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In a Boston Court, a Harsh Spotlight Falls on a Heavyweight of Science

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-23 04:21

        BOSTON — Charles Lieber, one of the country’s top research chemists, sat miserably in a chair at the Harvard Police Department, trying to explain to two F.B.I. agents why he had agreed to partner with a lesser-known Chinese university in a relationship that had soured and landed him in trouble with the U.S. government.        波士顿——作为美国顶尖研究化学家之一的查尔斯·利伯痛苦地坐在哈佛警察局的一张椅子上,试图向两名FBI特工解释,他为何同意与一所不太知名的中国大学合作,结果双方合作关系恶化,并让他被美国政府找上了麻烦。
        The university had money to spend — “that’s one of the things China uses to try to seduce people,” Dr. Lieber said in the interrogation, clips of which were shown in court.        法庭上播放的审讯片段显示,利伯说那所大学有经费——“这是中国吸引人的手段之一。”
        But money wasn’t the reason, he said. By training young scientists in the use of technology he had pioneered, he hoped to burnish his credentials with the committee that decides the ultimate scientific honor.        但他说,经费不是动机。通过培训年轻科学家,让他们掌握自己所开创的技术,他希望在评选最高科学荣誉的委员会面前提升自己的资历。
        “This is embarrassing,” he said. “Every scientist wants to win a Nobel Prize.”        “这真是很丢脸,”他说道。“每个科学家都想获得诺贝尔奖。”
        On Tuesday, after deliberating for two hours and 45 minutes, a federal jury found Dr. Lieber guilty of two counts of making false statements to the U.S. government about whether he participated in Thousand Talents Plan, a program designed by the Chinese government to attract foreign-educated scientists to China. They also found him guilty of failing to declare income earned in China and failing to report a Chinese bank account.        周二,经过两小时45分钟的审议,联邦陪审团裁定,利伯就是否参与“千人计划”向美国政府做出两项虚假陈述的罪名成立,中国政府策划的这个项目旨在吸引接受国外教育的科学家来到中国。陪审团还认定他未能申报在中国的收入,并瞒报了一个中国的银行账户。
        Though it is not illegal to participate in Chinese recruitment programs, scientists are required to disclose their participation to the U.S. government, which also funds their research and may view it as a conflict of interest.          尽管参与中国的人才项目并不违法,但科学家需要向美国政府披露他们参与的详情,因为同样为他们的研究提供资金的美国政府可能会认为此举存在利益冲突。
        Dr. Lieber’s conviction is a victory for the China Initiative, an effort launched in 2018, under the Trump administration, to root out scientists suspected of sharing sensitive information with China.        利伯的定罪是“中国计划”的胜利,这一计划在2018年由特朗普政府发起,目的是为了揪出涉嫌与中国分享敏感信息的科学家。
        Of several dozen cases opened against academic researchers, most, like the case against Dr. Lieber,  do not allege espionage or intellectual property theft, but failure to disclose Chinese funding, and the effort has been criticized for prosecutorial overreach.        在对学术研究人员公开提起的数十起诉讼中,大多都和利伯案一样,并没有涉及间谍活动或知识产权窃取的指控,而是未能披露中国提供的资金,而这些诉讼也被外界批为公诉越权。
        It suffered a series of setbacks over the summer, with half a dozen cases dismissed and the first case to reach the trial stage, against the researcher Anming Hu, ending in acquittal. Dr. Lieber’s trial was watched closely in scientific circles, as an indicator of whether the Justice Department will proceed with prosecutions of other researchers.        这一计划在今夏遭遇了一系列挫折,有六起案件被驳回,而首起进入审判阶段的胡安明案最终宣判无罪释放。科学界密切关注利伯案的审理,把这当作了司法部会否起诉其他研究人员的一个风向标。
        Peter Zeidenberg, a Washington, D.C. lawyer who represents around a dozen researchers who are under investigation, said Dr. Lieber’s case stands out because he was specifically asked about his participation in the Chinese program, and denied it.        华盛顿特区律师彼得·蔡登博格代理了十几位正在接受调查的研究人员的案子,他说利伯案之所以引人瞩目,是因为他特别被问到了参与中国项目的事,但他表示否认。
