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Gaslighting is the modern dating trend could leave you damaged

来源:中国日报    2021-12-25 08:00

        后来,“煤气灯效应”就被广泛的用于指代这种情感虐待(emotional abuse)。
        在亲密伴侣关系中,这种效应的表现方式较为隐秘而微妙(imperceptible and subtle)。比如,操控者会常说“你神经过敏”,“是你太敏感了”,“你一定记错了”……
        At it's worst, gaslighting leads to major depression, with formerly strong, vibrant women reduced to abject misery and self-hatred. 重则导致严重抑郁,使得原本强大活泼的女性变得自怜自艾并且自我憎恨。
        It can happen when you've met up a few times, or even after things get serious - but constitutes when someone literally removes you from their life, without warning.这种情况多见于你们见过几次面,甚至关系变得更认真的时候,你却突然被对方从生活中移除了,毫无征兆。
        This is where someone gradually backs away from a potential relationship, but doesn't cut all ties immediately.在这种情况下,对方会逐渐放弃一段潜在的关系,但不会立即断绝所有的联系。
        This is when someone leaves a trail of small but flirtatious messages for a potential date, with no intention of meeting.这种情况是指某人给潜在的约会对象发了一串短却撩的信息,但没有任何要见面的意思。
        面包屑这个名字源于经典童话故事《韩塞尔与葛雷特》(Hansel and Gretel),这里指的是一方用一系列暧昧信息让另一方产生恋爱错觉,但是从不进行后续发展。
        Before couples have 'the talk' and define their relationship - also known by the acronym 'DTR' - either party is at risk of being 'benched'. 在双方挑明、确定关系之前(DTR),双方都可能是对方的“备胎”。
        This is when someone has already ghosted his or her way out of a relationship - but then tries to come back.某人已经放弃这段关系,却又想吃回头草。
        Layby 路边停车
        Those being pursued by a layby should be wary as he or she might well have a number of 'next' options lined up - not to mention the fact that they are not technically single. 要是被这种人追求,你可就要当心了,因为对方很有可能同时追求很多人,更别说其可能还没真正单身。
        On the other end of the spectrum is the dater who practises the 'catch and release'. 另一种极品约会者就是那些一追到手就把对方甩了的人。

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