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U.S. Cracks Down on Firms Said to Aid China’s Repression of Minorities

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-17 11:34

        WASHINGTON — The Biden administration said on Thursday that it would put limits on doing business with a group of Chinese companies and institutions it says are involved in misusing biotechnology to surveil and repress Muslim minorities in China and advancing Beijing’s military programs.        华盛顿——拜登政府周四表示,将限制美国与一批中国企业和机构的业务往来,称这些企业和机构涉及滥用生物技术监视和压迫中国穆斯林少数民族,并且推进了北京的军事计划。
        In announcing one set of the moves, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said China was employing biotechnology and medical innovation “to pursue control over its people and its repression of members of ethnic and religious minority groups.”        在宣布这一系列举措时,商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多表示,中国正在利用生物技术和医疗创新“来控制人民,压迫少数民族和宗教团体成员”。
        The administration said those efforts included the use of biometric facial recognition and large-scale genetic testing of residents 12 to 65 in the mostly Muslim region of Xinjiang.        拜登政府表示,中国的行为包括在以穆斯林为主的新疆地区使用面部生物识别技术,并对12岁至65岁的居民进行大规模基因检测。
        China has used such technology to track and control the Uyghurs, a predominately Muslim ethnic group.        中国曾使用此类技术跟踪和控制以穆斯林少数民族为主的维吾尔人。
        In a separate move, Facebook — now called Meta — warned 50,000 users that they may have been the targets of surveillance software, largely by firms that were working for nation-states, and some working for private clients. The company announced that it was banning from its social media sites seven commercial surveillance-for-hire services that target journalists, dissidents and human rights activists.        此外,Facebook(现名Meta)对五万名用户发出警告,称他们可能成了监控软件的目标,这些软件大多是由为民族-国家服务的企业提供,一些则来自为私人客户服务的企业。该公司宣布,将在其社交媒体网站上禁止七家针对记者、异见人士和人权活动者的商业监控服务。
        One of the organizations is based in China, but several were Israeli. Last month, the United States put Israel’s best-known maker of surveillance software, the NSO Group, on the Commerce Department’s “entities list,” banning U.S. companies from selling technology to it and throwing the firm’s financial survival into doubt.        其中一家这样的机构设在中国,而另外几家位于以色列。上个月,美国将以色列最著名的监控软件制造商NSO集团列入商务部的“实体名单”,禁止美国企业向其出售技术,导致该公司陷入财务危机。
        In its announcement on Thursday, the Biden administration said Beijing was using advances in biotechnology to drive forward its military modernization. A senior administration official called out China’s work to edit human genes for performance enhancement and create ways for human brains to connect more directly to machines.        拜登政府在周四的声明中表示,北京正在利用生物技术进步来推动其军事现代化。一名高级政府官员指出,中国为增强人体功能进行了编辑人类基因的工作,并创造出让人类大脑与机器连接的更直接办法。
        In a coordinated action, the Treasury Department moved to block Americans from investing in securities related to eight Chinese companies — including the drone maker DJI — that the United States says are involved in the surveillance and tracking of the Uyghur minority.        在一项协调行动中,美国财政部禁止美国人投资与八家中国企业——包括无人机制造商大疆——相关的证券,美国称这些企业参与了对维吾尔少数民族的监控和跟踪。
        DJI, the largest maker of consumer drones, is by far the most well-known of the companies targeted by the U.S. government on Thursday.        作为最大的消费级无人机制造商,大疆是美国政府周四进行限制的对象中目前知名度最高的企业。
        A company spokesman declined to comment on the action, which was reported earlier by The Financial Times. When DJI was placed on the Commerce Department’s entities list last year, the company said it had done nothing to justify the designation.        《金融时报》早前报道了此事,该公司发言人拒绝对此置评。当大疆去年被列入商务部实体名单时,该公司表示,它没有做过任何可以证明这种定性合理的事情。
