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N.H.L. Players Will Skip Beijing Olympics

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-22 12:30

        National Hockey League players will not participate in the 2022 Beijing Olympics, a reversal of plans announced in September and a signal of the fears rippling through sports about how the worsening coronavirus pandemic could derail seasons and competitions worldwide.        国家冰球联盟(National Hockey League,简称NHL)球员将不参加2022年北京奥运会,这推翻了9月宣布的计划,同时也是一个信号,表明体育界担心不断恶化的新冠病毒大流行可能会破坏世界各地的赛季和比赛。
        The N.H.L., which has postponed dozens of its games already, has grown especially concerned in recent days about its ability to complete its season on schedule. The league's decision about the Olympics, which it reached in coordination with its players’ union, offers a potential logistical lifeline because the three-week break intended for the Games could become a window for making up postponed matches.        NHL已经推迟了数十场比赛,最近几天尤其担心能否如期完成本赛季。联盟在与球员工会的协调下做出了有关奥运会的决定,为赛事运营提供了一种可能性:原本为奥运会预留的三周休息时间可以补赛此前推迟的比赛。
        The league and the N.H.L. Players’ Association are expected to announce their reworked agreement as soon as Wednesday, three people familiar with the deliberations said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the two organizations had not publicly declared their changed intentions for the Games, even though they had telegraphed them recently.        三名知情人士说,NHL和NHL球员协会预计最早将于周三宣布重新制定的协议。他们要求匿名,因为这两个组织还没有公开宣布不参加奥运会的决定,尽管他们最近已经发出电报通知。
        Just on Monday, the N.H.L. said it would pause its season for several days after a swelling number of players were ruled out of games after entering the league’s health and safety protocols.        就在周一,NHL表示,越来越多的球员由于触发联盟的健康和安全协议而不能参加比赛,该联盟本赛季的比赛将暂停数日。
        Although the decision that N.H.L. players would not go to Beijing was rooted in the league’s spiraling concerns about its season, it carried outsize importance for perceptions about an Olympics already mired in political turmoil and a public health crisis. The absence of hockey’s best players will undercut the dazzle of the Olympic men’s tournament, which will most likely feature minor leaguers and those who play in other organizations rather than commanding figures like the N.H.L. All-Stars Auston Matthews and Connor McDavid.        尽管NHL球员不去北京参赛的决定是基于该联盟对本赛季的担忧,但它极大地影响了人们如何看待这届已陷入政治动荡和公共卫生危机的奥运会。最优秀冰球运动员的缺席将削弱奥运会男子冰球比赛的魅力,该比赛很可能以小联盟和那些在其他组织中打球的球员为主,不会有NHL全明星奥斯顿·马修斯和康纳·麦克戴维这样的领袖人物。
        Chinese officials have vowed to proceed with the Olympic festivities as planned, with the opening ceremony scheduled for Feb. 4. But the N.H.L.’s decision was sure to further rattle sports officials, already unnerved by the emergence of the Omicron variant and postponed games everywhere from the N.F.L. to England’s Premier League.        中国官员誓言将按计划推进奥运庆祝活动,开幕式定于2月4日举行。但是NHL的决定肯定会让体育官员更加不安。奥密克戎变异株的出现,以及从NHL到英格兰超级联赛等各地体育赛事的推迟,已经让他们焦躁不安。
        It was less than four months ago, after all, that the N.H.L. and its players toasted a deal to load rosters for the men’s tournament in Beijing with many of the world’s finest players.        毕竟,就在不到四个月前,NHL及其球员达成协议,让许多世界上最优秀的球员可以到北京参加男子冰球赛。
