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What Default? With Confetti and Fanfare, Evergrande Says It’s Ready to Build.

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-04 12:40

        To mark the completion of a residential complex called World City, the indebted property giant China Evergrande Group held an elaborate red carpet ceremony on Monday, with eight cannons firing off confetti before a cheering crowd. The company then released a series of images featuring newly completed buildings covered with bright red decorations.        为庆祝一个名为世界城的住宅楼盘竣工,负债累累的房地产巨头中国恒大集团上周一举办了一场盛大的红毯仪式,八门礼炮在欢呼的人群面前发射了五彩缤纷的纸屑。随后恒大发布了一系列图片,展示了覆盖大红装饰的新落成建筑。
        Just weeks earlier, Evergrande had been declared in default. The developer has unpaid bills in excess of $300 billion and has struggled to pay back its creditors and business partners. Some in China saw the company’s celebrations as premature.        恒大在几周前被宣布违约。这家开发商的未付账单超过3000亿美元,一直难以偿还债权人和支付商业伙伴。中国一些人认为恒大的庆祝为时尚早。
        For months, Evergrande could not pay its builders, painters and contractors. The company, whose problems have made investors wary of China’s once-flourishing property sector, remained relatively silent as its debt problems led to panic in global markets and among people around the country who had purchased apartments before they were completed.        恒大已有几个月未能支付建筑商、油漆工和承包商的费用。公司的问题让投资者对中国一度繁荣的房地产行业感到警惕。债务问题导致全球股市、以及全国各地在房子建成前已付款购买的人产生恐慌,恒大却一直保持着相对沉默。
        Construction on more than a million homes stalled, and then, two weeks ago, Evergrande signaled it could no longer go on — officially entering into default after failing to make a final debt payment to foreign investors. Now, the developer has pledged to start paying its workers again and to deliver homes, part of a push to restore confidence in the company and the sector.        100多万套住房的建设处于停滞状态,然后在两周前,恒大暗示公司已维持不下去了,在最终期限后未能向外国投资者支付债券利息后,正式进入违约。现在,为恢复人们对公司和房地产业信心,这家开发商已承诺重新开始给员工发工资,并交付房子。
        “We will sprint at full speed,” Xu Jiayin, Evergrande’s billionaire founder, told top executives on Sunday, according to a statement. He did not provide any details about where the money would come from, nor did he say anything about the failure to pay foreign creditors.        据公司消息,恒大创始人、亿万富翁许家印上周日对公司高管们说,“我们必须全力冲刺。”他没有提供有关资金来源的细节,也没有提未能向外国债权人付款的问题。
        Despite the company’s bullishness, the challenges it faces remain enormous. Some home buyers say they are still in the dark about their unfinished apartments. Former employees and contractors continue to wait for back payments. Dozens of lawsuits from business partners that have piled up in court remain unresolved. Property sales across China, meanwhile, have fallen for five consecutive months.        尽管公司对未来持乐观态度,但面临的挑战依然巨大。一些购房者说,他们对已购买的未完工公寓的情况仍然一无所知。前雇员和承包商们继续等待公司支付拖欠的付款。法庭上仍堆积着商业伙伴对恒大提起的数十起尚未解决的诉讼。与此同时,中国各地的房地产销售已连续五个月下降。
        A few weeks ago, government technocrats stepped in to help steer the company. The head of China’s Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said last week that Beijing was committed to “guaranteeing home deliveries, protecting people’s livelihoods and maintaining social stability.” With just a few days left in the month, Mr. Xu pledged on Sunday to deliver 39,000 apartment units by the end of the year.        几周前,政府的技术官员已介入帮助管理恒大。中国住房和城乡建设部部长上周说,“保交楼、保民生、保稳定”是政府的首要目标。许家印12月26日承诺在年底前交付3.9万套公寓,当时距离这个时间只剩下几天。
        The company has also said that it has restarted partnerships with more than 80 percent of its long-term suppliers of materials, and indicated that it would soon be able to repay its debt and begin sales of new apartments.        恒大还说,超过八成长期材料供应商已恢复了向公司供货,并表示它很快就能偿还所欠债务,开始销售新公寓。
        Evergrande’s sudden rush of promises has created more questions than answers for the home buyers, suppliers, contractors and creditors who have yet to hear directly from the company. Some people have started to track which of Evergrande’s hundreds of property projects have actually restarted construction.        恒大突然做出的承诺给购房者、供应商、承包商和债权人带来了更多的疑问,而不是答案,因为他们都还没有直接从公司得到消息。一些人开始追踪恒大的几百个停工地产项目中哪些已重新开工。
        Li Menghe, the chairman of Qingdao Wanhe Construction & Decoration Group, a glass supplier to Evergrande, has begun using his official Weibo account to post daily details on the hundreds of projects that have revved up again in recent days. Home buyers respond to his posts with more questions as they try to figure out if their apartments are likely to be completed.        青岛万和建筑装饰集团有限公司是恒大的玻璃供应商,万和董事长李孟合开始每天在自己的官方微博帐号上发布最近重新开工的数百个项目的细节。购房者在他帖子下发的评论更多是问题,因为他们试图弄清楚自己买下的公寓有没有可能完工。
        One home buyer asked about the on-and-off construction progress for one of Evergrande’s residential projects in the province of Shandong.        一位购房者询问恒大在山东一个建建停停的住宅项目进展如何。
