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South Korea should fund hair loss treatment, says election hopeful in bald bid for power

来源:中国日报    2022-01-10 08:00

        South Korea’s ruling party presidential candidate has ignited a fierce debate after proposing that the country’s public healthcare insurance should cover hair loss treatment.韩国执政党总统候选人提出该国的公共医疗保险应涵盖脱发治疗,该言论引发激烈讨论。
        On Wednesday the politician told reporters that hair regrowth treatments should be covered by the national health insurance programme.李在明1月5日告诉记者,生发治疗应该纳入韩国健康保险计划。
        His proposal triggered a flood of messages of support online. “Let’s implant Lee Jae-myung for us,” a user wrote, replying to a post of Lee’s slogans on hair loss uploaded to an online hair loss community.他的提议在网上获得大票支持者。一位网友在某脱发论坛上一篇关于李在明的脱发问题竞选标语的帖子中回复:“让我们把李在明种在青瓦台”。
        Ahn Cheol-soo, a minor opposition candidate who was formerly a doctor and software tycoon, described Lee’s proposal as irresponsible and promised to cut the prices of generic drugs and fund the development of new treatment if elected.反对党候选人安哲秀称李在明的提议不负责任,并承诺如果他当选,将降低仿制药的价格,并资助新疗法研发。安哲秀曾是一名医生和软件行业大佬。
        Lee, who once said he aspired to be a “successful Bernie Sanders”, has shot to fame on the back of his push for universal basic income and aggressive Covid-19 responses during his stint as Gyeonggi province governor.李在明曾表示,他渴望成为“成功的伯尼·桑德斯”。他在担任京畿道知事期间,因推行国民基本收入政策和积极的新冠防疫政策而一举成名。
        There is no official data on how many South Koreans suffer from hair loss. The National Health Insurance Service only provided yearly tallies of people who have received hospital treatment, which was about 230,000 in 2020.没有官方数据显示有多少韩国人脱发。韩国国家健康保险局仅提供了每年住院治疗脱发的人数,2020年约为23万。

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