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How Hong Kong’s ‘Patriots Only’ Elections Bolster Beijing’s Grip

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-20 12:20

        HONG KONG — On the surface, Hong Kong’s legislative election on Sunday is like any such poll the city has held, but its differences are stark. This time, candidates have been vetted by national security bodies. Several people have been arrested after calling for a boycott. Dozens of veteran pro-democracy figures, either in jail or in exile, are absent from the campaign trail. And partial turnout results suggested that voters were spurning the election in potentially record numbers.         香港——从表面上来看,香港周日的立法会选举和这座城市举行过的其他选举投票别无二致,但差异是鲜明的。这一次,候选人已经过国家安全机构的审查。一些人在呼吁抵制后被捕。数十名资深民主人士或身陷囹圄、或流亡海外,竞选活动没有了他们的身影。部分投票结果表明,投票人数可能创下新低。
        The election— to choose 90 members of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council — was the first since Beijing imposed a drastic overhaul of the political system to impose a “patriots only” policy in determining which candidates can run, tightening the governing Communist Party’s grip over the territory and leaving space only for the barest semblance of an opposition.  Under the overhaul, only 20 seats were directly elected by residents; the rest were chosen by industry groups or Beijing loyalists.        这次选举选出了90名香港立法委员会委员,是北京对香港的政治制度大刀阔斧改革以来的首次选举。改革后,只有“爱国者”获准参选,收紧了执政的共产党对这一地区的掌控,仅给徒有虚表的反对派留有余地。在改革后,只有20个直选席位;其余则由行业团体或留给北京的忠实拥护者选出。
        While the rules of Hong Kong’s elections were always in favor of Beijing’s allies, the new system eliminates even the slightest uncertainty of previous campaigns, and the establishment’s near-total control of the legislature is now guaranteed.        尽管香港选举的规则一直对北京的盟友有利,但新体系消除了此前竞选中哪怕是最微小的不确定性,建制派对立法会几近全席控制如今已成定局。
        Still, the government spared no effort to paint that the election is legitimate, even threatening foreign newspapers that suggest otherwise. Officials have exhorted voters to show up, apparently to little effect.        但政府仍在不遗余力地表明这场选举的合法性,甚至威胁那些对此提出异议的外国报纸。官员们劝说选民前往投票,但显然收效甚微。
        The opposition has been devastated by Beijing’s crackdown.        反对派已被北京的镇压摧毁。
        The last time Hong Kong held an election, the pro-democracy camp won a stunning victory, taking nearly 90 percent of the seats in the November 2019 vote for district councils. The vote, after months of antigovernment street protests, was a significant rebuke of Beijing’s authority.        上一次香港举行选举时,民主阵营获得惊人胜利,在2019年11月的区议会选举中获得90%的席位。当时在经过数月的反政府街头抗议后,那场投票是对北京权威的一次重大抗议。
        The Communist Party has been determined not to see a repeat.        共产党决心不要重蹈覆辙。
        In January, the police arrested dozens of Hong Kong’s most well-known democracy advocates, saying their election platform amounted to a subversive plot against the government. Fourteen have been granted bail, but 33 remain in custody awaiting a trial that is not expected to begin until the second half of next year. Other opposition politicians have gone into exile, fearing arrest.        1月,警方逮捕了数十名香港最为著名的民主活动人士,称他们的竞选纲领相当于密谋颠覆政府。14人已获保释,但仍有33人遭到拘留,等候预计将在明年下半年开始的审判。还有一些反对派政治人士由于担忧遭到逮捕,已流亡海外。
        Those who have remained in the city’s pro-democracy parties were not participating in Sunday’s election. Some said they did not want to lend legitimacy to the process. The Democratic Party, the largest opposition group, said its members had no enthusiasm to run.        那些继续留在香港民主党派中的人士不会参加周日的选举。一些人表示,他们不想赋予这个过程合法性。最大的反对派团体民主党表示,其成员无意竞选。
        On Election Day, voter turnout was on track to hit a record low.
        With the establishment’s control of the Legislative Council a foregone conclusion, the biggest question was whether voters would turn out, turning the election into something of an informal referendum on the new electoral system.
        The answer seemed to be a rejection. By 9:30 p.m., an hour before polls closed, just 29 percent of eligible voters had turned out to vote for the few directly elected seats. If the trend were to hold, the turnout would be the lowest since Hong Kong, a former British colony, began holding legislative elections in 1991.        答案似乎是拒绝。到晚上9点30分,也就是投票结束前一个小时,只有29%的合格选民参加了少数直选席位的投票。如果这一趋势持续下去,投票率将是这个前英国殖民地于1991年开始立法选举以来的最低水平。
        The previous low was 36 percent, in 1996, one year before Hong Kong returned to Chinese control. In 2016, the last time legislative elections were held, 58 percent of voters cast ballots. By an hour before polls closing that year, turnout had reached 53 percent.        上一次的最低点是36%,发生在1996年,即香港回归中国的前一年。上一次立法选举于2016年举行,有58%的选民投票。在那年投票结束前一个小时,投票率已达到53%。
        “Low voter turnout is clearly an indicator of Hong Kong society that is deeply divided,” said Sonny Lo, a Hong Kong political analyst. “The political wounds from the 2019 protests were deep and the scars still remain.”
