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Europeans Ponder Living With, Not Defeating, Covid

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-27 10:30

        MADRID — Covid-19 infections were rising all across Spain, but the message from the country’s leader was clear: The government was not entering 2022 with the restrictions of 2020.        马德里——整个西班牙的新冠病毒感染率都在上升,但该国领导人发出的信息很明确:政府不会带着2020年的限制措施进入2022年。
        “The situation is different this time, and because of that, we’re taking different measures,” Pedro Sánchez, the prime minister, said this week, adding that he understood his people had grown impatient with the pandemic and that he was “fully aware of the fatigue.”        “这次的情况不同,因此,我们采取了不同的措施,”首相桑切斯本周表示,他还说他理解人民对疫情越来越厌倦,他“完全意识到了这种疲乏”。
        Across Europe, that fatigue is as palpable as the dampened Christmas spirit. The fatigue of another named variant of the coronavirus and another wave of infections. The fatigue of another grim year watching New Year’s Eve gatherings get canceled or curtailed, one by one.        在整个欧洲,这种疲乏就像被压抑的圣诞气氛一样明显。又一个新冠病毒变异株和又一波感染,在又一个令人沮丧之年,眼看着新年前夕的聚会一个接一个被取消,这一切都让人们感到疲倦。
        But along with the exhaustion, another feeling is taking root: that the coronavirus will not be eradicated with vaccines or lockdowns, but has become something endemic that people must learn to live with, maybe for years to come.        但伴随着疲乏,另一种感觉正在生根:新冠病毒不会被疫苗或封锁根除,而是已经成为人们必须学会与之共存的流行病,也许在未来几年都是如此。
        “We’re tired, we’re inoculated and it’s not going anywhere,” said Caroline Orieux, who, despite surging Covid cases, had visited Paris with her nephews and nieces for a few days of vacation.        “我们累了,我们接种了疫苗,情况却并没有变好,”卡罗琳·奥里厄说,尽管病例激增,但她还是和侄子侄女一起去巴黎度假了几天。
        This week, the rough outlines of how Europe might manage its latest outbreak were taking shape, at least for now, driven by everything from politics to people’s desperation to move on, especially at Christmas. Full lockdowns have mainly given way to less intrusive — and less protective — measures.        从政治到人们对生活继续向前的渴望(尤其是在圣诞节期间),在所有这些因素的驱使下,本周,有关欧洲如何应对最新疫情暴发的大致轮廓正在成形,至少在目前是这样。全面的封锁正让位于侵扰性较低——与此同时保护性也较低的措施。
        Spain kept a light touch, issuing limited new requirements on Thursday, like mandating masks outdoors and increasing the vaccination drive.        西班牙保持了较低程度的干涉,该国周四发布了有限的新规定,比如强制要求在户外佩戴口罩和加强疫苗接种力度。
        Even Italy, which suffered a particularly cruel first wave, introduced new rules on Thursday that were far less rigid than those imposed during its worst days, shortening the time frame that health passes remained valid, making third shots indispensable; banning large outdoor events until the end of January; and opting for an outdoor mask mandate.        就连遭受了特别严重的第一波疫情的意大利,也在周四出台了新规定,这些规定远没有在其最糟糕时期实施的规定那样严格。新规缩短了健康证的有效期,使接种第三针疫苗变得不可避免;它还在1月底之前禁止大型户外活动;要求在户外佩戴口罩。
        “Vaccines are and remain a fundamental weapon,” said Roberto Speranza, Italy’s health minister.        意大利卫生部长斯佩兰扎说:“疫苗现在是,将来也仍然是一种基本武器。”
        Beyond that, there is growing evidence that the new variant is more mild, at least for those who are vaccinated. Three studies — in South Africa, England and Scotland — all suggested that while the variant is more contagious, it likely results in a more mild illness.        除此之外,有越来越多的证据表明,新变种更加温和,至少对那些接种过疫苗的人来说是这样。南非、英格兰和苏格兰进行的三项研究都表明,虽然该变种的传染性更强,但它可能导致更轻的症状。
        And vaccines appear to be doing their jobs — reducing the risk of severe disease and hospitalization, according to recent studies.        根据最近的研究,疫苗似乎正在发挥作用——降低重症和住院的风险。
        Still, not everyone agrees with a scaled-down approach to fighting the virus, and it remains unclear if that notion will survive the possible Omicron crush of hospitalizations that many scientists fear. Even if most cases are mild, they argue, Omicron’s quick-fire spread could still lead to huge caseloads and overwhelming hospital admissions.        尽管如此,并不是每个人都同意采用缩减版的方法来对抗病毒,目前尚不清楚这个思路能否经受住许多科学家担心可能出现的奥密克戎住院挤兑的考验。这些科学家认为,即使大部分病例是轻症,但奥密克戎的快速传播仍可能导致巨大的病例数和压倒性的入院人数。
