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52 Places for a Changed World

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-11 02:30

        Chioggia, Italy        意大利,基奥贾
        Near Venice, a destination offers history, architecture and more, and creates an escape valve for overtourism        威尼斯附近一处拥有历史、建筑和更多内容的名胜,为过度旅游提供了缓解之所
        Built on a cluster of islands in the Venetian lagoon, with centuries-old buildings rising from the canals in all their decadent glory, Chioggia is called “piccola Venezia,” or little Venice. Locals beg to disagree: If anything, they say, it’s nearby Venice that should be described as Chioggia’s larger doppelgänger, and it’s true, Chioggia is older. Venice is so worried about being overwhelmed once again after the pandemic that it is planning to resort to surveillance cameras and cellphone data to control the crowds; visiting other culturally rich places like Chioggia can help relieve the pressure. Today, Chioggia is popular with Italian and German visitors, drawn both by the architectural beauties in the historic center and the family-friendly beaches of its mainland suburb, Sottomarina. The city, which has preserved a rough maritime vibe, can serve as an ideal base for bicycle tours. It is also known for its radicchio. During a time of increased awareness of overtourism, this miniature Venice is a delightful alternative for travelers looking for a lesser-known destination. — Anna Momigliano        基奥贾建在威尼斯潟湖上的一群岛屿上,运河两岸矗立着拥有数百年历史的古老建筑,散发着颓败的光彩。基奥贾人称“皮克拉威尼斯”,也就是“小威尼斯”。当地人不同意这个说法,他们说,如果两地有什么不同的话,那就是附近的威尼斯应该被称为基奥贾的放大版分身,这是真的,基奥贾更古老。威尼斯非常担心疫情结束后再次人满为患,因此计划使用监控摄像头和手机数据来控制人群;前往基奥贾这样文化气息丰富的地方可以帮助缓解游客过量的压力。如今,基奥贾深受意大利和德国游客的欢迎,他们既被市中心历史悠久的建筑美景所吸引,也被其大陆郊区索托马里纳适合家庭团聚的海滩所吸引。这座城市保留了一种粗犷的海洋气息,可以作为自行车旅游的理想地点。它也以菊苣闻名。在关于过度旅游的意识日益增强的时代,对于寻找冷门景点的旅行者来说,这个微型威尼斯是令人愉快的选择。(撰文:Anna Momigliano)
        Categories: Sustainable tourism and new itinerary        类别:可持续旅游和新行程
        Chimanimani National Park, Mozambique        莫桑比克,齐马尼马尼国家公园
        A new park in a struggling country offers ancient rock paintings and a refuge for local species        一个身处困境的国家的新公园有着古代岩画,并为当地物种提供庇护
        Even at a time when many of the world’s countries were under extreme duress, the case of Mozambique was severe enough to catch the attention of the United Nations: In March, Secretary General Antonio Guterres called upon the international community to help the African country as it faced the triple threat of climate change, Covid and conflict. It’s not the first time that Mozambique has faced such crisis — its civil war of more than 15 years resulted in a million lives lost and a huge loss for its wildlife, too. But the country showed its resilience. In 2008, the Gorongosa National Park launched a vast program to repopulate a reserve decimated by poaching, accompanied by grass-roots efforts like training local women as game wardens. In May, another spectacular national park was unveiled: Chimanimani, along the border with Zimbabwe. The park has priceless ancient rock paintings; secluded sacred mountains including the country’s highest peak, Mount Binga; and natural habitats for the plants, birds and wildlife like the southern-ground hornbill, miniature squeaker frog and Agama kirkii lizard. On the other side of the country, eco-warrior luxury hunters will make their way to Kisawa, a newly opened luxury resort. — Ondine Cohane        即便是在一个世界上许多国家都处于封闭状态的时期,莫桑比克的情况仍严重到足以获得联合国的关注:去年3月,联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯呼吁国际社会帮助这个面临气候变化、新冠病毒和冲突三重威胁的非洲国家。这并非莫桑比克首次面临此类危机——该国15年前的内战最终导致100万人丧生,也让该国损失了大量野生生物。但这个国家表现出了坚韧。2008年,戈龙戈萨国家公园推出了一个庞大计划,旨在帮助因偷猎数量下降的野生动物恢复规模,该计划伴随着例如将当地女性培训为狩猎监督官的草根行动。5月,另一个令人惊叹的国家公园揭幕:沿着与津巴布韦边界接壤的齐马尼马尼。这个公园有着无价之宝古代岩画、与世隔绝的神圣山脉(包括该国最高峰宾加山),以及植物、鸟类和例如红脸地犀鸟、小型鸣蛙和彩虹蜥蜴等野生生物的自然栖息地。在该国的另一侧,向往生态战士奢华的人群则可前往新开业的奢华度假村Kisawa。(撰文:Ondine Cohane)
        Categories: Conservation, new itinerary and financial impact        类别:保护、新行程和经济影响
        Queens, New York        纽约,皇后区
        The world à la carte and available at the price of a subway ride        以乘坐地铁的价格享用世界美食
        Queens wants you to show up hungry. “There’s probably nowhere else in the world where you can sample the home cooking of more than 150 different countries within such a compact space,” says the restaurant critic Robert Sietsma, who covers the borough’s restaurants for Eater.com. And at a time when long-haul travel is still uncertain, a dim-sum lunch at Nan Xiang Xiao Long Bao in Flushing is as quick and delicious a ticket to China as some nostril-clearing shrimp aguachile at the new Mariscos El Submarino in Jackson Heights is a trip to Mexico. “The Queens restaurant industry was slammed by Covid-19, but now it’s recovering because we’re a borough of family-centered communities where the restaurants take care of their own,” says Jonathan Forgash, a chef and borough resident who founded Queens Together, a nonprofit, in March 2020. — Alexander Lobrano        皇后区希望你能饿着肚子出现。“世界上可能没有其他地方可以让你在如此紧凑的空间内品尝到150多个不同国家的家常菜,”为Eater.com网站报道该区餐厅的餐厅评论家罗伯特·西茨马说。在长途旅行仍不确定的时候,法拉盛南翔小笼包的一顿点心午餐是一张快速而美味的中国之行车票,就像杰克逊高地新开的Mariscos El Submarino沁人心脾的大虾凉拌菜能带你去墨西哥一样。“皇后区的餐饮业受到了新冠疫情的打击,但现在它正在恢复,因为我们是一个以家庭为中心的社区,餐厅会自己照顾好自己,”乔纳森·弗加什说,他是一名厨师,也是该区居民,于2020年3月成立了非营利组织“Queens Together”。(撰文:Alexander Lobrano)
        Categories: Urban spaces and food and drink        类别:城市空间和饮食
        Northumberland, England        英格兰,诺森伯兰
        Dark skies, pristine beaches and a 1,900-year anniversary on a coastline that epitomizes rugged England        黑暗的天空、原始的海滩和有1900年历史的海岸线,是粗犷的英格兰的缩影
        Britain’s diverse coastline, from the cliffs of Dover to the boardwalks of Brighton, will soon have a unifying element: the 2,800-mile England Coast Path. Developed in part by the governmental organization Natural England, the path aims to increase public access to the coast while also restoring landscapes, improving community connection and promoting sustainable travel. Trail segments that have opened include a 44-mile stretch in the northeast, from the River Tyne to the Northumberland coast, which is the epitome of rugged England: misty dunes, rocky headlands, wild beaches. At night, look up. The Northumberland International Dark Sky Park has some of the lowest light pollution in the country and features one of the largest areas of protected night sky in Europe. Gaze at galaxies sprayed across the sky at Kielder Observatory, and then venture to the ancient past as Hadrian’s Wall is celebrating its 1,900th anniversary with a yearlong festival. — AnneLise Sorensen        从多佛的悬崖到布莱顿的栈桥,英国多样化的海岸线很快就会有一个统一的元素:长达4500公里的英格兰海岸小径。该路线部分由政府组织“自然英格兰”开发,旨在增加公众进入海岸的渠道,同时恢复景观,改善社区联系,并促进可持续旅行。已经开放的路径部分包括东北部71公里的路段,从泰恩河到诺森伯兰海岸,这是粗犷的英格兰的缩影:雾蒙蒙的沙丘、岩石岬角、野生海滩。到了晚上,抬头看看。诺森伯兰国际黑暗天空公园拥有该国最低的光污染,也是欧洲最大的夜空保护区域之一。在基尔德天文台凝视满天飘散的星系,然后在哈德良长城以为期一年的节日庆祝1900周年之际,探索古老的过去。(撰文:AnneLise Sorensen)
        Categories: Outdoor activities and cultural heritage        类别:户外活动和文化遗产
        Zihuantanejo, Mexico        墨西哥,芝华塔尼欧
        A grass-roots approach to conservation on the Pacific Coast protects whales and turtles and revives a local village        在太平洋海岸,用具有草根色彩的方式来保护鲸鱼和海龟,重振了当地村庄
        This laid-back beach town — neighbor of Ixtapa, the resort destination on the Pacific Coast — and communities around it have spawned grass-roots environmental projects that travelers can support. The conservation nonprofit Whales of Guerrero has helped train fishermen as whale-watching guides, and Campamento Tortuguero Ayotlcalli offers opportunities to join turtle nest patrols and release hatchlings. The guitar duo Rodrigo y Gabriela, Rodrigo Sánchez and Gabriela Quintero, are involved with local vegan initiatives; Mr. Sánchez runs his own plant-based restaurant, La Raíz de la Tierra. Check into Playa Viva, 30 miles south. The solar-powered regenerative resort has helped revive the adjoining village of Juluchuca by providing education and employment in conservation, tourism and agriculture. It recently joined a new regional project to protect the watershed of the Juluchuca River, which begins in the mountainous interior where guests can take A.T.V. excursions to explore the headwaters at an off-grid coffee and cacao plantation. — Elaine Glusac        这个悠闲的海滨小镇与太平洋海岸的度假胜地伊斯塔帕毗邻,它周围的社区已经发展出了游客也可以参与其中的草根环保项目。非营利性保育组织Whales of Guerrero帮助培训渔民成为观鲸向导,而Campamento Tortuguero Ayotlcalli则提供加入海龟巢巡逻、放生小海龟的机会。吉他二人组“罗德里戈与加布丽埃拉”参与了当地的素食倡议;罗德里戈经营着自己的素食餐厅La Raíz de La Tierra。你可以去南边50公里的Playa Viva。这个采用太阳能的环保度假村通过提供保育、观光和农业方面的教育和就业机会,帮助临近的朱露楚卡村恢复了活力。最近,该度假村还加入了一个新的地区性项目——保护朱露楚卡河的分水岭,这条河的源头在内陆山区,游客可以驾驶全地形车,在一处水电自给自足的咖啡和可可种植园里探索这条河的水源地。(撰文:Elaine Glusac)
        Categories: conservation, small footprint        类别:保育、低能耗
        Iberá Park, Argentina        阿根廷,伊贝拉公园
        Rewilding 2 million acres of grassland and wetlands offer a home to dozens of endangered species        复原200万英亩的草原和湿地,为数十种濒危物种提供了家园
        Twenty years ago, this reserve in Argentina’s northern Corrientes region wasn’t so much a park as it was tiny parcels of wilderness surrounded by cattle ranches. That’s when the Rewilding Argentina foundation, created by the North Face co-founder Douglas Tompkins and now funded by tourism and a consortium of philanthropists around the world, stepped in and began buying land. Today, Iberá Park is one of the largest in Argentina, close to 2 million acres of protected grasslands, lagoons, islands and wetlands — and a sanctuary for huge populations of animals. The foundation has saved dozens of species from extinction here, notably jaguars, giant anteaters and giant river otters, and has become a refuge for marsh deer, maned wolves, rheas, grassland birds and the aptly named — and endangered — strange-tailed tyrants. Tourism and infrastructure are strictly managed, and staying in one of the park’s campgrounds directly supports the foundation, continuing the cycle of conservation. — Danielle Pergament        20年前,这个位于阿根廷北部科连特斯地区的保护区与其说是一个公园,不如说是被牛群牧场包围的小片荒野。在那时,阿根廷野放基金会就已介入并开始购买这片土地,该基金会由NorthFace联合创始人道格拉斯·汤普金斯创建,现在由旅游业和世界各地慈善家财团资助。今天,伊贝拉公园已是阿根廷最大的国家公园之一,拥有近200万英亩受保护的草原、潟湖、岛屿和湿地,是大量动物的庇护所。该基金会已经在这里拯救了数十种物种,使它们免于灭绝,特别是美洲虎、巨型食蚁兽和巨型水獭,并成为了沼泽鹿、鬃狼、美洲犀、草原鸟类和恰如其名且濒临灭绝的奇尾暴君的避难所。旅游和基础设施管理严格,入住公园的其中一处露营地是对基金会的直接支持,延续保护的循环。(撰文:Danielle Pergament)
        Categories: Wildlife conservation and small footprint        类别:野生动物保护和低能耗
        Alentejo Wine Region, Portugal        葡萄牙,阿连特茹葡萄酒产区
        Sustainable winemaking isn’t just on-trend — it’s survival for a region where water is in short supply        可持续酿酒不仅仅是趋势——它是水资源短缺地区的生存之道
        Alentejo has most of the elements required for wine production: sun, soil, native grape varieties and a centuries-old winemaking legacy. What does it lack? Rain. Global warming has increasingly threatened this arid region known for warm and full-bodied reds, so in 2015, the area created the Wines of Alentejo Sustainability Program. By prioritizing water conservation, with measures like developing cover crops for water retention and creating ponds to collect rainwater, the program has helped wineries reduce their average water consumption by 20 percent; some that were using 14 liters of water to produce 1 liter of wine have decreased their needs to 6 liters of water. While upcoming projects include an online calculator for members to measure their carbon and water footprints, the program in 2020 created a certification process to further verify that wineries are following green initiatives. These wineries include Herdade de Coelheiros, a verdant estate with a walnut orchard, a cork forest and a herd of sheep — an organic solution for weed control. — AnneLise Sorensen        阿连特茹拥有葡萄酒生产所需的大部分要素:阳光、土壤、本地葡萄品种和数百年的酿酒传统。它缺少什么?雨水。全球变暖对这个以温暖和醇厚的红葡萄酒而闻名的干旱地区的威胁越来越大,因此在2015年,该地区创建了阿连特茹葡萄酒的可持续发展计划。通过优先考虑节约用水,采取诸如种植覆盖作物以保水和建造池塘以收集雨水等措施,该计划已帮助酒厂将其平均用水量减少了20%;一些原来使用14升水来生产1升葡萄酒的酒厂已将其需求减少到六升水。即将开展的项目包括一个在线计算器,以供会员测量他们的碳和水足迹,该计划还在2020年创建了一个认证程序,以进一步验证酒庄是否遵循绿色倡议。这些酒庄包括Herdade de Coelheiros,这是一个拥有核桃园、软木林和羊群的青翠庄园——这里提供了一种控制杂草的有机解决方案。(撰文:AnneLise Sorensen)