        The Treasury Department said the company provided drones to the Xinjiang Public Security Bureau, which used them to surveil Uyghurs. The department’s announcement suggested that DJI sold the drones to the security bureau, much as it has sold drones to American law enforcement.        财政部表示,该公司为新疆公安局提供了无人机,后者用它们来监视维吾尔人。财政部的公告表明,大疆向公安局出售无人机,与它向美国执法部门出售无人机的行为没有区别。
        The Commerce Department added 40 companies and institutions to its restricted entities list on Thursday, including China’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences and 11 of its research institutes, which are involved in using biotechnology for military purposes. Being added to the list restricts foreign businesses from gaining access to U.S. technology or working with American companies.        周四,商务部将40家企业和机构列入受限实体名单,包括中国军事科学院及其11家下属研究机构,这些机构都参与了将生物技术用于军事目的的工作。进入名单意味着外国企业获取美国技术或是与美国企业的合作都将受到限制。
        The companies that the department added to the list include Chinese companies that the U.S. government said were supporting Chinese military modernization, contrary to American national security.        被商务部列入名单的包括那些美国政府指出支持中国军事现代化、违背美国国家安全利益的中国企业。
        The department also added to its list seven Chinese companies and six more from Turkey, Georgia and Malaysia that it said were trying to supply U.S. technology to Iran, items that could support Tehran’s conventional weapons and missile programs.        商务部还将七家中国企业和另外六家土耳其、格鲁吉亚和马来西亚企业列入名单,称这些企业试图向伊朗提供美国技术,这些技术能为伊朗的常规武器和导弹项目提供支持。
        “We cannot allow U.S. commodities, technologies, and software that support medical science and biotechnical innovation to be diverted toward uses contrary to U.S. national security,” Ms. Raimondo said.        “我们不能允许那些推动医学发展和生物技术创新的美国商品、技术及软件被转而用于违背美国国家安全的用途,”雷蒙多表示。
        The moves by the administration came after a report issued in the fall by the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, which highlighted China’s advances in biotechnology and the country’s misuses of those capabilities. In February, the center warned in a bulletin to hospitals and health care companies that concerns about China exploiting health care data “are not hypothetical.”        在拜登政府出台这些举措之前,国家反谍报与安全中心在今秋发布报告,强调了中国在生物技术上的进步,以及该国对这些技术能力的滥用。2月,该中心在公告中警告了医院和医疗保健企业,称对中国正在利用医疗保健数据的担忧“并非基于假设”。
        Beijing, the bulletin said, “has a documented history of exploiting DNA for genetic surveillance and societal control of minority populations in Xinjiang.”        公告称,北京“有利用DNA对新疆少数民族进行基因监测和社会控制的记录”。
        Last year, the Commerce Department added 11 other companies involved in providing genetic analysis of Uyghurs to Beijing. That action included subsidiaries of the Chinese company BGI Group, which had developed a neonatal test in partnership with China’s military that gave it access to the genetic data of millions of people around the world.        去年,美国商务部又增加了11家涉及向北京提供维吾尔族基因分析的公司。其中包括中国公司华大基因集团的子公司,该集团与中国军方合作开发了一种新生儿检测,使中国军方能够获得世界各地数百万人的基因数据。
        Building on those actions, the Biden administration has been putting pressure on Chinese companies involved in key technology sectors including biotechnology, artificial intelligence and autonomous drones.        在这些行动的基础上,拜登政府一直在对涉及生物技术、人工智能和无人驾驶飞机等关键技术领域的中国企业施加压力。
        It also placed SenseTime, a large artificial intelligence firm, on the entities list, forcing the Chinese company to change its plans for an initial public offering. SenseTime’s technology is being used in the facial recognition of Uyghurs, U.S. government officials said.        拜登政府还将大型人工智能公司商汤科技列入实体名单,迫使这家中国公司改变了首次公开发行的计划。美国政府官员说,商汤科技的技术正在被用于维吾尔人的面部识别。
        On Thursday, senior administration officials said the U.S. government was working to try to slow or stop the misuse of new technologies that undermine national security by denying China access to American capital markets and by trying to restrict its ability to use technology developed by U.S. companies.        周四,美国政府高级官员表示,美国政府正试图通过拒绝中国进入美国资本市场,并限制中国使用美国公司开发的技术,从而减缓或阻止破坏国家安全的新技术的滥用。
