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Foreign media workers carry backpacks received at Beijing 2008 all the way to Beijing 2022

来源:中国日报    2022-01-12 08:00

        Foreign reporters have been seen carrying around bags from the 2008 Summer Olympics as they work inside the media center for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games.有人发现,一些外国记者在北京2022年冬奥会媒体中心工作时,随身携带着2008年北京夏季奥运会的背包。
        An Iranian journalist said he would carry the bag from Beijing 2008 every time he covered sports competitions. “A backpack is a very important item for a photography journalist, and this bag is of high quality and its design is user-friendly,” said the journalist.一名伊朗记者称,他每次报道体育赛事时,都会带着2008年北京奥运会的背包。这位记者说:“对于摄影记者来说,背包是一件非常重要的物品,这个包质量很好,设计也很人性化。”
        Fernando, a Spanish journalist, said that he carried the bag with him during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.西班牙记者费尔南多说,伦敦2012年奥运会、里约热内卢2016年奥运会和东京2020年奥运会期间,他都随身携带着这个包。
        Apart from the bags supplied to media workers, the gold medals awarded during the 2008 Summer Olympics also demonstrated a high level of quality. 除了提供给媒体工作者的媒体包外,2008年夏季奥运会颁发的金牌也是质量过硬。
        After a fire destroyed the apartment of Russian rhythmic gymnast Daria Shkurikhina, She found that the gold medal she had earned from the 2008 Summer Olympics, which was inlaid with jade, remained undamaged.
        For the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, media workers from around the world will receive a new media package that contains items such as an insulated cup and cultural souvenirs depicting paper-cut window grilles or Chinese knots, among other gifts.在2022年冬奥会上,来自世界各地的媒体工作者将收到一份全新的媒体包,其中包括一个保温杯、窗花或中国结等文化纪念品以及其他礼物。

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