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‘In the End, You’re Treated Like a Spy,’ Says M.I.T. Scientist

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-25 02:38

        CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — When Gang Chen returned to his laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Friday, the day after the government had dismissed charges of lying on grant applications, he was surrounded by well-wishers, offering hugs and congratulations.        马萨诸塞坎布里奇——周五,陈刚回到他在麻省理工学院的实验室,祝贺他的人立刻将他团团围住,拥抱他、祝贺他,就在前一天,政府撤回了对其在申请拨款时撒谎的指控。
        There were invitations, too. Colleagues were asking him to join funded research studies, resuming the work that has occupied his adult life.        迎接他的还有一些邀约。同事们邀他参加受资助的研究,重新开始他成年以来一直从事的工作。
        Dr. Chen studies heat transfer; he hopes to develop a superconductor that could convert heat from car exhaust into electricity, or fabric for clothing that could cool the body. During the year since his arrest, that had been the hardest thing — tearing himself away from research.        陈刚研究的是热传导。他希望开发出一种超导体,可以将汽车尾气中的热量转化为电能,或者可以给身体降温的衣服面料。被捕后的一年里,远离研究成了艰难无比的事情。
        Dr. Chen said thank you, but no. After the experience of the last year — the early-morning arrest, the handcuffs and shackles, being described, in a news conference, as loyal to China — he is uncertain if he will ever feel safe applying for U.S. government funds for research again.        陈刚婉言谢绝了邀约。有了去年的经历——清晨的逮捕、戴着手铐和脚镣、在一次新闻发布会上被描述为对中国效忠——他不确定自己是否还能放心地申请美国政府的研究基金。
        “You work hard, you have good output, you build a reputation,” Dr. Chen said, in a three-and-a-half-hour interview at his M.I.T. office, the first he has given about the case. “The government gets what they want, right? But in the end, you’re treated like a spy. That just breaks your heart. It breaks your confidence.”        “你努力工作,你有良好的产出,你建立了口碑,”陈刚在他麻省理工学院的办公室里接受了三个半小时的采访,这是他第一次就此案接受采访。“政府得到了他们想要的,对吧?但是最后,你却被当成间谍。这让你心碎。这会打击你的信心。”
        Last week, the government dismissed the case against Dr. Chen, which alleged that he had concealed seven Chinese affiliations in applications for $2.7 million in grants from the U.S. Energy Department. Prosecutors announced that they had received new information indicating that Dr. Chen had not been obliged to disclose those affiliations, undercutting the basis of the case.        上周,政府撤销了针对陈刚的案件,该案指控他在向美国能源部申请270万美元拨款的过程中隐瞒了与中国有关的七个关系。检察官宣布,他们收到了新的信息,表明陈刚没有义务披露这些关系,使得此案难以成立。
        “We understand that our charging decisions deeply impact people’s lives,” said Rachael Rollins, who was sworn in this month as the new United States Attorney. “As United States Attorney, I will always encourage the prosecutors in our office to engage in this type of rigorous and continued review at every stage of a proceeding. Today’s dismissal is a result of that process.”        “我们明白,我们的指控决定深深地影响着人们的生活,”本月宣誓就任美国新任检察官的蕾切尔·罗林斯说。“作为联邦检察官,我将始终鼓励我们办公室的检察官在诉讼的每一个阶段进行这种严格和持续的审查。今天的撤诉就是这一过程的结果。”
        The dismissal is a setback to the China Initiative, an effort started in 2018 to crack down on economic and scientific espionage by China. Many of the prosecutions, like the case against Dr. Chen, do not allege espionage or theft of information, but something narrower: failing to disclose Chinese affiliations in grant applications to U.S. agencies. Critics say it has instilled a pervasive atmosphere of fear among scientists of Chinese descent.        这次撤诉令“中国计划”受折,该计划始于2018年,旨在打击中国的经济和科学间谍活动。很多起诉,比如针对陈刚的案件,并没有指控间谍活动或窃取信息,而是涉及范围更窄的问题:向美国机构申请拨款时没有披露同中国机构的关系。批评者说,它在华裔科学家中导致了普遍的恐惧气氛。
