世界上第一条短信售出 成交价近15万美元_OK阅读网
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世界上第一条短信售出 成交价近15万美元
World's first SMS sold as NFT for $150,000 at Paris auction house

来源:中国日报    2021-12-27 08:00

        The world's first SMS has been sold as a non-fungible token (NFT) for $149,729 (€132,680) at auction in Paris, according to the auctioneer Aguttes.据法国奥古特拍卖行称,世界上第一条短信在巴黎的拍卖会以149729美元(约合人民币95.4万元)的价格作为非同质化代币(NFT)售出。
        Jarvis received the message on his Orbitel 901 cellphone during the company's Christmas function.贾维斯在Orbitel 901手机上收到了这条信息,当时该公司正在举行圣诞活动。
        Papworth and his colleagues were trying to develop a type of communication whereby their client, Vodafone, could offer users the ability to send messages to each other's phones, Aguttes explained on its website.奥古特拍卖行在其网站上解释称,当时帕普沃思和他的同事试图开发一种通信方式,通过这种方式,他们的客户沃达丰可以为用户提供向对方手机发送信息的能力。
        "In 1992, I had no idea just how popular texting would become, and that this would give rise to emojis and messaging apps used by millions," Papworth was quoted as saying by the auctioneer.拍卖行援引帕普沃思的话称:“1992年的时候,我不知道短信会变得这么流行,会促使数百万人使用表情符号和通讯软件。”
        Five years later, text messages could be sent on various telecommunications networks, giving rise to their popularity. Texting as a means of communication began to overtake the use of phone calls, according to the press release.五年后,各种电信网络都可以发送文字短信,短信大肆流行起来。据新闻报道,短信作为一种交流方式开始取代打电话。
        The way that users choose to express themselves has developed over time with the introduction of Internet acronyms and emojis.随着网络缩写词和表情符号的引入,用户表达自己的方式随着时间的推移而变化。
        Non-fungible tokens are a form of cryptocurrency that convert digital pieces of art into unique, verifiable goods that can be traded on the blockchain.NFT是一种加密货币形式,它将数字艺术品转换为独特的、可验证的商品,可在区块链上交易。
        Recently, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales sold an NFT of the first ever edit made on the website -- a testament to how virtual art can be used to commemorate moments in Internet culture history.最近,维基百科联合创始人吉米·威尔斯出售了该网站首次编辑词条的NFT——这证明了虚拟艺术可以用来纪念互联网文化史上的时刻。
        "This first text message received in 1992 is a historic testament to human and technological progress. It transmitted a message of joy, 'Merry Christmas'," Aguttes added.他补充说:“1992年收到的第一条短信是人类和技术进步的历史见证。它传递了欢乐的信息,‘圣诞快乐’。”

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