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Hong Kong researchers find that two doses of China’s Sinovac vaccine are inadequate against Omicron.

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-16 10:13

        A new study from researchers at the University of Hong Kong found that people who received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine made by the Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac were unable to neutralize the new, highly infectious Omicron variant.        香港大学研究人员的一项新研究发现,已接种两剂科兴新冠疫苗的人无法抵御具有高度传染性的新变异株奥密克戎。
        The research, which was carried out on 25 vaccinated individuals, is the latest sign of the new challenge Omicron presents as it spreads across the world. The scientists found that none of the 25 subjects vaccinated with Sinovac were able to fight off the variant. The researchers said it was not yet clear whether a third shot of Sinovac would improve the results.        研究对象是25名已接种疫苗的人,这一最新迹象表明了奥密克戎在全球蔓延过程中带来的新挑战。科学家们发现,接种了科兴疫苗的25名受试者中,没有一人能够抵抗这种变异株。研究人员表示,目前尚不清楚科兴的第三针是否会改善结果。
        Sinovac said in a statement Wednesday that while two doses of its vaccine were much less effective against Omicron, three doses might prevent infection with the variant.        科兴周三在一份声明中表示,虽然两剂疫苗对奥密克戎的效果要差得多,但接种三剂可能会预防感染该变异株。
        The study also showed that protection given by the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine seemed to wane against Omicron, becoming 20 percent to 24 percent effective. These results were consistent with what other studies have found.        该研究还表明,辉瑞-BioNTech疫苗提供的保护作用似乎对奥密克戎有所减弱,有效率为20%至24%。这些结果与其他的研究发现一致。
        The researchers advised the public in Hong Kong to get a third dose of vaccine as soon as possible, though they did not specify which kind.        研究人员建议香港公众尽快接种第三剂疫苗,但他们没有具体说明是哪种疫苗。
        If the results are accurate, they could spell particular trouble for China, where the vaccine is commonly used. China has vaccinated more than 1 billion of its citizens, mostly with Chinese vaccines, but has relied largely on strict lockdowns and quarantines to curb the spread of the virus.        中国普遍使用科兴疫苗,如果研究结果准确,可能尤其会给中国带来麻烦。中国已经为超过10亿公民接种了疫苗,其中大部分是国产疫苗,但遏制病毒的传播主要还是依靠严格的封锁和隔离。
        In recent weeks, Chinese officials have indicated that the country’s vaccination levels are approaching what they said would be required for herd immunity. However, Sinovac’s weakness against the new variant, two cases of which were detected this week in two Chinese cities, could signal that the country’s lockdowns and closed borders will persist.        最近几周,中国官员表示,该国的疫苗接种水平正接近他们认为的群体免疫所需的水平。然而,科兴对新变异株的薄弱抵御——本周在中国两个城市发现了两起病例——可能表明该国将持续封锁和关闭边境。
        Beginning in September, parts of the country began to offer booster shots, and now the extra shot is widely available. This month a top Chinese official called for an acceleration in plans to give booster shots to older adults. In Tianjin, where one of China’s two confirmed Omicron cases was found, state media wrote in a Wednesday article that “there should be no delay in getting boosters.”        从9月开始,该国部分地区开始提供注射加强针,现在已经广泛供应。本月,一位中国高级官员呼吁加快让老年人接种加强针的计划。在天津发现了中国两起确诊的奥密克戎病例之一后,官方媒体在周三的一篇文章中写道,“应尽快接种加强针。”
        Even so, far fewer people have had boosters. As of Dec. 10, 120 million people in China have had a third vaccine dose, far short of the 1.16 billion who have had two, according to state media.        即便如此,接种加强针的人数还是远远不足。据官方媒体报道,截至12月10日,中国有1.2亿人接种了第三剂疫苗,远远低于接种过两次疫苗的11.6亿人。

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