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U.K. Monarchy and Government Plunge Into Simultaneous Crises

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-14 05:03

        LONDON — When Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain was hospitalized with Covid in April 2020, the alarming news bulletin came soon after a televised address by Queen Elizabeth II, in which she reassured the British public that after the pandemic ebbed, “We will meet again.”        2020年4月,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊感染新冠肺炎后住院治疗,在这一令人震惊的消息公布之前,英国女王伊丽莎白二世刚发表全国电视讲话。她在讲话中向英国公众保证,在疫情消退后,“我们会再见面的。”
        Stoic, dignified and comforting, the queen’s words helped anchor the country during the fretful days that followed — not the first time the monarchy has acted as a stabilizing force for the government during tumultuous events.        女王的讲话坚忍、庄重、抚慰人心,在接下来令人焦躁不安的日子里,这番讲话帮助英国稳定了下来——这并不是王室第一次在动荡的事件中充当政府的稳定力量。
        This week, however, both of these grand British institutions pitched simultaneously into crisis. On Wednesday, Mr. Johnson admitted attending a garden party not long after he had recovered from the virus, which violated lockdown rules and set off a chorus of calls for him to resign. Hours later, a federal judge in Manhattan rejected a bid by the queen’s second son, Prince Andrew, to throw out a sex abuse lawsuit against him.        然而,本周,这两大英国机构同时陷入了危机。周三,约翰逊承认,他在病愈后不久就参加了一个花园派对。这违反了封锁规定,导致民众纷纷要求他辞职。几个小时后,针对女王次子安德鲁王子要求撤销针对其性虐待诉讼的请求,曼哈顿的一名联邦法官予以驳回。
        On Thursday, Buckingham Palace announced that it would force Andrew to relinquish all his military titles and the honorific, “His Royal Highness.” He “is defending this case as a private citizen,” the palace said in a terse statement that underscored the finality of the prince’s exile from royal life.        周四,白金汉宫宣布,将迫使安德鲁放弃他所有的军事头衔和“殿下”的尊称。白金汉宫在一份简短的声明中说,他“以一个普通公民的身份应讯”,这一声明显示王子被逐出王室已成定局。
        While these cases are about starkly different issues, they both feature privileged middle-aged men under fire for their behavior, raising age-old questions of class, entitlement and double standards.        虽然这两起案件涉及的问题截然不同,但主角都是享有特权的中年男子,因其行为而受到抨击,引发了关于阶级、特权和双重标准的古老疑问。
        “Boris Johnson and Prince Andrew,” Alastair Campbell, a former communications director for Prime Minister Tony Blair, said in a Twitter post. “What an image the world is getting of Global Britain.”        “鲍里斯·约翰逊和安德鲁王子,”前首相托尼·布莱尔的公关主管阿拉斯泰尔·坎贝尔在Twitter上发帖说,“全球化英国给世人留下的就是这样的印象。”
        Mr. Campbell was involved in a now-celebrated episode in which a more stable government helped a monarchy in crisis: In 1997, he and Mr. Blair, a popular Labour leader coming off a landslide election victory, persuaded the queen to strike a more empathetic tone in reacting to the death of Princess Diana in a car crash. That defused a growing tide of resentment against the monarch.        坎贝尔曾参与了一个如今广为人知的事件,在其中,一个更稳定的政府帮助君主制化解了危机:1997年,他和布莱尔说服女王对戴安娜王妃死于车祸做出更具同情心的反应。布莱尔当时是一位颇受欢迎的工党领袖,在选举中赢得压倒性胜利。这平息了外界对君主制日益增长的不满情绪。
        “Normally,” Mr. Campbell said, “they avoid crises at the same time.”        “通常情况下,”坎贝尔说,“他们会避免同时出现危机。”
        Commentators said, half in jest, that the legal ruling against Andrew, 61, helped Mr. Johnson, 57, because it deflected attention from his grilling in the House of Commons, where opposition lawmakers accused him of lying and demanded that he resign. But both men are at the mercy of forces largely out of their control.        评论人士半开玩笑地说,现年61岁的安德鲁得到的不利裁决帮助了57岁的约翰逊,因为这转移了人们对后者在下议院接受质询的关注。在下议院,反对党议员指责约翰逊撒谎,并要求他辞职。但这两人都受制于基本不受他们控制的力量。
        Mr. Johnson has asked lawmakers to defer judgment on him, pending the results of an internal investigation into Downing Street’s parties by a senior civil servant, Sue Gray. If she determines that Mr. Johnson misled Parliament in his previous statements, it will almost certainly cost him his job.        约翰逊要求议员们推迟对他的审判,等待高级公务员苏·格雷对唐宁街派对所做的内部调查出炉。如果她认定约翰逊在此前的声明中误导了议会,那么几乎可以肯定,约翰逊将会下台。
        Andrew, by failing to win the dismissal of a suit brought by Virginia Giuffre, faces the prospect of damning disclosures in depositions of him and Ms. Giuffre, who claimed he raped her when she was a teenager. She says she was trafficked to Andrew by his friend, the convicted sex predator Jeffrey Epstein. Andrew flatly denies the charge and has said he has no recollection of meeting Ms. Giuffre.        由于未能驳回弗吉尼亚·朱弗雷提起的诉讼,双方的证词可能会遭到披露,导致毁灭性后果。朱弗雷声称,自己在十几岁的时候遭到安德鲁的强奸。她说,她是被安德鲁的朋友、已定罪的性侵犯者杰弗里·爱泼斯坦贩卖给他的。安德鲁断然否认了这一指控,并说他不记得曾见过朱弗雷。
        What the two cases have in common, critics said, is a lack of accountability on the part of the main actors.        批评人士说,这两起案件的共同点是缺乏对主要行为者的责任的追究。