        Dr. Chen described the experience of the last year as traumatic and deeply disillusioning.        陈刚说,过去一年的经历令人痛苦,让人深感幻灭。
        In recent months, prosecutors floated an agreement in which the government would have dropped the criminal charges in exchange for acknowledgment of some links to China, he said. He refused it, he said.        他说,几个月前,检方向他提出交易:政府将放弃刑事指控,换取他承认与中国的一些联系。他说,他拒绝了。
        “That’s just my mentality,” he said. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”        “我就是这个心态,”他说。“我没做错什么。”
        The son of two mathematics teachers who were sent to teach on farms during China’s Cultural Revolution, Dr. Chen grew up without any hope of becoming a scientist. His parents, the descendants of landowners, had a “bad classification” from the Chinese government, and were viewed suspiciously. His father warned him he would probably spend his life as a farmer.        陈刚的父母都是数学老师,在中国的文化大革命期间,他们被派往农村教书。成长过程中,他不奢望成为科学家。他的父母都是地主的后代,在中国政府的心目中属于“出身不好”,不能获得信任。父亲警告他,可能会当一辈子农民。
        But then Mao Zedong died. Dr. Chen was one of the first classes of Chinese students to take standardized tests, and his scores vaulted him into an academic elite. He immigrated to the United States at 25, and became a naturalized citizen in 2000.        但后来毛泽东去世了。陈刚参加了首届高考,以优异的成绩成为学术精英。他在25岁时移民美国,并于2000年入籍成为美国公民。
        During his years at M.I.T., he added, he had often dissuaded scientists who were being recruited to take their research out of the United States. The prosecutions of scientists in the United States have shaken him so deeply, he said, that he isn’t sure he would do that again.        他还说,在麻省理工学院期间,他曾经常劝阻那些被招募来将研究带出美国的科学家。他说,如今美国对科学家的起诉让他深受震撼,他不确定自己是否还会那么做。
        “I don’t know whether I could give the same advice,” he said. “I don’t know how this is going to develop. I think the country must wake up. We are killing ourselves. We are committing a real suicidal act, right? I really don’t know how to advise people now on this. Maybe give it some time. I don’t know. It’s hard to say.”        “我不知道自己是否还能给出同样的建议,”他说。“我不知道事态会如何发展。我认为这个国家必须觉醒。我们是在残害我们自己。我们是在实施真正的自杀行为,对吧?在这方面,我现在真的不知道该怎么给别人建议。也许要再过一段时间。我不知道。这很难说。”
        An early-morning arrest        清晨的逮捕
        By 2019, the Justice Department had begun to announce charges against scientists collaborating with Chinese institutions. Dr. Chen followed the cases casually, through friends and colleagues. He decided against taking a sabbatical year in China, for fear it would make him a target.        到2019年,司法部开始宣布对与中国机构合作的科学家提出指控。陈刚有时通过朋友和同事了解到这些案例。他决定不去中国休年假,因为担心这会让他成为目标。
        In January 2020, he was alarmed by the arrest of Charles M. Lieber, the head of Harvard’s chemistry department, who was charged with hiding his participation in China’s Thousand Talents recruitment program. But neither Dr. Chen nor his colleagues saw parallels with their own activities, he said.        2020年1月,哈佛大学化学系主任查尔斯·利伯被捕,令陈刚感到震惊。利伯被控隐瞒自己参与中国“千人计划”的情况。但陈刚说,自己和同事们都不觉得他们的活动与利伯有任何相似之处。
        “Most of us, when we looked at the government accusation, we said, ‘Wow, he did that?’” he said. “You see, you tend to believe in government.”        “对我们中的大多数人,当看到那样的政府指控,我们会说,‘哇,他做过这种事?’”他说。“因此,我们都倾向于相信政府。”