        American intelligence officials say China and the United States are in a biotechnology race, and the country that develops the best technology will have a global advantage.        美国情报官员表示,中美正在进行一场生物技术竞赛,开发出最佳技术的国家将拥有全球优势。
        Biotechnology advances are considered vital for battling future pandemics and developing cures or treatments for a variety of ailments. But American officials have said the technology is ripe for abuse, misuse and unethical behavior.        生物技术的进步被认为在对抗未来的流行病,开发各种疾病的治疗方法方面至关重要。但美国官员表示,这项技术已经发展到了可以被滥用、误用和进行不道德行为的程度。
        The Chinese government had not been as constrained by international norms as the United States and its allies. In addition to using the technology to control its population, Chinese government researchers have shown willingness to manipulate human genetics in a way American academics would find unethical, according to American officials.        中国政府不像美国及其盟国那样受制于国际准则。美国官员表示,除了利用该技术控制其人口外,中国政府的研究人员还表现出意愿,以美国学者认为不道德的方式操纵人类基因。
        In its announcement, Meta said a seven-month investigation had concluded that Facebook and Instagram accounts had been used to identify targets for surveillance and build online relationships with them that helped with the installation of surveillance software. Many of the targets were human rights workers or dissidents, but others were journalists and potential political adversaries.        Meta在声明中表示,为期七个月的调查得出结论,一些Facebook和Instagram帐户被用来识别监视目标并与他们建立在线关系,还被用来安装监视软件。许多目标是人权工作者或持不同政见者,但也有一些是记者和潜在的政治对手。
        Meta said it removed about 100 Facebook and Instagram accounts linked to “an unidentified entity in China” that was making surveillance software aimed at Apple and Android phones, and computers that ran Windows and Mac OS X, among other operating systems.        Meta表示,已删除约100个与“中国某个身份不明的实体”有关的Facebook和Instagram帐户,该实体正在制作针对苹果和安卓手机,以及运行Windows和Mac OS X等操作系统的电脑的监控软件。
        Among the seven companies Meta said it was banning from its services was one called Cytrox, believed to be based in North Macedonia, which Meta said had been hired for work in countries allied with the United States — including Saudi Arabia, Oman, Germany and the Philippines. The statement left unclear whether the firm’s clients were states, companies or private citizens.        Meta表示,在其禁止服务的七家公司中,有一家名为Cytrox的公司,据信总部位于北马其顿,Meta表示该公司曾受雇在美国的盟国工作,包括沙特阿拉伯、阿曼、德国和菲律宾。声明中没有说明该公司的客户是国家、企业还是普通公民。
        Meta also said it removed 300 Facebook and Instagram accounts belonging to Black Cube, another Israeli-based firm with offices around Europe. The company is known for “social engineering,” essentially working to gain the trust of a target for intelligence gathering.        Meta还表示,已删除Black Cube旗下的300个Facebook和Instagram帐户。Black Cube是一家总部位于以色列、在欧洲各地设有办事处的公司。该公司以“社会工程”而闻名,本质上是为了获得目标的信任,以便进行情报收集。
        The report said the company “operated fictitious personas tailored for its targets,” with some posing as graduate students, human right workers, or film or television producers. They would then set up calls and get personal email addresses in an effort to get targets to click on links that put the surveillance software on their devices.        报告称,该公司“运营为其目标量身定制的虚拟人物”,其中一些人伪装成研究生、人权工作者或电影或电视制片人。然后,他们会设置电话,获取个人电子邮件地址,以便让目标点击链接,从而将监控软件安装在他们的设备上。
        “There is an entire shadow industry out there that operates around the world,” said Nathaniel Gleicher, Meta’s head of security policy. “People focus on how they exploit vulnerabilities, but it’s the deceptive things they do leading up to that exploitation which we also have to expose.”        “有一个完整的影子产业在世界各地运作,”Meta的安全政策主管纳撒尼尔·格莱歇尔说。“人们关注的是他们如何利用漏洞,但他们在利用漏洞之前所做的欺骗也是我们必须揭露的。”

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