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2022 Beijing Winter Olympics: Answers to Some Big Questions

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-06 12:40

        The 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing are right around the corner, with all kinds of questions — about international politics, public health and, yes, even sports — hanging over them.        2022年北京冬奥会即将到来,各种各样的问题目前都悬而未决:国际政治、公共卫生,是的,甚至还包括体育问题。
        So here’s what we know so far.        以下是我们目前所知道的。
        When are the Beijing Olympics?        北京奥运会什么时候举办?
        The opening ceremony is scheduled for Feb. 4, a Friday, though some preliminary events will be held in the days before. The closing ceremony is Feb. 20, a Sunday. In all, there will be 19 days of competition across 15 sports.        开幕式定于2月4日(周五),但在这之前的几天将举办一些预赛。闭幕式定于2月20日(周日)。总共将有19天的比赛,涵盖15项运动。
        This year’s Paralympics, also based in Beijing, are scheduled for March 4 to 13.        残奥会也将在北京举行,定于今年3月4日至13日。
        Is there any chance the Games could be delayed, or even canceled, because of the pandemic?        奥运会有没有可能因为大流行而推迟甚至取消?
        Anything is possible, but the International Olympic Committee and Olympic organizers in Beijing have gone out of their way to emphasize that the Games will go on as planned. Asked in early December whether he could envision a situation in which the Games had to be postponed, Juan Antonio Samaranch, a top Olympic official, was blunt. “The answer is no,” he said. “In a Covid world, you have to be flexible, and you have to be able to adapt rapidly to changing conditions. We have that in Beijing.”        一切皆有可能,但国际奥委会和北京奥运会组织者极力强调奥运会将按计划进行。12月初,当奥运会高级官员胡安·安东尼奥·萨马兰奇被问及他是否能够想像出一个奥运会被迫推迟的情况时,他显得很直率。“答案是没有,”他说。“在新冠的世界里,你必须灵活,并且必须能够快速适应不断变化的条件。在北京可以做到。”
        How will they deal with the coronavirus?        他们将如何应对新冠病毒?
        The protocols will be similar to those at the Tokyo Olympics last summer, but more stringent. Organizers are creating what they’re calling a “closed-loop system” — also known as a bubble — in which thousands of athletes, coaches, team officials, Olympic staff members, contractors, volunteers and journalists will be confined for the duration of the Games. The bubble will include competition sites, hotels and other lodging for athletes, media facilities and a transportation network. No one else goes in; no one comes out.        这些规程将类似于去年夏天东京奥运会的规程,但更加严格。组织者正在创建他们所谓的“闭环系统”——也被称为“泡泡”——在这个系统中,数以千计的运动员、教练员、团队官员、奥运工作人员、承包商、志愿者和记者将在整个奥运会期间与外界隔开。比赛场地、酒店和其他运动员住地、媒体设施和交通网络都在“泡泡”之内。没有其他人进去;没有人出来。
        Everybody at the Olympics will be required to be vaccinated. (Medical exemptions are available, but anyone who gets one will have to quarantine for an impractical 21 days before competing.) And once there, everyone will be tested every day.        参加奥运会的每个人都将被要求接种疫苗。(有医疗豁免的选择,但任何想要获得豁免的人都必须在比赛前隔离21天,这是不现实的。)一旦到达,每个人每天都将接受新冠检测。
        Weren’t the Summer Olympics held in Beijing in 2008? Why is China hosting another Games?        2008年夏季奥运会不是在北京举办的吗?为什么中国又要举办一届奥运会?
