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Biden Looks to Intel’s U.S. Investment to Buoy His China Agenda

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-24 11:51

        WASHINGTON — In celebrating a $20 billion investment by Intel in a new semiconductor plant in Ohio, President Biden sought on Friday to jump-start a stalled element of his economic and national security agenda: a huge federal investment in manufacturing, research and development in technologies that China is also seeking to dominate.        华盛顿——周五,拜登总统对英特尔投资200亿美元在俄亥俄州建立新半导体工厂的计划表示赞赏,他试图通过此举启动其经济和国家安全议程中一项停滞不前的内容:对中国也在寻求主导地位的技术领域,联邦政府在制造、研发方面进行大举投资。
        With two other major legislative priorities sitting moribund in Congress — the Build Back Better Act and legislation to protect voting rights — Mr. Biden moved to press for another bill, and one that has significant bipartisan support.        由于另外两个主要立法优先事项——《重建更美好未来法案》和保护投票权的立法在国会停滞不前,拜登开始推动这项得到两党大力支持的法案。
        But he has lost seven critical months since the Senate passed the measure, a sprawling China competition bill that would devote nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars to domestic chip manufacturing, artificial intelligence research, robotics, quantum computing and a range of other technologies. The bill amounts to the most expansive industrial policy legislation in U.S. history.        但自参议院通过这项措施以来,他已经损失了七个月的关键时间。这是一项庞大的中国竞争法案,将投入近2.5万亿美元用于美国国内芯片制造、人工智能研究、机器人技术、量子计算和一系列其他技术。该法案堪称美国历史上最全面的产业政策立法。
        Speaking at the White House, Mr. Biden said that America was in a “stiff economic and technological competition” with China. He chose the words deliberately, knowing that while it sounds obvious to American ears, Chinese officials in recent months have protested the use of the word “competition,” declaring that it has echoes of a Cold War-like contest.        拜登在白宫发表讲话说,美国正与中国进行“激烈的经济和技术竞争”。他刻意选择了这些词,因为他知道虽然对美国人来说这再明显不过,但中国官员最近几个月一直在抗议使用“竞争”这个词,宣称这是冷战思维。
        “We’re going to insist everyone, including China, play by the same rules,” Mr. Biden continued. “We’re going to invest whatever it takes in America, in American innovation, in American communities, in American workers.”        “我们将坚持每个国家——包括中国——都遵守同样的规则,”拜登继续说道。“我们将不惜一切代价投资于美国,投资于美国的创新、美国的社区和美国的工人。”
        He argued that the initiative would be a long-term solution to supply chain disruptions and rising inflation and would free American weapons systems from depending on foreign parts.        他认为,该计划将是解决供应链混乱和通胀上升的长期方案,而且还能使美国武器系统摆脱对外国部件的依赖。
        After months in which he rarely mentioned the China competition bill so that he did not lose focus on other elements of his agenda, Mr. Biden said on Friday that its passage was needed “for the sake of our economic competitiveness and our national security.”        几个月来,拜登很少提及中国竞争法案,以免失去对议程其他方面的关注。他在周五表示,“为了我们的经济竞争力和国家安全”,需要通过该法案。
        “Today, we barely produce 10 percent of the computer chips despite being the leader in chip design and research,” he said. “We don’t have the ability to make the most advanced chips now, right now.”        “如今,尽管我们在计算机芯片设计和研究方面处于领先地位,但我们生产的芯片仅占10%,”他说。“我们现在没有能力制造最先进的芯片。”
        Pervasive shortages of chips, which are needed to power everything from cars and washing machines to medical equipment and electrical grids, have forced some factories to shutter their production lines and knocked a full percentage point off U.S. growth last year, according to some estimates.        从汽车、洗衣机到医疗设备和电网都需要芯片,据一些估计,芯片普遍短缺迫使一些工厂关停生产线,并使美国去年的经济增长减少了整整一个百分点。
        While the Biden administration has billed Intel’s new investment near Columbus, Ohio, as a partial remedy for supply chain disruptions that have led to global chip shortages and spurred inflation, the project would do little to resolve any economic problems in the short term. The Ohio plant, the first phase of what Intel said could be an investment of up to $100 billion, is not expected to begin operation until 2025, and many analysts have forecast chip shortages to begin to abate later this year.        供应链混乱导致全球芯片短缺并对通胀造成刺激,尽管拜登政府称英特尔在俄亥俄州哥伦布附近设厂是对供应链混乱的部分补救措施,但该项目在短期内解决不了任何经济问题。英特尔表示,可能高达1000亿美元的第一阶段投资,即这家位于俄亥俄州的工厂,预计要到2025年才能投产,而许多分析师预测,芯片短缺问题将在今年晚些时候开始缓解。