        “Brother, there is no money in the supervised account,” Mr. Li replied, referring to the escrow account where Evergrande was supposed to place the money it received upfront from the sale of the apartments. He did not explain how he knew this, or respond to a request for comment. But in some government complaint forums online, local officials have told home buyers that money in developers’ escrow accounts is missing.        李孟合的答复是,“兄弟,监管账户没有钱啊。”监管账户指的是恒大原本应把已售出公寓的预付款存入的托管账户。李孟合没有解释他是怎么知道这点的,也没有回复记者的置评请求。但在政府设立的一些网上投诉论坛上,地方官员告诉购房者,开发商的托管账户里的钱不见了。
        Zhang Yao, a yoga instructor who taught at Evergrande Healthy Land, a health and wellness park in the central province of Henan, said she was asked to resign in September but is still owed $750. Ms. Zhang, 29, said she had been paid through an employment agency but had recently confronted an Evergrande manager, who was unable to give her a date for when the company would pay her.        在河南省的恒大养生谷教瑜伽的张瑶说,公司已于去年9月要求她辞职,但仍欠她4800元。现年29岁的张瑶说,她的工资以前由一家职业介绍所发,但她最近直接问了恒大的一名经理,后者无法告诉她什么时候能向她支付报酬。
        She said the manager told her that Evergrande’s own employees had not been paid since October. A representative for the company did not respond to a request for comment.        张瑶说,这名经理告诉她,恒大自己的员工自去年10月以来就一直没拿到工资。恒大的一名代表没有回复记者的置评请求。
        In September, Evergrande employees joined worried home buyers in protesting outside company offices around China. Some were later detained or visited by the local police. As many as 80 percent of Evergrande employees were at one point asked to put up money to help fund the company’s operations.        恒大的员工曾在去年9月与忧心忡忡的购房者一起在全国各地的恒大办公楼外抗议。一些人后来被拘留或被当地警察约谈。恒大曾一度要求多达80%的员工拿出钱来帮助公司运营。
        Mr. Cao, an Evergrande home buyer who requested The New York Times use only his surname for fear of being visited by the police, said he had put a down payment on a $160,000 apartment in Jiangxi Province that was nearly completed and was supposed to be delivered in January. He doesn’t expect the apartment will be done in time because there are only around 20 workers each day on the construction site, he said.        买了恒大房子的曹先生说,他已为江西省的一套公寓支付了100万元,该楼盘已接近完工,原定今年1月交付使用。因为担心被警察约谈,曹先生要求《纽约时报》只用他的姓。他不指望公寓能按时完工,他说,因为每天只有大约20名工人在工地上。
        “I think the contractors still haven’t been fully paid,” he said. “If they had the money, they should have worked faster for sure.”        “可能是施工方的钱还没有付清吧,”他说。“如果是全部给了钱,他们肯定会搞快的。”
        Amid the uncertainty, Evergrande’s colorful founder, once known for wearing a flashy gold-buckled Hermès belt, has been largely absent from public view. In early September, he posed behind top executives signing a “military order” pledging to deliver homes. (Over the following months, Evergrande would finish less than 10,000 units.) In a memo leaked later that month, he promised employees they would soon “walk out of the darkness.”        恒大个性突出的创始人曾因戴着有耀眼金带扣的爱马仕腰带闻名,在如今的不确定情形下,他基本上一直没在公开场合露过面。去年9月初,他曾摆出姿势,站在在承诺交楼的“军令状”上签名的高管身后。(恒大在接下来的几个月里完成了不到1万套公寓。)去年9月晚些时候泄露出来的一份备忘录中记载,许家印向员工承诺,他们将很快“走出黑暗”。
        Last week, Evergrande published new photographs of Mr. Xu presiding over a meeting during which he called on executives to keep delivering homes. Then came dozens of photos of suddenly completed apartment projects. Home buyers were photographed happily signing documents that would allow them to finally take possession of their long-awaited apartments.        上周,恒大发布了许家印主持会议的新照片,他在会上督促高管们继续交楼。然后就有了几十张突然完工的公寓楼的照片。照片上可以看到购房者兴高采烈地在文件上签字,签完这些文件后,他们就终于能够拿到期待已久的公寓。
        Some online commentators expressed disbelief that Evergrande could suddenly go from the brink of collapse to business as usual, or bristled at the idea that buyers should celebrate receiving the homes for which they had already paid.        网上一些评论者不相信恒大会突然从崩溃的边缘恢复到一切照常,买家为拿到已付款的房子而庆祝也令他们感到愤怒。
        “Today people become so grateful and feel they owe the developer a big favor,” remarked Michael Yu, a popular influencer on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok. “What happened to people’s bottom line these days?”        “今天人们感激不尽,像是他们欠了开发商一个大人情,”抖音上颇受欢迎的网红Michael Yu说。“人们的底线如今哪去了?”
        With Evergrande under the guidance of government officials, some home buyers and investors are likely to feel more hopeful. This week, the company delivered 1,419 apartments at its World City development as part of its push to finish 39,000 homes by the end of the year. But Evergrande is still on the hook for an estimated 1 million more.        政府官员现已开始指导恒大工作,这让一些购房者和投资者可能会觉得更有希望。作为在去年底前交付3.9万套公寓计划的一部分,恒大世界城已在上周交付了1419套公寓。但估计恒大还有100万套公寓有待完成。

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