        “The reason people like Lieber lie is because they are afraid,” he said. “It’s really sad. They are afraid to answer truthfully, ‘Are you a member of the talent program?’ I’m sure in the Red Scare, people said they were not a member of the Communist Party. ”        “像利伯这样的人会撒谎,是因为他们害怕,”他说。“这真让人难过。对于‘你是否参与了人才项目’这个问题,他们不敢诚实作答。我敢肯定,在‘红色恐慌’时期,人人都说他们不是共产党员。”
        In closing arguments on Tuesday, Dr. Lieber’s lawyer, Marc Mukasey, said the government  had inadequate proof of wrongdoing and risked silencing a pioneering researcher.        在周二的结案陈词中,利伯的律师马克·穆卡西表示,政府没有足够证据证明存在任何不当行为,此举可能会令一位研究先驱人物无法发声。
        “Isn’t it troubling that nobody in this courtroom has explained what the Thousand Talents Plan is and who is in it?” he said. “Isn’t it troubling that Dr. Lieber’s work was all public, was for the benefit of the world, yet he is facing criminal charges for it?”        “在这个法庭上,没有人解释‘千人计划’是什么,参与者有哪些,这不会让人困扰吗?”他说。“利伯的研究成果为了全世界的利益而尽数公开,但他却因此面临刑事指控,这不会让人困扰吗?”
        He added, “No villains, no victims, no one got robbed, no one got rich, but over a few seconds of conversation — Special Agent Mousseau called it a blip on the radar — the world’s greatest nanoscientist is facing multiple felonies.”        他还表示:“没有恶人,没有受害者,没有人被劫掠,没有人发横财,但在被特工穆苏称为雷达上的一个光点的短暂交谈之后,世界上最伟大的纳米科学家就面临着多项重罪指控。”
        Among the researchers prosecuted as part of the China Initiative, Dr. Lieber is by far the most prominent, chosen as chairman of Harvard’s chemistry and chemical biology department and seen by some as a potential Nobel Prize winner.          在迄今为止被“中国计划”起诉的所有研究人员中,利伯是成就最杰出的一位,他被选为哈佛大学化学和化学生物系主任,一些人认为他有潜力获得诺贝尔奖。
        Since 2008, prosecutors said, his laboratory at Harvard had received research grants totaling $18 million from the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health.        检方表示,自2008年以来,他在哈佛的实验室从美国国防部和国立卫生研究院获得了总计1800万美元的研究经费。
        At issue in this case was a joint venture that Dr. Lieber launched in 2011 with the Wuhan University of Technology, where one of his former students had taken a post. Outside employment is standard for high-level researchers, who often contract with private sector firms or universities overseas for part of the academic year.        本案的争议点在于利伯在2011年联合武汉理工大学创立的一家合资企业,他以前的一名学生曾在这所大学任职。对高级研究人员来说,劳务派遣很常见,他们通常会在学年的一部分时间里与海外私营企业或大学签订合同。
        A three-year contract emailed to Dr. Lieber in 2012, and displayed to the jury by prosecutors, identified him as a “One Thousand Talent High Level Foreign Expert,” entitling him to $50,000 a month, plus about $150,000 in living expenses and more than $1.5 million for a laboratory, which they called the WUT-Harvard Joint Nano Key Laboratory.        检方向陪审团展示了2012年以电子邮件形式发给利伯的三年合约,合约中显示他是“千人计划高层次外国专家”,可以得到5万美元月薪,外加约15万美元的生活费和超过150万美元的实验室经费,该实验室被他们命名为“武汉理工大学–哈佛大学纳米联合重点实验室”。
        In 2018, as the China Initiative got underway, investigators from the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health approached Dr. Lieber to ask if he had taken part in the Thousand Talents programs. Over the week-long trial, jurors heard from a series of witnesses who said that in both instances, Dr. Lieber had denied participating.        2018年,随着“中国计划”的开展,国防部和国立卫生研究院的调查人员找到利伯,询问他是否参与了“千人计划”的项目。在为期一周的庭审中,陪审团从各色证人那里听到的说法是,利伯在两次审讯中都否认曾经参与。
        They also watched video clips from an F.B.I. interrogation, conducted on  Jan. 28, 2020, the morning Dr. Lieber was arrested at 6:30 a.m. at his office at Harvard.        他们还观看了FBI在2020年1月28日进行审讯的视频片段,当天早上6点30分,利伯在自己的哈佛办公室被捕。
