世界上第一条短信售出 成交价近15万美元_OK阅读网
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世界上第一条短信售出 成交价近15万美元
World's first SMS sold as NFT for $150,000 at Paris auction house

来源:中国日报    2021-12-27 08:00

        Reading "Merry Christmas," the message was sent by British programmer Neil Papworth from his computer on December 3, 1992 to Richard Jarvis, then director of UK telecommunications company Vodafone.1992年12月3日,英国程序员尼尔·帕普沃思在电脑上向时任英国电信公司沃达丰总监的理查德·贾维斯发送了一条“圣诞快乐”的短信。
        The NFT is a replica of the original communication protocol that transmitted the SMS, the auction house said. The unknown buyer, who was to pay in the cryptocurrency Ether, will also receive a digital frame with a 3D animation of the message being received.奥古特拍卖行表示,这次拍卖的NFT是传输短信的原始通信协议复制品。拍下该NFT的匿名买家将以加密货币以太币支付,他还将收到一个数码相框,其中包含这条短信的3D动画。
        They eventually refined the code, and the transmission of texts via Vodafone's network became a reality.他们最终完善了代码,使在沃达丰的网络中传输文本成为现实。
        Initially, texts could not be sent from cellphones because they did not have keyboards. However, by 1994, they were able to be transmitted from phones thanks to the arrival of the Nokia 210.由于没有键盘,手机起初是无法发送短信的。然而,到了1994年,诺基亚210的出现使手机能够发短信了。
        The 160-character limit of SMS -- which stands for "Short Message Service" -- has since been incorporated across digital platforms including Twitter.短信(SMS,短消息服务)的长度限制为160个字符,此后推特等互联网平台都加入了这一限制。
        Just as the world's first SMS revolutionized the way people communicate, NFTs are shaking up the art world.正如世界上第一条短信彻底改变了人们的交流方式,NFT也在撼动艺术界。
        Each NFT is one-of-a-kind, meaning that no two tokens are the same. Since March, when the first NFT artwork was sold for $69,346,250 during an online auction by Christie's, virtual art has broken into the mainstream.每个NFT都是独一无二的,这意味着没有两个代币是相同的。自3月份佳士得拍卖行以69346250美元(约合人民币4.4亿元)的价格售出第一件NFT艺术品以来,虚拟艺术已经成为主流。
        Speaking about the sale of the SMS NFT, Maximilien Aguttes, the development manager at Aguttes auction house, said, "The first printed book, the first phone call, the first email, all these inventions have changed our lives and communication in the world."在谈到出售首条短信NFT时,奥古特拍卖行的业务拓展经理马克西米利安·奥古特说:“第一本印刷书籍、第一个电话、第一封电子邮件,所有这些发明都改变了我们的生活和交流方式。”
        Vodafone said earlier this month that proceeds from the sale would be donated to the United Nations Refugee Agency.沃达丰本月早些时候表示,此次拍卖所得将捐赠给联合国难民署。

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