        But in addition to providing positive headlines for a beleaguered White House, Intel’s plans may help build momentum for a key element of Mr. Biden’s agenda that was set aside as lawmakers contended with ambitious bills on infrastructure, social spending and voting rights. Speaker Nancy Pelosi indicated on Thursday that House committees would soon turn to negotiations with the Senate to move the China competition legislation toward a vote.        英特尔的建厂计划为陷入困境的白宫提供了具有正面意义的新闻,但除此之外,它还可能有助于为拜登议程中的一个关键要素营造势头。该议程在立法者争夺雄心勃勃的基础设施、社会支出和投票权法案时遭到搁置。众议院议长南希·佩洛西周四表示,众议院委员会将很快开始与参议院进行谈判,以推动中国竞争立法的投票。
        When the bill passed the Senate by a wide margin in June, it was sold in part as a jobs plan and in part as a move to avoid leaving the United States perilously dependent on its biggest geopolitical adversary.        当该法案于6月在参议院以较大的优势通过时,它在一定程度上被宣传为一项就业计划,此举部分是为了避免让美国陷入依赖其最大地缘政治对手的危险境地。
        China is not yet a major producer of the world’s most advanced chips, and it does not have the capability to make semiconductors with the smallest circuits — in part because the United States and its allies have blocked it from purchasing lithography equipment needed to make those chips.        中国还不是世界上最先进芯片的主要生产国,也没有能力制造具有最小电路的半导体——部分原因是美国及其盟国阻止其购买制造这些芯片所需的光刻设备.
        But Beijing is pumping vast amounts of government funding into developing the sector, and it is also flexing its military reach over Taiwan, one of the largest manufacturers of advanced chips. China accounted for 9 percent of global chip sales in 2020, barely trailing the global market share of Japan and the European Union, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association. That was up from only 3.8 percent of global chip sales five years ago.        但北京正在该领域投入大量政府资金,并对最大的先进芯片制造地点之一——台湾扩大其军事影响力。根据美国半导体行业协会的数据,中国占2020年全球芯片销售额的9%,紧随日本和欧盟的全球市场份额之后。这比五年前仅占全球芯片销售额的3.8%有所上升。
        At the World Economic Forum this week, Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, announced plans for Europe to propose its own legislation early next month to promote the development of the semiconductor industry and to anticipate shortages.        在本周的世界经济论坛上,欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩宣布欧洲计划在下月初提出自己的立法,以促进半导体行业的发展,并做出了将出现短缺的预测。
        John Neuffer, the chief executive of the Semiconductor Industry Association, said Japan, South Korea, India and other countries were also introducing their own incentives in a bid to attract a strategically important industry.        美国半导体行业协会首席执行官约翰·诺伊弗表示,日本、韩国、印度和其他国家也在推出自己的激励措施,以吸引这个具有战略意义的行业。
        “The clock is ticking,” Mr. Neuffer said. “None of us are working in a vacuum. This is a global industry.”        “时间紧迫,”诺伊弗说。“我们都不是在真空中工作。这是一个全球性的产业。”
        Mr. Biden’s push to enact the China competition bill comes amid growing frustration in corporate circles with his economic policies toward the country. Executives have complained that the administration still has not clarified whether it will lift any of the tariffs that President Donald J. Trump placed on China or how it will press Beijing for further trade concessions.        拜登推动制定中国竞争法案之际,企业界对他的对华经济政策越来越失望。高管们抱怨,政府仍未澄清是否会取消特朗普总统对中国征收的关税,或者将如何向北京施压要求进一步的贸易让步。
        The bill that passed the Senate, known as the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act, contains a range of provisions aimed at spurring the U.S. economy to take on China, but its centerpiece is $52 billion in federal investments to encourage chip research, design and manufacturing in the United States.        参议院通过的美国《创新与竞争法案》包含一系列旨在刺激美国经济对抗中国的条款,但其核心是鼓励美国的芯片研究、设计和制造的520亿美元联邦投资。
        The chip funding itself has broad bipartisan support and could be passed into law as soon as the next few months, supporters say; the question is whether other measures that have been tucked in the package will sink its prospects. The Senate bill includes a number of trade-related provisions that some House Democrats may oppose, including an investigation into foreign digital trade practices.        支持者说,芯片投资本身得到了两党的广泛支持,最快可以在未来几个月内获得通过而成为法律;问题是,已经纳为一揽计划的其他措施是否会削弱其前景。参议院法案包括一些众议院民主党人可能会反对的贸易相关条款,包括对外国数字贸易行为的调查。