        But he, too, was under investigation. That same month, Dr. Chen was detained for two or three hours at Logan International Airport as he returned from a trip to China, Egypt and Morocco. He answered questions from a Homeland Security agent, balking only at the end of the interview, when the agents for the passwords to his devices.        但他也受到了调查。就在同月,陈刚结束中国、埃及和摩洛哥之旅返美时,在洛根国际机场被扣留了两三个小时。他回答了一名国土安全局特工的问题,只在问讯最后,当特工找他要设备密码时,他才予以拒绝。
        M.I.T. provided him an outside counsel, Robert Fisher, a former prosecutor who met with him eight times over the course of the next year. Still, Dr. Chen said, he had little concern that the investigation would result in anything.        麻省理工学院将外聘律师罗伯特·费舍尔介绍给他,曾做过检察官的费舍尔在此后一年时间里与他见过八次面。不过,陈刚表示,他并未担心调查会招致什么严重后果。
        “My thing is, I didn’t do anything wrong,” he said. “So whatever they look at, they won’t find that I did anything wrong.”        “我的意思是,我没有做错任何事,”他说。“所以不管他们怎么查,都不会发现我做错了什么。”
        At 6:30 a.m. on Jan. 14, 2021, he was making coffee when someone came to the door. He opened it to see between 10 and 20 federal agents. He was told to stand in a corner while agents went to wake his wife and daughter. When his wife saw that he was being handcuffed and led away, she began to speak to the F.B.I. agents, and he considered calling out to her, to tell her to stop, but was afraid to speak.        2021年1月14日早上六点半,他正在煮咖啡,这时有人来敲门。他打开门,看到10到20名联邦特工在门口。他被告知站在墙角,这些特工去叫醒了他的妻女。当妻子看到他被铐走,她开始对FBI特工们说话,他曾想叫住她,告诉她别说了,但却不敢开口。
        “I didn’t dare use Chinese — because I spoke with her in Mandarin, right, most of the time — but I didn’t dare to use Chinese,” he said. “I regret so much, once they took me away, because I should have shouted in Chinese to her, ‘Anything you say can be used against you.’”        “我不敢说中文——因为我跟她的大部分交流都用普通话——但那时我不敢说中文,”他说。“他们一把我带走,我就特别后悔,因为我应该用中文对她喊,‘你说的一切都可能对你不利。’”
        Dr. Chen spent the next few hours in custody, pacing in his cell and then doing yoga. He remembers asking the F.B.I. agents whether they had been asked to make sure he did not commit suicide, and reassuring them that he did not intend to. When he was finally released, at around 2 p.m., and was in a car on the way home, he began shaking.        在接下来被关押的几个小时里,陈刚在牢房中来回踱步,后来开始做瑜伽。他记得自己曾问FBI特工,他们是否被要求确保他不会自杀,并向他们保证他没有自杀的打算。下午两点左右,他终于被释放,在回家的车上,他开始发抖。
        Dr. Chen, who has experimented with standup comedy, joked — half-joked — that the experience had so disgusted them that both he and his wife lost weight.        曾尝试表演过单口喜剧的陈刚半开玩笑半认真地说,那次经历让他和妻子恶心到人消瘦。
        “We were both of us so disgusted,” he said. “We didn’t know what this word really meant. It’s real. Disgust is biological. We used to see this word, but it’s a biological reaction after everything that has happened.”        “我们俩都感觉非常恶心,”他说。“我们之前并不知道这个英文词的真正含义。但感觉好真实。恶心是生理现象。我们以前总见到这个词,但我说的是在经历这一切之后的生理反应。”
        Dr. Chen was put on paid leave, so he was not allowed on campus or to have contact with M.I.T. employees. He had five or six active research projects, and during the months that followed, they slowed and faltered. The 15 postdoctoral students he worked with were transferred to other research groups, taking their knowledge with them.        陈刚被安排带薪休假,因此他不能进入校园,也不能与麻省理工学院的员工接触。他手上还有五六个研究项目,而在那之后的几个月,这些项目都进展缓慢,难以为继。他带的15名博士后被转移到其他课题小组,带走了他们的知识贡献。
