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Cambodia’s Internet May Soon Be Like China’s: State-Controlled

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-17 12:06

        PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — The day Kea Sokun was arrested in Cambodia, four men in plainclothes showed up at his photography shop near Angkor Wat and carted him off to the police station. Mr. Kea Sokun, who is also a popular rapper, had released two songs on YouTube, and the men said they needed to know why he’d written them.        柬埔寨金边——吉索昆在柬埔寨被捕的那天,四名便衣男子出现在他位于吴哥窟附近的摄影店里,并将他带到了警察局。吉索昆也是一位受欢迎的说唱歌手,在YouTube上发布了两首歌曲。这些人说他们需要知道他为什么要写这些歌曲。
        “They kept asking me: ‘Who is behind you? What party do you vote for?’” Mr. Kea Sokun said. “I told them, ‘I have never even voted, and no one controls me.’”        “他们一直问我:‘你为谁工作?你投票给哪个政党?’”吉索昆说。“我告诉他们,‘我根本就没有投过票,也不受人控制。’”
        The 23-year-old artist, who says his songs are about everyday struggles in Cambodia, was sentenced to 18 months in an overcrowded prison after a judge found him guilty of inciting social unrest with his lyrics. His case is part of a crackdown in which dozens have been sent to jail for posting jokes, poems, pictures, private messages and songs on the internet.        这位23岁的艺术家说,他的歌曲是关于柬埔寨的艰难生活。法官裁定他用他的歌词煽动社会动荡,判处其18个月监禁,他被关押在一个人满为患的监狱。他的案件是镇压行动的一部分,数十人因在互联网上发布笑话、诗歌、图片、私人信息和歌曲而被送进监狱。
        The ramped-up scrutiny reflects an increasingly restrictive digital environment in Cambodia, where a new law will allow the authorities to monitor all web traffic in the country. Critics say that the decree puts Cambodia on a growing list of countries that have embraced China’s authoritarian model of internet surveillance, from Vietnam to Turkey, and that it will deepen the clash over the future of the web.        加强的审查反映了柬埔寨日益严格的数字环境,一项新法律将允许当局监控该国的所有网络流量。从越南到土耳其,越来越多的国家采用中国的威权模式监控互联网,批评人士说,该法令使柬埔寨也进入了这些国家的行列,这将加深网络未来的冲突。
        Cambodia’s National Internet Gateway, set to begin operating on Feb. 16, will send all internet traffic — including from abroad — through a government-run portal. The gateway, which is mandatory for all service providers, gives state regulators the means to “prevent and disconnect all network connections that affect national income, security, social order, morality, culture, traditions and customs.”        柬埔寨的国家互联网网关将于2月16日开始运营,所有互联网流量——包括来自国外的流量——将通过政府运营的端口发送。该网关对所有服务提供商都是强制性的,它为国家监管机构提供了手段,“防止和切断影响国民收入、安全、社会秩序、道德、文化、传统和习俗的所有网络连接”。
        Government surveillance is already high in Cambodia. Each ministry has a team that monitors the internet. Offending content is reported to an internet crime unit in the Ministry of Interior, the center of the country’s robust security apparatus. Those responsible can be charged with incitement and sent to prison.        柬埔寨的政府监控已经很严格。每个部委都有一个监控互联网的团队。违规内容会被报告给内政部的互联网犯罪部门,该部门是该国强大的安全机构的中心。当事人可能会被控煽动并被送进监狱。
        But rights groups say that the new law will make it even easier for the authorities to monitor and punish online content, and that the recent arrests are meant to further intimidate citizens into self-censorship in a country where free speech is enshrined in the Constitution.        但人权组织表示,新法律将使当局更容易监控和惩罚人们在网络发布的内容。最近的逮捕旨在进一步恐吓公民进行自我审查,虽然言论自由是柬埔寨宪法载明的一项权利。
        “The authorities are emboldened by China as an example of an authoritarian state that gives Cambodia political cover, new technology and financial resources,” said Sophal Ear, a dean at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University whose family escaped the Khmer Rouge, the murderous regime that seized power in Cambodia in 1975.        亚利桑那州立大学雷鸟全球管理学院院长索帕伊说:“中国作为威权国家的榜样,为柬埔寨提供政治掩护、新技术和财政资源,这让当局变得更加胆大妄为。”1975年,红色高棉在柬埔寨夺取政权,索帕伊一家逃离了这个残暴政权的统治。