        Antoine Flahault, the director of the Institute of Global Health in Geneva, said France’s strategy — which went little beyond health passes and had stopped short of imposing stricter measures like bar closures — was nowhere near what was needed to stave off a wave of Omicron cases.        日内瓦全球健康研究所所长安托万·弗拉奥说,法国的战略(除了使用健康通行证没什么其他内容,也没有采取关闭酒吧等更严格的措施)远远不能满足抵御奥密克戎病例潮的需要。
        “I think it’s not the most successful one from a health perspective, but also from a social and economic perspective,” he said, noting that a surge of new infections could disrupt health services as well as the country’s manufacturing and supply capacities.        “我认为从健康角度来看,这不是最成功的做法,从社会和经济角度来看也是如此,”他表示,新感染激增可能破坏卫生服务以及该国的制造和供应能力。
        Giovanni Maga, the director of the Institute of Molecular Genetics at Italy’s National Council for Research, noted that while hospitalizations were five times lower than they were last year — largely thanks to vaccines — that does not mean that the country is out of the woods.        意大利国家科研委员会分子遗传学研究所负责人乔瓦尼·马加指出,虽然住院人数是去年的1/5——这主要归功于疫苗,但这并不意味着该国已经走出困境。
        “As Omicron is more infectious, contagions will rise,” he said.        “由于奥密克戎更具传染性,感染数将会上升,”他说。
        Yet as the pandemic drags on, scientists are often losing out to politicians. And in the political and economic calculus that has become the core of public health messaging for weeks now, the Christmas season has loomed large.        然而,随着疫情的持续,科学家们经常输给政客。数周来已成为公共卫生信息核心的政治和经济计算中,圣诞季已成为一个突出的问题。
        Switzerland recently backtracked on travel restrictions to try to salvage a winter tourism season that is a cornerstone of its economy. In late November, it issued quarantine orders for travelers from Britain, the Netherlands and other countries where Omicron had spread — only to remove them, even as cases rose.        瑞士最近撤销了旅行限制,试图挽救作为其经济基石的冬季旅游旺季。11月下旬,瑞士对来自英国、荷兰和其他奥密克戎传播的国家的旅行者发出了隔离令——结果在病例增加的情况下又将其取消。
        On Monday, the country also removed a requirement that travelers test after arriving, though it still requires negative tests before travel.        周一,该国还取消了要求旅行者在抵达后进行检测的要求,不过它仍要求人们在旅行前获得阴性的检测结果。
        Germany is coming out of a dramatic fourth wave that began in November, and although it is bracing for a wave of Omicron infections, government officials have played down the possibility of a surge in infections around Christmas gatherings. Many see that as an attempt to spare Germans from restrictions before their most important holiday.        德国正在走出从11月开始的第四波戏剧性疫情浪潮,尽管它也正迎来一波奥密克戎感染,但政府官员已经淡化了圣诞节聚会前后感染人数激增的可能性。许多人认为,这是为了让德国人在他们最重要的节日前免受限制。
        “At the moment, we are in a strange interval,” Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Tuesday at a news conference. “The measures we put into place at the end of November are working.”        “目前,我们正处于一个奇怪的间隔期,”德国总理朔尔茨周二在新闻发布会上说。“我们在11月底采取的措施正在奏效。”
        However, just before Mr. Scholz and state governors met to hammer out new measures this week, the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s equivalent of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, called for strict lockdown measures to start immediately. The government did not adopt the measures.        然而,就在朔尔茨和各州州长本周开会制定新措施之前,相当于德国疾控中心的罗伯特·科赫研究所呼吁立即启动严格的封锁措施。而政府并没有这样做。
        The many conflicting messages have caused confusion among Europeans pining for the ease of Christmases past. Some carried on despite pangs of anxiety.        许多相互矛盾的信息在欧洲国家当中引起了混乱,他们渴望往日圣诞节的安逸。有些人即使承受着焦虑的痛苦,仍继续着圣诞计划。
        “I worry a bit because we don’t know much about Omicron,” Susanne Sesterer, 63, a retiree in Hanover, Germany, said on Thursday as she was doing her last shopping before Christmas. “But how much worse can it get?”        “我有点担心,因为我们对奥密克戎了解不多,”生活在德国汉诺威的退休人员、63岁的苏珊·塞斯特尔周四在圣诞节前最后一次购物时说。“但情况还能变得更糟吗?”
