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Providing nearly expired vaccines seen as violation of human rights

来源:中国日报    2021-12-31 08:00

        Hoarding of COVID-19 vaccines by some Western countries and providing nearly expired vaccines to Africa is immoral, violates basic human rights and delays the end of the pandemic and global socioeconomic recovery, according to African experts.据非洲专家称,一些西方国家囤积新冠疫苗,并向非洲提供接近过期的疫苗,这违反了基本人权,推迟了新冠疫情的终结时间和全球社会经济复苏的进程。
        In addition to Nigeria, countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi and Senegal also face similar problems of expired COVID-19 vaccines.除尼日利亚外,刚果、马拉维和塞内加尔等国家也面临类似的过期疫苗问题。
        "The weakest link in the fight against COVID-19 are some of the developed countries in the West that have been overtly and covertly advocating for 'vaccine imperialism and nationalism'," Munene said.穆内内称:“欧美地区的一些发达国家是抗击新冠病毒中最薄弱的环节,他们公然或暗地提倡“疫苗帝国主义和民族主义”。
        Gerald Mbanda, a researcher and publisher in Rwanda, said the hoarding of the vaccines by rich nations, even when the Omicron variant is spreading, is not only immoral, but also delays the end of the pandemic and global socioeconomic recovery.来自卢旺达的研究人员兼出版商杰拉尔德·姆班达表示,即使是在奥密克戎变种传播的背景下,发达国家仍然在囤积疫苗,这不仅不道德,而且还推迟了疫情结束和全球社会经济复苏的进程。
        "Unless rich countries act humanely and share vaccines as well as provide patent rights for the manufacture of the vaccines in less-privileged countries, the war against the COVID-19 pandemic will be unnecessarily prolonged, as well as human suffering," Mbanda said. "No one will be safe until everyone is safe.姆班达称:“除非发达国家采取人道主义行动,共享疫苗,并且向发展中国家提供疫苗生产的专利权,才不会无谓地延长人类经历的苦难和抗击新冠肺炎的战争。在所有人都安全之前,没有人是安全的。”
        Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian called on Monday for countries to deliver safe and more effective vaccines to developing countries, including African countries, to make up the global vaccination gap.(中国)外交部发言人赵立坚12月27日呼吁各国向包括非洲国家在内的发展中国家提供安全、有效的疫苗,以弥补全球疫苗接种缺口。
        Munene said China has provided nearly 2 billion doses of vaccines to more than 120 countries and international organizations, making it the world's largest provider, and none of them have been near the expiration date.穆内内称,中国已经向120多个国家和国际组织提供了近20亿剂疫苗,是全球对外提供疫苗最多的国家,而且没有任何一剂疫苗是濒临过期。

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