thit Heo Kho Trung (Pork and Eggs in Caramel Sauce)        3. 糖色蛋焖猪肉
        For Tết, the Vietnamese Lunar New Year, the cookbook author Andrea Nguyen often makes this classic holiday dish. The rich combination of pork and eggs gets its savory flavor from fish sauce and a little sweetness from coconut water and caramel, which also brings a welcome bitter edge. Ms. Nguyen serves the dish over steamed rice and with pickled bean sprout salad to offer a refreshing contrast.        食谱作者Andrea Nguyen经常在Tết——也就是越南农历新年——这一天烹制这道经典的节日菜。猪肉和鸡蛋的丰美组合,加入鲜美的鱼露,还有椰青和焦糖的一点点甜味,后者还有一种可人的苦味。她会用这道菜配蒸米饭,再用腌豆芽沙拉来营造一种清新的对比。
        Recipe: Thit Heo Kho Trung (Pork and Eggs in Caramel Sauce)        食谱:糖色蛋焖猪肉
        4. Tang Yuan        4. 汤圆
        The sticky texture and round shape of these Chinese New Year dessert dumplings symbolize family unity, and therefore promise togetherness for the year ahead. With the tender chew of a marshmallow and a nougat-like sesame filling, these rounds are served in a sweet ginger soup. They’re easy to form and freeze well, so you can prepare a big batch at once and eat them throughout the holiday season.        这种中国新年甜点有着黏黏的口感和圆圆的形状,寓意家庭团圆,以及对来年阖家欢乐的希望。这道汤圆使用果仁糖和类似牛轧糖的芝麻馅料,放在甜味的姜汤中。这种汤圆很容易制作,也利于冷冻,可以一次做很多,整个节日期间都可以享用。
        Recipe: Tang Yuan        食谱:汤圆
        5. Mandu        5. 馒头(朝鲜语中的“饺子”——编注)
        The Korean New Year, Seollal, is commemorated with tteok mandu guk, a steaming soup filled with sticky rice cakes, which one is supposed to eat so they can see their next birthday. Mandu, dumplings, aren’t necessary, but they taste delicious in the broth, especially when made from scratch using this recipe from Julya Shin and Steve Joo.        在岁首——也就是朝鲜新年——这一天要吃馒头打糕汤,有来年再成长一岁的意头。馒头不是必须的,但泡在汤中吃起来十分美味,尤其是用Julya Shin和Steve Joo给的这个方子自己从头做起。
        Recipe: Mandu        食谱:馒头
        6. Pancit Palabok (Rice Noodles With Chicken Ragout and Shrimp)        6. 菲式炒米粉
        In the Philippines, noodles for longevity take on many forms, and this dish is among the richest. Finely shredded chicken simmers into a fragrant sauce to thicken it, and plump shrimp top the noodles, along with boiled eggs and crunchy chicharron, in this recipe from the chef Angela Dimayuga.        在菲律宾,寓意长寿的粉面有许多形式,这里的这个版本是味道最丰富的。在大厨Angela Dimayuga的这道炒米粉中,鸡丝煨成的浓稠酱汁香味四溢,在上面加上肥美的虾肉,以及煮蛋和酥脆的炸五花肉。
        Recipe: Pancit Palabok (Rice Noodles With Chicken Ragout and Shrimp)        食谱:菲式炒米粉
        7. Steamed Whole Fish With Ginger and Sesame        7. 姜片芝麻油蒸全鱼
        The Chinese word for fish sounds like the word for plentiful surplus, so a whole steamed one symbolizes good fortune for the year ahead. You can prepare an elaborate version or this simpler one from David Tanis.        在中文里,“鱼”和“余”谐音,因此,蒸全鱼的寓意是年年有余。你可以准备精致的做法,或是采用David Tanis那样更简单的做法。
        Recipe: Steamed Whole Fish With Ginger and Sesame        食谱:姜片芝麻油蒸全鱼
        8. Keo Lac Vung (Peanut and Sesame Candy)        8. 花生芝麻糖
        Crackly candied nuts and seeds are set out and shared throughout the Lunar New Year season. They’re easy to buy online or in Asian markets, but they’re arguably even easier to make at home following this candy recipe from Andrea Nguyen.        春节期间,人们会一起分享各种香脆的蜜饯坚果和瓜子。这些小吃在网上或亚洲市场很好买,但按照Andrea Nguyen的这份糖果食谱,在家做可能更轻松。
        Recipe: Keo Lac Vung (Peanut and Sesame Candy)        食谱:花生芝麻糖

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