        Categories: Endangered landscape and food and drink        类别:濒危景观和饮食
        The Lucayan Archipelago, The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos        卢卡亚群岛,巴哈马、特克斯,凯科斯
        A new model for shark conservation saves creatures that are needed for the health of the seas        关于鲨鱼的讨论的一个新模式拯救了保证海洋健康所需的这些生物
        Consider — without fear — the shark. In the last 50 years, global populations have declined by more than 70 percent. Industrial-scale fishing hauls them in by accident. Some cultures have an appetite for them. And yet sharks, one researcher has said, are the “white blood cells” of the seas, cleaning sick, dying and dead animals from the waters. The good news is that efforts are underway to support sharks — even in the turquoise waters off some of the most popular tourist destinations in the Caribbean. In 2011, the Bahamas established the Bahamas Shark Sanctuary, the first of its kind in the Atlantic Ocean. Now it’s calling itself the “shark diving capital of the world.” During the pandemic, Turks and Caicos — which, along with the Bahamas, forms part of the Lucayan Archipelago, an important shark habitat — began its own shark preservation effort, with help from the Caribbean Shark Coalition. Researchers have been tagging sharks in the waters off the tiny islands, gathering data that will assist Turks and Caicos, which has already prohibited most shark fishing, to establish further protections. — Nina Burleigh        在不带恐惧的情况下,想一想鲨鱼吧。在过去50年,全球鲨鱼数量已下降超过70%。工业级捕鱼会意外将鲨鱼拖进网内。某些文化对它们有饮食偏好。但一位研究人员表示,鲨鱼是海洋里的“白细胞”,将水中生病、濒临死亡和已经死亡的动物清理干净。好消息是,为鲨鱼提供支持的努力正在进行中——即便是在加勒比海一些最受欢迎的旅游目的地的蓝绿色海域里也是如此。2011年,巴哈马建立了巴哈马鲨鱼保护区,这是大西洋里的首个此类保护区。如今该处自称“世界与鲨共潜之都”。大流行期间,在加勒比鲨鱼联盟的帮助下,特克斯和凯科斯开始了自己的鲨鱼保护努力。凯科斯与巴哈马一起组成了马卢卡亚群岛一部分,是一个重要的鲨鱼栖息地。研究人员一直为这个小小群岛海岸的鲨鱼做标记,收集能够帮助特克斯和凯科斯的数据。为了加强保护,该地已禁止了大多数的鲨鱼捕捞。(撰文:Nina Burleigh)
        Categories: Wildlife conservation        类别:野生生物保护
        Evia, Greece        希腊,埃维亚
        Community support for a ravaged island is helping locals survive environmental disaster        对受灾岛屿的社区支持正在帮助当地人在环境灾难中生存下来
        The Other Human food pantry was established more than 10 years ago, serving Athens, Thessaloniki and the island of Evia in the wake of Greece’s financial crisis. As the country recovers from last year’s wildfires and floods, The Other Human has expanded to help those who lost their livelihoods, and welcomes travelers to get involved. At weekly food drives held in Evia’s capital, Chalkida, meals are cooked and eaten together to establish a sense of community. Volunteers are invited to help cook, pack hampers with food and essentials, and contribute funds to rebuild schools and aid locals with essential bills. Lost in the fires were homes, businesses, olive groves and one third of Evia’s beloved pine forest, which generations had relied upon for resin and honey. Increasing tourism is vital for the economic recovery of this island a short trip from Athens. In addition to community projects, visitors will find a hilltop acropolis and other archaeological sites in Eretria, mineral-rich thermal springs in Edipsos and showstopper sunsets, with the Aegean Sea as a backdrop. — Caterina Hrysomallis        The Other Human食品赈济中心成立于10余年前,在希腊金融危机之后服务于雅典、塞萨洛尼基和埃维亚岛。随着希腊从去年的野火和洪水中恢复生机,The Other Human已经扩展到帮助那些失去生计的人,并欢迎旅行者参与进来。在埃维亚首府查尔基达举行的每周一次的食品捐助活动中,人们会一起做饭一起吃,以建立一种社区感。志愿者被邀请帮忙做饭,将食品和必需品打包放在篮子里,并捐款重建学校和帮助当地人支付基础生活需求。房屋、企业、橄榄园和埃维亚人心爱的松树林的三分之一在火灾中被烧毁,这片松树林是世世代代获取树脂和蜂蜜的来源。旅游业的增长对于这个临近雅典的岛屿的经济复苏至关重要。除了社区项目外,游客还可以在埃雷特里亚找到山顶卫城和其他考古遗址,在埃迪普索斯找到富含矿物质的温泉,以及以爱琴海为背景的令人惊叹的日落。(撰文:Caterina Hrysomallis)
        Categories: Financial impact and grass-roots impact        类别:经济影响和基层影响
        Cobscook Shores, Maine        缅因,科布斯库克海岸
        A new park for nature lovers conserves a rugged coast and eases crowds in other areas, battling overtourism        一个大自然爱好者的新公园,保护了原始粗犷的海岸,缓解了其他地区的拥挤人群,应对过度旅游
        “Vacationland,” as Maine calls itself, thrives on the allure of its craggy coast and woodlands, and attracted more than 3 million visitors in the first nine months of 2021 to coastal Acadia National Park alone. Navigate 95 miles northeast near Lubec to find a new park that aims to ease overtourism: Cobscook Shores. Comprising 15 blocks of land spread primarily across three DownEast peninsulas, Cobscook offers undeveloped beaches, coves and bluffs that can be reached by hiking trails and biking paths, as well as channels to be explored by paddlers. Just five backcountry campsites offer opportunities to stay overnight in the reserve, but there are more sites at nearby Cobscook Bay State Park, and the Inn on the Wharf in Lubec offers accommodations in a renovated sardine factory. The philanthropist Gilbert Butler, a conservationist who has invested in preserving natural areas from the Adirondacks to Patagonia, created the 780-acre Cobscook Shores, amplified by thousands of surrounding acres managed by state and federal entities and private conservation groups. — Elaine Glusac        自称“度假胜地”的缅因州因其崎岖海岸和森林的自然魅力而繁荣兴旺,仅在2021年前九个月就吸引了超过300万游客前往阿卡迪亚国家公园。从吕贝克附近向东北方向行驶153公里,有一个为了缓解过度旅游而新建的公园:科布斯库克海岸。科布斯库克由15块土地组成,主要分布在三个下东半岛上,这里有未被开发的海滩、海湾和悬崖,可通过远足路径和自行车路径到达,也有供划艇探索的路线。虽然只有五个野外露营地提供在保护区过夜的机会,但附近的科布斯库克湾州立公园还有更多露营地,并且吕贝克的“码头旅馆”提供住宿,这家旅馆是从一家沙丁鱼加工厂改造的。慈善家吉尔伯特·巴特勒是一位自然保护主义者,投资从阿迪朗达克山脉到巴塔哥尼亚的自然保护项目,他打造了占地780英亩的科布斯库克海岸,进一步扩增至周边数千英亩土地,这些土地由州和联邦实体以及私人自然保护组织管理。(撰文:Elaine Glusac)
        Categories: conservation and sustainable tourism        类别:保护区,可持续旅游
        Hoonah, Alaska        阿拉斯加,胡纳
        A community, largely Indigenous, embraces sustainable tourism and finds a way to deal with cruise crowds        一个以原住民为主的社区,推行具可持续性的旅游业,并且找到了应对邮轮旅客团体的办法
        Once dependent on fishing and logging, Hoonah, about 20 miles south of Glacier Bay on the Inside Passage, now relies on cruise tourism, not just for its livelihood but also for its cultural continuity. The community, which is half Huna Tlingit, is counting on a robust return to sustainable tourism in 2022, having recently introduced a second ship dock at its cruise port, Icy Strait Point, a half-mile from the original to prevent overcrowding. Additionally, the Native-owned Huna Totem Corporation, which runs tourism operations for the town on behalf of its 760 residents, built a gondola system to shuttle passengers in eight-person aerial cabins, which can handle 5,600 riders an hour, eliminating up to 100 exhaust-emitting buses. Bear- and whale-watching excursions underscore the community’s reverence for nature, and by next April, the gondola system will reach the top of Huna Mountain, with its hiking trails and views of Chichagof Island and the Tongass National Forest. Locals credit visitors’ interest in Native culture with the revival of the Indigenous language and local art. — Elaine Glusac        胡纳位于冰川湾以南约50公里处的内河航道上,当地经济曾经依赖捕鱼和伐木,现在则是依靠邮轮观光业,这不仅是为了生计,也是为了文化传承。这个地方有一半的人口是胡纳特林吉特人,他们寄希望于可持续旅游在2022年强劲反弹,为了防止过度拥挤,他们最近在这里的邮轮港口——冰峡点兴建了第二个码头,新码头距离老码头0.8公里。此外,原住民拥有的胡纳图腾公司(代表该镇760名居民打理旅游生意)还建了一个吊舱客运系统,每个吊舱可以容纳八名乘客,每小时可以运送5600人,从而减少了多达100辆大巴以及由此造成的尾气排放。观熊和观鲸之旅凸显了这个社区对自然的敬畏,到来年4月,吊舱系统将抵达胡纳山的山顶,山里有多条徒步小径,还可以领略奇恰戈夫岛和通格斯国家林地的美景。当地居民将原住民语言和当地艺术的复兴归功于游客对原住民文化的兴趣。(撰文:Elaine Glusac)
        Categories: Indigenous-led, small footprint        类别:原住民主导,低能耗
        Cleveland, Ohio        俄亥俄,克利夫兰
        A restaurant with a mission of social justice turns dinner into a means of uplift        一家以社会正义为使命的餐厅将晚餐变成了一种精神升华的手段
        Dinner isn’t usually part of the prisoner re-entry system, but at EDWINS Leadership and Restaurant Institute in Cleveland’s Buckeye-Shaker neighborhood, the mission is larger than braised artichokes and Burgundy snails: The aim is to teach former prisoners a new trade. Founded by Brandon Chrostowski, a classically trained chef, EDWINS includes a fine-dining French restaurant, bakery, butcher and event space, all open to the public. The campus has a test kitchen, apartments and basketball courts, and EDWINS continues to buy and refurbish buildings in the underserved neighborhood (a culinary class is available on closed-circuit tablets in prisons throughout the country). The institute helps former inmates get a place to live rent-free (relocation fees are paid in part by the Cleveland Browns football team), a driver’s license, legal counseling and health care. “It’s not just about a wonderful restaurant, it’s not just about re-entry,” said Councilman Blaine Griffin of Cleveland. “This is social entrepreneurship at its best.” — Danielle Pergament        晚餐通常不是囚犯重返社会系统会涉及的部分,但在克利夫兰巴克艾–夏克尔社区的埃德温领导力和餐饮学院,这一使命不只包含红烧洋蓟和勃艮第蜗牛:目的是为前囚犯培训一项新的手艺。埃德温学院由受过经典训练的厨师布兰登·克罗斯托夫斯基创立,旗下包括一家高级法国餐厅、面包店、肉店和活动空间,全部向公众开放。校园有一个测试厨房、公寓和篮球场,埃德温学院继续在得不到充分服务的社区购买和翻新建筑物(全国各地监狱的闭路平板电脑都提供烹饪课程)。该学院帮助前囚犯获得免租金的住所(搬迁费部分由克利夫兰布朗队支付)、驾照、法律咨询和医疗保健。克利夫兰市议员布莱恩·格里芬说:“这不仅仅是关于一家很棒的餐厅,也不仅仅是关于重返社会。这是社会企业家精神的最佳体现。”(撰文:Danielle Pergament)
        Categories: Grass-roots activism, financial impact, and food and drink        类别:草根行动主义、经济影响、餐饮
        Courmayeur, Italy        意大利,库马约尔
        Striking a balance between tourism and conservation in a town where famed glaciers are at risk        这里以冰川风光闻名,冰川却岌岌可危,它试图在旅游和自然保护之间取得平衡
        This charming town at the foot of Mont Blanc, in a historically French-speaking region of Italy, has long made an effort to strike a balance between tourism and conservation. Decades before overtourism became alarming, Courmayeur began limiting access in the summer to its two high valleys, Val Veny and Val Ferret, with a fixed number of private cars and a separate quota for those with reservations at one of the local inns, known for their polenta concia — creamy polenta with local fontina cheese. Some days, private cars are banned altogether, and in the winter both valleys become ski slopes. The cable car that carries visitors to Mont Blanc, a breathtaking experience, uses energy from renewable sources. But it takes more than a village to stop the global warming threatening Mont Blanc and its many glaciers. One of them, Planpincieux, has been declared in danger of collapse. Authorities are closely monitoring the situation, so visitors should follow warnings to avoid some routes — or the entire area — when risk is deemed too high. — Anna Momigliano        库马约尔这座迷人的小镇位于勃朗峰脚下,处在意大利一个历史上讲法语的地区。长期以来,这里一直努力在旅游和保护之间取得平衡。在旅游过度开发变得令人担忧的几十年前,库马约尔每逢夏季就对这里的两个高山谷地——韦尼谷和费雷谷采取限流措施,规定了私家车准入数量,那些在当地客栈订房的人享有单独设定的配额,这些旅馆以pollenta concia(奶油玉米粥加当地的芳提娜奶酪)闻名。有些时候,私家车完全禁止进入,而到了冬季,两个山谷都变成了滑雪场。缆车将游客送到勃朗峰,这是一种令人叹为观止的体验,缆车使用的是可再生能源。但是,要阻止给勃朗峰及其众多冰川带来威胁的全球变暖现象,仅靠一个村庄是不够的。其中一个名叫普兰潘雪的冰川已被宣布存在崩塌的危险。当局正在进行密切监测,因此游客应该遵循警告,在风险过高时,避开某些路线或者整个地区。(撰文:Anna Momigliano)
        Categories: Small footprint and endangered landscape        类别:低碳足迹,濒临灭绝的景观
        Red River Delta, Vietnam        越南,红河三角洲
        Celebrating an ancient singing style and other age-old traditions in a less-visited region        在一个游客较少的地区赞美一种悠久的歌唱风格和其他古老传统
