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I Watched the Building of an Olympic Venue

来源:纽约时报    2022-01-24 02:35

        In the past 17 months, I made five trips to a village northwest of Beijing. I was curious whether one of the Olympic venues there would be ready for the Games.        过去17个月里,我曾五次前往北京西北部的一个村庄。我很好奇那里的奥运场馆有没有为奥运会做好准备。
        Here’s what I saw →        以下是我所看到的:
        This is how the site looked in August 2020: A path down the hill had been prepared for the moguls freestyle skiing event. Towers had been erected to carry the athletes’ chair lift, but chair lift cables had not yet been installed.        这是该场地在2020年8月时的样子:这里为雪上技巧自由式滑雪项目准备好了了一条下山的路。已经竖起了塔柱来承载输送运动员的缆车,但还没有安装缆车的钢缆。
        A hillside on the way to the ski resort had already been covered with solar panels by then. The hillside is near a newly built high-speed rail line with trains that travel up to 217 miles per hour from Beijing to the ski area.        在前往滑雪场的路上,山坡上已经覆盖了太阳能电池板。山坡附近有一条新建的高速铁路,列车从北京来滑雪场的时速可达349公里。
        The venue is part of Genting ski resort.        这个场地是云顶滑雪场的一部分。
        In August 2020, workers were finishing up the 3,800 guest rooms, a 10-fold increase in the number from before China won its Olympic bid.        2020年8月,工人们正在完成3800间客房的建造,与中国获得冬奥会申办权之前相比,房间数量增加了10倍。
        By July 2021, the chair lift was ready, and so were the snow-making machines and the buildings for judges.        到2021年7月,缆车准备就绪,造雪机和裁判楼也准备好了。
        Preparations had begun for grandstands for spectators.        观众看台的准备工作已经开始。
        In late December, the venue was finally ready and covered in artificial snow. The nearby hillsides, though mostly snowless, were dotted with wind turbines to provide further electricity for the Olympics and nearby towns.

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