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The police in China detain a testing lab official on suspicion of helping spread the virus.

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-14 10:27

        The police in a city in central China have detained the manager of a regional coronavirus testing laboratory on suspicion of “committing acts that caused the spread of the coronavirus or seriously increased the danger of spreading it.”        在中国河南省许昌市,警方以涉嫌“实施引起新型冠状病毒感染肺炎传播或者有传播严重危险的行为”为由,拘留了当地一个新冠病毒检测中心的负责人。
        In a brief statement, the police in Xuchang, a city in Henan Province, also said that the authorities in the nearby city of Yuzhou were investigating the man, identified only by his surname, Zhang, for “serious criminal offenses,” but they did not provide more details.        在一份简短声明中,河南许昌警方还表示附近的禹州市公安局正在对这名张姓男子“以涉嫌刑事犯罪立案侦查”(禹州为许昌辖下县级市——编注),但没有提供更多细节,也没有给出其全名。
        The detention, announced on Wednesday, comes as China faces its largest surge in coronavirus cases since the start of the pandemic, an effort that has relied heavily on mass testing to ferret out cases. More than 20 million people across at least five Chinese cities are under lockdown as officials seek to tamp down outbreaks before the start of the Beijing Olympics in three weeks.        这项拘留是本周三宣布的,中国目前面临着自新冠疫情开始以来的最大一波感染病例激增,中国的抗疫努力在很大程度上依赖大规模检测来找出感染者。北京冬季奥运会将于三周后开幕,随着官员试图在冬奥开幕之前遏制疫情,至少五座中国城市的2000多万人处于封锁状态。
        Guangzhou KingMed Diagnostics Group, the parent company of the testing laboratory, said in a statement on Wednesday that the employee had been working with local health departments in Yuzhou to assist with the logistics of the city’s mass-testing campaign. The company said the employee had not been involved in any of the laboratory testing and called reports that he had purposely spread the virus, lost samples and fabricated and withheld data “rumors and false information.”        周三,上述检测中心的母公司广州金域医学检验集团在一份声明中表示,该员工一直在与禹州当地的卫生部门合作,为该市的大规模检测提供后勤服务。金域医学表示,该员工没有参与任何实验室工作,并表示,有关他故意传播病毒、丢失样本、捏造和隐瞒数据的报道是“谣言和虚假信息”。
        Founded in 2003, KingMed Diagnostics Group is one of the largest third-party coronavirus testing providers in China, with 37 laboratories around the country, according to the company’s website. Zhong Nanshan, one of China’s top medical advisers, is a member of its academic advisory committee, according to an article posted on the company’s website.        金域医学成立于2003年,是中国最大的第三方新冠病毒检测提供商之一,据公司网站上的信息,金域医学在中国大陆拥有37家中心实验室。据公司网站上的一篇文章,中国最有名的医学顾问之一钟南山是公司学术咨询委员会的成员。
        Yuzhou, a city of 1.1 million in Henan, has been in lockdown for more than a week after the discovery of three asymptomatic cases this month. Since then, the authorities have carried out at least seven rounds of mass testing as part of a broader effort to realize China’s “zero Covid” strategy. As of Wednesday, Yuzhou had reported 275 confirmed cases in the recent outbreak.        本月发现了三名无症状感染者后,拥有110万人口的河南省禹州市已进行了一周多的封城。在那之后,当局已在全城进行了至少七轮大规模检测。大规模检测是中国实现感染“清零”战略的更广泛努力的一部分。截至周三,禹州市在最近这轮暴发中总共通报了275例确诊病例。
        There have been several incidents involving testing companies in China since the start of the pandemic. In January 2021, a testing company employee was detained in the northern province of Hebei for reporting a sample of hundreds of thousands of residents as negative before the testing was completed.        自疫情开始以来,中国已发生过几起涉及检测公司的事件。2021年1月,河北一家检测公司的员工被拘留,原因是在检测报告出来之前就将几十万个居民的样本标为阴性。
        The sample was later discovered to include several positive cases, according to the Chinese state media.        据中国官媒报道,后来发现那些样本中有几例阳性。

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