        Once travel begins to normalize, tourists will undoubtedly flock to Vietnam’s world-famous beaches and dynamic megacities. But head north to the traditional villages of the Red River Delta, and you can immerse yourself in centuries-old cultural practices and a way of life that is at risk of disappearing. Since ancient times, villagers along the Cau River in northern Vietnam have sung Quan họ, a call-and-response folk music style performed by alternating all-female and all-male duets from neighboring villages that was recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage practice in 2009. In the decade since, 49 ancient villages in Bắc Ninh and Bắc Giang provinces have taken measures to safeguard the cultural heritage of Quan ho — which includes countless rituals celebrating culinary traditions — and to address rural-urban migration through cultural tourism. Hanoi-based tour operators like Vietnamstay and Khoa Viet Travel offer travelers a chance to explore the villages’ Buddhist temples, craft communes, Ly Dynasty pagodas and waterways while helping to preserve the past. — Charly Wilder        毫无疑问,一旦旅游业开始正常化,游客们就会蜂拥到越南举世闻名的海滩和充满活力的大都市。但向北前往红河三角洲的传统村庄,就可以沉浸在沿袭几个世纪的古老文化习俗和濒临消失的生活方式中。越南北部考河沿岸的村民自古以来就有唱“官贺”的传统,这是一种唱和应答的民间音乐,由邻近村庄的男女交替对唱。2009年,这一活动被联合国教科文组织列为非物质文化遗产。在那之后的十年里,北宁省和北江省的49个古村落采取措施来保护官贺文化遗产——其中包括无数弘扬烹饪传统的仪式——并通过文化旅游来解决城乡人口迁徙问题。河内的旅游公司Vietnamstay和Khoa Viet Travel让游客可以在帮助保护传统的同时,探索村庄里的佛教寺庙和手工艺社团以及李朝的宝塔和水道。(撰文:Charly Wilder)
        Categories: Cultural preservation        类别:文化保护
        South Africa        南非
        Endangered wildlife, an underwater forest and a struggling UNESCO site support jobs and education        濒危野生动物、一座水下森林,一个支持就业和教育、陷入资金困境的联合国教科文组织
        After nearly two years of restricted travel and the recent detection of the Omicron coronavirus variant, South Africa’s many outstanding wildlife reserves and conservation projects are badly in need of support. Lockdowns caused a 96 percent drop in visits to South Africa’s national parks, jeopardizing the efforts of places like iSimangaliso Wetland Park, an 800,000-acre UNESCO World Heritage site on the country’s eastern coast. Home to elephants, leopards, lions, rhinos and whales, iSimangaliso also supports more than 12,000 jobs and an environmental education program involving 150 schools. Visitors can keep it classic and track the “Big Five” — elephants, rhinos, buffalo, lions and leopards — on safari at some of the country’s approximately 500 private game reserves, like Kariega and Manyeleti. Or they can go a step further and volunteer to monitor biodiversity with the Endangered Wildlife Trust at Medike Nature Reserve in the Soutpansberg Mountains, or help save the dazzling aquatic life and octopus teachers that inhabit the Great African Seaforest, the planet’s only forest of giant bamboo kelp. — Charly Wilder        在受到近两年的旅行限制和新发现的奥密克戎变异株的影响后,南非许多优秀的野生动物保护区和保护项目急需支持。封锁导致南非国家公园的访问量下降了96%,危及这些公园保护自然的努力,其中包括伊西曼格利索湿地公园。该湿地公园地处南非东海岸,占地80万英亩,是联合国教科文组织认定的世界遗产。作为大象、豹子、狮子、犀牛和鲸鱼的家园,伊西曼格利索还支持超过1.2万个工作岗位和一个涉及150所学校的环境教育计划。游客可以选择经典的观光方式,在南非约500个私人野生动物保护区(如卡列加和马涅莱蒂)中追踪“五大”动物——大象、犀牛、水牛、狮子和豹子。或者,他们可以更进一步,在索潘斯堡山脉梅迪克自然保护区的濒危野生动物信托基金的协助下成为监测生物多样性的志愿者,或者帮助拯救栖息在地球上唯一的巨型海藻林——大非洲海洋森林——中五彩缤纷的水生生物和“章鱼老师”。(撰文:Charly Wilder)
        Categories: wildlife conservation and financial impact        类别:野生动物保护区,经济影响
        Uttarakhand, India        印度,北阿坎德邦
        A tourism initiative empowers local women in northern India and gives travelers an intimate introduction to life in remote villages        印度北部的一项旅游计划为当地女性赋予力量,并让游客们深入了解偏远村庄的生活
        In northern India, along the Tibetan border, the Himalayas soar to 25,000 feet and paths wander by misty waterfalls, ancient temples and through rhododendron forests. But those paths can be deadly, especially to local men who drink too much and tumble to their deaths. In 2009, Poonam Rawat-Hahne, a social justice activist with ties to the region, learned of the tragedy of those left behind. Ms. Rawat-Hahne was inspired to start a nonprofit called the Bachan Charitable Trust, which has a sustainable-travel arm called Fernweh Fair Travel that’s based on a simple idea: Train widows and survivors of domestic violence to offer homestays, cook for visitors and be guides. Fernweh brings a maximum of eight groups of no more than 10 people a year to villages like Gopeshwar, Mandal and Chopta, where travelers can do yoga, take cooking lessons and hike among the wild orchids of the nearby Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary. Visitors stay in cabins, village homes and, soon, a new eco-retreat in Koteshwar. Funds support environmental and educational programs in at least nine villages; a group buying just one meal from a widow will support her for months. “This is not mass tourism,” Ms. Rawat-Hahne says. “This is empowerment.” — Tim Neville        在印度北部靠近西藏边境地区,喜马拉雅山脉高达7600米,小路上有雾蒙蒙的瀑布、古老的寺庙,还有杜鹃花林。但这些道路可能让人送命,特别是那些喝多了的当地男人,可能在路上失足身亡。2009年,与该地区有联系的社会正义活动人士卜纳姆·拉瓦特-哈恩得知了村庄留守者的悲剧,受到启发,创办了一个名为“巴尚慈善信托”的非营利组织。该组织有一个可持续旅游部门,名为Fernweh Fair Travel,其理念很简单:培训寡妇和家庭暴力幸存者,让她们提供寄宿服务,为游客做饭,并担任导游。Fernweh每年最多带八个不超过10人的旅游团前往戈佩什瓦尔、曼达尔和乔普塔等村庄,游客可以在那里做瑜伽、上烹饪课,还可以在附近的凯达纳特野生动物保护区的野生兰花丛中徒步。游客们住在小木屋和村舍里,不久后,科特什瓦还将新建一个生态度假区。旅游项目募集的资金用来支持至少九个村庄的环境和教育项目;一个旅游团只需从一个寡妇那里购买一顿饭,就可以支撑她几个月的生活。“这不是大众旅游,”拉瓦特-哈恩说。“这是赋权。”(撰文:Tim Neville)
        Categories: Financial impact, women’s empowerment and grass-roots activism        类别:经济影响、为女性赋权和基层行动主义
        Fogo Island, Newfoundland, Canada        加拿大,纽芬兰福戈岛
        A traditional fishing community turns to tourism and finds new life        一个传统的捕鱼社区转向旅游业,并重获生机
        In 1992, Newfoundland’s moratorium on cod fishing decimated fishing villages along the region’s Atlantic coast, including Fogo Island, a granite outpost of stilt-supported fishing shacks and saltbox cottages. But the arrival of the angular and arresting Fogo Island Inn in 2013 changed the island’s fortunes, as intended by its founder, the Fogo native Zita Cobb. Nine years later, the population has stabilized and more than 70 new businesses have opened, along with a dozen food producers. Now there are lodging alternatives to the inn (where rates start at over 2,500 Canadian dollars, or about $2,000, a night), including vacation homes with names like Aunt Glady’s from The Old Salt Box Co., and cottages from Escape by the Sea. In summer, after summiting bald Brimstone Head, one of the island’s highest points, or watching birds or icebergs, fuel up at Scoff, run by former cooks at the inn, or Bangbelly Café. The strong arts-and-crafts scene, including galleries such as Fogo Clay Studio, attests to the power of tourism to sustain a community. — Elaine Glusac        1992年,纽芬兰的鳕鱼捕捞禁令导致该地区大西洋沿岸的渔村遭遇生存危机,其中包括福戈岛——这处边陲之地被花岗岩覆盖,架高的捕鱼棚和盐盒式小屋是这里的特色建筑。但在2013年,造型瘦长、引人注目的福戈岛酒店落成后,改变了这座岛屿的命运,正如该酒店的创办者、福戈岛人齐塔·科布所希望的那样。九年过去了,这里的人口稳定了下来,而且还出现了70多家新商户,以及十几家食品生产商。现在,除了这座酒店(房价2500加元起,约合1.26万元人民币一晚),还有其他的住宿选择,比如老盐盒公司的度假屋产品Aunt Glady’s,以及乡间别墅Escape by the Sea。夏天的时候,在登上该岛的最高点之一硫磺岬,或者在观鸟、欣赏冰川后,不妨前往福戈岛酒店之前的几位厨师经营的餐馆Scoff饱餐一顿,或者Bangbelly Café也是不错的选择。这里浓厚的艺术/手工艺氛围,包括Fogo Clay Studio等艺廊,都证明了旅游业对维持一个社区的作用。(撰文:Elaine Glusac)
        Categories: Community revival        类别:社区复兴
        The Great Highway, San Francisco        旧金山,大公路
        A throughway becomes a must-go destination, pointing the way for post-pandemic urbanism        一条成为非去不可目的地的高速公路,为大流行后的城市化指明了方向
        Most pandemic-related shutdowns were disruptive reactions to a disease-dominated world, but many people across the U.S. welcomed one exception: prohibiting car traffic on city streets. In San Francisco, the street shutdowns included a two-mile stretch on the city’s far western edge known as the Great Highway. The throughway became a destination, a beach-front promenade flanking the raw expanse of Ocean Beach, and a community center — friends met up for walks, local children learned to ride bikes, and everything “popped up,” from street art to protests and trick-or-treating. But opponents took issue, with claims of increased traffic, limited access for older people and the disabled, and general inconvenience. In an uneasy compromise, city officials reopened the highway to traffic Monday to Friday. Still, on weekends, the Great Highway has become a unique destination — in a city full of them — to take in San Francisco’s wild Pacific Ocean coastline by foot, bike, skates or scooter, sample food trucks and explore local cafes, restaurants, record stores, bookstores and more. It’s also a telling microcosm of the ways in which our cities, and our values, shifted during the pandemic. — Lauren Sloss        大多数与大流行相关的停工都是对疾病主导的世界的破坏性反应,但美国各地的许多人欢迎一个例外:禁止汽车在城市街道上行驶。在旧金山,关闭的街道包括城市最西边3.2公里长的被称为大公路的路段。这条公路变成了一个目的地,一条一侧是广阔海滩的海滨长廊,以及一个社区中心——朋友在这里相约散步,当地孩子在学骑自行车,从街头艺术到抗议和不给糖就捣蛋,一切都“突然出现”。但是反对者提出了异议,声称交通流量增加,老年人和残疾人的通道有限,以及存在普遍的不便。市政府官员无奈之下做出妥协,在周一至周五重新开放了高速公路的通行。但在周末,大公路仍已成为一个独特的目的地——在这个充满游乐场所的城市里,这里可以步行、骑自行车、滑溜冰鞋或滑板车来欣赏旧金山自然的太平洋海岸线,品尝小吃车的出品,探索当地的咖啡馆、餐馆、唱片店、书店等等。这也是我们的城市和价值观在大流行期间发生变化的一个生动缩影。(撰文:Lauren Sloss)
        Categories: Grass-roots activism and urban spaces        类别:草根行动主义和城市空间
        Kyoto, Japan        日本,京都
        Tourism in service of traditional architecture with a precarious future        为未来岌岌可危的传统建筑服务的旅游业
        Tucked between pachinko parlors and convenience stores, Kyoto’s machiya — traditional wooden townhouses, long and narrow, and often hiding courtyard gardens just beyond their latticed fronts — have been vanishing since World War II. The city has worked hard to preserve the structures: A machiya development fund was created in 2005, and the buildings were twice put on a watch list by the World Monuments Fund. To encourage their conservation, the buildings are also taxed at a lower rate than modern high-rises. But those efforts may now fall short. Teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, Kyoto is in cost-cutting — and revenue-raising — overdrive. After tourism dropped by 88 percent in 2020, some traditional neighborhoods may be threatened by commercial development. Tourism can help. Some investors have converted machiya into guesthouses, boutiques and high-end restaurants. When visitors, and their dollars, come to these properties, they send a message: The history of machiya matters to Kyoto. — Debra Kamin        坐落在弹珠房和便利店之间的京都町屋——狭长的传统木屋,庭院往往隐在交错成格状的门面内——自“二战”后开始逐渐消失。这座城市已努力保存这些建筑结构:2005年设立了一个町屋发展基金,这些建筑已两度被世界文化遗产基金会列入观察名单。为了鼓励外界保护这些建筑,它们需要缴的税也低于现代的高楼大厦。但这些努力如今可能仍然不足。濒临破产的京都正在忙于削减成本、提高收入。在旅游业2020年下降88%后,一些传统街区可能会面临商业发展的威胁。旅游业能提供帮助。一些投资者已将町屋改为小型私营旅馆、精品酒店及高端餐馆。当到访者和他们口袋里的资金来到这些物业里时,就发出了一个信息:町屋的历史对京都来说至关重要。(撰文:Debra Kamin)
        Categories: Cultural heritage and financial impact        类别:文化遗产和经济影响
        El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico        波多黎各,云盖国家森林
        Local efforts revive a hard-hit reserve where government aid has been slow to arrive        当地的行动复苏了一个遭受重创的保护区,在那里政府援助的到来十分缓慢
