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Hong Kong will cull thousands of hamsters after Covid cases in a pet shop.

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-19 10:12

        Hong Kong will cull more than 2,000 hamsters and ban the import of small animals after a pet shop worker, a customer and at least 11 hamsters tested positive for the Delta variant of the coronavirus.        香港将扑杀2000多只仓鼠并禁止小型动物进口,此前,一家宠物店的一名工作人员、一名顾客和至少11只仓鼠经检测发现感染德尔塔变异株。
        Officials said on Tuesday that it was not clear that the virus had been transmitted to humans from imported hamsters. But they called on residents to surrender hamsters imported since Dec. 22 to be tested and euthanized to prevent any further spread.        官员们周二表示,尚不清楚该病毒是否通过进口仓鼠传播给人类。但他们呼吁居民交出自12月22日以来进口的仓鼠进行检测和人道毁灭,以防止进一步传播。
        “They’re excreting the virus, and the virus can infect other animals, other hamsters and also human beings,” said Thomas Sit, assistant director of Hong Kong’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation department. “We don’t want to cull all the animals, but we have to protect public health and animal health. We have no choice — we have to make a firm decision.”        “它们的排泄带有病毒,而病毒可以感染其他动物、其他仓鼠和人类,”香港渔农自然护理署助理署长薛汉宗说。“署方不想扑杀所有动物,但我们必须保护公众健康和动物健康。我们别无选择——我们必须做出坚定的决定。”
        The cluster was traced to a worker at the Little Boss pet shop in the Causeway Bay district of Hong Kong island who was confirmed on Monday to have contracted the Delta variant. Further tests uncovered another infection in a customer who had a brief transaction with the worker while exchanging a cage and buying hamster food with her daughter on Jan. 7. A preliminary test indicated that the customer’s husband had also contracted the coronavirus.        这些仓鼠之所以被发现感染了新冠,这要追溯到香港岛铜锣湾区Little Boss宠物店的一名员工,该员工周一被确认感染了德尔塔变异株。进一步的检测发现,一名顾客与她的女儿1月7日在这家店更换笼子、购买仓鼠食物时,与该员工进行了短暂的交易。初步检测表明,该顾客的丈夫也感染了新冠病毒。
        Further testing found 11 infected hamsters in the shop and positive samples from cages at the company’s warehouse. Health officials said they had found no precedent for pet hamsters passing the coronavirus to humans, but noted that hamsters had been infected in laboratories.        进一步检测发现,店内有11只受感染的仓鼠,并且公司仓库的笼子样本也呈阳性。卫生官员表示,他们没有找到宠物仓鼠将新冠病毒传染给人类的先例,但指出曾经有仓鼠在实验室被感染。
        Officials said that two shipments of hamsters from the Netherlands were particularly worrying, including about 1,800 brought in on Dec. 22 and more than 800 that arrived on Jan. 7.        官员们表示,两批来自荷兰的仓鼠尤其令人担忧,其中约1800只于12月22日运抵,800多只于1月7日运抵。
        All hamsters at the city’s 34 licensed shops will be seized for testing and then culled, officials said. Anyone who bought a hamster after Dec. 22 is asked to surrender the animal to be tested and euthanized.        官员说,在34家拥有执照的宠物店中,所有仓鼠都将被没收进行检测,然后进行扑杀。任何在12月22日之后购买仓鼠的人都被要求交出仓鼠进行检测和人道毁灭。
        Pet shops that sell hamsters will also be closed for cleaning, and the authorities will test the shops’ rabbits, chinchillas and guinea pigs. Shops may reopen once those animals are shown to not be infected.        出售仓鼠的宠物店也将关闭进行清理,当局将对店内的兔子、龙猫和豚鼠进行检测。如果这些动物经证明没有感染,宠物店可以重新营业。
        Hong Kong, which has a painful history of infectious disease, including nearly 300 deaths from SARS in 2003, has taken aggressive measures to cut the risk of animal transmissions in the past. In 1997, it slaughtered more than one million chickens — every chicken in the territory — to stop the spread of an avian flu virus, and the city has since carried out smaller culls when infected birds are found.        香港曾经有过惨痛的传染病历史,包括在2003年有近300人死于SARS,该市过去曾采取积极措施降低动物传播的风险。1997年,香港为了阻止一种禽流感病毒的传播,将该地区所有鸡宰杀,数量超过100万只。此后,香港在发现受感染的鸟类时,还进行过较小规模的扑杀。

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