        After initially asking for a lawyer, Dr. Lieber went on to answer the agents’ questions for about three hours, acknowledging at several points that he had misled investigators.        利伯一开始要求有律师陪同,后来他接受了约三个小时的审讯,并几度承认自己曾经误导调查人员。
        At first, he denied receiving income from the Wuhan university or participating in the Chinese recruitment program. Then the agents produced a series of documents, including contracts from 2011 and 2012, and Dr. Lieber examined them, remarking at one point, “I should pay more attention to what I’m signing.”        起初,他否认自己从武汉理工大学或是在参与中国人才项目时得到过报酬。随后特工们拿出了一系列文件,包括2011年和2012年的合约,利伯在检视一番后表示,“我应该在签约的时候多注意一下。”
        “That’s pretty damning,” he said. “Now that you bring it up, yes, I do remember.”        “这是对我相当不利的,”他说。“既然你们提起了,是的,我确实记得。”
        He went on to offer detail about his financial arrangements with the Wuhan university: A portion of his salary was deposited in a Chinese bank account and the remainder — an amount he estimated as between $50,000 and $100,000 — was paid in $100 bills, which he carried home in his luggage.        然后他提供了自己与这所大学财务安排的细节:他的一部分薪水存放于中国的一个银行账户,其余——他估计在5万到10万美元之间——都以100美元的钞票支付,他把这些钱放在行李中带回了国。
        “They would give me a package, a brown thing with some Chinese characters on it, I would throw it in my bag,” he said. After returning home, he said, “I didn’t declare it, and that’s illegal.”        “他们会给我一个棕色的包裹,上面有一些汉字,我就把它放进包里,”他表示。他说在回国之后,“我没有申报,这是违法行为。”
        He acknowledged, as well, that he “wasn’t completely transparent by any stretch of the imagination” when approached by investigators from the Department of Defense in 2018, and that he was aware he might face charges.        他还承认,2018年国防部调查人员找到他时,他“怎么说都算不上是完全坦诚”,他清楚自己可能受到指控。
        “I was scared of being arrested, like I am now,” he added.        “我害怕被捕,就和我现在一样,”他还说。
        As the jury prepared to deliberate, Jason Casey, an assistant U.S. attorney, reminded jurors of Dr. Lieber’s demeanor in the F.B.I. interview and urged them to “use your common sense.”        在陪审团准备审议之时,助理检察官杰森·凯西向他们强调了利伯在FBI审讯中的举止,并敦促他们“运用常理思考”。
        “It’s not that the defendant has no memory of events prior to 2015,” he said. “It’s that he does not want to remember. He does not want to remember that he participated in the Thousand Talents program. He does not want to remember that he took bags of cash on an airplane and never reported them to the I.R.S.”        “并不是说被告对2015年以前发生的事没有记忆,”他说。“而是他不愿记起来。他不愿记得自己参加过‘千人计划’项目。他不愿记得自己带了那么多现金上飞机,并且从未向国税局申报。”
        ‘Scaring the scientific community’        ‘吓唬科学界’
        Dr. Lieber’s arrest was one of the first signals that federal authorities were investigating scientists who had received funding from Chinese sources, and it sent shock waves through academic circles.        利伯的被捕是显示联邦当局正在调查获中国资助的科学家的最早信号之一,引发了学术界的震动。
        It was followed, in January of 2021, by the arrest of Gang Chen, a professor of mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on suspicion of hiding affiliations with Chinese government institutions in order to secure $19 million in U.S. federal grants.        在那之后,麻省理工学院机械工程教授陈刚于2021年1月被捕,他涉嫌隐瞒与中国政府机构的关系,以获得1900万美元的美国联邦拨款。
        Brian Timko, who worked under Dr. Lieber as a graduate student and now heads his own laboratory at Tufts University, said he believed China Initiative had strayed from its original focus on espionage toward disclosure violations that, a few years ago, “would have been handled at the university level.”        布莱恩·蒂姆科曾是利伯手下的研究生,如今在塔夫茨大学领导自己的实验室,他说,他认为“中国计划”已经偏离了重点关注间谍活动的初衷,而转向了几年前“本可在学校层面处理”的披露违规行为。
