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With Property Sales Plunging, China Evergrande Faces More Protests

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-05 11:36

        Protesters gathered outside China Evergrande offices in Guangzhou on Tuesday to demand that the indebted real estate developer give them their money back, as the company’s sales across China continued to plunge.        周二,抗议者聚集在中国恒大广州办公室外,要求这家负债累累的房地产开发商退款。与此同时,恒大在中国的销售额持续下滑。
        Evergrande, the world’s most indebted developer, has tried for months to signal to home buyers, employees and investors that its $300 billion debt problem was under control. Just last week, its billionaire founder pledged to restart construction on its many stalled sites.        全球负债最多的开发商恒大几个月来一直试图向购房者、员工和投资者发出信号,表明其3000亿美元的债务问题已得到控制。就在上周,其亿万富翁创始人承诺重新开工建设其许多停滞不前的项目。
        But the challenges keep mounting.        但是,挑战不断增加。
        On Tuesday, Evergrande said that property sales fell 39 percent last year compared with the previous year, and that it had been ordered to demolish dozens of buildings on the tropical island province of Hainan because of an administrative penalty from local authorities. The company did not say why it had gotten this penalty or exactly what it would do, other than that it would “resolve the issue properly.”        周二,恒大表示,去年的房地产销售比上年下降了39%,并且由于海南地方当局的行政处罚,恒大已被责令拆除该省的数十栋建筑。恒大没有说明为什么会受到处罚或具体会如何处理,只是表示会“妥善处理”。
        Evergrande has become a symbol of the difficulties facing China’s economy and its once-thriving property sector. After expanding and borrowing at breakneck speed, Evergrande has struggled to find the cash it needs for overdue bills, outstanding loans and back wages for the workers who have built millions of its apartments across China.        恒大已成为中国经济和一度繁荣的房地产行业面临困境的象征。在以惊人的速度扩张和借贷之后,恒大一直难以找到所需的现金来支付逾期账单和未偿还贷款,以及为中国各地建造数百万套公寓的工人支付拖欠工资。
        Last spring, Evergrande turned to many of its employees and their family members for money that it packaged as high-interest loans as part of its wealth-management unit. Some of those investors and employees gathered on Tuesday morning outside Evergrande offices in Guangzhou to demand repayment.        去年春天,恒大向许多员工及员工家属寻求资金,将其打包成高息贷款形式,作为该公司财富管理的一部分。周二上午,其中一些投资者和员工聚集在广州恒大办公室外要求还款。
        Videos and photos showed a heavy police presence and angry protesters chanting, “Evergrande, give me my money back!” In October, employees joined home buyers and Evergrande contractors in protesting in front of provincial government offices and company headquarters in southern China. Those protests were quickly quashed by local police.        视频和照片显示,大量警察在场,愤怒的抗议者高呼“恒大还钱!”10月,员工加入了购房者和恒大承包商和行列,在中国南部的省政府办公室和公司总部前抗议。这些抗议活动很快被当地警方平息。
        Evergrande’s troubles are partly a result of Beijing’s decision to crack down on the borrowing habits of China’s biggest corporate players by restricting their access to bank loans. Like many Chinese developers, Evergrande was still able to drum up cash amid the crackdown by preselling unbuilt apartments.        恒大陷入困境的部分原因是北京决定通过限制中国大型企业获得银行贷款来打压这些公司的借贷习惯。与许多中国开发商一样,恒大在打击行动期间仍然能够通过预售未建公寓来筹集资金。
        But its enormous liabilities eventually scared off many home buyers, sending a chill throughout the property market. Out of cash and out of time, Evergrande now owes more than a million apartments to home buyers who have already put money down.        但其巨额债务最终吓跑了许多购房者,给整个房地产市场泼了一盆冷水。由于现金短缺和时间耗尽,恒大现在欠下已付房款的购房者的公寓超过一百万套。
        The company entered into default in December after missing a key deadline to pay foreign investors, and it has billions of dollars in foreign bond payments coming up over the next few months. It has not yet acknowledged the default, but in a filing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Tuesday, the company said it would “continue to actively maintain communication with creditors.”        该公司在错过向外国投资者付款的关键期限后,于12月进入违约状态。在未来几个月内,该公司还要支付数十亿美元的外国债券。该公司尚未承认违约,但在周二向香港证券交易所提交的文件中,该公司表示将“继续积极与债权人保持沟通”。
        Investors on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange were briefly optimistic on Tuesday when Evergrande resumed trading shares after a one-day suspension. Shares were up by more than 9 percent in the first few minutes of trading before the enthusiasm waned, and shares finished at a more modest 1 percent increase.        周二,恒大在停牌一天后复牌,港交所的投资者一度感到乐观。在交易的头几分钟,股价上涨了9%以上,之后热情减退,股价以1%的较小涨幅收盘。
        Investors appear to be waiting for word of a possible restructuring. Government officials have joined a risk committee created by Evergrande in December to help steer the company. Since then, Evergrande has promised to start construction on hundreds of stalled development projects, yet it has not explained where it will find the money to do so.        投资者似乎在等待可能重组的消息。政府官员已加入恒大于去年12月成立的风险委员会,以帮助引导该公司。从那以后,恒大承诺开工建设数百个停滞不前的开发项目,但没有解释将从哪里获取用于开工的资金。

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