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How the ‘Djokovic Affair’ Came Back to Bite Australia’s Prime Minister

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-12 10:37

        SYDNEY, Australia — Novak Djokovic received the bad news on Thursday at 7:42 a.m. His entry visa into Australia was canceled and he was being detained, despite his arrival with a medical exemption from the country’s vaccine mandate for international visitors.        澳大利亚悉尼——上周四早上7点42分,诺瓦克·德约科维奇收到了这个坏消息。他的澳大利亚入境签证被撤销,人被拘留,尽管在抵达澳大利亚前,他已获得了该国要求国际访客接种疫苗的医疗豁免。
        At 8:56 a.m., Prime Minister Scott Morrison jumped on Twitter to announce the tennis superstar’s comeuppance.        当天上午8点56分,澳大利亚总理斯科特·莫里森迫不及待地在Twitter上宣布了这名网球巨星受到应有惩罚的消息。
        “Rules are rules, especially when it comes to our borders,” Mr. Morrison wrote. “No one is above these rules.”        “规则就是规则,尤其是涉及我们的边界时,”莫里森写道。“没有人可以凌驾于这些规则之上。”
        At first, the visa cancellation for a celebrity opponent of Covid vaccines must have looked like an obvious political winner. Australians respect mandates, from vaccinations to compulsory voting, and with an election on the way by May, Mr. Morrison was returning to a well-tested tactic: stirring voter support with appeals to tough border enforcement.        起初,一位反对新冠疫苗的名人的签证被撤销,看起来必定是明显的政治胜利。澳大利亚人遵守从接种疫苗到强制投票的各种法定要求,随着今年5月份大选的临近,莫里森正在重拾一种被验证有效的策略:通过呼吁加强边境执法,来激起选民们的支持。
        But now that Mr. Djokovic has been released and his visa restored — after a blistering hearing before a federal judge on Monday — Mr. Morrison’s eagerness to portray him as an arrogant violator of Australia’s egalitarian ideals has started to look like an unforced error.        但一名联邦法官在本周一举行了一场言辞激烈的法庭听证后,德约科维奇现已获释,他的签证也已恢复了效力。莫里森急于将德约科维奇描绘成一个违反了澳大利亚平等主义理想的傲慢之人,这看起来已开始像一个“非受迫性失误”(网球术语——编注)。
        A nation preoccupied in recent weeks with an economy-crippling surge of Omicron infections and a shortage of Covid tests is now debating the fairness and competence of its government and questioning the priorities of its top leader. The sudden turn has twisted Mr. Morrison’s conservative supporters in knots and angered critics who already see him as a smug opportunist who prefers performance to substance and struggles with taking responsibility.        最近几周里,这个国家一直忙于应对严重影响经济的奥秘克戎感染病例激增,以及检测试剂盒短缺的问题,一场对政府的公正性和能力的辩论正在展开,人们正在对该国最高领导人的优先事项提出质疑。这个突然的变化让莫里森的保守派支持者们措手不及,也激怒了批评人士,他们早就将莫里森视为一个自鸣得意的机会主义者,喜欢表现而不是干实事,而且难以承担责任。
        The prime minister now faces a difficult choice: whether to double down, or to fold and let Mr. Djokovic try to win his 10th title in the Australian Open, which starts on Monday.        莫里森现在面临一个艰难选择:是继续加注,还是弃牌,让德约科维奇在下周一开始的澳大利亚网球公开赛上努力夺取他的第10个冠军。
        The law allows Australia’s immigration minister to deport Mr. Djokovic or any other visa holder for even the smallest of violations: a slight risk to public health, an incorrect statement on immigration forms or a perceived deficit of character. Alex Hawke, 44, an ambitious party loyalist who took on the immigration portfolio about a year ago, said Monday night that he was still considering whether to rescind the tennis star’s visa for a second time.         根据澳大利亚法律,移民局局长能够以哪怕最微小的违规为由,比如对公共健康造成轻微风险、移民表格上的陈述有误,或被认为品行不佳,将德约科维奇或任何其他签证持有者驱逐出境。一年前接手移民事务的亚历克斯·霍克现年44岁,是一个雄心勃勃的自由党忠臣,他在周一晚上表示,仍在考虑是否第二次撤销这位网球明星的签证。
        On Tuesday, immigration authorities said they were investigating whether Mr. Djokovic could be charged with a crime for apparently stating falsely on an entry form that he had not traveled internationally in the 14 days before his flight from Spain to Australia via Dubai. (Social media appeared to show him celebrating Christmas in his native Serbia.)        移民局周二表示,他们正在调查是否对德约科维奇提出刑事指控,因为他在入境表上显然做了不真实陈述,称自己从西班牙经迪拜飞往澳大利亚之前的14天里,没有国际旅行经历。(社交媒体上明显有他在祖国塞尔维亚庆祝圣诞节的画面。)
        Mr. Djokovic had told government officials that Tennis Australia completed the form for him, but it was not clear whether that could save him.        德约科维奇曾告诉政府官员,入境表是澳大利亚网球协会替他填的,但尚不清楚这个解释能否帮到他。