        Mr. Johnson, in apologizing for the party, acknowledged the anger that the public would feel “when they think in Downing Street itself the rules are not being properly followed by the people who make the rules.” But he insisted that he viewed the gathering as a “work event” — one that he attended for only 25 minutes — an alibi that placed the blame on his subordinates who organized the gathering.        约翰逊在为参加派对一事道歉时,表示已注意到“当他们认为制定规则的唐宁街本身都没有正确遵守规则时”引发的公愤。但他坚称,他将这次聚会视为“工作活动”——他只参加了25分钟——这样的托词将责任归咎于组织聚会的下属。
        Andrew has not commented on his legal setback. But he and his lawyers have maneuvered to avoid confronting Ms. Giuffre’s accusations at a trial. He scrambled to avoid being served with legal papers in Britain. His lawyers tried to get the case dismissed on jurisdictional grounds and, most recently, on the basis of a settlement agreement between Ms. Giuffre and Mr. Epstein.        安德鲁没有就他在法庭上的不利情形作出置评。但他和律师已经采取措施避免在审判中直面朱弗雷的指控。为了避免收到英国的法律文件,他只得仓促行动。他的律师试图以管辖权为由撤销此案,最近一次申请撤销的依据是朱弗雷和爱泼斯坦之间的和解协议。
        With so much at stake, especially in a year in which the queen is celebrating 70 years on the throne, royal watchers speculate that Andrew will seek his own settlement with Ms. Giuffre. Who would pay that settlement, and with what money, are already questions being asked by British newspapers.        由于事关重大,尤其是在女王庆祝登基70周年之际,王室观察人士推测安德鲁将寻求与朱弗雷和解。谁来支付这笔和解金,用的是什么钱,英国报纸已经在提出这样的问题。
        Buckingham Palace’s announcement that it would remove Andrew’s military titles and deny him “His Royal Highness” suggests he has no path to rehabilitate himself. It is the kind of ruthless action that Conservative Party lawmakers have yet to take against Mr. Johnson, despite their frustration with him.        白金汉宫宣布将取消安德鲁的军事头衔并剥夺他“殿下”的称呼,这表明他已经没有恢复身份的机会。尽管保守党立法者对约翰逊感到失望,他们尚未采取类似的不留情面的措施。
        As a constitutional monarch, the queen will steer clear of any questions about Mr. Johnson’s political future — or of politics in general. But that does not mean she is without influence. Legal experts say the monarchy, because of its longevity and constancy, can have a moderating effect on the most extreme forces in politics.        作为一位立宪君主,女王将回避一般的政治问题,包括任何有关约翰逊的政界前途的问题。但这并不意味着她没有影响力。法律专家说,君主制由于其长久性和稳定性,可以对政治中最极端的力量产生缓和作用。
        “The monarchy acts as a ‘balance wheel’ in the sense of being an institution that, when political actors have tipped the ship of state too far in one direction, can tip it back in the other,” said Harold Hongju Koh, an American legal scholar who is a visiting professor at the University of Oxford this year.        今年的牛津大学访问教授、美籍法律学者高洪柱说:“王室就像一个‘平衡摆轮’,它是一个机构,当政治行为者将国家之船向一个方向倾斜得太远时,它可以将船向另一个方向倾斜。”
        It is a delicate balance. In late 2019, Mr. Johnson came under criticism for asking the queen to approve his government’s suspension of Parliament, a move that Britain’s Supreme Court later ruled unlawful because it was designed to squelch debate over his plans to pull the country out of the European Union.        这是一个微妙的平衡。2019年底,约翰逊因要求女王批准其政府暂停议会而受到批评,英国最高法院后来裁定该举动非法,因为它旨在压制他的脱欧计划引发的相关辩论。
        Unlike in April 2020, when the queen sent an ailing Mr. Johnson her best wishes, she is almost certain to remain silent about his current plight. If anything, her disciplined adherence to social distancing rules — captured most poignantly when she grieved alone in a choir stall at the funeral of her husband, Prince Philip, last year — is a vivid contrast to the prime minister’s after-work socializing.        与2020年4月女王为生病的约翰逊送上祝福时不同,她几乎肯定会对约翰逊目前的困境保持沉默。如果说有什么不同的话,那就是她严格遵守社交距离规则——去年她丈夫菲利普亲王的葬礼上,她独自一人在唱诗班的座位上哀悼那一幕最为感人——与首相下班后的社交活动形成了鲜明对比。
        For Mr. Johnson, the illicit parties are so damaging because they register with the public in a way that other scandals, like the costly re-decoration of his apartment on Downing Street or his defense of an ethically challenged lawmaker, do not. The sense of a double standard, once implanted, is hard to shake.        对约翰逊来说,非法聚会之所以具有如此大的破坏性,是因为它们会在公众中引起反响,而其他丑闻都不会引起公众的注意——比如他在唐宁街的公寓进行昂贵的装修,或是他为一名道德受质疑的议员辩护。人们一旦产生了他有双重标准的看法,就很难动摇了。
        “Most people are not interested in politics, and so many issues which excite the political commentators have no resonance with them. But this is different,” said Vernon Bogdanor, a professor of government at King’s College London. “There are so many people who could not see elderly, ailing or dying relatives during this period,” he said. “They will tell their family and friends.”        “大多数人对政治不感兴趣,所以很多让政治评论员非常激动的问题不会引起他们的共鸣。但这件事是不一样的,”伦敦国王学院政府学教授弗农·波格丹诺说。“在这段时间里,有很多人无法见到年迈、患病或垂死的亲人,”他说。“他们会把这些事告诉自己的家人和朋友。”

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