        “We are all losers, right?” Dr. Chen said. “My reputation got ruined. My students, my post-docs, they changed their career. They changed to other groups. M.I.T., the country, the U.S., we lose. I can’t calculate the loss. That loss cannot be calculated.”        “我们都是输家,对吧?” 陈刚说。“我的名誉被毁了,我的学生、我的博士后,他们的学术生涯也被改变了。他们换了其他小组。麻省理工学院,整个美国,我们都输了。我无法估量损失。这种损失是没法计算的。”
        Last September, he got good news. Prosecutors had floated the idea of a deferred prosecution agreement, which would have allowed him to return to work and apply for government grants in the future. In return, said his lawyer, Mr. Fisher, he would have to admit to having some ties to China, none of them a violation of the law.        去年9月,他收到了好消息。检方提出达成延期起诉协议的想法,这将使他能够重回工作岗位,未来还能申请政府资助。他的律师费舍尔透露,作为回报,他必须承认与中国的一些关系,而这些关系并不违法。
        Such a deal, Mr. Fisher said, is “very, very rare,” and would have insulated Dr. Chen from the risk of going to trial, something he tried to impress on Dr. Chen.        费舍尔表示,这样的协议是“非常非常罕见的”,会让陈刚免去法庭受审的风险,他也试图用这一点来打动陈刚。
        “A lot of people would view that as a win,” he said. “I told him, ‘God, this is going to be crushing for me if we get a guilty at trial and I’m sitting with you in the courtroom.’”        “很多人会认为这是一次胜利,”他说。“我告诉他,‘上帝啊,如果我和你一起坐在法庭上,而法庭宣判的结果是有罪,那对我来说可太痛苦了。’”
        Dr. Chen said he considered the deal seriously. But he feared that there would be lingering questions about his innocence, or that he would be asked to speak to prosecutors about his colleagues.        陈刚说,他认真考虑过接受这个交易。但他担心关于他清白的问题会挥之不去,或是会被要求向检察官谈论他的同事。
        “I would never incriminate anybody,” he said. “And seeing how terribly they can stretch the facts, I have zero confidence in them. Absolute zero.”        “我决不会牵连任何人,”他说。“看到他们可以把事实说得多么可怕,我对他们毫无信心。一点都没有。”
        When the government’s motion to dismiss charges was made public, last Thursday, Dr. Chen was inundated with congratulations from colleagues. But he was somber.        上周四,当政府的撤诉动议被公开后,同事们纷纷祝贺了陈刚。但他依然忧心忡忡。
        “It’s hard to tell them directly that there is nothing to congratulate,” he said. “It’s just a sad history, sad for the country.”        “很难直接告诉他们,这没什么好庆祝的,”他说。“这是一段悲哀的历史,是这个国家的悲哀。”
        He is not certain how he will resume his scientific career. Without a research group or a funding stream, he has been working on individual research papers. On Thursday, the day the charges were dropped, he woke up at 4:30 a.m. to finish a paper on energy transfer in water.        他不确定要如何让自己的学术生涯重回正轨。没有研究小组或资金来源的支持,他一直在撰写个人研究论文。周四,也就是起诉被撤销的当天,他在凌晨四点半起床,完成了一篇关于水中能量转换的论文。
        But he said speaking out about the China Initiative felt like an obligation. In an editorial in the Boston Globe this week, Dr. Chen has called for Congress and the Justice Department to review his case and hold people involved in the prosecution accountable.        但他表示,他觉得公开谈论“中国行动”计划像是一种义务。在本周发表于《波士顿环球报》的一篇观点文章中,陈刚呼吁国会和司法部审查他的案件,追究检方参与者的责任。
        And for now, at least, he has no interest in research grants from the U.S. government.        至少在目前,他对美国政府提供的研究资金没有兴趣了。
        “I am angry, I am afraid,” he said. “My love is science. I did not want politics, right? I saw that, and I got away from it. I do my devotion to science. I help people, I support. But I learned that you can’t get away. Politics impacts everybody. So if there are things that are not right, we all need to speak out.”        “我很愤怒,我很害怕,”他说。“我热爱科学。我不想参与政治,不是吗?我见过政治,我摆脱了它。我献身科学。我乐于助人,支持他人。但我发现,人是没法逃避的。政治影响到每个人。所以,如果发现有什么事情不对,我们都应该大声说出来。”

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