        His opponent in this case — Mr. Morrison — is a political combatant who came to power during the presidency of Donald J. Trump and relished their friendship. Letting Mr. Djokovic remain in the country would not just mean accepting legal defeat for the prime minister; it would also mean defying his own past and his political inclinations.        德约科维奇这次的对手——莫里森——是一名好斗的政治人士。莫里森在唐纳德·特朗普担任美国总统期间上台,并乐享两人的友谊。让德约科维奇继续留在澳大利亚,不仅意味着莫里森接受了这次法律上的失败,也意味着他将背弃自己的过去和其政治倾向。
        When Mr. Morrison served as immigration minister in 2013 and 2014, he was responsible for a military-led campaign called Operation Sovereign Borders, which took a zero-tolerance approach to any asylum seeker trying to reach Australia’s shores by boat.        莫里森在2013年和2014年担任移民局局长期间,曾负责由军方领导的“主权边界行动”,该行动对任何试图乘船抵达澳大利亚海岸的寻求避难者采取零容忍的态度。
        Thousands were turned back or detained, even as human rights activists deplored what they called an inhumane approach to immigration. Many of those refugees are still in Australian custody in offshore detention centers. About two dozen are at the Park Hotel in Melbourne, where Mr. Djokovic was held until Monday’s hearing.        数千人被遣返或拘留,尽管人权活动人士对其所称的不人道的移民对待方式进行了谴责,但这些寻求避难者中仍有许多人被关在澳大利亚的离岸拘留中心。还有20余人被关在墨尔本的公园酒店,在周一的法庭听证前,德约科维奇也一直被关在那里。
        That connection was made immediately by advocates for immigrants, many of whom camped out in front of the hotel with signs reminding voters of the harsh policies Mr. Morrison favors.        移民权益倡导者们马上将这两种情况联系起来,他们中的许多人露宿在酒店前,打出标语提醒选民注意莫里森支持的严厉移民政策。
        Elaine Pearson, the Australia director of Human Rights Watch, said that Mr. Djokovic had accidentally shined “a much-needed spotlight on Australia’s cruel, inhumane system of mandatory detention.” She added that it had perhaps made the world and average Australians question Australia’s tendency to detain first and ask questions later.        人权观察组织负责澳大利亚事务的伊莱恩·皮尔森说,德约科维奇意外地让“澳大利亚的残酷、不人道的强制拘留制度得到了亟需的关注”。皮尔森还说,这可能会让全世界和澳大利亚的民众质疑澳大利亚“先拘后问”的做法。
        That’s precisely the predilection that Monday’s hearing involving Mr. Djokovic confirmed. The celebrity athlete believed he had done everything he could to comply with the rules, the judge determined. It was the government officials who did not act fairly and reasonably, he said.        这个做法恰在周一涉及德约科维奇的法庭听证上得到了证实。法官判定,该著名运动员认为他已在遵守规则上做了所有能做的事情。法官说,是政府官员的做法不公平、不合理。
        Mr. Djokovic had documents proving that he had obtained a medical exemption from Tennis Australia, the tournament organizers. The exemption, based on what Mr. Djokovic said was a Covid infection he had in December, had been endorsed by a doctor and an independent panel from the state of Victoria, where the Open is held.        德约科维奇持有的文件证明,他从赛事组织者澳大利亚网球协会那里获得了医疗豁免。德约科维奇能拿到豁免,是因为据他说,自己曾在去年12月感染了新冠病毒。豁免得到了一名医生和一个来自公开赛举办地维多利亚州的独立小组的认可。
        As he was questioned for hours by border agents, Mr. Djokovic repeatedly offered to seek whatever else the government needed later that morning after he could call his agent and organizers from Tennis Australia.        在接受边境官员长达几小时的询问时,德约科维奇曾多次表示,在给自己的经纪人和澳大利亚网球协会的组织者打电话后,可在当天晚些时候找到政府需要他提供的任何其他东西。
        The transcript of that airport interaction, shared by the court after Mr. Djokovic’s release, proved even more revealing than what the judge had paraphrased.        德约科维奇获释后,法庭公布了机场边境人员与他谈话的记录,其内容比法官的复述更有说服力。
        Just after midnight, the document shows, the border official interviewing Mr. Djokovic sounded conciliatory.        记录显示,在午夜刚过的时候,与德约科维奇面谈的边境官员听起来愿意和解。
        “We want to give you every opportunity to provide as much information as you can,” the official said.        “我们想给你一切机会,让你能提供尽可能多的信息,”该官员说。
        A few hours later, after the agent left the room — presumably to talk to bosses — and returned, the tone had changed. Mr. Djokovic was advised that the process of canceling his visa had begun.        几个小时后,该边境官员离开了房间,大概是去与上司交谈,他回来后的语气变了。德约科维奇被告知,已经开启了撤销他签证的程序。
        “I just really don’t understand what is the reason you don’t allow me to enter your country,” he said. “Just I mean, I have been waiting four hours and I still fail to, to understand what’s the main reason — like — lack of what papers? Lack of what information do you need?”        “我真不明白,你们不让我进入你们国家是什么原因,”德约科维奇说。“我的意思是,我已经等了四个小时,我还是弄不明白主要原因是什么,是不是缺了什么文件?缺了你们需要的什么信息?”