        Puerto Rico’s El Yunque National Forest is the only rainforest within the U.S. Forest Service’s holdings. Named by the Indigenous Taino tribe, it offers one of the most diverse ecosystems in the network, with wildlife including the famed Coqui frog, the island’s unofficial symbol. Hit by the back-to-back hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017, El Yunque is still recovering from the impact, and funding for everything from infrastructure to conservation has been slow to arrive. But local organizations like the nonprofit Love in Motion haven’t been waiting. Its initiatives include rebuilding the Picachos and Angelito trails (you can also swim in the natural pool along the latter); the sister organization Local Guest arranges low-impact itineraries like bird watching and hiking while community building. Stay in a locally owned property like Dos Aguas, which has been in the same family since the 1950s (currently available only as a full house rental because of Covid) or the Rainforest Inn, with a botanical garden and solar-powered electricity. — Ondine Cohane        波多黎各的云盖国家森林是美国国家森林局管辖的唯一一个雨林。该国家森林由原住民泰诺人命名,有着美国国家森林体系里最为多元化的生态系统之一,其中的野生生物包括著名的小树蛙,它也是该岛的非官方标志。2017年,云盖受到了飓风“伊玛”和“玛利亚”接连打击,目前仍在从其造成的影响中复苏。此外,从基础建设到保护,政府拨款一直迟缓。但例如非营利组织“爱在行动”等当地组织并没有只在一旁等待。该组织的倡议包括重建Picachos和Angelito小径(你也可以在沿着后者的天然泳池游泳);在社区建设期间,姊妹组织“当地客人”安排了对环境负面影响较小的行程,例如观鸟和徒步。在例如Dos Aguas或Rainforest Inn这样由当地人拥有的物业中留宿,前者自1950年来以来一直由同一家族拥有(目前由于新冠病毒仅可全屋整租),后者带有一个植物园,室内由太阳能供电。(撰文:Ondine Cohane)
        Categories: Grass-roots activism and financial impact        类别:草根行动主义和经济影响
        Sierra Leone        塞拉利昂
        A destination battered by conflict and epidemic offers adventure and the chane to make an impact        一个饱受冲突和疫情困扰的景点提供了冒险和带来改变的机会
        In the 1980s, the sandy, palm-fringed beaches of this West African country used to attract high-flying tourists from Europe and beyond. But visitors disappeared when civil war broke out in the 1990s, and today — after nearly 20 years of peace and nearly six years after an Ebola outbreak ended — most have yet to return. But this small nation has an enormous amount to offer adventurous visitors, and authorities hope that tourism will be a more sustainable resource than diamonds or gold. Visitors who make the trip can spend the night in a jungly eco-lodge at the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary (your stay supports the sanctuary’s work); enjoy a cold beer and fresh lobster on the beaches of the Western Peninsula; learn about a chapter in history on a tour of the ruined slave fort on Bunce Island; and make the three- or four-day expedition to the top of 6,381-foot Mount Bintumani, the country’s highest peak. Paige McClanahan        1980年代,这个西非国家棕榈树环绕的沙滩曾吸引着欧洲和其他国家的游客乘飞机前来。但是,1990年代内战爆发后,游客们就消失了。如今,这个国家获得和平已将近20年,埃博拉疫情结束也将近六年,然而大多数游客还没有回来。但是这个小国有大量资源可以提供给喜欢冒险的游客,当局希望旅游业能成为比钻石或黄金更可持续的资源。来此旅行的游客可以在塔库加马黑猩猩保护区的丛林生态小屋过夜(你的住宿可以支持保护区的工作);在西半岛的海滩上享用冰镇啤酒和新鲜龙虾;在邦斯岛的奴隶堡垒废墟了解历史上的篇章;然后进行三到四天的探险,登上该国最高峰——1945米高的宾图马尼山。(撰文:Paige McClanahan)
        Categories: financial impact and new itinerary        类别:经济影响和新行程
        Slovenia        斯洛文尼亚
        Where high-end dining is fed by the produce of local farms        高端餐饮,由当地农场供货
        Slovenia wants to cook for you, because the June 2020 launch of the first Michelin guide devoted to its restaurants was a source of national pride. It validated the way this central European country of just over 2 million people has been putting environmentally responsible travel and its good food and wines at the heart of its identity as a desirable destination for travelers since it became independent 30 years ago. “From the very beginning, we knew our food was special and would become a major reason to visit our country,” says Ana Ros, the chef at Hiso Franko, Slovenia’s most famous restaurant and the only one with two Michelin stars. Slovenian cooking is a delicious reflection of the country’s location at a culinary crossroads between Mediterranean, Germanic and Slavic countries, but the real reason its food is so good is that it’s made with produce from the country’s small farms. Some of them, like Govc, are part of a farm-stay network the Slovenian government launched in 1992. — Alexander Lobrano        斯洛文尼亚想为你做饭,因为2020年6月推出的第一本专门介绍其餐馆的米其林指南是民族自豪感的来源。它验证了这个作为旅行者理想目的地的、仅有200多万人口的中欧国家自30年前独立以来,一直将对环境负责的旅行及其美食和美酒作为其独特身份的核心。“从一开始,我们就知道我们的食物很特别,并成为访问我们国家的一个主要原因,”斯洛文尼亚最著名的餐厅Hiso Franko的主厨Ana Ros说,该餐厅是该国唯一拥有米其林二星的餐厅。斯洛文尼亚烹饪美味地反映了该国位于地中海、日耳曼和斯拉夫国家之间的烹饪十字路口的位置,但其食物如此美味的真正原因在于它是用该国小农场的农产品制成的。其中一些农场,如Govc,是斯洛文尼亚政府在1992年推出的农场住宿网络的一部分。(撰文:Alexander Lobrano)
        Categories: Small footprint and food and drink        类别:低碳足迹和餐饮
        El Hierro, Spain        西班牙,耶罗
        Using wind and water to create power on a tiny outpost that is leading the way        偏远的弹丸之地用风电、水电引领环保潮流
        A few hundred miles off the coast of Morocco, flung out in the middle of the Atlantic, is El Hierro, the most remote — and, some say, the most charming — of the Canary Islands. It’s also a pint-size leader in renewable energy. In 2014, El Hierro opened Gorona del Viento, a power plant that uses a system of reservoirs and wind to supply the island’s electricity (wind provides power while pumping water into reservoirs; hydraulic turbines take over when the wind dies down; diesel supplies a fallback when both those sources are lacking). Recently, Gorona del Viento was able to supply the island’s 11,000 inhabitants with 100 percent renewable energy for 25 consecutive days. As the infrastructure of El Hierro plants one foot in the future, the island’s cultural identity keeps the other rooted in the past. El Hierro’s historic language, Silbo Herreño, is one of the last whistling languages in the world. When the island’s elders noticed that the Herreño whistle was dying out, the cultural association on El Hierro began offering free classes after school, at weekend markets and to the island’s shepherds (who traditionally communicate by whistling). — Danielle Pergament        耶罗岛距摩洛哥海岸数百英里,位于大西洋中部,是加那利群岛中最偏远的岛屿,也有人说也是最迷人的岛屿。它还是可再生能源领域的小型领导者。2014年,耶罗开设了戈罗纳·德尔维恩托发电厂,使用水库和风力系统为岛上供电(风力提供电力,同时将水泵入水库;风力减弱时由水力涡轮机接管;当这两个来源同时缺乏时,柴油提供备用电源)。最近,戈罗纳·德尔维恩托已能够连续25天为岛上的1.1万名居民提供100%的可再生能源。耶罗的基础设施是站稳了一只脚,而岛上根植于过去的文化特征是另一只脚。耶罗的历史语言Silbo Herreño是世界上最后一个口哨语言之一。当岛上的长者注意到Herreño口哨声逐渐消失时,耶罗的文化协会开始在放学后,或在周末市场上提供免费课程,并将其教授给岛上的牧羊人(传统上,牧羊人通过吹口哨进行交流)。(撰文:Danielle Pergament)
        Categories: Renewable energy and cultural heritage        类别:可再生能源和文化遗产
        Summerland Peninsula, Australia        澳大利亚,夏地半岛
        The largest colony of the world’s smallest penguin shows how putting the environment first can succeed        最小企鹅的世界最大聚居区表明环境优先的成功
        Every evening on Phillip Island, a throng of tiny penguins emerges from the surf, waddling up toward nests that dot Summerland Beach. The penguin parade, as it’s known, is a sight that has garnered attention since the 1920s, when visitors began flocking to this island in southeastern Australia for a chance to see the world’s smallest penguin breed (adults average just 13 inches tall) up close as they head home after a day of fishing. For a time, the crowds that gathered for the nightly ritual caused problems for the penguin colony, as did the cars, pets and construction that accompanied a nearby neighborhood, Summerland Estates. Today, however, this piece of land is a remarkable ecological success story. In 1985, the state government implemented a plan to buy every piece of property on the peninsula and return the land to its natural state — and to its original inhabitants, the tiny penguins. The process was completed in 2010, and the penguin population now sits at around 35,000 breeding-aged birds, up from 12,000 in the 1980s. In 2019, a new $58 million visitor center opened to the public; it includes educational elements and a restaurant where you can sit and watch what is now the largest colony of the world’s smallest penguin. — Besha Rodell        在菲利普岛上的每个夜晚,都会有一大群小小企鹅从浪尖出现,摇摇晃晃地走向零星散布在夏地半岛的企鹅巢。这场名为企鹅大游行的景象自1920年代就吸引着人们的注意,当时游客开始蜂拥至这个位于澳大利亚东南部的岛,只为了在钓了一天的鱼与即将回家时近距离一览世界上最小的企鹅繁衍后代(成年企鹅平均高33厘米)。有一段时间,为这个夜间仪式聚集起来的人群以及汽车、宠物和附近一个名为“夏地房地产”街区一起出现的建筑工事为这个企鹅聚居地带来了问题。但如今,这片土地成为了一个令人惊叹的成功故事。1985年,州政府实施了一项计划,买下半岛上所有物业,让土地回归自然状态,并交还给其原本的居民——小企鹅。这一过程于2010年完成,企鹅数量如今约为3.5万只育龄企鹅,比1980年代的1.2万只有所增长。2019年,一个耗资5800万美元的游客中心对外开放,其中包含教育元素,还配套有一个餐馆,你可以在那里坐下欣赏当今世上最小企鹅的最大聚居地。(撰文:Besha Rodell)
        Categories: wildlife conservation        类别:野生动物保护
        Dana Biosphere Reserve, Jordan        约旦,达纳生物圈保护区
        Sustaining traditional livelihoods through village restoration in a desert landscape        通过在沙漠景观中振兴村庄来维持传统生计
        Perched on a cliff overlooking the central valley of Jordan’s largest nature reserve stand the quaint Ottoman-era stone houses of Dana Village. Once abandoned by the Ata-ta tribe, the settlement is being brought back to life through an ecotourism project that aims to preserve the area’s biodiversity by empowering local communities. Many of the 15th-century houses have been converted into eco-lodges with terraced gardens and orchards, creating an oasis above the desert plains below. Along the village’s cobbled streets, local women sell handcrafted jewelry and homemade jams produced from fruits grown in their orchards. Dana Village marks the start of the nine-mile Wadi Dana hiking trail that spans the reserve and its flora and fauna. The reserve is home to 833 plant species and several endangered bird species, as well as archaeological ruins from the Byzantine, Nabatean and Roman periods, including the ancient copper mines in Wadi Faynan. — Ceylan Yeginsu        在悬崖上俯瞰着约旦最大自然保护区的中央谷地的,是达纳村古朴的奥斯曼时代石屋。曾经被Ata-ta部落遗弃的这个定居点,正通过一个生态旅游项目恢复生机,该项目旨在通过赋权于当地社区来保护该地区的生物多样性。许多15世纪的房屋已被改造成带有梯田花园和果园的生态小屋,在下面的沙漠平原上创造出一片绿洲。沿着村庄的鹅卵石街道,当地妇女出售手工制作的珠宝和用果园里的水果制作的自制果酱。达纳村是14.5公里长的瓦迪-达纳徒步路径的起点,该路径跨越保护区及其动植物群。这个保护区是833种植物和几种濒危鸟类的家园,也拥有拜占庭、纳巴特和罗马时期的考古遗迹,包括费南谷地的古铜矿。(撰文:Ceylan Yeginsu)
        Categories: Indigenous-led and conservation        类别:原住民主导和保护
        Gouda, The Netherlands        荷兰,豪达
        A Dutch treat for cheese lovers and those wanting to get beyond Amsterdam        对于奶酪爱好者和不止想游览阿姆斯特丹的人来说,这是一种荷兰式款待
        In 2019, the Dutch tourism board made the surprising announcement it would stop promoting travel to the Netherlands. Because of overtourism, it would also shift to encouraging visitors to consider the country beyond Amsterdam and to travel more sustainably. A charming example of a Dutch destination that ticks these boxes is Gouda, a small historic city in the south. Internationally renowned for its namesake cheese, which has been produced there since 1184 and is one of the world’s 10 most popular cheeses, Gouda is an ideal base for a car-free visit to the Netherlands. An extensive system of well-marked bicycle routes (with charging stations for e-bikes) makes it easy to explore the city and surrounding region. The new 25-room Weeshuis Gouda hotel occupies a beautifully renovated 16th-century orphanage. Visit the new Gouda Cheese Experience, which opened in June 2020 in a butter-yellow former 19th-century military barracks, for a tasting of artisanal aged cheeses. — Alexander Lobrano        2019 年,荷兰旅游局出人意料地宣布,将停止对荷兰的旅游宣传。由于过度旅游,该局也将转向鼓励游客考虑该国除了阿姆斯特丹以外的地方,并以更可持续的方式旅行。符合这些条件的荷兰目的地的一个迷人例子是南部的历史小城豪达。豪达因其同名奶酪而闻名于世,该奶酪自1184年起就在那里生产,是世界上最受欢迎的10种奶酪之一。豪达是无车游荷兰的一个理想基地。标记清晰的自行车路线系统四通八达(带有电动自行车充电站),使得探索这个城市和周边地区变得很容易。新建的Weeshuis Gouda酒店拥有25间客房,所在地是一座经过精心翻修的16世纪孤儿院。你可以参观新的豪达奶酪体验馆,它于2020年6月在一个牛油黄色的19世纪军营中开业,在这里可以品尝到手工制作的熟成奶酪。(撰文:Alexander Lobrano)
        Categories: Sustainable tourism and food and drink        类别:可持续旅游和饮食
        Thy, Denmark        丹麦曲半岛
        Winds of change at the edge of the North Sea, where renewable energy is part of the attraction        北海边缘的变革之风,可再生能源是其吸引力的一部分