        A lot of countries, initially, had raised their hands to host the 2022 Games. But over time, one by one, they dropped out — countries like Norway, Sweden, Poland, Ukraine, Switzerland, Germany — in many cases citing the high cost of hosting the Olympics and a lack of popular support back home.        一开始有许多国家申请主办2022年奥运会。但随着时间的推移,挪威、瑞典、波兰、乌克兰、瑞士、德国等国家接连退出。许多国家退出的理由是举办奥运会的成本高昂,而且缺乏国内民众的支持。
        Eventually, China and Kazakhstan were the only two bidders left. Beijing won by four votes. The host selection process was deemed such a disaster that the I.O.C. went on to scrap it. Host cities are now selected through a closed-door process.        最终,只剩下中国和哈萨克斯坦两个申办国。北京超过对手四票获胜。主办方的选择程序被认为是一场灾难,以至于国际奥委会后来将其废弃。国际奥委会现在通过闭门程序选择主办城市。
        Will any countries boycott the Games?        会有国家抵制奥运会吗?
        China’s record on human rights, including the abuse of Uyghur Muslims in the country’s Xinjiang region and the suppression of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, has led activists around the world to call for countries and sponsors to boycott the Beijing Games.        中国在人权方面的记录——包括在该国新疆地区虐待维吾尔穆斯林以及镇压香港的民主抗议活动——导致世界各地的活动人士呼吁各国和赞助商抵制北京奥运会。
        The calls intensified in November with the disappearance from public life of Peng Shuai, a Chinese tennis player and three-time Olympian, after she accused a former top government official of sexual assault.        去年11月,中国网球运动员、三届奥运选手彭帅在指控一名前政府高级官员性侵她后从公众生活中消失,抵制呼声自此愈演愈烈。
        But the possibility that any country boycotts the Beijing Olympics outright — that is, refuses to send its athletes to compete — feels remote. Instead, several countries, including the United States, Australia, Britain and Canada, have announced a “diplomatic boycott” of the Games, meaning their government officials will not attend any ceremonies or events.        但是,任何国家直接抵制北京奥运会的可能性很小,直接抵制意味着拒绝派遣其运动员参加比赛。作为替代,美国、澳大利亚、英国和加拿大等数国已宣布对奥运会进行“外交抵制”,这意味着其政府官员将不会参加任何仪式或活动。
        “We will not be contributing to the fanfare of the Games,” Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, said about the decision.        白宫新闻秘书珍·萨基在谈到这一决定时说:“我们不会参与奥运会的大肆宣传。”
        What will happen if an athlete stages a protest — about human rights or anything else — during the Olympics?        如果运动员在奥运会期间进行关于人权或其他事情的抗议会怎样?
        “That is a hypothetical question,” an I.O.C. spokesman, Mark Adams, said when asked that question in early December, pointing out that athletes could express personal views in interviews during the Games and on social media.        “这是一个假设性的问题,”国际奥委会发言人马克·亚当斯在12月初被问及这个问题时说,他指出运动员可以在社交媒体上和赛事期间的采访中表达个人观点。
        The I.O.C. loosened its rules around protests and political displays before the Tokyo Olympics last summer, allowing athletes to make symbolic gestures — raising a fist or taking a knee, for example — in the arenas before their competitions. (Protesting during medal ceremonies is still not allowed.)        国际奥委会在去年夏天的东京奥运会之前放宽了有关抗议和表达政治观点的规则,允许运动员在比赛前在赛场上做出象征性的手势——例如举起拳头或屈膝。(在颁奖典礼上的抗议仍被禁止。)
        But it remains to be seen what would happen if an athlete were to criticize, say, the Chinese government explicitly during the Games. “I think we have to wait for concrete examples,” Adams said.        但如果运动员在奥运会期间明确批评中国政府,会发生什么还有待观察。“我认为我们必须等待实例,”亚当斯说。
        Will fans be allowed to attend the events?        观众会被允许现场观看比赛吗?
        Most likely yes, but only in a limited capacity. Though fans were barred from venues in Tokyo last summer, organizers are hoping to allow at least some spectators from China to attend events in Beijing. Chinese officials have laid out strict rules to try to limit the spread of the virus, among them that spectators will be allowed to clap but not shout.        很可能是允许的,但人数有限。虽然去年夏天,观众被禁止进入东京的场馆,但组织者希望至少允许一些来自中国的观众参加在北京举行的活动。中国官员制定了严格的规定,试图限制病毒的传播,其中包括允许观众鼓掌但不能喊叫。
        Overseas spectators will not be allowed to enter the country.        境外观众不得入境。
        Will N.H.L. players be there?        国家冰球联盟(NHL)的球员会参赛吗?
