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Sorry, World: Famous Apologies by High-Profile Figures

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-13 02:25

        Some of the I’m Sorries are too little, too late, others are greeted sympathetically. Some are for transgressions that festered into scandal, others for spectacular errors of judgment or worse.        有些“对不起”太轻描淡写、来得太晚,而有些得到了同情。有些是针对演变成丑闻的过失道歉,有些是针对严重的判断错误或更糟的情况。
        The common denominator is that the apologists are well-known, magnifying the significance of whatever they may have done wrong. And their words of penance did not necessarily help them.        它们的共同点是,道歉者是名人,无论是什么样的过错,其严重性都被放大。而他们的忏悔之言未必起到了什么作用。
        The admission by Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain on Wednesday that, yes, he did attend a Downing Street party in May 2020 while telling pandemic-weary Britons they must isolate — a party he had earlier denied knowing about — has weakened him. Whether the apology will relieve the growing pressure on Mr. Johnson to resign remains unclear.        英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊周三承认,是的,他确实在参加2020年5月唐宁街一个派对的同时,告诉厌倦疫情的英国人他们必须隔离——他早些时候否认知道有这个派对——这损害了他的形象。尚不清楚道歉是否会减轻约翰逊越来越大的辞职压力。
        Mr. Johnson’s contrition, of course, comes nowhere close to one of history’s most extreme mea culpas: Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV’s trek across the Alps in 1077 to beg forgiveness from Pope Gregory VII, who had excommunicated him. (The pope ended up being deposed by Henry three years later.)        当然,约翰逊的歉疚与历史上最极端的认错之一相差甚远:神圣罗马帝国皇帝亨利四世于1077年翻越阿尔卑斯山,请求将他逐出教门的教宗额我略七世的宽恕。(三年后,教宗最终被亨利废黜。)
        But with that qualification, here is a random and unscientific look at some other notable apologies in politics, sports and entertainment around the world.        如果以此为标准,我们随机选择了一些世界各地政治、体育和娱乐领域著名的道歉,不做科学分析。
        Theresa May        特雷莎·梅
        Mr. Johnson’s predecessor as prime minister and former leader of the dominant Conservative Party, Mrs. May, resigned in 2019 after repeated failures in finalizing Brexit, Britain’s exit from the European Union. She made a well-remembered apology in 2017 for having presided over one of her party’s worst parliamentary election losses. Coughing repeatedly and interrupted by a prankster, Ms. May, nicknamed “Maybot” by critics, called her campaign “too scripted, too presidential.”        约翰逊的前任首相和主要党派保守党的前领导人特雷莎·梅在最终敲定英国脱欧屡次失败后于2019年辞职。2017年,在她的领导下,她的政党遭遇了最严重的议会选举失利,她为此做出了令人难忘的道歉。被批评者戏称为“机器人梅”的特雷莎·梅反复咳嗽并被一个恶作剧者打断。她称她的竞选活动“过于刻板,太像总统竞选”。
        Justin Trudeau        贾斯汀·特鲁多
        Mr. Trudeau’s tenure as prime minister of Canada — and his reputation as a hero of tolerance and diversity — was imperiled in 2019 by disclosures that he had masqueraded in black face and brown face. “I know there are Canadians, many, many Canadians, that I have deeply hurt with the choices I made,” Mr. Trudeau said in seeking forgiveness. “I am going to work very hard to demonstrate that as an individual I will continue to stand against intolerance and racism.”        加拿大总理特鲁多得到了宽容和多元化英雄的赞誉,但在2019年,他的任期因他曾经的“黑脸装”曝光而受到威胁。“我知道有加拿大人——很多、很多加拿大人——被我的选择深深地伤害了,”特鲁多在寻求谅解时说。“我将非常努力地证明,作为个人,我将继续反对不容异己和种族主义。”
        Park Geun-hye        朴槿惠
        Ms. Park, the former president of South Korea who was engulfed in scandals that paralyzed her government, was impeached in 2016 and later imprisoned. In the weeks leading up to her impeachment for abuse of power, she apologized at least three times, including in a televised address in which she proclaimed: “All of this happening is my fault. It happened because of my neglect.”        韩国前总统朴槿惠深陷丑闻,使政府陷入瘫痪。2016年,她遭到弹劾,随后入狱。在她因滥用职权被弹劾前的几周内,她至少道歉了三次,包括在电视讲话中宣称:“所有这一切都是我的错。是因为我的疏忽而发生的。”
        Bill Clinton        比尔·克林顿
        After months of denial, Mr. Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States, admitted in August 1998 that he had engaged in an inappropriate relationship with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern. “I misled people, including even my wife. I deeply regret that,” Mr. Clinton said on national television. He was even more contrite in a subsequent speech to clergy members, declaring: “I don’t think there’s a fancy way to say that I have sinned.” He was later impeached by the House on charges of perjury and obstructing justice but was acquitted in a Senate trial.        经过数月的否认,美国第42任总统克林顿于1998年8月承认,他与白宫实习生莫妮卡·莱温斯基有过不正当的关系。“我误导了大家,甚至包括我的妻子。我对此感到深深的后悔,”克林顿向全国发表的电视讲话称。在随后对神职人员的讲话中,他更加懊悔,宣称:“我有罪,我认为这件事难用体面的话来描述。”他后来遭众议院弹劾,罪名是作伪证和妨碍司法公正,但在参议院的审判中被宣告无罪。