        If Denmark has a final frontier, it’s Thy. Silent dunes, tangled forests and near-mythic gales make this region in northwest Jutland about as far away from Copenhagen as you can get. Thy is an epicenter for wind energy — around 50 percent of Denmark’s electricity in 2020 was powered by wind and solar — and those interested in learning more about wind turbines and renewable initiatives can visit the Østerild test facility’s visitor center. The wind also shaped Thy’s coastline, where the wryly named Cold Hawaii surf community rides the curving shore’s distinctive swells. Not to be missed is the sprawling Thy National Park, rippling with dunes, meadows, marshes and lakes, big and small, and its new visitor center in Nørre Vørupor, uniquely designed to gently fold into the sandy landscape. The Thy wilderness is also folded into food and drink: Enjoy beer spiced with bog myrtle from Thisted Bryghus, fresh catch from the fish auction at Medvind and the “National Park platter” at Stenbjerg Kro.— AnneLise Sorensen        如果说丹麦有最后的边界,那就是曲半岛。宁静的沙丘、交错的森林和近乎神话般的大风,使这个位于日德兰半岛西北部的地区成为离哥本哈根最远的地方。曲半岛是风能的中心——2020年丹麦约50%的电力是由风能和太阳能提供的——那些有兴趣了解更多关于风力涡轮机和可再生能源倡议的人可以参观Østerild测试设施的访客中心。风也塑造了曲半岛的海岸线,这里有着诙谐名字的“寒冷夏威夷”冲浪社区在弯曲海岸独特的涌浪上驰骋。不容错过的是广阔的曲半岛国家公园,这里有大大小小的沙丘、草地、沼泽和湖泊,以及位于Nørre Vørupor的新游客中心,其独特的设计使其柔和地融入沙地景观。曲半岛的荒凉也被融入到了食物和饮料中。你可以享用来自特兹德啤酒厂的沼泽桃金娘风味啤酒、Medvind的鱼类拍卖会上的新鲜渔获以及Stenbjerg Kro酒店的“国家公园拼盘”。(撰文:AnneLise Sorensen)
        Categories: Renewable energy and outdoor activities        类别:可再生能源和户外活动
        The Red Sea Mountain Trail, Egypt        埃及,红海山径
        Rugged highlands, narrow gorges and generations of Bedouin culture reveal themselves in a region visited on foot        崎岖的高地、狭窄的峡谷和几代贝都因人的文化在一个通过徒步游览的地区呈现出来
        For centuries, pastoral nomads in Egypt’s Eastern Desert traversed this arid region by a network of pathways over granite ranges, across barren valleys and through colorful canyons. Now the Ma’aza tribe has revived the ancient footpaths to create the long-distance Red Sea Mountain Trail. The 100-mile trail opened a few months before the pandemic shut the world down, and now its founders are hoping to organize the first through hike later this year. Meanwhile, the Ma’aza tribe offers day hikes through separate sections of this astonishing wilderness, hemmed between the Nile River and the Red Sea. All hikes are led by Bedouins. On the trek to Jebel Abul Hassan, hikers find themselves in a magical narrowing gorge flanked by pink and black granite walls. The hike up the sheer slopes of Wadi El Gattar reveals stone hermit cells built by early Christians fleeing the Romans, and primitive rock art from long before then. Egypt lags in its coronavirus vaccination rate, but crowds in these rugged highlands are not an issue, and hikers and guides must undergo rapid Covid tests before treks. It’s the ultimate sustainable tourism project: the water drawn from wells, the flat bread baked in campfires, and the Bedouin legends, traditions and knowledge of the terrain preserved for future generations. — Patrick Scott        数个世纪以来,经由花岗岩山脉、贫瘠的山谷和五颜六色的峡谷上的小径网络,埃及东部沙漠的游牧民族穿行于这片干旱的地区。现在,马萨部落恢复了这些古老的步道,打造出一条长距离的红海山径。这条160公里的小径是在疫情导致世界停摆之前几个月开放的,现在它的创立者希望在今年晚些时候组织首次徒步之旅。与此同时,马阿扎部落提供白天徒步旅行,穿越这片被尼罗河和红海包围的惊人荒野的不同部分。所有的徒步旅行都由贝都因人带领。在前往杰贝尔·阿布·哈桑的旅途中,徒步者会发现自己置身于一个神奇的狭窄峡谷,两侧是粉色和黑色的花岗岩墙。沿着瓦迪·艾尔·加塔尔陡峭的斜坡往上走,可以看到早期的基督徒为躲避罗马人而修建的石头隐居小屋,以及远在那之前的原始岩石艺术。埃及的新冠病毒疫苗接种率较低,但在这些崎岖的高地,不会有拥挤的人群,徒步者和导游必须在出发前接受快速的病毒检测。这完全是有可持续性的旅游项目:从井中取水,用篝火烘烤薄饼,以及代代相传的贝都因人的传说、传统和对地形的了解。(撰文:Patrick Scott)
        Categories: Indigenous-led, natural beauty and new itinerary.        类别:原住民主导、自然美景和新的行程。
        Little Calumet River, Chicago        芝加哥,小卡卢梅特河
        African American history and restored marshlands on a new marine trail in a less-touristed neighborhood        非裔美国人的历史,以及在一个游客稀少的居住区里一条新海洋路线上的复原湿地
        In the Calumet region of Southeast Chicago, interest in the area’s nearly two centuries of African American heritage is flourishing alongside a new marine trail. Established by the urban conservation organization Openlands and community partners, the seven-mile African American Heritage Water Trail aims to tell the story of the Little Calumet River and those connected to it throughout history, like freedom seekers on the Underground Railroad who found shelter at Ton Farm, owned by Dutch immigrants. Paddle by canoe or kayak to the trail’s other key sites, including Chicago’s Finest Marina, one of the oldest Black-owned marinas in the area, and the Major Taylor Trail Bridge, named after the African American cyclist legend. And history isn’t the only draw for visitors: Thanks to initiatives by Audubon Great Lakes and other conservation groups, more marsh bird species are returning to this restored wetland area. — AnneLise Sorensen        在芝加哥东南部的卡鲁梅特地区,人们对该地区近两个世纪的非裔美国人遗产的兴趣,正与一条新的海洋路线一起蓬勃发展。由城市保护组织Openlands和社区合作伙伴建立的约11公里长的非裔美国人遗产水路,旨在讲述小卡卢梅特河和历史上与之相关的人的故事,比如通过地下铁路寻求自由的人在荷兰移民拥有的Ton农场找到庇护所。你可以乘坐独木舟或皮划艇前往该路线的其他重要景点,包括芝加哥Finest码头,这是该地区最古老的黑人拥有的码头之一,以及以非裔美国人传奇自行车手命名的泰勒少校路桥。而历史并不是吸引游客的唯一原因。由于奥杜邦大湖区和其他保护团体的倡议,更多的沼泽鸟类正在返回这片复原的湿地区域。(撰文:AnneLise Sorensen)
        Categories: Cultural heritage and urban spaces        类别:文化遗产和城市空间
        The Inner Hebrides, Scotland        苏格兰,内赫布里底群岛
        A signature industry searches for a sustainable future using water and high-tech fuel        一个标志性行业利用水和高科技燃料寻找一个可持续性未来
        These islands along Scotland’s west coast are known for their wild, secluded beauty: fields of wildflowers, solitary beaches, ever-swirling seas. They’re also known for producing some of the world’s best single-malt whisky. Now, several new energy initiatives are helping to make the region — and its distilleries, which are largely reliant on fossil fuels — more eco-friendly. This year, the Bruichladdich Distillery, founded in 1881, is starting a pilot project on the island of Islay to begin using hydrogen fuel, in addition to fuel oil, to power its stills. According to the company, the zero-emission boiler, which will generate some of the steam required for distillation, will be the first of its kind in Britain. Plans are also underway to build new underwater wind turbines in the waters around Islay and Jura, a neighboring island, beginning in 2023. Those, too, could one day contribute to powering the islands and their distilleries, bringing an age-old industry — and the many tourists it draws — into a more sustainable future. — Jenny Gross        苏格兰西岸的这些群岛因其狂野、与世隔绝的美景著称:野花田、偏僻沙滩、旋流不息的大海。它们也因生产一些世界上最佳的单一麦芽威士忌而闻名。如今,几个新能源倡议正在帮助这个地区——以及该地主要依赖化石燃料的酿酒厂——变得更加环保。今年,建于1881年的布赫拉迪酿酒厂正在艾拉岛启动一个试点项目,开始在燃油之外使用氢燃料为蒸馏炉提供能源。据该公司表示,这个零排放锅炉将产生蒸馏所必需的一些蒸汽,该锅炉也将是英国首个同类产品。在艾拉岛和附近岛屿侏罗岛附近水域建造新水下风力涡轮机的计划也开始筹备,将在2023年开工。它们有朝一日也将为这些岛屿及岛上酿酒厂提供能源,将一个古老行业——以及该行业吸引来的许多游客——带入一个更可持续的未来。(撰文:Jenny Gross)
        Categories: Renewable energy and food and drink        类别:可再生能源和食物及饮品
        Normandy, France        法国,诺曼底
        Bike trails to inspire Impressionist painters and carbon-conscious travelers        激发印象派画家和有碳意识旅行者灵感的自行车道
        Claude Monet’s paintings of Normandy’s moody Atlantic coast could now have another element: a bicycle path, winding in the distance. New bike routes in the region include the 932-mile Vélomaritime, which starts south in Brittany, travels along the shore of the English Channel and ends at the Belgian border. Along the way, Mont-Saint-Michel rises out of the water and World War II’s D-Day landing beaches beckon. The Vélomaritime is one of the newer trails making up the EuroVelo, a bike network that aims to unite the European continent. The new 260-mile La Seine à Vélo, with a focus on promoting environmentally friendly bicycle tourism and connecting with local communities, embarks from Notre-Dame in Paris and follows the Seine to the Normandy coast, through sun-dappled countryside. La Seine à Vélo’s final stretch swoops through the area of Pays d’Auge, the cradle of Camembert, Calvados and cider. — AnneLise Sorensen        克劳德·莫奈描绘诺曼底多变大西洋海岸的画作现在可以再加入一个元素:一条蜿蜒在远处的自行车道。该地区的新自行车路线包括约1500公里的Vélomaritime,它从布列塔尼南部开始,沿着英吉利海峡海岸延伸至比利时边境。沿途,圣米歇尔山从水中现身,“二战”中诺曼底登陆的“作战日(D-Day)”海滩在远处召唤着你。Vélomaritime是构成EuroVelo的较新路径之一,这是一个旨在将欧洲大陆联接起来的自行车网络。全新的418公里沿塞纳河自行车绿道旨在促进环保的自行车旅游和与当地社区的联系,该路线从巴黎圣母院出发,沿着塞纳河骑至诺曼底海岸,一路穿过阳光普照的乡村地区。沿塞纳河自行车绿道的最后一段途经欧日地区,这里是卡芒贝尔奶酪、卡尔瓦多斯酒和苹果酒的摇篮。(撰文:AnneLise Sorensen)
        Categories: Outdoor activities and small footprint        类别:户外活动和低碳足迹
        Estes Park, Colorado        科罗拉多,埃斯蒂斯公园
        A ski town with no ski lifts makes for a smaller carbon footprint and gets travelers outdoors        一个没有滑雪缆车的滑雪小镇,它可以减少碳足迹,并鼓励游客走向户外
        Climate change has diminished snow and made for spottier ski seasons in many destinations. Skiers aiming to shrink their carbon footprint can turn to a ski town with no ski lifts: Estes Park, the gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park, about 65 miles north of Denver. The town’s original ski area, Hidden Valley, opened in 1955 in the park but closed in 1991 because it couldn’t compete with larger areas’ snow-making capabilities. Now, with runs still cut into the mountain, it attracts backcountry skiers who champion its powder with a “no pain, no altitude gain” attitude. Those new to backcountry skiing can learn how to uphill and descend safely with a course from the local Kent Mountain Adventure Center. Rewilding Expeditions offers more unmechanized recreation, including camping and snowshoe tours, and private tours led by Yellow Wood Guiding focus on wildlife and photography. Toast your adventures aprés-ski with an Altruism amber from Estes’ Rock Cut Brewing Company, which donates $1 of every Altruism beer sold to local organizations and nonprofits. — Elaine Glusac        由于气候变化,雪量变少,使许多滑雪目的地的滑雪季节变得不稳定。滑雪者如果想减少碳足迹,可以选择这个未设滑雪缆车的滑雪小镇:埃斯蒂斯公园,丹佛以北65英里,它是通往落基山国家公园的门户。该镇最初的滑雪场“隐秘谷”于1955年在这个公园内开放。但由于在造雪能力上无法与更大区域竞争,隐秘谷于1991年关闭。现在,雪道仍然深入山中,它吸引了越野滑雪者,他们以“想要高度得付出痛苦”的态度来尽情享受它的粉雪。那些刚接触越野滑雪的人可以通过当地肯特山探险中心的课程学习如何安全上坡和下坡。野外探险公司提供更多非器械的娱乐活动,包括露营和雪鞋徒步旅行,以及由黄木导游带领的专注于野生动物和摄影的私人旅行。滑雪回来后,用一杯埃斯蒂斯岩雕酿酒公司的“Altruism”琥珀啤酒来庆祝你的冒险之旅,该公司每售出一杯Altruism,就会捐赠1美元给当地团体和非营利组织。(撰文:Elaine Glusac)
        Categories: sustainable tourism and small footprint        类别:可持续旅游,低碳足迹
        Kunta Kinteh Island, Gambia        冈比亚,昆塔金特岛
        A struggle between a sorrowful history and rising seas on an endangered spot of land        在一个濒危小岛上,一段充满哀伤的历史与不断上涨海平面之间的斗争
        Kunta Kinteh Island, a speck of land near the mouth of the Gambia River, was a key site in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Formerly called James Island and used for hundreds of years as a staging ground for the transport of enslaved people, the island, part of a UNESCO World Heritage site, was renamed in recent years after a character in Alex Haley’s best-selling book “Roots.” Now, because of heavy erosion and rising seas, the island is at risk of being lost altogether. Its ruins — including the cramped quarters where men and women were confined before being sent across the Atlantic — have been partly protected, but only a fraction of the island’s land mass remains, the rest having been reclaimed by the surrounding water. Local tour guides can be hired to explain the island’s history, and a small cruise company runs annual river trips into Gambia, giving guests the opportunity to donate to a school and film festival the company founded deeper inland. — Nina Burleigh        昆塔金特岛是冈比亚河河口附近一小片地方,曾是跨大西洋奴隶贸易重地。该地曾名为詹姆斯岛,成百上千年来都被用于奴隶运输。该岛被收入了联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录,近年来根据亚历克斯·哈利的畅销书《根》中一个人物的名字重新命名。如今,由于严重侵蚀和不断上升的海平面,这个岛屿面临着整体消失的风险。岛上遗迹——包括人们被送到大西洋对岸前的狭窄关押地——某些部分已得到保护,但只是这个岛屿大面积遗迹的一部分,剩下的地方已被周遭水域重新吞没。游客可雇佣当地导游了解这个岛屿的历史,还有一家小型邮轮公司运营每年前往冈比亚的旅行,让客人有机会为该公司在内陆资助的一所学校和电影节捐款。(撰稿:Nina Burleigh)