        “The National Internet Gateway is merely centralizing what has been a decentralized system of control over Cambodia’s internet,” he said. “The outcome will be to crush what little remains of freedom of expression online.”        “国家互联网网关将柬埔寨互联网分散的控制系统集中化,”他说。“结果将是粉碎所剩无几的网络言论自由。”
        The Cambodian authorities have defended the decree as essential for peace and security, dismissing allegations of censorship or any notion that freedom of speech is under threat. “There is a free press in Cambodia and freedom on the internet,” said Phay Siphan, the chief government spokesman. “We encourage people to use the internet, up until it becomes incitement.”        柬埔寨当局捍卫该法令,称其对和平与安全至关重要,并驳斥了关于审查制度的指控,以及任何言论自由受到威胁的说法。“柬埔寨有新闻自由和互联网自由,”政府首席发言人派西潘说。“我们鼓励人们使用互联网,只要它没有用来煽动人民。”
        Mr. Phay Siphan accused rights groups of “spreading paranoia” and described United Nations experts who have criticized the law as “working part-time jobs.” He said he felt sorry for the young people who had been arrested because they were not speaking for themselves.        派西潘指责人权团体“传播无端恐惧”,并将批评该法律的联合国专家描述为“兼职人员”。他说,他为被捕的年轻人感到难过,因为他们不是在为自己发表言论。
        “With freedom comes responsibility,” he said. “We warn them. We lecture them, make them sign documents, then the next week they post the same things, without taking the responsibility to maintain peace and stability.”        “有了自由,就会有责任,”他说。“我们对他们发出警告。我们对他们训诫,让他们签署文件,然后过了一周他们又发布同样的东西,却不承担维护和平与稳定的责任。”
        Prime Minister Hun Sen, who has been in power since 1985 and shown great zeal when publicly condemning his political rivals, appears eager to transfer his opprobrium to the digital era.        首相洪森自1985年以来一直掌权,在公开谴责他的政治对手时表现出极大的热情,他似乎急于将他的谴责转移到数字时代。
        When a former monk and activist posted a disparaging poem about the loss of the nation’s forests on the prime minister’s Facebook page, Mr. Hun Sen described the act as “extremist” and ordered the police to hunt the monk down. He was arrested in October.        当一名前僧侣和活动家在首相的Facebook页面上发布一首关于国家森林减少的贬损诗时,洪森将这种行为描述为“极端主义”,并命令警方追捕该僧侣。他于10月被捕。
        In August, a former agriculture professor was sentenced to 18 months in prison for making jokes on Facebook about requiring chickens to wear anti-Covid masks. He was charged with incitement and with defaming the prime minister, as well as the minister of agriculture.        8月,一名前农业学教授因在Facebook上开玩笑说要求鸡戴上防新冠口罩而被判处18个月监禁。他被指控的罪名是煽动和诽谤总理以及农业部长。
        Weeks later, a farmer, frustrated by the government’s failed promise to subsidize longan crops while the pandemic kept borders closed to exports, posted a video of tons of his annual harvest going to rot. He was sentenced to 10 months in prison.        几周后,一名农民因疫情边境禁止出口,同时政府未能兑现对龙眼作物的补贴承诺而感到沮丧,他发布了一段视频,其中显示他每年都要收获的数吨龙眼即将腐烂。他被判处10个月监禁。
        Of more than 30 arrests made over digital content since 2020, the most publicized one involved an autistic 16-year-old who was released in November. The teenager, Kak Sovann Chhay, had been jailed for comments he made in a chat group on Telegram, the private messaging app.        自2020年以来,因数字内容被捕的30多起案件中,最广为人知的是一名16岁自闭症患者,他于去年11月获释。这名少年名叫卡克索万蔡,他因在私人通讯应用Telegram上一个聊天组发表的言论而被判入狱。
        His father, a senior member of the opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party, which has been outlawed, was in prison at the same time. He had been jailed in 2020 for criticizing Mr. Hun Sen on Facebook, where the prime minister has more than 13 million followers.        他的父亲是已被取缔的反对党柬埔寨救国党的高级成员,目前也在狱中。他因在Facebook上批评洪森于2020年入狱。洪森在Facebook上有逾1300万粉丝。
        Internet service providers have asked the authorities to provide more clarity about the gateway. Meta, Facebook’s parent company, said in a statement that it had “joined with other stakeholders in sharing our feedback on this new law with the Cambodian government, and expressing our strong support for a free and open internet.”        互联网服务提供商要求当局就该网关提供更明确的信息。Facebook的母公司Meta在一份声明中表示,它已“与其他利益相关方一道,与柬埔寨政府分享我们对这项新法律的反馈,并表达了我们对自由开放互联网的强烈支持”。
