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‘Appalling message’: outrage over Novak Djokovic’s medical exemption to play Australian Open

来源:中国日报    2022-01-06 08:00

        On Tuesday night, the defending Australian Open champion posted on Instagram that he was coming to Melbourne to participate in the tennis tournament with an “exemption permission”.1月4月晚,这位澳网卫冕冠军在Instagram上发消息称,他将在“豁免许可”下前往墨尔本参加澳网。
        Tennis Australia said players seeking an exemption went through a two-stage process, with their application first considered by a panel of experts in Tennis Australia, and then an assessment from the Victorian government.澳大利亚网球协会表示,申请豁免的选手需要经过两个阶段的程序,首先由澳大利亚网球协会的专家小组对其申请进行审议,然后由维多利亚州政府进行评估。
        “If there are several reasons why they are unable to be vaccinated, Atagi have set out very clear guidelines that have to be followed in order for you to be added to the Australian immunisation register and if you are added to that register, you are then exempt from a vaccination and can come into Australia,” he told Nine’s Today Show on Wednesday.蒂利5日在接受澳9号新闻台《今日秀》节目采访时表示:“如果某些原因导致有些人无法接种新冠疫苗,Atagi已经制定了明确的指导方针,他们必须遵守这些指导方针,才能录入澳大利亚免疫接种登记册。如果被该登记册录入,那么就可以获得接种豁免,并可以进入澳大利亚。”
        Tiley said it was up to Djokovic to decide whether to disclose the reason the exemption was granted. The Atagi guidelines state exemptions can be given for those with acute medical conditions, including undergoing major surgery, those who have had Covid-19 in the past six months or have had a serious adverse event attributed to a previous Covid vaccine dose.蒂利表示,是否披露获得豁免的原因由德约科维奇决定。Atagi指南指出,对于那些急性疾病病人,包括正在接受大手术的人,以及在过去6个月内感染过新冠的人,或因接种新冠疫苗出现严重不良反应的人,可以给予豁免。
        “I wanted to recognize and acknowledge that this outcome is something that many of the Victorian community find frustrating and upsetting,” Pulford said. “But I want to make absolutely clear that as has been the case the whole time, no one is receiving special treatment because of who they are or what they have achieved professionally.”普尔福德说:“我承认,这一结果令许多维州人感到失望和不安。但我想明确指出,一直以来,没有任何人因为他们的身份或他们在职业上取得的成就而受到特殊对待。”
        “If an arriving individual is not vaccinated, they must provide acceptable proof that they cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons to be able to access the same travel arrangements as fully vaccinated travelers.“如果抵澳人员没有接种疫苗,他们必须提供合理的证据,证明他们因医疗原因不能接种疫苗,以便能够获得与完成疫苗接种的旅行者相同的旅行安排。”
        Both Tiley and Pulford called on Djokovic to explain his medical exemption when he arrives in Australia.蒂利和普尔福德都呼吁德约科维奇在抵达澳大利亚时解释他的医疗豁免。
        Stephen Parnis, a former vice-president of the Australian Medical Association, said the decision was appalling.澳大利亚医学协会前副主席斯蒂芬·帕尼斯表示,这一决定令人震惊。
        Australian tennis players James Duckworth and Alex de Minaur expressed surprise at the decision when asked at the ATP tournament in Sydney.澳大利亚网球选手詹姆斯·达克沃思和亚历克斯·德米纳尔在ATP巡回赛悉尼站被问及该事件时表示惊讶。
        “That’s very politically correct of you,” de Minaur replied. “I just think it’s very interesting. That’s all I’m going to say.”德米纳尔回答:“你在政治上是非常正确的,我只是觉得这很有趣。这就是我要说的。”
        The deputy Victorian Liberal leader, David Southwick, said it was a “disgrace”.维多利亚州自由党副领袖大卫·索斯威克表示,这是一种“耻辱”。
        The decision also drew an angry reaction on social media, with many predicting a hostile welcome for the nine-time Australian Open champion when he takes the court.这一决定也在社交媒体上引发众怒,许多人预测这位九届澳网冠军在上场时会受到带有敌意的欢迎。
        Russian tennis star Natalia Vikhlyantseva announced in December she would skip the Australian Open because the Sputnik vaccine she has received is not recognised in Australia.俄罗斯网球明星纳塔莉亚·维克里安特塞娃去年12月宣布,她将不参加澳网公开赛,因为她所接种的卫星疫苗没有获得澳大利亚认可。

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