        Others were giving up.        其他人则正在放弃。
        Dorotea Belli, a 42-year-old Italian who has had two vaccine doses, said she would not go to a family gathering for Christmas and instead stay home in Rome. Many of her colleagues had tested positive for the virus, she said, and her children, 4 and 1, are not eligible for vaccination.        42岁的意大利人多罗泰娅·贝利已经注射了两针疫苗,她说不会参加圣诞节的家庭聚会,而是留在罗马的家中。她说,许多同事病毒检测结果呈阳性,而她四岁和一岁的孩子还没有到接种疫苗的年龄。
        “They and I will miss my parents very much,” she said. “But I don’t want to bring Covid around, and even if my husband and I are vaccinated, who knows?”        “他们和我都会非常想念我的父母,”她说。“但我不想把病毒带过去,虽然我和丈夫都接种了疫苗,但谁知道呢?”
        Spain’s calculus on new restrictions is not only factoring in the all-important holidays, but also legal barriers that emerged after measures taken by the government in 2020.        西班牙对新限制的考量不仅考虑到了至关重要的假期,还考虑到了政府在2020年采取措施后出现的法律障碍。
        In July, Spain’s Constitutional Court ruled that the government did not have the authority to impose the lockdown measures that began in March 2020, which restricted Spaniards from leaving their homes except for essential trips like food shopping. Instead, the judges said, the measures required a full parliamentary vote, which few see passing with a majority in the future given how controversial the previous restrictions were.        7月,西班牙宪法法院裁定,政府无权实施自2020年3月开始的封锁措施,这些措施限制西班牙人离家,除非是购买食品等必需品。法官说,这些措施需要议会的全面投票,而鉴于之前的限制措施存在如此大的争议,很少有人认为在未来它会在议会以多数票通过。
        “The government has its hands tied now,” said Luis Galán Soldevilla, a law professor at the University of Córdoba.        科尔多瓦大学的法学教授路路易斯·加兰·索尔德维利亚说:“政府如今束手束脚。”
        Spain’s lighter measures announced on Thursday received criticism from some sectors, like the Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration, a group that includes many health professionals.        西班牙周四宣布的较轻措施受到了一些部门的批评,比如西班牙公共卫生和健康管理协会,该组织包括许多卫生专业人士。
        “These measures don’t help much,” said Ildefonso Hernández, the group’s spokesman, saying limiting capacity indoors would be more effective. “It makes no sense that people walk the street with a mask and then take it off when they enter a bar.”        “这些措施没有什么用,”该组织的发言人伊尔德方索·埃尔南德斯说,并表示限制室内人数会更有效。“人们戴着口罩走在街上,进入酒吧后又摘下口罩,这毫无意义。”
        In Madrid, residents were charging ahead with their Christmas plans, despite the rising caseload and risks.        在马德里,尽管病例数量和风险不断上升,但居民们仍在推进他们的圣诞节计划。
        Fernando Sánchez, 55, a taxi driver, lost his mother and brother to Covid-19 six months ago. Nevertheless, he was unwilling to cancel his Christmas plans, which this year take place at the home of his in-laws, much as they had before the pandemic.        六个月前,55岁的出租车司机费尔南多·桑切斯因新冠疫情失去了母亲和兄弟。尽管如此,他还是不愿意取消圣诞计划——今年在他的岳父母家过圣诞,就像疫情前一样。
        Antonio Jesús Navarro, 33, a software engineer, had been looking forward to spending Christmas with his girlfriend, who had traveled to Spain for the holidays from the United States. The two had not seen each other since before the pandemic began.        33岁的软件工程师安东尼奥·赫苏斯·纳瓦罗一直期待着与从美国来西班牙度假的女友共度圣诞节。两人上次见面还是在疫情开始之前。
        But then Mr. Navarro learned he had come into contact with someone who had tested positive for the coronavirus. The couple were isolating until he could get his own test results. He said he was frustrated with public messaging on how to stay safe from Omicron.        但随后,纳瓦罗得知自己接触了一个新冠病毒检测呈阳性的人。在他得到自己的检测结果之前,这对情侣要一直隔离。他表示,他对有关如何远离奥密克戎的公共信息感到失望。
        “Is an antigen test acceptable?” he said by telephone. “What happens if there are no symptoms?”        “抗原检测是可以被接受的吗?”他通过电话说。“如果没有症状的话怎么办?”
        Hours later, Mr. Navarro called back to say he and his girlfriend had tested positive for Covid-19.        几个小时后,纳瓦罗回电说,他和女友的新冠检测结果呈阳性。

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