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Cats Clinch the Title of Urban China’s Favorite Pet, Report Says

来源:中国日报    2022-01-25 08:00

        China has seen an increase in pet ownership over the years, with people increasingly choosing cats. Globally, though dogs were still more common pets, including the United States and the United Kingdom, cats have emerged as the most popular pet in the European Union lately.近年来,随着越来越多人选择养猫,中国的养宠人士有所增加。尽管在全世界狗狗仍然是更常见的宠物,比如英国和美国,但猫咪最近已成为欧盟最受欢迎的宠物。
        Researchers attribute the fast growth of cat pets to the lifestyle in Chinese cities, with some experts also suggesting the feline’s popularity with the young generation’s pursuit of individuality.研究人员将养猫人士激增归因于中国城市的生活方式,一些专家还指出,猫咪受欢迎与年轻一代对个性的追求有关。
        “Our research shows that the majority of the pet owners are people born after 1990 and 1995,” he said. “Young people are looking for freedom and spontaneity in their lives, and the habits of cats are more suited to their needs.”他说:“我们的调查显示,大多数宠物主人都是90后和95后。年轻人在生活中寻求自由率性,猫的习性更适合他们的需求。”
        “I wanted a dog at first, but since I’m quite busy, I wouldn’t have given them enough time,” she said. “Cats are more independent compared with dogs. Nanako has kept me company through my loneliness, which someone like me who works in a big city faces.”小蔡说:“起初我想养只狗,但因为我很忙,没有足够的时间陪伴它。和狗相比,猫更独立。在大城市工作会带给人孤独感,Nanako一直陪伴着我度过这种孤独时刻。”

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