        Categories: Endangered landscape and cultural heritage        类别:濒危景观和文化遗产
        Naples, Italy        意大利,那不勒斯
        Locals roll up their sleeves and combat climate change in a city where exploring on foot is part of the solution        当地人撸起袖子开始与气候变化作斗争,而徒步探索是解决方案之一
        See Naples and die, they say, meaning that this Mediterranean beauty should be on everyone’s bucket list. But sadly, Naples faces a precarious future. Without intervention, this densely populated city is expected to experience 55 days of extreme heat per year by 2049 and 93 days by 2081, according to a recent report. The good news is that some locals are rolling up their sleeves. A group of residents in the working-class neighborhood of San Giovanni a Teduccio has set up a “fair energy” community to provide free, clean electricity to families living below the poverty line, with a system of 166 solar panels. Local authorities encourage tourists to visit the city by foot, taking tours across Naples’s fabled stairways. The Pedamentina, a scenic route tracing it roots to the 14th century consisting of paved descents and more than 400 steps, cannot be missed. — Anna Momigliano        人们说,看到那不勒斯,就死而无憾了,意思是这处位于地中海的美丽景致应该在每个人的人生愿望清单上。但不幸的是,那不勒斯面临着不确定的未来。根据最近的一份报告,如果不采取干预措施,到2049年,这座人口稠密的城市预计每年将经历55天的极端高温,到2081年将经历93天。好消息是,一些当地人正在奋起抵抗。在工人阶层社区San Giovanni a Teduccio,一群居民搞了一个“公平能源”项目,用166块太阳能电池板为生活在贫困线以下的家庭提供免费、清洁的电力。当地政府鼓励游客徒步游览这座城市,走走那不勒斯那些著名的台阶。Pedamentina是一条风景优美的路线,可以追溯到14世纪,由铺设好的斜坡和400多级台阶组成,不容错过。(撰文:Anna Momigliano)
        Categories: Grass-roots activism, renewable energy and small footprint        类别:草根行动主义,可再生能源和低碳足迹
        Höga Kusten, Sweden        瑞典,霍加·库斯腾
        A natural refuge on the wild High Coast offers travelers a greener alternative        一个位于野生高海岸的大自然庇护所,让旅行者有了更环保的选择
        Swedes have long sought solitude in the untamed northern region known as Höga Kusten, or the High Coast, for its dramatic cliffs and pristine archipelago. With more than 100 nature preserves, a national park and hundreds of miles of trails, this wilderness refuge is a draw for hikers, cross-country skiers and mountaineers seeking less-trodden paths, stunning vistas and uncrowded campsites. A dedication to sustainable tourism, including a pledge to make the area carbon-neutral by 2030, promises to protect the future of the coast, its beautiful lakes and its old-growth forests. Last summer, new electric buses began ferrying hikers from nearby towns to the park’s entrance. To inspire hikers to appreciate the surrounding nature, the ArkNat architecture project has built several sculptural huts along the trails. — Ingrid K. Williams        自古以来,瑞典人就寻求在荒蛮的北部地区霍加·库斯腾(意为高海岸)隐居,因为这里有壮观的悬崖和原始群岛。这片荒野庇护所拥有100多个自然保护区、一个国家公园和数百英里的小径,吸引着远足者、越野滑雪者和登山者,他们寻求人迹罕至的小径、迷人的景色和没有太多人的露营地。它致力于可持续的旅游业,包括承诺到2030年使该地区实现碳中和,承诺保护海岸、其美丽湖泊和古老森林的未来。去年夏天,新的电动巴士开始将徒步旅行者从附近城镇送到公园入口。为了激励徒步旅行者欣赏周围的自然风光,ArkNat建筑项目沿着小径建造了几间犹如雕刻的小屋。(撰文:Ingrid K. Williams)
        Categories: small footprint and natural beauty        类别:低能耗,自然景色优美
        Humboldt, Kansas        堪萨斯州,洪堡
        Squint, and you’ll see hints of Marfa in a Midwest town aiming for renewal        眯起眼睛,你就会在这个旨在复兴的中西部小镇上发现马尔法的影子
        In 2016, a group of Kansas locals who had left decades ago began asking themselves, “What would it take to move back home?” The answer lay in tiny Humboldt, two hours southwest of Kansas City with a population of fewer than 2,000 people. With the support of the local community, the group established an organization, A Bolder Humboldt, to revitalize rural living, with the town becoming an unexpected and affordable oasis of cool surrounded by fields of wheat and soybeans. A Bolder Humboldt has already opened shops, community gardens and co-working spaces, with a boutique hotel, a honky-tonk bar and a bookstore all in the works. Outdoor movies are screened on the town square, and the whole town participates in an annual water fight. Base Camp is a collection of lakeside rental cabins at the edge of town, and cyclists can ride a 60-mile trail to nearby Lawrence and the University of Kansas. Humboldt is betting these elevated experiences will draw both locals and tourists to the glories of the Great Plains. — Gabriela Herman        2016年,一群几十年前就离开的堪萨斯州当地人开始问自己:“要怎样才能搬回故土?”答案就在小小的洪堡,它位于堪萨斯城西南两小时车程的地方,人口不到2000人。在当地社区的支持下,他们成立了一个组织“勇敢向前的洪堡”,以振兴农村生活,使该镇成为一个意想不到且廉价的凉爽绿洲,其周围是小麦和大豆田。“勇敢向前的洪堡”已经开设了商店、社区花园和联合办公空间,还有一家精品酒店、一家老式酒吧和一家书店在筹备中。镇上的广场上会放映户外电影,全镇人都会参加一年一度的水战。基地营是小镇边的湖边出租小屋聚集地,骑行者可以沿着96公里的小路骑到附近的劳伦斯和堪萨斯大学。洪堡敢肯定,这些升级的体验将吸引当地人和游客来感受大平原的辉煌。(撰文:Gabriela Herman)
        Categories: Community revitalization and new itinerary        类别:社区振兴和新旅行路线
        Greenland        格陵兰岛
        Volunteer to help plant trees in one of world’s most threatened places        志愿者帮助这片世界上最受威胁的地方之一植树
        With its average temperatures rising faster than anywhere else on the planet, Greenland is establishing a holistic, sustainable approach to tourism that aims to be in harmony with its people, natural wilderness and 4,500-year-old Inuit culture. The world’s largest island, a Danish territory, is now directing various grants to locals, including the Inuit dog-sled tour company Greenland Dog Adventure, and offering free training and tourism degrees at Campus Kujalleq in Southern Greenland. Also in Southern Greenland: Greenland Trees. For more than a decade, this nonprofit — in a region sheltered from the island’s traditional stormy weather — has planted thousands of trees to offset carbon emissions, and future plans include building a greenhouse to cultivate seedlings and restoring land at a former military base. Volunteers are welcomed to help plant trees and enjoy Greenland off the beaten path. Here visitors can see Norse ruins — the area is a UNESCO World Heritage site, for Norse and Indigenous culture — and experience the aurora borealis, with few others blocking the view. — Daniel Scheffler        随着这里的平均气温以全球最快的速度上升,格陵兰岛正在建立一种整体的、可持续的旅游方式,旨在与其人民、自然荒野和有4500年历史的因纽特文化和谐共处。这个世界上最大的岛屿和丹麦领土现在正将各种补助金导向当地人,包括因纽特人的狗拉雪橇旅游公司格陵兰狗探险公司,并在格陵兰南部的库亚莱克校区提供免费培训和旅游学位。同样位于格陵兰南部的还有:格陵兰树组织。10多年来,这个非营利组织——在一个避开该岛传统暴风雨天气的地区——已经种植了数千棵树以抵消碳排放,未来的计划包括建造一个温室来培育幼苗,并在一个前军事基地恢复土地。这里欢迎志愿者帮助植树,并享受格陵兰岛偏僻的生活。在这里,游客可以看到北欧遗迹——该地区是联合国教科文组织北欧和原住民文化的世界遗产——并体验极光,几乎没有其他人阻挡视线。(撰文:Daniel Scheffler)
        Categories: Indigenous-led, endangered landscape        类别:原住民主导和濒临灭绝的景观
        Marrakesh, Morocco        摩洛哥,马拉喀什
        Visiting a fabled city supports efforts to education and empower women        到访一个传说中的城市,支持为教育和女性赋权而做出的努力
        While women in Morocco have been granted some additional rights in the past two decades, the country recently ranked 144th (out of 156 countries) in a World Economic Forum study of gender parity. Fortunately, entrepreneurs are creating foundations, cooperatives, shops and restaurants to employ, educate and empower Moroccan women. Since many are in Marrakesh, a trip to this “Jewel of the South” offers an opportunity for visitors to help. The Al Kawtar boutique, stocked with clothing, bags and other textiles sewn by disabled women, also operates a home where the women live and receive care. For carpets, consider visiting the atelier of Salam Hello, which is devoted to paying weavers — mostly rural women — a fair wage and using profits to assist them. Come lunch or dinner, a traditional Moroccan meal — tagine, couscous, fruit salad — at an Amal restaurant provides direct assistance to disadvantaged women and helps finance a nonprofit association that trains women in culinary skills. Finally, when it’s time to sleep, consider Peacock Pavilions. The luxury resort, located in an olive grove outside of Marrakesh, is owned by the creators of Project Soar, which provides education and leadership training to teen girls. — Seth Sherwood        虽然摩洛哥的妇女在过去20年中获得了更多权利,但该国最近在世界经济论坛的性别均等研究中在156个国家中仅排第144位。幸运的是,创业者在开办基金会、合作社、商店和餐馆,为摩洛哥女性提供就业机会、教育和赋权。由于许多企业家在马拉喀什,因此在去往这个“南方宝石”的旅程中,游客有机会提供帮助。阿尔考塔尔精品店出售残疾妇女缝制的衣服、包袋和其他纺织品,还经营着一个供女性居住和接受护理的庇护所。买地毯的话,可以考虑去Salam Hello工作室看看,该工作室致力于向织工——主要是农村女性——支付合理的工资,并利用利润来帮助她们。你还可以在午餐或晚餐时间来到阿玛尔餐厅,享用传统的摩洛哥餐——塔吉锅、库斯库斯、水果沙拉,为弱势女性提供直接援助,并帮助资助一个为女性培训烹饪技能的非营利协会。最后,到了要睡觉的时候,可以去孔雀亭。这家豪华度假村位于马拉喀什郊外的橄榄树林中,由Project Soar的创建者所有,该项目为青少年女孩提供教育和领导力培训。(撰文:Seth Sherwood)
        Categories: Women’s empowerment, grass-roots activism        类别:女性赋权、草根行动主义
        Northland, New Zealand        新西兰,北地
        Cultural lessons await, as do hot springs where visitors can recharge body and soul        文化课程在等着你,温泉也在等着你,游客可以在这里给身体和灵魂充电
        According to Māori legend, the North Island of New Zealand was an enormous fish, caught by the demigod Māui, and now the forested region of Northland is known as “the tail of the fish.” Endless cultural lessons await travelers here. At the newly redeveloped Ngawha Springs, where the people of Ngapuhi came to replenish their wairua, or spirit, visitors can soak in dozens of mineral-rich geothermal pools to alleviate pain and repair common ailments. Also reopening is the cultural and educational center Te Ahurea, which includes an interactive pā or settlement site highlighting the history and traditions of the Hongi, Rewa and Tāreha Māori Indigeneous peoples. For day tours, the Māori-owned and -operated Tu Tika Tours organizes private adventures that reveal local customs through storytelling, welcome ceremonies, singing, weaving and cuisine. And to rest your head, the secluded eco-retreat Tahi offers luxury while boasting of giving 100 percent of its profits back to local conservation, culture and community. — Daniel Scheffler        根据毛利人的传说,新西兰北岛是一条巨大的鱼,被半神毛伊捕获,现在北地的森林地区被称为“鱼的尾巴”。这里有无尽的文化课程等待着旅行者。在重新开发的恩加瓦温泉,Ngapuhi人来到这里恢复精神(当地语wairua),游客可以在几十个富含矿物质的地热池中浸泡,以减轻疼痛和治疗常见疾病。重新开放的还有文化和教育中心Te Ahurea,其中包括一个互动的定居地遗址(当地语pā),突出了Hongi、Rewa和Tāreha毛利土著人民的历史和传统。对于一日游,毛利人拥有和经营的Tu Tika Tours组织私人探险,通过讲故事、欢迎仪式、唱歌、编织和美食来展现当地的习俗。如果想休息一下,僻静的生态度假酒店Tahi在提供豪华服务的同时,还标榜将100%的利润回馈给当地的保护、文化和社区。(撰文:Daniel Scheffler)
        Categories: Cultural heritage and Indigenous-led        类别:文化遗产和原住民主导
        Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada        加拿大,不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华岛
        Undisturbed old growth forests remind travelers of what’s at stake with climate change        未受干扰的古老森林提醒旅行者气候变化意味着什么
        Long a destination for adventurers eager to surf Tofino or watch for orcas or humpback whales, Vancouver Island has recently been the center of a controversy around one of British Columbia’s few remaining patches of old-growth rainforest. These complex ecosystems, which remove and store significant amounts of carbon from the atmosphere, are in increasingly short supply — an argument demonstrators are using against loggers as they try to protect Douglas firs and yellow cedars in the island’s Fairy Creek forest on Pacheedaht and Ditidaht First Nations territory. While the fight rages on and Fairy Creek remains inaccessible, the wonderland of Cascadian rainforest can be explored at MacMillan Provincial Park, Pacific Rim National Park Reserve or the UNESCO-protected Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Reserve. Experiencing old-growth forests while we still can is an affecting way to better understand what’s at stake, and what we stand to lose. — Lauren Sloss        长期以来,温哥华岛一直是渴望在托菲诺冲浪或观看虎鲸或座头鲸的冒险家们的目的地,最近却成了围绕不列颠哥伦比亚省仅存的几片古老雨林的争议中心。这种从大气中清除并储存大量的碳的生态系统日渐短缺——当示威者试图保护岛上仙女溪(是位于Pacheedaht及Ditidaht第一民族领土上的森林)的道格拉斯冷杉和黄杉时,他们用这个理由来反对伐木工。虽然这场对抗仍在继续,仙女溪仍然无法进入,但可以在麦克米伦省立公园、环太平洋国家公园保护区或受联合国教科文组织保护的克莱奥克特湾生物圈保护区探索卡斯卡迪亚雨林的仙境。趁还有机会,体验古老的森林是一种有效的方式,这让我们能够更好地了解什么正处于危险中,以及我们会失去什么。(撰文:Lauren Sloss)
