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China decides not to sell Olympics tickets to the Chinese public.

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-18 11:48

        China had already barred foreign spectators from attending the Winter Games that begin in Beijing in less than a month. On Monday, it announced that most Chinese people won’t be able to attend either.        中国已经禁止外国观众现场观看不到一个月后即将在北京举行的冬奥会。周一,中国宣布大部分中国人也将无法现场观赛。
        Citing the evolving threat from the coronavirus pandemic, the Beijing 2022 organizing committee announced that it was ending ticket sales to the events “to ensure the safety of all participants and spectators.”        鉴于疫情防控形势依旧严峻复杂,北京冬奥组委会宣布将停止售票,以“保障涉奥人员和观众的健康安全”。
        The decision came less than two days after health authorities reported Beijing’s first case of the Omicron variant and ordered an immediate lockdown and mass testing in one of the capital’s neighborhoods.        两天前,卫生当局报告了北京首例奥密克戎变异株病例,随后有一个街区遭到封锁,并开展大规模核酸检测。
        The outbreak, though so far limited, pierced the extraordinary efforts to isolate Beijing, including a ban on travel into the city, in part to assure that the Olympics would be affected as little as possible.        此次疫情的规模虽然有限,但破坏了使北京与病毒绝缘的非同寻常的努力,包括禁止进京的规定,这在一定程度上是为了确保奥运会尽可能少受影响。
        The organizers committee said they had created an “adapted program” to allow some spectators, suggesting that groups that had been sufficiently screened and quarantined would be invited to attend.        组委会表示,他们“调整”了计划以允许部分观众入场,并暗示将仅邀请经过充分筛选和隔离的团体参加。
        Those could involve government workers, sponsors or government officials, but the committee did not elaborate except to make clear that the public would not be able to buy tickets, which had not yet gone on sale.        他们可能来自政府工作人员、赞助商或政府官员,但委员会没有详细说明,只是明确表示公众将无法购买尚未开始销售的门票。
        The International Olympic Committee later released a statement that largely echoed Beijing’s.        国际奥委会随后发表了一份声明,与北京的声明大致一致。
        “The organizers expect that these spectators will strictly abide by the Covid-19 countermeasures before, during and after each event so as to help create an absolutely safe environment for the athletes,” the international committee’s statement said.        国际奥委会的声明说:“组织者希望这些观众在每场比赛观赛前、观赛中和观赛后都严格遵守新冠防疫措施,从而帮助为运动员创造一个绝对安全的环境。”
        The Winter Games, which begin on Feb. 4, will now unfold like those in Tokyo, which also barred most spectators before last year’s Summer Games. The authorities in China, who had pressed ahead defiantly to fill the venues with spectators, have now had to bow to the grim realities of the pandemic.        即将于2月4日开始的冬奥会将像东京奥运会那样进行,后者也禁止大多数观众入场。中国当局曾不顾一切地寻求让场馆满座,但现在不得不向疫情的严峻现实低头。
        Even before Monday’s end of ticket sales, organizers had already drafted health protocols that far exceeded those in Tokyo. They have created a “closed loop” system that will isolate athletes, spectators, journalists and Olympic workers within the three clusters of venues where the events will take place.        甚至在周一宣布停止售票之前,组织者就已经草拟了严格程度远超东京奥运会的防疫措施。他们创建了一个“闭环”系统,将运动员、观众、记者和奥运工作人员隔离在三个将举行赛事的场馆群内。
        Until Monday, the organizers had hoped to be able to allow vaccinated and tested spectators to buy tickets to enter the three “bubbles,” which include the main Olympic Village in Beijing, the site of the Summer Games in 2008; and the two mountain clusters north of the capital, Zhangjiakou and Yanqing.        在周一以前,主办方仍希望能够让已接种疫苗和做过核酸检测的观众买票进入这三个“泡泡”,其中包括主要场地北京奥运村,这是2008年夏季奥运会的举办地;以及首都以北的两个山区——张家口和延庆。
        Anyone from China who had entered would have still been expected to quarantine for 21 days after leaving, an effort to protect the broader population from exposure from the foreign visitors.        任何进入这些“泡泡”的中国民众在离开后均需隔离21天,以保护他人免受外国来客的影响。
        Even with such extraordinary measures, the organizers no longer felt they could risk the interaction between the population outside the event and the international crowd that is beginning to arrive.        即使采取了如此非常规措施,组织者还是觉得他们不能冒险让非涉奥人群与即将到来的国际群体之间出现互动。
        China has in recent weeks aggressively sought to stamp out a series of concurrent outbreaks as part of the government’s policy of “zero tolerance” for the coronavirus. By last week, more than 20 million people were confined in their homes in cities around China, including Tianjin, a port city just 70 miles east of Beijing.        作为政府新冠病毒清零政策的一部分,中国最近几周极力遏制一系列同时暴发的疫情。截止上周,中国各地总共有超过2000万的城市居民被限制在家中,包括位于北京以东约110公里的港口城市天津。

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