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Epidemic may end this year, says expert

来源:中国日报    2022-01-18 08:00

        This season may be the last "cold winter" China will experience during its COVID-19 fight, a renowned infectious disease expert in Shanghai said, expressing his faith in the nation's epidemic control measures.上海著名传染病专家表示,这可能是中国抗击新冠肺炎的最后一个“寒冬”,他对中国防疫措施表示了信心。
        "I am still very confident the COVID-19 epidemic will end by the end of this year," Zhang Wenhong, head of the Center for Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital Affiliated with Fudan University, said in an interview with China Media Group that aired on Saturday.复旦大学附属华山医院感染科主任张文宏在接受央视采访时表示:“我依然对今年年底结束新冠大流行抱有很大的信心。”
        Zhang said an improved level of herd immunity among the general public will be established by vaccines as the year progresses.张文宏称,随着时间的推移,疫苗将提高公众的群体免疫力。
        He also expressed his confidence in the public's ability to fight the epidemic and in treatment measures.他还表示对公众抗击疫情的能力和治疗措施充满信心。
        "New drugs will also be put into use soon, and this may be the last 'cold winter' we have," he said.张文宏表示:“新冠特效药也将很快上市,这可能是最后一个‘寒冬’。”
        On Saturday, Beijing's Haidian district reported a new confirmed case of COVID-19, making the capital the latest place in China to report a case infected with the Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus after Shanghai, South China's Guangdong province, North China's Tianjin and Central China's Henan province.1月15日,北京海淀区报告了一例新冠确诊病例,继上海、广东省、天津和河南省之后,首都北京成为最新报告奥密克戎感染病例的地区。
        Although the Omicron variant causes fewer serious illnesses, Zhang warned that its virulence should not be overlooked.张文宏警告,尽管奥密克戎重症化更低,但其毒性不容忽视。
        "Some foreign experts estimated that Omicron could probably infect everyone, and I think the variant could still cause severe consequences," he said.他说:“一些外国专家预测所有人都可能感染奥密克戎,我认为奥密克戎毒株仍然可能会造成非常严重的后果。”
        With a high rate of vaccination in the United States, the fatality rate of COVID-19 infections there is around 0.24 percent. That rate is about 2.4 times higher than that of seasonal influenza, Zhang said.美国的疫苗接种率很高,而病死率是0.24%。张文宏称,这一比率大约是季节性流感的2.4倍。
        He emphasized the importance of receiving a booster shot as it could raise the number of antibodies and reduce the number of severe cases significantly, but he said it's too early to consider a fourth jab.张文宏强调了接种加强针的重要性,因为加强针可以增加抗体数量并显著减少重症数量,但他表示现在考虑接种第四针还为时过早。
        "Elderly people and those with lower immunity may consider getting a fourth shot in the future, but it's not urgent right now," Zhang said.张文宏称:“未来在中国,免疫力低下和高龄人群也是有可能接种第四针的,但现在还不需要那么着急。”
        When asked about concerns about the Delta and Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, he said they are merely mutations of the virus, and all viruses change over time.当谈及新冠病毒的变异株德尔塔毒株和奥密克戎毒株时,张文宏表示,它们只是病毒的变异株,所有病毒都会随着时间发生变化。
        It would be a serious issue, though, if the virus mutated with other coronaviruses, Zhang said, but he added that this scenario is "very unlikely".张文宏称,如果新冠与其他冠状病毒发生重组,情况可能会比较糟糕。但他补充说,“这还是一个极低概率的事件”。
        To give encouragement to people in China who may be unable to return home for the upcoming Spring Festival holiday, Zhang said people should be confident in China's ability to cope with any difficult situation, no matter how the virus mutates in the future.张文宏还给今年春节可能无法回家的人们送上安慰,他表示,我们应该相信,无论将来病毒发生怎样的变异,中国还是有能力应付任何困境。
        "We should believe in China and believe in the rest of the world," he said. "We are going through the cold winter this year, but the next Spring Festival will no longer be cold. I hope all people can reunite with their family members and loved ones and give them a warm hug by then."他说:“我们相信中国,相信世界,我们正在经历一个寒冬,但明年的春节将不再那么寒冷。希望明年春节,每个家庭都能够团聚,每对异地恋的恋人都可以拥抱在一起。”

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