        Categories: Conservation and endangered landscape        类别:保护和濒危景观
        Elijio Panti National Park, Belize        伯利兹,埃利吉奥潘蒂国家公园
        In a park where Maya herbalism takes center stage, culture and nature are preserved        在一个玛雅草药疗法占据中心位置的公园里,文化和自然都得到了保护
        Since gaining its independence in 1981, Belize has long prioritized the conservation of its lands and waters. At a park near the country’s western border with Guatemala, those conservation efforts extend to cultural and floral realms, too. Elijio Panti National Park, a lush, 13,006-acre oasis, is one of only a handful of parks in Belize that’s comanaged by a Maya community. The park takes its name from Don Elijio Panti, a renowned Maya healer who worked from a small hut near the park’s entrance. A series of medicine trails display the names and uses of the nearly 100 native plants — like balsam and gumbo-limbo — that Mr. Panti foraged here. “The day we forget how to use our medicinal plants is the day we go extinct,” said Maria Garcia, Mr. Panti’s niece, who inherited her uncle’s interest in herbal medicine and serves as one of the park’s stewards. Nearby hotels have begun highlighting the park as an attraction; at GAIA Riverlodge, guests can sign up for a five-hour guided tour led by a local shaman. — Alex Schechter        自1981年获得独立后,伯利兹就长期将土地和水资源保护列为优先事项。在该国与危地马拉交界的西部边境附近的一个公园里,这些保护努力也延伸到了文化和植物领域。埃利吉奥潘蒂国家公园是一片植被茂密、占地约53平方公里的绿洲,也是伯利兹少数由玛雅社区共同管理的公园之一。该公园名字取自著名玛雅疗愈师唐·埃利吉奥·潘蒂,他曾在该公园入口附近的一个小屋里从事疗愈工作。有一系列由潘蒂开辟的药材小径会展示近100种当地植物的名称和使用方法——例如香脂和苦木裂榄。“我们忘记如何使用我们的药草之日,就是我们灭绝之时,”潘蒂的侄女玛丽亚·加西亚说,她继承了叔叔对草药的兴趣,目前在该公园任职管理员。附近的酒店已经开始将这个公园重点列为旅游胜地,在GAIA Riverlodge,客人可报名参加一个由当地萨满引领的五小时导览旅行。(撰文:Alex Schechter)
        Categories: Indigenous-led, cultural heritage and conservation        类别:原住民主导、文化遗产和保护
        Sarasota, Florida        佛罗里达,萨拉索塔
        Saving the Mod squad to inspire innovative and sustainable design        拯救现代主义群体以激发创新和可持续设计
        Architecture Sarasota is a new organization founded to protect and promote the most spectacular concentration of modernist buildings east of the Mississippi. In a booming city on Florida’s Gulf Coast, where there’s a constant tug of war between developers and preservationists, raising the profile of these modernist buildings is intended to give them greater value in the eyes of locals and attract design tourists, says Anne-Marie Russell, the organization’s executive director. The buildings were the work of architects in what was known as the Sarasota School of Architecture, which emerged during the 1940s and ran through the mid-1960s. Among the best-known architects were Paul Rudolph and his partner Ralph Twitchell, Philip Hiss, Gene Leedy, Carl Abbott, Victor Lundy and Jack West. “Our hope is the Sarasota School’s innovative sensitivity to climate and environmental concerns will spur innovative and sustainable design here today,” Ms. Russell said. Architecture Sarasota organizes guided visits to and private stays at some of the best modernist houses and runs an annual MOD Weekend of tours, exhibits and similar events. — Alexander Lobrano        萨拉索塔建筑是一个新成立的组织,旨在保护和促进密西西比河以东最壮观的现代主义建筑群。该组织的执行董事安妮·玛丽·拉塞尔说,在佛罗里达州墨西哥湾沿岸这个蓬勃发展的城市,开发商和保护主义者之间一直在进行拉锯战,提高这些现代主义建筑的知名度是为了让它们在当地人眼中具有更大的价值,并吸引设计游客。这些建筑是被称为萨拉索塔建筑学派的建筑师的作品,该学派在20世纪40年代兴起,一直持续到60年代中期。其中最知名的建筑师有保罗·鲁道夫和他的合作伙伴拉尔夫·特切尔、菲利普·希斯、吉恩·利迪、卡尔·阿伯特、维克多·伦迪和杰克·韦斯特。“我们希望萨拉索塔学派对气候和环境问题的创新敏感性将刺激今天这里的创新和可持续设计,”拉塞尔说。萨拉索塔建筑组织了对一些最好的现代主义房屋的导览参观和私人住宿体验,并举办了每年的现代主义周末的参观、展览和类似活动。(撰文:Alexander Lobrano)
        Categories: Cultural heritage        类别:文化遗产
        Vanuatu        瓦努阿图
        There is more than one blue lagoon in this fragile Pacific archipelago that is challenging the world on climate change        这个生态脆弱的太平洋群岛国家不只有一处蓝色潟湖在给世界提出气候变化挑战
        Visitors to Vanuatu’s alluring swimming holes insist that each one is a slightly different shade of blue — some are an intense turquoise, others are sapphire. After diving into these natural freshwater pools, surrounded by lush foliage, travelers will find remarkable water clarity, even 60 feet down. The pools have been off-limits to visitors from abroad since March 2020, when this collection of around 80 islands, scattered across an 800-mile arc of the South Pacific, shut its borders to protect itself from the coronavirus. The plan is to reopen when more residents are vaccinated. The archipelago, which some liken to Bali or Fiji 40 years ago, because it has yet to reckon with overdevelopment, is also confronting a crisis beyond the pandemic. Along with consistently ranking among the happiest nations out there, Vanuatu is the most disaster-prone country in the world, and climate change is contributing to those disasters, which include cyclones and sea level rise. This tiny country of around 300,000 people is now leading the fight to get the International Court of Justice to issue a legal opinion on countries’ obligations to each other to take action to slow climate change. Addressing this currently unresolved area of international law could influence policies not only in Vanuatu, but everywhere we travel. — Heather Murphy        去过瓦努阿图迷人池塘的游客都坚称,每一汪池水的蓝色都略有不同——有些是鲜艳的绿松石色,有些是蓝宝石色。潜入这些天然淡水池后,游客们会发现,即使近20米深的水下也还是清澈见底。自2020年3月以来,这些池塘就不再对外国游客开放。那时,这个由大约80个分散在南太平洋的岛屿组成的群岛国家关闭了边境,以保护自身免受新冠病毒的侵袭,这些岛屿分布在一个长约800英里的弧状区域中。该国计划在更多居民接种疫苗后再重新开放。由于尚未受到过度开发的困扰,有人将这片群岛比做40年前的巴厘或斐济,但它也面临疫情以外的危机。瓦努阿图一直是幸福感最高的国家之一,同时也是最容易发生灾害的国家,气候变化是导致这些灾害发生的原因之一,包括飓风和海平面上升。现在,这个人口约30万的小国正带头抗争,要求国际法院就各国采取行动减缓气候变化的义务出具法律意见书。如何处理这一目前尚未解决的国际法领域问题不仅会影响瓦努阿图的政策,也会影响我们所到的任何地方。(撰文:Heather Murphy)
        Categories: Endangered landscape and new itinerary        类别:濒危景观和新行程
        Santa Cruz County, California        加利福尼亚州,圣克鲁斯县
        Appreciating old trees on new trails after wildfires threatened their future        古树的未来受到野火威胁后,在新的徒步路线上欣赏古树
        In 2020, wildfires across California threatened some of the world’s oldest forests, including at Big Basin Redwoods and Henry Cowell Redwoods State Parks in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Thankfully, most of the mighty redwoods there survived the flames, and now hope — in the form of expanded green initiatives — is dawning across Santa Cruz County. While Henry Cowell is open, as is a small section of Big Basin, with more ambitious rebuilding planned, the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County is developing new hiking trails, including in the 8,500-acre San Vicente Redwoods. On the North Coast, the Cotoni-Coast Dairies, a recent addition to the California Coastal National Monument, is slated to open within the next year, with nearly 6,000 acres of coastal terraces, redwood forests and sweeping views of the Pacific. The area’s designation as a national monument will help protect its rich ecology and cultural history, including ancestral sites of the Indigenous Cotoni people. — AnneLise Sorensen        2020年,加州各地的野火威胁着一些世界上最古老的森林,包括位于圣克鲁斯山的大盆地红木州立公园。值得庆幸的是,那里的大多数生命力顽强的红木在大火中幸存了下来,而现在整个圣克鲁斯县的前景正光明起来——以扩大绿色倡议的形式。虽然大盆地已经重新开放了公园的一小部分,并计划进行更宏大的重建,但圣克鲁斯县土地信托基金正在开发新的徒步旅行路线,包括占地约34平方公里的圣维森特红木林。在北海岸,最近加入加州国家海岸纪念碑的Cotoni-Coast Dairies预计将在明年内开放,这里有近24平方公里的沿海梯田、红木森林和太平洋的广阔视野。该地区被指定为国家纪念碑将有助于保护其丰富的生态和文化历史,包括原住民科托尼人的祖先遗址。(撰文:AnneLise Sorensen)
        Categories: Outdoor activities and conservation        类别:户外活动和保护
        Serra da Capivara National Park, Brazil        巴西,塞拉达卡皮瓦拉国家公园
        Art and archaeology in a remote Brazilian park that visitors can help preserve        游客可以帮助保护这个偏远的巴西公园里的艺术和考古学
        Sure, it’s the dramatic mesas and canyons of northeastern Brazil’s caatinga, or cactusy shrub lands, that first catch the eye. But what distinguishes this national park from countless other breathtaking Brazilian landscapes are the archaeological and artistic remains of ancient humans who many researchers believe arrived more than 20,000 years ago. The now 88-year-old French-Brazilian archaeologist Niède Guidon first documented the exuberant red ocher cave drawings depicting hunters, prey, revelers and play in the 1960s. Her team unearthed archaeological finds that called into question previous theories on how humans reached the Americas; the area became a national park in 1979, added the Museum of American Man in 1986 and became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1991. The Museum of Nature, opened in 2018, brought a record 30,000 visitors to the park the next year. The pandemic slowed momentum but not progress: New archaeological sites were prepared for visitation, new visitor bathrooms were installed, and most notably, an impressive 200-foot enclosed ladder up a steep cliff face opened in October, allowing safer and far faster visitor access to a popular panoramic viewpoint. — Seth Kugel        最先映入眼帘的是巴西东北部卡廷加的台地和峡谷,或仙人掌灌木丛。但是,在无数其他令人叹为观止的巴西景观区中独树一帜的,是许多研究人员认为在2万多年前来到这里的古代人类的考古和艺术遗迹。现年88岁的法裔巴西考古学家涅德·吉东——在1960年代首次记录了描绘猎人、猎物、狂欢者和玩耍的活灵活现的红赭石洞穴绘画。她的团队出土的考古发现对先前关于人类如何到达美洲的理论提出了质疑;该地区于1979年成为国家公园,1986年增设了美洲人类博物馆,并于1991年成为联合国教科文组织世界遗产。自然博物馆于2018年开放,次年为该公园带来了创纪录的3万名游客。大流行减缓了势头但没有阻碍进展:新的考古遗址已准备好迎接游客,新的游客洗手间已经装好,最值得一提的是,陡峭悬崖上安装了令人惊叹的约60米长的带扶手梯子。梯子已在10月开放,游客可以更安全、更快地到达一个热门全景观景点。(撰文:Seth Kugel)
        Categories: Cultural heritage and financial impact        类别:文化遗产和经济影响
        Saguaro National Park, Arizona        亚利桑那州,巨人柱国家公园
        Communal help for a keystone species may sustain a park for the future        对一个关键物种的共同帮助可能让一个公园获得未来
        Saguaro National Park, whose two parcels sit on either side of Tucson, is home to almost 2 million of the tall, multi-limbed cactuses for which it is named. For decades it has delighted visitors with hiking trails, archaeological sites and epic vistas. But climate change is now threatening the very cactuses that have made the park an iconic destination. Rising temperatures, along with more frequent — and hotter — wildfires, are curbing the growth of new saguaro. A National Park Service report found that out of 10,000 cactuses, only 70 were less than 11 to 15 years old, a disturbing trend that puts the future of the cactus population in the park at risk. To help mitigate the effects of wildfires, the park launched an eradication program targeting buffelgrass, an invasive species that is drought-resistant and provides an outsize amount of wildfire fuel. The park has also organized monthly buffelgrass pulls, where teams of volunteers spend four hours digging up and disposing of the invasive species. Put on hold during the pandemic, the group pulls are slated to begin again early this year. Officials are also planning to begin a program where visitors can “adopt” specific areas of the park and pick buffelgrass on their own time. — Daniel Tepper        巨人柱国家公园的两部分分别坐落于图森的两边,这里有着200万株高大、多肢的仙人掌,该公园也正是得名于此。数十年来,这里的步道、考古遗址和壮观景色令游客欣喜不已。但气候变化如今却正威胁着那些令这个国家公园成为标志性旅游目的地的仙人掌。不断上升的气温与其他日益常常发生——并且更热——的野火正在阻碍新巨人柱的生长。一份国家公园服务报告发现,在1万株仙人掌中,仅有70株年龄在11至15岁以下,这一令人不安的趋势让这个国家公园内仙人掌数量面临风险。为了缓解野火的影响,园方推出了一个目标为狼尾草的根除计划,这是一种侵入性物种,具有抗旱性,并为野火提供大量燃料。园方还每月组织进行狼尾草拨除行动,在其中成队的志愿者用四个小时挖出这种侵入性物种,并将其处理掉。拔草行动在大流行期间暂缓,但将在今年初重新开始。官员还在计划启动一个项目,游客可在其中认领公园某个特定区域,负责拔除那里的狼尾草。(撰文:Daniel Tepper)
        Categories: Endangered landscape and volunteer opportunity        类别:濒危景观和志愿者机会
        Islas Cíes, Spain        西班牙,谢斯群岛
