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‘Beijing Spring’ Review: The Politics of Aesthetics

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-21 01:24

        Can art effect real change in the world? To this ever-urgent question, “Beijing Spring” — a new documentary about the titular movement for democratic expression that exploded in the wake of the Cultural Revolution in China — responds with a resounding yes.        艺术能够给世界带来真正的改变吗?对于这个越来越迫切的问题,《北京之春》(Beijing Spring)给出了掷地有声的明确回答。这部新纪录片讲述了在中国文化大革命结束后,为争取民主表达而爆发的同名运动。
        Directed by Andy Cohen with Gaylen Ross, the film focuses on the Stars Art Group, a collective of self-taught practitioners who seized on the tumult after Mao Zedong’s death in 1976 and deployed their art like Molotov cocktails. They circulated their paintings and literature via underground magazines; papered revolutionary poems and calligraphy on the famed Democracy Wall; and, most notably, mounted a show on the exterior of the National Art Museum of China after being denied permission to exhibit within.        这部电影由安迪·科恩和盖伦·罗斯执导,聚焦“星星画会”这个民间美术团体,他们抓住了1976年毛泽东去世后的动荡局势,像投掷燃烧瓶一样发表艺术作品。通过地下杂志,他们传播绘画和文学作品;在著名的民主墙粘贴革命诗词和书法;最引人注目的是,在被中国美术馆拒绝馆内展出后,他们在馆外举办了一场展览。
        Rousing if somewhat schematic, “Beijing Spring” unfolds as a kind of art-history lesson: In interviews, the Stars look back wistfully on their work, which married ravenous experimentation — including abstract styles and nude figures violently forbidden under Mao — with strident political critique. Wang Keping’s sculpture “Idol” uses some canny detailing to turn a likeness of Mao into that of the Buddha, quietly excoriating the leader’s deification.        《北京之春》虽然简略却令人热血沸腾,它的呈现像是一堂艺术历史课:在采访中,“星星画会”的成员们怅然若失地回顾他们的作品,这些作品将贪婪的实验(包括毛时代强烈禁止的抽象风格和裸体人像)与尖锐的政治批判相结合。王克平的雕塑《偶像》聪明地将毛泽东的样貌特征融入佛像,这是对领袖神化的无声抨击。
        But the most stirring parts of “Beijing Spring” showcase the power of the cinematic arts. The film weaves in long-unseen footage of the artists’ demonstrations that thrums with both history and stunning aesthetic beauty. Perched on a fence while dodging the police, the young cameraman, Chi Xiaoning, captured the thronging crowds with startling, intuitive immediacy.        但《北京之春》最激动人心的部分让人领略了电影艺术的力量。这部电影中穿插着艺术家抗议活动的影像,这些好久未见的画面既具有历史意义,又具有令人惊叹的美感。年轻的摄影师池小宁趴在围栏上避开警察,以惊人的、带有敏锐洞察力的即时性将拥挤的人群记录下来。
        Cohen and Ross’s own filmmaking suffers in comparison to the crafts on display within the film: “Beijing Spring” assembles its materials into a by-the-book progression of archival excerpts and talking-head commentary, serving best as a primer on — rather than an embodiment of — the radical possibilities of artistic form.        与电影中展示的技艺相比,科恩和罗斯的电影掌控能力相形见拙:《北京之春》将素材编排成了一部由循规蹈矩的作品解说和喋喋不休的评论组合成的累进,最适合作为探索艺术激进可能性的入门介绍,而非其本身的体现。
        Beijing Spring Not rated. In Mandarin and French, with subtitles. Running time: 1 hour 40 minutes. In theaters.        《北京之春》:未评级。普通话和法语,带字幕。片长:1小时40分钟。正在上映。

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