        Angela Merkel        安吉拉·默克尔
        Ms. Merkel, Germany’s first female chancellor, who led the country from 2006 until last month, was known for her deft stewardship of Europe’s most powerful economy, support for Western democracies and a science-based approach to combating the pandemic. But she made a rare admission of error last March, scrapping a plan to prolong an unpopular lockdown during the Easter holiday. Although well intended, she said, “the idea of the extended Easter break was a mistake.”        默克尔是德国第一位女总理,从2006年开始一直领导德国,直到上个月。她以对欧洲最强大经济体的灵巧管理、对西方民主国家的支持以及科学抗疫而闻名。但去年3月,她​​罕见地承认犯了一个错误,并将不得民心的复活节假期延长封锁计划取消。她说,虽然意图很好,但“延长复活节假期封锁的主意是错误的”。
        Tiger Woods        泰格·伍兹
        Mr. Woods, the world’s most famous golfer, admitted in 2009 to having committed unspecified errors of judgment after reports emerged that he had engaged in multiple extramarital affairs. “I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart,” Mr. Woods wrote on his website. “I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves.” His apology and plea for privacy were received positively, including from corporate sponsors.        在媒体报道世界最著名的高尔夫球手伍兹有多次婚外情后,他在2009年承认犯了判断错误,但未详细说明。“我让我的家人失望了,我从心底里为这些过失感到遗憾,”伍兹在他的网站上写道。“我没有忠于我的价值观,做出了我的家人不应承受的行为。”他的道歉和对隐私的请求得到了积极的回应,包括来自企业赞助商。
        Martha Stewart        玛莎·斯图尔特
        Ms. Stewart, the celebrity homemaker and media personality, was convicted in 2004 of having lied to investigators about a stock sale, and was sentenced to five months in prison. While she sought to play down the conviction as a “small personal matter” and vowed to rebound from it (which she did), Ms. Stewart was also contrite about the effects. “Today is a shameful day,” she said. “It’s shameful for me, and for my family, and for my beloved company, and for all of its employees and partners.”        著名家庭主妇和媒体名人斯图尔特于2004年因在股票出售问题上向调查人员撒谎而被定罪,并被判处五个月监禁。虽然她试图将这一定罪淡化为“个人小事”,并发誓要东山再起(她确实做到了),但斯图尔特也对这件事的影响感到懊悔。“今天是蒙羞的一天,”她说。“对我,对我的家人,对我心爱的公司,对所有的员工和合作伙伴来说,都是不光彩的。”
        Mark Sanford        马克·桑福德
        In June 2009, Mr. Sanford, then the governor of South Carolina and a rising star in the Republican Party, disappeared for six days without explanation — not even his wife knew. His spokesman later said he had been hiking the Appalachian Trail. Local journalists acting on a tip learned he was with his mistress in Argentina, confronting him at the airport upon his return. The scandal destroyed his marriage, and “Appalachian Trail” became a euphemism for infidelity. Mr. Sanford apologized in a speech that evoked biblical tales of redemption. “I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching on that front and what I find interesting is the story of David and the way in which he fell mightily, he fell in very, very significant ways. But then picked up the pieces and built from there.”        2009年6月,时任南卡罗来纳州州长、共和党内冉冉升起的新星桑福德在没有任何解释的情况下失踪了六天——连他的妻子都不知道他去了哪。他的发言人后来说他一直在阿巴拉契小径徒步。当地记者根据线索得知他和他的情妇在阿根廷,当他回来后在机场与他对峙。这桩丑闻毁了他的婚姻,“阿帕拉契小径”成了出轨的委婉说法。桑福德在一次提及圣经救赎故事的演讲中道歉。“我在这方面进行了很多反省,我觉得有趣的是大卫的故事以及他是怎样一败涂地的,他犯了非常、非常严重的错误。但他随后振作起来并重新开始。”
        Mel Gibson        梅尔·吉布森
        Mr. Gibson, the film star and director, was accused in July 2006 of having made virulently anti-Semitic remarks to an arresting officer who stopped him on suspicion of drunken driving near his home in Malibu, Calif. Mr. Gibson sought to make amends in a statement issued by his publicist. “I acted like a person completely out of control when I was arrested, and said things that I do not believe to be true and which are despicable. I am deeply ashamed of everything I said, and I apologize to anyone I may have offended.”        电影明星兼导演吉布森于2006年7月被指控对一名逮捕他的警官发表了恶毒的反犹太言论,在他位于加州马里布的家附近,警官因怀疑他酒驾将他截停。吉布森在他的公关人员发表的声明中寻求弥补的机会。“当我被捕时,我表现得像一个完全失控的人,说了一些卑鄙的话,一些我不认同的话。我对我所说的一切深感羞愧,我向我可能冒犯到的所有人道歉。”

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