        The global shortage of chips and the pernicious inflation that has accompanied it have spurred more interest in enticing semiconductor manufacturing to the United States. But whether Congress approves billions of dollars in new funding — and how the Biden administration decides to distribute it — appears likely to determine whether an investment like Intel’s is a one-time occurrence or a trend.        全球芯片短缺和随之而来的恶性通货膨胀刺激美国更加想要把半导体制造业吸引到本土。但国会是否批准数十亿美元的新资金——以及拜登政府决定如何分配资金——似乎很可能决定像英特尔这样的投资究竟是一次性的还是一种趋势。
        Companies including Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Texas Instruments, Micron Technology and SK Group have all announced recent expansions in the United States. Samsung has promised a $17 billion facility in Texas, while GlobalFoundries has committed to a second factory in New York.        包括台积电、得州仪器、美光科技和SK集团在内的公司最近都宣布了在美国的扩张计划。三星承诺在得克萨斯州投资170亿美元建厂,而格芯承诺在纽约州建第二家工厂。
        But the center of gravity for the global industry is still in East Asia. While the United States accounts for much cutting-edge research and design in the chip industry, it has gone from being the world’s largest producer of semiconductors several decades ago to mostly outsourcing production to Asian factories.        但这一全球产业的重心仍在东亚。虽然美国在芯片行业的尖端研究和设计领域占有很大比重,但它已经从几十年前的世界最大半导体生产国变成了主要将生产外包给亚洲工厂的国家。
        That has proved to be a vulnerability as pandemic-related shutdowns left companies around the world short of workers and raw materials, leading to shortages and spiraling prices for a variety of goods, especially semiconductors. Automakers in particular have been affected, with almost every major carmaker forced to curtail production last year.        事实证明这成为了美国的一个弱点。因疫情导致的停摆使世界各地的企业缺乏工人和原材料,导致各种商品出现短缺和价格飙升,尤其是半导体。汽车制造商尤其受到影响,去年几乎所有主要汽车制造商都被迫减产。
        Chip shortages have also become one of the largest single factors stoking inflation, now a key gripe among American voters as the midterm elections approach. Inflation hit a 40-year high in December, buoyed by a 37 percent increase in the price of used cars.        芯片短缺也成为引发通胀的最大单一因素之一,随着中期选举的临近,通胀已经成为美国选民的主要不满因素。在二手车价格上涨37%的推动下,12月通货膨胀率达到了40年来的新高。
        In an effort to ease the chip shortages, the Biden administration has convened gatherings with semiconductor executives, established a global alert system to identify shortages and requested vast amounts of information from chip companies on potential bottlenecks. The Commerce Department is expected to release some of that information publicly before the end of the month.        为了缓解芯片短缺问题,拜登政府召集了半导体高管开会,建立了一个全球警报系统来确定短缺情况,并要求芯片公司提供大量有关潜在阻碍的信息。预计商务部将在本月底之前公开发布其中一些信息。
        Gina Raimondo, the commerce secretary, said in a statement on Friday that Intel’s investment was a win for the company, for American manufacturing and for “American consumers who can look forward to lower prices as we bring home production of the semiconductors that keep our economy running.”        商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多周五在一份声明中表示,英特尔的投资对企业、美国制造业和美国消费者来说都是一场胜利。“我们将维持经济运行的半导体带回国内生产,美国消费者可以期待更低的价格。”
        But analysts say the administration has little control over any short-term trends in the industry, given the long lead times necessary to build semiconductor facilities.        但分析人士表示,鉴于建造半导体设施需要较长时间,政府对该行业的任何短期趋势都无能为力。
        Mr. Neuffer said his industry applauded the attention the White House was giving to the sector, including encouraging companies to share more information. “But the reality is, there’s only so much government can do,” he said. “These are very complicated, deep global supply chains, and the market is just going to have to work through this.”        诺伊弗表示,他的行业对白宫给予的关注,包括鼓励公司分享更多信息的行动表示赞赏。“但现实是,政府能做的只有这么多,”他说。“这些都是非常复杂、深入的全球供应链,市场会解决这个问题。”

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