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Cats Clinch the Title of Urban China’s Favorite Pet, Report Says

来源:中国日报    2022-01-25 08:00

        A new report released Tuesday by Pethadoop, a platform specializing in China’s pet industry, said cats accounted for 59.5% of all the pets among the 30,000 respondents surveyed for the research. As of last year, there were some 58 million pet cats in China’s urban households, compared with some 54 million pet dogs.派读宠物行业大数据平台1月18日发布报告称,在接受调查的3万名受访者中,他们的宠物59.5%是猫。截至去年,中国城市家庭中约有5800万只宠物猫,而宠物狗约为5400万只。
        Cats have also turned into a social phenomenon in China and elsewhere, with the felines becoming the subject of viral memes and videos. Many cat lovers online also identify themselves as “cat slaves” and “cat sniffers,” publicly professing their pet preference.在中国和其他地方,猫咪也变成了一种社会现象,它们成了表情包和短视频的主角。许多爱猫人士在网上还自称“猫奴”和“吸猫者”,公开表示他们的喜爱。
        Liu Yi, the report’s chief editor, said that many city dwellers have busy lives and relatively smaller accommodations, thus making cats their ideal companions — it’s easy to raise cats, unlike dogs that require more attention and outdoor activities.这份报告的主编刘毅(音译)表示,许多城市居民生活繁忙,住宿面积相对较小,因此猫是理想的伴侣——养猫很简单,不像养狗需要更多的关注和户外活动。
        Cai, a 27-year-old who works in Beijing, said she recently adopted a cat named Nanako. She added that cats were the perfect pet for dagong ren, which means “laborer” or “working people.”27岁的小蔡在北京工作,她最近收养了一只名叫Nanako的猫。小蔡称,猫咪是“打工人”的完美宠物。

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