        The government had aggressively encouraged voters to participate, setting up polling stations at the border with mainland China for Hong Kong residents who want to vote without going through quarantine. Top government officers have called on citizens to turn out.        政府一直在积极鼓励选民的参与,在与内地的边界处设立投票站,这样想投票的香港居民就无需进行隔离。最高政府官员呼吁公民参加投票。
        But Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, has argued that a low number of voters could be a sign of satisfaction with the government.        但香港首席行政官林郑月娥表示,投票人数低可能是人们对政府满意的表现。
        “There is a saying that when the government is doing well and its credibility is high, the voter turnout will decrease because the people do not have a strong demand to choose different lawmakers to supervise the government,” she told Global Times, a newspaper controlled by the Communist Party of China. “Therefore, I think the turnout rate does not mean anything.”        “有一种说法是,政府工作做得好、公信力高时,投票率反而会降低,因为民众没有强烈的诉求要选择一些议员来监督政府,”她告诉中国共产党控制的《环球时报》。“所以,我认为投票率的高低不代表什么。”
        Residents’ limited enthusiasm had been apparent throughout the day. Volunteers and candidates made last-minute pitches at street stands outside subway stations, handing out fliers as loudspeakers blared prerecorded slogans, but most passers-by ignored them.        居民的冷淡在选举日全天都表现得很明显。志愿者和候选人在地铁站外的展位上抓住最后的机会宣传,扬声器发出预先录制的口号,他们分发传单,但被大多数路人无视。
        At polling stations across the city, lines were few and far between. At one station on the western side of Hong Kong island on Sunday afternoon, three police officers stood watch as pedestrians streamed past, hardly any stopping to enter.        在整个城市的投票站,投票队伍少之又少。周日下午,在港岛西侧的一个投票站,三名警察站在那里看着行人经过,鲜有人驻足。
        More than 10,000 police officers were deployed across the city, officials said, as well as 900 staff members of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the government body overseeing the ban on calling for vote boycotts.        官员们说,全市部署了一万多名警察,还部署了900名廉政公署的工作人员,这个政府机构负责监督不得煽惑抵制投票的禁令。
        Ling Lui, 26, who showed up to vote with her father at a polling station in eastern Hong Kong Island, said the “patriots only” election would benefit Hong Kong. She was looking, she said, for a candidate who would “love Hong Kong, dare to speak out and be active.”        26岁的凌雷(音)在港岛东部的一个投票站与父亲一起前来投票,她说“仅限爱国者”的选举将有利于香港。她表示,她想要选举一位“热爱香港、敢于直言、积极主动”的候选人。
        Paul Lai, 50, was less confident. He had to wait in line to vote in previous elections, he said after casting his ballot, but this year, there were just two or three people inside his polling station. He attributed the lower turnout in part to the candidates, many of whom he said were new and unfamiliar faces.        50岁的保罗·黎(音)则不太确定。他在投票后表示,在以前的选举中,他必须排队等候投票,但今年,他所在的投票站里只见到两三个人。他将较低的投票率部分归因于候选人,他说他们中的许多人都是陌生的新面孔。
        Asked how he chose who to vote for, he said, “Nothing, really. Just look at their platform, if they have one.” (Some of the candidates did not release platforms or had no social media presence.) He continued: “There’s nothing you can do. Just pick one at random.”        当被问到他是依据什么做出选择时,他说:“没什么,真的。看看他们的竞选纲领,如果他们有的话。”(一些候选人没有发布竞选纲领或没有社交媒体。)他继续说:“你什么都做不了。随便挑一个就行了。”
        The few democracy backers on the ballot have toed Beijing’s line.        选票上仅有的几位民主支持者对北京的做法表示支持。
        Only a few of all the candidates running this year have described themselves as “pro-democracy,” and they share one thing in common: They observe Beijing’s red lines.        今年候选人中只有一小部分人会自称“支持民主”,而他们都有一个共同点:在北京的红线内行事。
        They have avoided the sort of political stances that could lead to their disqualification or even imprisonment, such as calling for independence for Hong Kong or foreign sanctions against Hong Kong officials.        他们避开了会导致自己失去资格甚至入狱的政治立场,比如呼吁香港独立,或呼吁外国制裁香港官员。
        In Hong Kong’s new electoral landscape, the absence of the mainstream opposition has resulted in an odd political twist: Such outside candidates are being given some help by Beijing’s representatives and allies, who would in normal circumstances be their rivals. But the support is limited to helping them pass the rigorous nomination process to get on the ballot, not to winning votes on Election Day.        在香港最新的选举格局下,主流反对派的缺席导致了一个怪异的政治反转:这些外部候选人得到了北京代表及其盟友的帮助,而这些人在正常情况下应该是他们的对手才对。但这样的支持仅限于帮助他们通过严格的提名程序,成为候选人,而非在选举日当天获得选票。