        Last week, three local journalists were charged and detained for incitement over a report on a land dispute that they posted on Facebook.        上周,三名当地记者因在Facebook上发布一篇有关土地纠纷的报道而以煽动为由遭到指控和拘留。
        “We’re 35 days away from D-Day, and no status update has been delivered by relevant authorities or the private sector itself. That said, we weren’t expecting any public transparency as to the implementation of this,” Naly Pilorge, director of the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights, said this month.        “距离落地最后期限还有35天,有关当局或私营部门本身都没有发布任何最新情况。这就是说,我们不指望在实施过程中会有任何公开的透明度,”柬埔寨人权促进和捍卫联盟主任纳莉·皮洛尔热本月表示。
        “In the past, the government has tried to block content by requesting private-sector I.S.P.s to remove it, with mixed success,” she said. “But the National Internet Gateway gives them a much more powerful tool to crack down on free expression and dissent.”        “过去,政府曾试图通过请求私营互联网服务提供商删除内容,从而对内容实现屏蔽,但效果好坏参半,”她说。“但国家互联网网关给了他们一个更强大的工具来镇压言论自由和异见。”
        In one bizarre move in September, the prime minister “Zoom-bombed” an online meeting for members of the Cambodian National Rescue Party. He took to Facebook to explain the intrusion: “This entry was just to give a warning message to the rebel group to be aware that Mr. Hun Sen’s people are everywhere.”        今年9月,柬埔寨首相做出了一个令人匪夷所思的举动,对柬埔寨救国党成员的一次网络会议进行“Zoom轰炸”。他在Facebook上解释了这次入侵:“这只是给反政府组织一个警告信息,提醒他们洪森的人无处不在。”
        San Mala, a senior advocacy officer with the Cambodian Youth Network, said activists and rights groups were already using coded language to communicate across online messaging platforms, knowing that the authorities had been emboldened by the decree.        柬埔寨青年网络的高级倡导官员桑马拉表示,活动人士和维权组织知道这项法令让当局变得更加大胆,他们在网上信息平台已经开始使用暗号交流。
        “As a civil society organization, we are concerned about this internet gateway law because we fear that our work will be subjected to surveillance or our conversations will be eavesdropped on or they will be able to attend online meetings with us without invitation or permission,” said Mr. San Mala, 28.        “作为一个公民社会组织,我们对这个互联网网关法感到担忧,因为我们担心工作会受到监视,谈话会被窃听,又或者他们可以不经邀请或允许就参加我们的网上会议,”28岁的桑马拉说。
        Sopheap Chak, the executive director of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, said the timing of the new law was unsettling, given upcoming elections.        柬埔寨人权中心执行主任索皮乍表示,鉴于即将到来的选举,新法律出台的时机令人不安。
        “There is a real risk that the National Internet Gateway will be used to block and censor dissenting opinions online,” she said. “This will hinder Cambodian citizens’ ability to make an informed decision on which candidate they deem to be the fittest to rule the country.”        “国家互联网网关将被用来封锁和审查网上的不同意见,这是一个真正的风险,”她说。“这将阻碍柬埔寨公民在选择他们心目中最适合统治国家的候选人时行使知情决定的能力。”
        Mr. Kea Sokun, the rapper, was released in October after serving 12 months in prison. Six months of his original 18-month sentence were suspended to keep him in line, he said, a reminder that he is “not legally free yet.”        说唱歌手吉索昆在狱中服刑12个月后,于去年10月获释。他说,他原定18个月的刑期中有六个月被缓期执行,这是为了让他守规矩,提醒他“在法律上他还没有获得自由”。
        “Khmer Land,” one of the songs that got him arrested, now has more than 4.4 million views on YouTube, and Mr. Kea Sokun is already working on his next album.        让他被捕的歌曲之一《高棉的土地》(Khmer Land)目前在YouTube上有超过440万的点击量,他已经在筹备下一张专辑。
        “I’m not angry, but I know what happened to me is unfair,” he said. “The government made an example out of me to scare people who talk about social issues.” He said he could have had his sentence reduced if he had apologized, but he refused.        “我不愤怒,但我知道发生在我身上的事是不公平的,”他说。“政府以我为例子,吓唬那些谈论社会问题的人。”他说如果他道歉就能够减刑,但他拒绝了。
        “I won’t say I’m sorry,” Mr. Kea Sokun said, “and I never will.”        “我不会说对不起,”吉索昆说,“我永远也不会。”

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