        The plan, such as it was, had seemed likely to usher in a grand showcase for international hockey after the N.H.L. did not send its players to the 2018 Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea, a choice that angered players and left the Olympic tournament bereft of the star power to which it had grown accustomed over previous decades.        该计划原本可以令国际冰球再次迎来盛大的展示机会,因为NHL没有派球员参加2018年韩国平昌奥运会,这激怒了球员,也令奥运比赛失去了它在过去几十年中已经习惯的明星效应。
        The decision around the 2018 Games, though, could be traced to more traditional misgivings about injuries, revenue splits and the general irritation of complicating the regular season. The move to skip the Beijing Games reflected a far more complex puzzle, layered with potentially lengthy quarantines and the losses of N.H.L. paychecks for players who could have missed league games after returning from the Olympics.        不过,围绕2018年奥运会的决定,原因可以追溯到对伤病、收入分割等更为传统的顾虑,以及令常规赛季复杂化的普遍不满。不参加北京奥运会的决定反映了一个更为复杂的难题,包括可能出现的长时间隔离,以及从奥运会回来后可能错过联赛的球员在NHL的工资损失。
        But the disruptions to the regular season loomed especially large, officials said, and the N.H.L. had spent recent weeks signaling its mounting worries about the Olympic tournament. On Sunday, with the N.H.L. already having announced 39 postponements of regular-season games, the league said that it had suspended cross-border travel for its games and was “actively discussing” the matter of the Olympics with the players and their union.        但官员们表示,常规赛季受到的干扰尤其严重,NHL最近几周一直在表示,它对奥运会赛事的担忧日益加剧。周日,该联盟已宣布了39场常规赛延期,它表示已暂停比赛的跨境旅行,并且正在与球员及其工会“积极讨论”奥运会事宜。
        Individual players had also expressed reservations. Robin Lehner, a goaltender for the N.H.L.’s Vegas Golden Knights, cited mental health concerns on Dec. 6 when he announced that he would not play for Sweden in Beijing.        个别球员也表达了保留意见。NHL拉斯维加斯金骑士队的守门员罗宾·雷纳在12月6日宣布,因为心理健康方面的顾虑,他将不会代表瑞典队参加北京奥运会。
        “My well being have too come first and being locked down and not knowing what happens if you test positive is to much of a risk for me,” Lehner wrote on Twitter.        雷纳在Twitter上写道:“我的福祉必须放在第一位,如果检测结果呈阳性,就要被隔离起来,不知道会发生什么,这对我来说是很大的风险。”
        Olympic officials and Chinese organizers recently released their latest health and safety plans for the Games, including stringent quarantine and isolation protocols for anyone who records a positive test while in Beijing for the Olympics.        奥运会官员和中国组织者最近公布了最新的奥运健康和安全计划,包括对在北京奥运期间检测呈阳性者实施严格的检疫与隔离方案。
        Although athletes who are fully vaccinated will not have to quarantine ahead of the Games — participants who are not vaccinated will have to spend 21 days in isolation upon their arrival in Beijing — they and other visitors will face daily tests while in China. Interactions with the public will be forbidden, with athletes and other Games personnel cocooned in a “closed-loop management system” that is expected to resemble the so-called bubble that the N.B.A. to complete its 2019-2020 season.        未接种疫苗的运动员抵达北京后将被隔离21天,已接种疫苗的运动员在奥运会前虽然不必隔离,但他们和其他游客在中国期间将每天接受检测。与公众的互动将被禁止,运动员和其他奥运会工作人员将被封闭在一个“闭环管理系统”中,该系统预计将类似NBA完成其2019-2020赛季时的所谓“泡泡”。
        The Olympic hockey tournament is scheduled to begin on Feb. 9, when the Russian team faces Switzerland. A Russian team, which benefited from a strong domestic league, won the gold in 2018 in Pyeongchang.        奥运会冰球比赛定于2月9日开始,第一场比赛是俄罗斯队对瑞士队。2018年,受益于强大国内联赛的俄罗斯球队在平昌赢得了金牌。
        The N.H.L.’s decision will not affect the women’s tournament, which is scheduled to start on Feb. 3, one day before the official opening of the Games.        NHL的决定不会影响女子比赛,该赛事定于2月3日开始,比奥运会正式开幕的日子早一天。

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