        Eventually, the officer agreed to let Mr. Djokovic have more time, to call his agent after 8 a.m. Then, around 7:30 a.m., the government “reneged” on that promise, as the judge, Anthony Kelly, put it.        最终,那名官员同意给德约科维奇更多的时间,让他在上午8点后给他的经纪人打电话。但用法官安东尼·凯利的话说,政府在早上7:30左右“食言”了。
        If rules are rules, Judge Kelly concluded, the rules of procedure were not followed.        凯利的结论是,如果规则就是规则,那么(政府)没有遵守程序的规则。
        Whether that will alter voters’ views of Mr. Morrison may depend on where the “Djokovic affair” goes next.        这是否会改变选民对莫里森的看法,可能取决于“德约科维奇事件”的下一步发展。
        Sean Kelly, a former Labor Party adviser and the author of a new Morrison biography, “The Game,” said the prime minister had a habit of overdramatizing the trivial and being passive with bigger challenges.        曾任工党顾问的肖恩·凯利说,莫里森习惯于戏剧性地处理琐碎事情,但在更大挑战面前消极被动。凯利是莫里森的新传记《游戏》(The Game)一书的作者。
        Throughout the pandemic, he’s sought to push responsibility onto the states. It’s partly what led Mr. Djokovic, a complicated figure known for outbursts and the promotion of junk science, to look like a sympathetic victim. Mr. Morrison’s government provided mixed messages to Tennis Australia about whether vaccination exemptions were handled at the state or federal level, and Mr. Djokovic seemed to have done what he could, short of getting vaccinated, to follow along.        在整个疫情期间,莫里森一直试图将责任推给各州。在一定程度上,这让德约科维奇这个以脾气暴躁和宣传伪科学闻名的复杂人物看上去像是一名值得同情的受害者。有关疫苗豁免是由州一级还是联邦一级处理的问题,莫里森政府发给澳大利亚网球协会的信息模糊不清。德约科维奇似乎在遵守规则上做了他所能做的,除了接种疫苗外。
        Mr. Kelly said it was hard to see a political benefit to dragging out the drama as what appears to be a close election looms.        凯利说,在一场貌似势均力敌的大选很快就要到来的时候,很难看出让这件事拖下去有什么政治好处。
        “If, in the next few weeks, Australians have a sense of the pandemic running out of control,” he said, “that’s when an issue like the government choosing to make a show out of the Djokovic issue starts to play badly.”        “如果澳大利亚人在未来几周感觉疫情已经失控,”他说,“那会是政府选择在德约科维奇事件上做文章的做法开始变得糟糕的时候。”
        Some of Mr. Morrison’s allies are nonetheless still calling for Djokovic to be deported, arguing that Australians have lined up for vaccines and endured quarantines, so he should too. But the prime minister is also confronting warnings from usually silent corners to stand down.        尽管如此,莫里森的一些盟友仍在呼吁将德约科维奇驱逐出境,理由是澳大利亚人都在排队接种疫苗,还要忍受隔离,德约科维奇也应该这样做。但莫里森也面临着劝他退一步的警告,这个警告来自通常不公开发声的人。
        John Alexander, a member of Mr. Morrison’s center-right Liberal Party and a former professional tennis player, broke ranks Monday night and said that it was in the “national interest” to let Mr. Djokovic stay.        曾是职业网球运动员的约翰·亚历山大属于莫里森所在的中间偏右的自由党,周一晚间,亚历山大发表了不支持本党的言论,他说,让德约科维奇留下来符合澳大利亚的“国家利益”。
        The immigration minister’s “‘personal powers to cancel visas’ are designed to prevent criminals otherwise walking our streets, or to prevent a contagious person otherwise walking our streets,” he said in a statement. “They’re not designed to assist in dealing with a potential political problem of the day.”        移民局局长“有‘撤销签证的个人权力’是为了防止犯罪分子走在我们的街上,或防止传染疾病的人走在我们的街上,”亚历山大在一份声明中说。“这些规则不是用来帮助应对当前可能出现的政治问题的。”

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