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‘Appalling message’: outrage over Novak Djokovic’s medical exemption to play Australian Open

来源:中国日报    2022-01-06 08:00

        The decision to grant Novak Djokovic an exemption from Covid-19 vaccination requirements to play in the Australian Open in Melbourne has been labeled “appalling”, with some players expressing surprise at the late decision.诺瓦克·德约科维奇获得接种豁免,在未接种疫苗的情况下可参加在墨尔本举办的澳大利亚网球公开赛,一些人认为该决定“令人震惊”。一些球员对于这一决定感到意外。
        All Australian Open participants must either be fully vaccinated or apply for and secure a medical exemption in order to enter Victoria without undertaking the mandatory 14-day quarantine.所有澳网公开赛参赛者必须接种疫苗,或申请并获得医疗豁免,才能进入维多利亚州,而无需进行14天的强制隔离。
        The chief executive of Tennis Australia, Craig Tiley, said the exemption granted to Djokovic was the same medical exemption anyone can get under the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (Atagi) guidelines.澳大利亚网球协会首席执行官克雷格·蒂利表示,德约科维奇获得的豁免与其他任何人根据澳大利亚免疫接种技术咨询小组(Atagi)指南可以获得的医疗豁免相同。
        “For tennis players, it was a process that was above and beyond what anyone coming to Australia would have experienced. Simply because we had an extra panel … which through a blind review assessed any application and then granted exemptions if it was appropriate.”“对于网球运动员来说,这不是每个来澳人员都会经历的程序。仅仅是因为我们有这样一个额外的机构……该小组以盲审形式对所有申请进行评估,然后对符合条件的给予豁免。”
        The state employment minister, Jaala Pulford, acknowledged Victorians would find the decision frustrating, but said the panel process to approve the exemption was “incredibly robust” and Djokovic had not received special treatment.维多利亚州就业部长贾拉·普尔福德承认,维州人会对这一决定感到沮丧,但他表示,批准豁免的小组程序“非常稳健”,德约科维奇没有受到特殊待遇。
        Andrews said in her statement any individual seeking to enter Australia “must comply with our strict border requirements”.安德鲁斯在声明中称,任何试图进入澳大利亚的个人“必须遵守我们严格的出入境规定”。
        “No individual competing at the Australian Open will be afforded any special treatment.”“参加澳网公开赛的任何个人都不会得到任何特殊待遇。”
        “I think it’ll certainly be helpful if Novak was to explain the condition for which he sought an exemption and he got the exemption,” Tiley said. “But ultimately, it’s up to him.”蒂利说:“我认为,如果德约科维奇能够解释他申请豁免并获得豁免的原因,肯定会有所帮助。但最终这取决于他本人。”
        “Personally, I am opposed to vaccination and I wouldn’t want to be forced by someone to take a vaccine in order to be able to travel.” 
        Public reaction to the news of Djokovic’s exemption was overwhelmingly hostile.公众对德约科维奇获得接种豁免的消息反应强烈。
        “I don’t care how good a tennis player he is. If he’s refusing to get vaccinated, he shouldn’t be allowed in,” Parnis tweeted. “If this exemption is true, it sends an appalling message to millions seeking to reduce #COVID19Aus risk to themselves & others. #Vaccination shows respect, Novak.”帕尼斯在推特上写道:“我不在乎他网球打得有多好。如果他拒绝接种疫苗,就不应该让他进入澳大利亚。如果这项豁免是真的,那么这向数百万寻求降低自身和他人感染新冠病毒风险的人发出了一个可怕的信息。德约科维奇,请接种疫苗以示尊重。”
        “Look, I don’t know the criteria for exemptions. Yeah. Apparently it’s an independent panel. He must have fit the criteria somehow,” Duckworth said.达克沃思说:“听着,我不知道豁免的标准。是的。显然这是一个独立的小组。他一定在某种程度上符合标准。”
        Tiley said 26 people associated with the Australian Open applied for a medical exemption to come to the tournament, but only a handful were granted.蒂利表示,26名澳网相关人员为参赛申请了医疗豁免,但只有少数人获得了批准。
        “What a disgrace! We have had 6 lockdowns – schools and small businesses closed, funerals and weddings told not to go ahead, families separated for months on end and now a tennis star gets an exemption,” he tweeted.他在推特上写道:“真是丢脸!我们已经封城6次——学校和小企业关门,禁止举办葬礼和婚礼,家人连续分居几个月,现在一位网球明星获得了豁免。”
        Former AFL great Kevin Bartlett said on Twitter that the public had been “taken for fools”.澳大利亚澳式足球联盟前著名球员凯文·巴特利特在推特上说,公众被“当作傻瓜”。

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