        No. That’s a reversal of plans announced in September that would have allowed the stars to head to Beijing while the league shut down for three weeks.        不会。这与9月宣布的计划相反,当时的计划允许球星在联盟停赛的三周时间前往北京。
        But with concerns rising about the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, the league and its players’ union pulled out of the Games and may use the time in February to make up postponed N.H.L. games.        但由于对奥密克戎变异株的担忧加剧,联盟和球员工会选择退出冬奥赛事,届时他们可能会利用2月的这段时间补打被推迟的NHL比赛。
        The Olympic men’s hockey tournament will now most likely feature minor leaguers and those who play in other organizations.        将要参加冬奥男子冰球比赛的选手可能主要是小联盟以及为其他赛事效力的球员。
        How can I watch the Olympics?        我要如何观看冬奥会?
        As has been true for every Olympics this century, NBC will broadcast the Games in the United States. Coverage can also be found on various cable channels owned by the company, on NBCOlympics.com and on Peacock, the company’s streaming service.        正如本世纪所有奥运会一样,美国的冬奥会转播商是NBC电视台。此外,该公司旗下的各种有线电视频道、NBCOlympics.com网站及其流媒体服务Peacock也都会进行报道。
        Eurosport will carry the Games in Europe, often in partnership with national broadcasters like the BBC.        Eurosport体育频道将负责欧洲的冬奥会转播,通常会与BBC等国家级广播公司合作。
        TSN, RDS and the CBC will show the Games in Canada, and Seven Network in Australia.        TSN、RDS和CBC电视台将在加拿大转播赛事,澳大利亚的转播商是七号电视网。
        A schedule of Olympic events is here.        点此查看冬奥会赛事日程。
        What is the time difference with Beijing?        与北京的时差是多少?
        Beijing is 13 hours ahead of Eastern time (you can check your time zone here).        北京时间比东部时间早13个小时(点此查看您所在的时区)。
        That means many big events will be at awkward times for Americans: Women’s figure skating on Feb. 17 ends about 9 a.m. in New York and 6 a.m. in Los Angeles, and the men’s hockey final on Feb. 20 in Beijing begins after 11 p.m. on Feb. 19 in New York.        这意味着对美国人来说,许多重要赛事的时间很尴尬:2月17日的女子花样滑冰比赛将在纽约时间早上9点左右结束,那会是洛杉矶的早上6点;而北京时间2月20日进行的男子冰球决赛将在纽约时间的2月19日晚11点以后开始。
        The opening ceremony will most likely take place in prime time in Beijing, which is the morning in the United States.        开幕式大概率会在北京的黄金时间进行,也就是美国的早上。
        Are there any new events?        是否增加了新赛事?
        There are seven additions to the program for the 2022 Olympics. The most compelling among them could be the monobob, a women’s solo bobsledding event.        2022年冬奥会新增了七个项目。其中最引人注目的应该是女子单人雪车比赛。
        These are the other events making their debut at the Games:        以下是其他在冬奥会上首次亮相的项目:
        • Freestyle skiing: Mixed team aerials        · 自由式滑雪:空中技巧混合团体赛
        • Freestyle skiing: Men’s big air        · 自由式滑雪:男子大跳台
        • Freestyle skiing: Women’s big air        · 自由式滑雪:女子大跳台
        • Short-track speedskating: Mixed team relay        · 短道速滑:混合团体接力赛
        • Ski jumping: Mixed team event        · 跳台滑雪:混合团体赛
        • Snowboarding: Mixed team snowboard cross.        · 单板滑雪:障碍追逐混合团体赛
        What are all the sports in the Winter Olympics?        冬奥会都有哪些运动项目?