        Book in advance to visit this lush archipelago where keeping overtourism at bay is part of the charm        提前预订参观这个植被郁郁葱葱的群岛,这里的魅力之一就是防止过度旅游
        Even before the pandemic, the Islas Cíes off Spain’s Galician coast had long limited the number of daily visitors — 1,800, in high season — to protect its environment and guard against overtourism. This verdant archipelago, part of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park, is a vision of protected biodiversity: flourishing nature preserves, teeming marine life and robust colonies of seabirds. The strict conservation efforts include restrictions against cars, hotels and noise, and ensure that only in designated areas can visitors explore long, curving beaches, snorkel through clear waters and hike trails that wind toward picturesque lighthouses. The delight continues at night: Ink-black starry skies have earned a Starlight designation for limited light pollution. Island ferries depart from Galicia’s Rías Baixas region, with highlights that include misty albariño vineyards, Pontevedra’s old town, and Vigo and its Calle de las Ostras, where you can slurp up fresh oysters at outdoor wooden tables. — AnneLise Sorensen        即使在大流行之前,西班牙加利西亚海岸附近的谢斯群岛就已经限制了每天的游客数量——旺季为1800人,以保护其环境,防止过度旅游。这个青翠的群岛是加利西亚大西洋群岛国家公园的一部分,展现了一幅受保护的生物多样性的景象:繁荣的自然保护区、丰富的海洋生物和强健的海鸟群。严格的保护工作包括限制汽车、酒店和噪音,并确保只有在指定的区域,游客才能探索长而弯曲的海滩,在清澈的水中浮潜,并沿着小径向风景如画的灯塔徒步旅行。入夜,乐趣仍在继续:墨黑的星空因其有限的光污染而获得了“星光”头衔。岛屿渡轮从加利西亚的里亚斯-巴伊克斯地区出发,其中的亮点包括雾蒙蒙的阿尔巴里诺葡萄园、庞特韦德拉老城区、维戈和那里的Calle de las Ostras,在这里,你可以在户外的木桌上品尝新鲜牡蛎。(撰文:AnneLise Sorensen)
        Categories: Conservation and small footprint        类别:自然保护和低碳足迹
        Monaco        摩纳哥
        The principality has a green sheen from its carbon neutral ambitions        这个公国因其碳中和的雄心而焕发出绿色光芒
        Monaco’s gilded reputation shimmers worldwide, but these days the principality’s glow is unequivocally green. The sovereign city-state on the French Riviera has an ambitious plan to cut its carbon emissions by 55 percent before 2030 and turn carbon-neutral by 2050. Its sustainability efforts are driven by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, a global charity prioritizing environmental action that was established in 2006. Sixteen years later, evidence of the principality’s initiatives is visible (and enjoyable) in the 0.76-square-mile enclave. It has a robust network of electric cars, bikes and hybrid buses, and a solar-powered water taxi that transports people with ease. Strollable public parks and gardens make up 20 percent of Monaco (where escalators help with the climbs), while snorkeling is the activity du jour off Larvotto Beach, where sea life thrives amid 3-D printed reefs, submerged roughly 60 feet below the water’s surface to restore habitats damaged by human activity. The locally based company Terrae takes urban gardening and farming to new heights, populating rooftops and balconies, and supplying residents and restaurants, including Michelin-starred Blue Bay. Meanwhile, the Distillery of Monaco produces bitter orange liqueur and gin, flavored with citrus from trees in Monaco and nearby villages. — Kimberley Lovato        摩纳哥享有的声誉在全球范围内熠熠生辉,但如今这个公国的光辉明显是绿色的。这个位于法国里维埃拉的主权城市国家有一个雄心勃勃的计划,要在2030年前将其碳排放量减少55%,并在2050年实现碳平衡。其可持续发展的努力是由摩纳哥阿尔伯特二世亲王基金会推动的,该基金会是一个优先考虑环境行动的全球公益机构,成立于2006年。16年后,在这块面积为1.97平方公里的飞地上,这个公国环保倡议的证据是可见的(也是令人愉快的)。它有一个强大的电动汽车、自行车和混合动力巴士以及太阳能水上出租车网络,可以轻松解决人们的出行交通问题。可步行的公共公园和花园占了摩纳哥的20%(有自动扶梯帮助爬坡),而浮潜是拉沃托海滩的主要活动,那里的海洋生物在3D打印的珊瑚礁中繁荣生长,这些珊瑚礁淹没在水面以下约18米,以恢复被人类活动破坏的栖息地。本地公司Terrae将城市园艺和农业提升到新的高度,它在屋顶和阳台上种植,并为居民和餐馆提供食物,包括米其林餐厅蓝湾。与此同时,摩纳哥酒厂生产苦橙利口酒和杜松子酒,用摩纳哥和附近村庄的树上的柑橘来调味。(撰文:Kimberley Lovato)
        Categories: Sustainable tourism and urban spaces        类别:可持续旅游和城市空间
        Bronzeville, Milwaukee        密尔沃基,布朗兹维尔
        With thriving businesses and the reopening of a noted museum, a Black district offers the chance to take part in renewal        随着商业走向繁荣以及一家著名博物馆的重新开放,一个黑人区提供了参与复兴的机会
        At times overshadowed by its namesake neighborhood in Chicago, Milwaukee’s Bronzeville district is again distinguishing itself as a center of African American culture. From 1910 to the 1950s, the area buzzed with Black-owned businesses, but it was decimated by “urban renewal” projects that razed thriving Black neighborhoods across America. Today’s Bronzeville is supported by about $400 million of redevelopment funds from organizations like the Historic King Drive BID, P3 Development Group and Maures Development Group (all led by people of color). Symbolic of this reinvigoration is the reopening next year of America’s Black Holocaust Museum. Founded in 1988 by Dr. James Cameron, the only known survivor of a lynching, the museum attracted visitors from around the world before closing in 2008 when it lost funding during the recession. On Feb. 25, the museum will reopen in a 10,000-square-foot space that takes visitors on a journey through more than 4,500 years of African and African American history. Nearby, businesses like Gee’s Clippers (a barbershop housed in a 1930s bank) and the Bronzeville Collective (a retail space featuring local Black brands) elevate African American artistry, while the newly opened Maranta Plant Shop, Sam’s Place Jazz Cafe and soon-to-open Niche Book Bar prove that Bronzeville is back. — Shayla Martin        相比芝加哥的同名社区,密尔沃基的布朗兹维尔区有时会显得相形见绌,但它作为非裔美国人的文化中心再次脱颖而出。从1910年到20世纪50年代,这里有很多黑人所有的企业,但由于“城市重建”项目的实施,这里以及全美范围内繁荣的黑人社区都遭到毁灭性打击。今天的布朗兹维尔得到了大约4亿美元重建资金的支持,它们来自均由有色人种担任领导的Historic King Drive BID、P3开发集团和Maures开发集团等机构。这种复兴的象征是明年美国黑人大屠杀博物馆的重新开放。该博物馆由詹姆斯·卡梅伦博士于1988年创办,他是已知的唯一一名黑人私刑幸存者。该博物馆曾吸引了来自世界各地的游客,直到2008年因经济衰退导致失去资金支持而关闭。2月25日,博物馆将在一个929平方米的空间里重新开放,让游客一览非洲人和非裔美国人4500多年的历史。博物馆附近还有Gee’s Clippers(一家位于上世纪30年代银行里的理发店)和Bronzeville Collective(一个以当地黑人品牌为特色的零售空间),这些企业凸显了非裔美国人的艺术才华,而新近开张的花店Maranta Plant Shop、咖啡馆Sam’s Place Jazz Cafe以及即将开业的书吧Loche Book Bar证明,布朗兹维尔已经回来了。(撰文:Shayla Martin)
        Categories: Cultural heritage and grass-roots activism        类别:文化遗产和草根行动主义
        Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve, Canada        加拿大,塞甸尼内尼国家公园保护区
        Canada’s newest national park sets a model for Indigenous control in a spectacular landscape        加拿大最新的国家公园在壮丽景观中树立了原住民自治的典范
        Designated in 2019 and located in the Northwest Territories, Canada’s newest national park, Thaidene Nëné, means “Land of the Ancestors” in the Denesuline language. The park is a mix of boreal forest and tundra along the eastern shoreline of Great Slave Lake. It also sets a new precedent in including Indigenous peoples in park management and oversight. The first Canadian national parks, created in the 19th century, excluded Indigenous peoples from their traditional lands. Although this policy changed, overall control remained in the hands of Parks Canada. At Thaidene Nëné, Indigenous communities, including the nearby Dene settlement of Lutsel K’e, have helped create and manage the park from the beginning. Economic opportunities derived from the park, like guiding and cultural heritage tours, flow back to these communities. Ni Hat’ni Dene is a network of Lutsel K’e residents employed to protect, monitor and provide interpretive tours of the park. Visitors can hike along the trails of Dene ancestors, paddle through the many coves and waterfalls of the eastern arm of Great Slave Lake, fish for lake trout and Arctic grayling during the summer’s nearly 24-hour light, and camp at the transition point between the subarctic and Arctic environments. — Peter Kujawinski        加拿大最新的国家公园塞甸尼内尼于2019年划定,位于西北地区,在甸尼人的甸尼苏林语中意为“祖先之地”。该公园在大奴湖东部海岸线上,既有寒带森林也有苔原。它还开创了请原住民加入公园管理和监督的先例。加拿大最初一批国家公园创建于19世纪,将原住民从他们的传统土地上赶走。尽管这一政策发生了变化,但总体控制权仍在加拿大公园局手中。在塞甸尼内尼,原住民社区——包括附近的拉兹克依的甸尼人定居点——从一开始就帮助创建和管理公园。如导游和文化遗产之旅等由公园带来的经济机会将回流到这些社区。NiHat’ni Dene是一个由拉兹克依居民组成的网络,居民受雇保护和监控公园,并提供公园的导游解说服务。游客可以沿着甸尼祖先走过的小径徒步行走,划船经过大奴湖东臂的许多河湾和瀑布,在夏季近24小时的白昼中钓湖鳟鱼和北极茴鱼,并在亚北极和北极环境之间的过渡点露营。(撰文:Peter Kujawinski)
        Categories: Indigenous-led, natural beauty        类别:原住民主导,自然美景
        Cerro Castillo National Park, Chile        智利,卡斯蒂约峰国家公园
        Conservation efforts offer hope for a country’s national animal whose numbers have dwindled dramatically        保护工作给这个国家急剧减少中的动物国宝带来了希望
        Located along the Route of Parks of Patagonia, a network of 17 national reserves that make up about a third of Chile, Cerro Castillo was designated as a national park in 2018 and is at the center of an effort to protect the country’s national animal, the huemul or South Andean deer, from extinction. The huemul population has dwindled to 1,500, about 1 percent of its historic size. Rewilding Chile, a conservation organization started by the co-founder of the North Face, Douglas Tompkins, working with the Chilean government, is leading an initiative to save them. They established the National Huemul Corridor to give the huemules more room to roam between the parks, and are building a huemul rehabilitation center in Cerro Castillo to treat animals infected with Linfoadenitis caseosa, a disease transmitted by cattle. Visitors to Cerro Castillo may spot the animals while enjoying a short walk on one of the trails through the Lenga and Ñirre forests, or can opt for a circuit through the park that takes four to five days. The park’s crown jewel is a mountain peak that resembles a castle, from which it takes its name. — Concepción de León        卡斯蒂约峰国家公园位于巴塔哥尼亚公园路线(一个由17座国家保护区组成的网络,约占智利国土的三分之一)沿线,于2018年被指定为国家公园,是保护该国的国兽智利马驼鹿——也被称为南安第斯鹿——免遭灭绝的中心。智利马驼鹿的数量已减少到1500只,大约是其历史规模的1%。保护组织Rewilding Chile由北面联合创始人道格拉斯·汤普金斯创立,并与智利政府合作,正在领导一个拯救智利马驼鹿的项目。他们建立了国家智利马驼鹿走廊,为智利马驼鹿提供更多在公园间漫步的空间,该组织还在卡斯蒂约峰建立了一个智利马驼鹿康复中心,以治疗感染了干酪性淋巴结炎的动物,这是一种由牛传播的疾病。卡斯蒂约峰国家公园的游客可以在Lenga和Ñirre森林中的一条小径上短途散步时看到这些动物,也可以选择花费四至五天时间环游公园。公园的精华部分是一座形似城堡的山峰,也就是公园名字的来历。(撰文:Concepción de León)
        Categories: Wildlife conservation        类别:野生动物保护
        Daintree Rainforest, Australia        澳大利亚,黛恩树雨林
        A rainforest returned to its Indigenous owners lets visitors learn about their culture and stewardship of the land        一个雨林回归其原住民所有者手中,让游客了解关于其文化和对这片土地的管理
        The 180-million-year-old Daintree Rainforest in northern Queensland is one of the world’s most complex ecosystems. Part of a UNESCO World Heritage site, the area is home to sparkling rivers, copious wildlife and lush tropical flora, all of which tumble down to white sand beaches that abut the Great Barrier Reef. The region has always been popular with tourists. But in 2021 it became an even more compelling destination, after nearly 400,000 acres of land, including Daintree, were handed back to the Eastern Kuku Yalanji, an Aboriginal people who are believed to have lived in the area for more than 50,000 years. The hope is that the transfer of ownership will encourage visitors to learn more about the culture and ecological stewardship of the Eastern Kuku Yalanji, as well as provide career opportunities for members of the tribe. It is an example of the increasingly vital role Indigenous Australians are taking in the country’s tourism industry. — Besha Rodell        坐落于昆士兰北部、有着1.8亿年历史的黛恩树雨林是世界上最为复杂的生态系统之一。这片地区被列入了联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录,也是波光粼粼的河流、丰富的野生生物以及郁郁葱葱的热带植物的所在地,雨林连接着白色沙滩,旁边便是大堡礁。这个地区一直很受游客欢迎。2021年,包括黛恩树雨林在内的约1619平方公里土地被交还给东库库雅拉尼族,这是据信在该地区居住已超过5万年的原住民,在那之后,该地区就更是成为了一个令人无法抗拒的旅游目的地。政府希望所有权的移交能鼓励游客了解更多关于东库库雅拉尼族的文化和生态管理,并且为该部族成员提供职业机会。这是澳大利亚原住民在该国旅游业中发挥日益重要作用的典范。(撰文:Besha Rodell)
        Categories: Indigenous-led and conservation        类别:原住民领导和对话

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