        One pro-democracy candidate, Wong Sing-chi, said he believed it was important to fight for democracy by pursuing office, even if the system was flawed. If elected, he said, he would call for an amnesty for nonviolent protesters who have been sentenced to prison and a scaling back of the use of a national security law that has quashed dissent.        民主派候选人黄成智说,他认为通过竞选公职来争取民主十分重要,即便制度存在缺陷。一旦获选,他说,他会呼吁对那些被判入狱的非暴力抗议者进行大赦,减少动用国安法来镇压异见人士。
        Mr. Wong, a former member of the Democratic Party, said he was asked twice this year by the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government, Beijing’s increasingly assertive arm in the city, about whether he would run. But he said he made the decision to run on his own. After he did so, he was given a powerful boost by Lo Man-tuen, a prominent pro-Beijing voice on the election committee, who helped him secure enough nominations from the body to run.        黄成智以前是民主党成员,他说今年中联办已两度询问他是否会竞选。中联办是北京在这座城市日益独断的分支机构。但他说,竞选决定是独立作出的。在决定竞选后,他获得了选举委员会中亲北京的重要人士卢文端的鼎力支持,后者帮助黄成智从该机构获得了足够的提名来竞选。
        “I am absolutely not their cup of tea, but they also want me to run so there will be some other voices,” said Mr. Wong.        “我绝对不是他们那杯茶,但他们也想让我竞选,这样就能有更多声音了,”黄成智说。
        Adrian Lau, who won a seat on the district councils during a pro-democracy wave in 2019, said he was running for the legislative council because some voters did not have faith in pro-Beijing politicians.        刘卓裕曾于2019年在民主浪潮席卷区议会的选举中获得席位,他表示自己在竞选立法会席位,因为一些选民对亲北京政治人士没有信心。
        “They need at least one or two Legco members who would really help them,” he said.        “他们需要至少一两个能真正帮助他们的立法会成员,”他说。
        The mere mention of boycotts has been met with arrests and threats.        只要提及抵制都会遭到逮捕和威胁。
        The police arrested at least 10 people in connection with violating election laws, accusing them of encouraging others to abstain from the election or to cast spoiled ballots.        警方已经逮捕至少与违反选举法有关的10人,指控他们鼓励人们不要参与选举或投无效选票。
        Hong Kong courts issued warrants for at least seven activists and politicians who now live overseas, including the former lawmakers Ted Hui and Nathan Law. Mr. Law, who is in Britain, is accused of making a speech on Dec. 3 in which he urged voters to ignore the election. Mr. Hui, who is in Australia, urged voters to cast blank ballots.        一家香港法院对至少七名如今生活在海外的活动人士和政治人士发出通缉令,其中包括前议员许智峯和丘文俊。现居英国的丘文俊被控12月3日在Facebook上发言鼓励人们无视选举。现居澳大利亚的许智峯则被控敦促选民投空白票。
        The Hong Kong authorities also warned The Wall Street Journal that it may have broken the law with a November editorial that called the election a “sham vote.” The newspaper had said that “boycotts and blank ballots are one of the last ways for Hong Kongers to express their political views.” The government sent a similar warning letter to The Sunday Times of London over an article titled, “China shows its true colours — and they’re not pretty.”        香港当局还对《华尔街日报》发出警告,称其11月的一篇社论将这场选举称为“假投票”,可能违法。该报曾说,“抵制和投空白票都是香港人表达自己政治观点的最后途径。”由于一篇题为《中国露出真面目——而且不好看》(China shows its true colours — and they’re not pretty)的文章,政府还对伦敦的《星期日泰晤士报》发出了类似警告函。
        The head of Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption warned that survey results from a prominent polling organization about potential turnout might also be illegal.        香港廉政公署负责人警告,一家著名民意测验机构关于潜在投票率的民调结果可能也属非法。
        That organization, the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, had been criticized by government supporters after a recent survey found that about 50 percent of respondents planned to vote in the election, the lowest-ever figure since the institute started asking the question in the early 1990s.        这家组织是香港民意研究所,在近期一份显示约50%受访者计划投票的民调后,该机构遭到政府支持者的批评,这个数字是该机构在1990年代早期开始调查这个问题以来的历史最低数字。

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