        There are fewer disciplines than in the Summer Olympics. The Winter Games include Alpine skiing, biathlon, bobsled, cross-country skiing, curling, figure skating, freestyle skiing, ice hockey, luge, Nordic combined, skeleton, ski jumping, snowboarding and speedskating.        与夏奥会相比,冬奥会的比赛项目较少。包括高山滑雪、冬季两项、雪车、越野滑雪、冰壶、花样滑冰、自由式滑雪、冰球、雪橇、北欧两项、钢架雪车、跳台滑雪和速度滑冰。
        Here’s more about all of them.        点此查看所有项目的更多信息。
        How much is an Olympic medal worth?        一枚奥运奖牌值多少钱?
        There is no prize money from the International Olympic Committee for winners. But many national federations give payments to athletes for winning medals.        国际奥委会没有为获胜者提供奖金。但许多国家机构会给予赢得奖牌的运动员报酬。
        Some of the bonuses are substantial: Singapore’s $1 million in local currency (roughly $740,000 in the United States) for a gold medal is the largest known reward. Some are more modest: A U.S. medalist receives $37,500 for gold, $22,500 for silver and $15,000 for bronze. Other bonuses are nonexistent, such as those for medalists from Britain, New Zealand and Norway.        有些国家的奖金相当可观:新加坡的金牌奖金为100万新币(约合468万人民币),这是目前已知的最高奖金。有些国家的奖金则不太起眼:美国对金牌获得者的奖励为3.75万美元(约合23.9万人民币),银牌2.25万美元(约合14.3万人民币),而铜牌为1.5万美元(约合9.6万人民币)。像英国、新西兰和挪威等国家,奖牌获得者压根拿不到额外的奖金。
        Many athletes have later sold their medals to collectors, some citing financial hardships, others seeking to raise money for charity. The prices of old medals at auction vary quite a bit.        许多运动员后来把奖牌卖给收藏家,有些是出于经济困难,有些则是为了筹集善款。历史奖牌的拍卖价格相差很大。
        Who are the Beijing 2022 mascots?        2022年北京冬奥会的吉祥物是什么?
        After a global call for ideas which attracted more than 5,800 submissions, the organizers of the Games unveiled Bing Dwen Dwen, a cuddly panda who wears a suit made of ice. Shuey Rhon Rhon, an anthropomorphic lantern, is the Beijing Paralympics mascot.        在向全球征集到超过5800份设计意见之后,冬奥会主办方揭晓了吉祥物“冰墩墩”,这是一只穿着冰雪外衣的可爱熊猫。北京冬残奥会的吉祥物“雪容融”则是个拟人化的灯笼。
        (Maybe they will have a bigger presence than the mascots for last year’s Tokyo Games, who often seemed to be missing in action.)        (与东京奥运会上经常不见身影的吉祥物相比,它们可能会有更多存在感。)
        What do the Olympic rings mean?        奥运五环有什么含义?
        The five rings, of blue, yellow, black, green and red, date to 1912 and were designed by the modern Games’ founder, Pierre de Coubertin. The colors were chosen so that every flag in the world would have at least one matching color.        由蓝、黄、黑、绿、红组成的五环可以追溯到1912年,由现代奥运会创始人皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦设计。之所以选择这些颜色,是为了让全世界每个国家的国旗都至少有一种颜色与之匹配。
        The reason there are five rings is murky: They may represent five continents, or the five Olympic Games that had been staged at the time they were designed. There is no particular meaning for any individual ring.        五环的由来并不明确:它们可能代表五个大洲。或是代表其问世之时已经举办过的五届奥运会。任何一环都没有特殊意义。
        Where will the next Olympics take place?        下届奥运会将在哪里举办?
        The next Summer Olympics will be in Paris in 2024. The 2026 Winter Games will take place in Milan and Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy. The Summer Games will then head to Los Angeles in 2028 and Brisbane, Australia, in 2032. The host of the 2030 Winter Games will be selected in 2023.        下一届夏奥会将于2024年在巴黎举行。2026年冬奥会将在意大利的米兰和科尔蒂纳丹佩佐举行。2028年夏奥会将来到洛杉矶,2032年则由澳大利亚布里斯班承办。2030年冬奥会主办地将在2023年选出。

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