        “I think these cases are about scaring the scientific community,”  he said.        “我认为这些案件是为了吓唬科学界,”他说。
        Dr. Timko, who attended stretches of the week-long trial, said he was troubled by the way Dr. Lieber's work had been “twisted” by prosecutors.        蒂姆科出席了为期一周的部分庭审,他说自己对检方如此“歪曲”利伯的工作感到困扰。
        He said Dr. Lieber had invented electronic chips so small and flexible that they could be injected into parts of the human body, like the brain or the retina. Eventually, he said, the technology could lead to breakthroughs in bioelectronic medicine, like restoring sight to blind people or movement to paralyzed limbs.        他说,利伯发明的电子芯片是如此小巧灵活,它们可以被植入人体的某些部位,如大脑或视网膜。他说,这项技术最终可能为电子生物医学带来突破,让盲人恢复视力,或是让瘫痪的肢体重新活动起来。
        “Charlie spent his whole career trying to help the world, and a handful of individuals who don’t even understand how science works tore the whole thing down,” he said. “And that is just not fair.”        “查理的整个科研生涯都是在努力帮助全世界的人,而那一小撮连科学原理都不懂的人却把他的一切都毁了,”他说。“这太不公平了。”
        Witnesses over the last week painted Dr. Lieber as a demanding, sometimes impatient academic star, who struggled to manage his relationship with his partners in Wuhan, and complained that Harvard was not acting vigorously to defend him.          上周庭审的证人将利伯描述成一个要求严苛、有时缺乏耐心的学术名人,他难以处理好与武汉合作伙伴的关系,并抱怨哈佛没有积极为他辩护。
        “I definitely do not have a good taste” about “many ‘friends’ in China,” Dr. Lieber wrote in an email to a Chinese colleague at another institution. “These people want to use me, so we will not let that happen, versus me using them. But we’ll be ever so polite in the mean time.”        “我对中国的一些‘朋友’没有好感,”利伯在给另一家机构的中国同事的电子邮件中写道。“这些人想要利用我,所以我们不能让这种情况发生,而是我来利用他们。但同时我们也绝不能怠慢。”
        He expressed alarm, in 2018, when investigators Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health began asking about his participation in the Thousand Talents plan.        2018年,当国防部和国立卫生研究院的调查人员开始询问他参与“千人计划”的情况时,他对此表示不安。
        “They are threatening not only to end my funding (which supports much of my research) but also force me to pay back the last three plus years they supported much of my work,” he wrote to a Chinese colleague, adding, “perhaps someone (Chinese) who does not like me brought this to attention of N.I.H.?”        “他们不仅威胁要终止给我的资助(支撑了我的大部分研究),而且还强迫我偿还三年多以来他们对我大部分工作的资助。”他在给一位中国同事的消息中写道,并补充道,“或许是某个看不惯我的(中国)人把这件事捅给了国立卫生研究院?”
        In his conversation with the F.B.I. agents on the day of his arrest, Dr. Lieber was reflective about the role of international funding in the lives of researchers, saying that relationships with foreign partners were never as straightforward as they seemed at first.        在被逮捕当日他与FBI的对话中,利伯对外国资助在研究人员生活中所起的作用进行了一番反思,他说,与外国合作方的关系从来都不像乍看上去的那样简单。
        “Early on, if someone said, ‘We’ll give you this title and we’ll pay your travel to and from,’ you don’t think anything about it,” he explained, “but partners “always want something from you.”        “如果别人一开始说的是,‘我们会给你这个职位,为你支付往返旅费,’那你就不会有什么疑虑,”他解释道,“但合作方总会对你有所求。”
        “A lot of countries, money is what they have in excess,” he said. He added, “that’s one of the things China uses to seduce people.”        “对很多国家来说,钱多得花不完,”他说。他还补充道,“这就是中国用来吸引人的手段之一。”
        He tried to impress on the two special agents that a different motive, the desire for acclaim, had brought him to partner with Wuhan and train scientists there.        他试图让两位特工明白,是其他动机——对荣誉的渴求——让他与武汉理工大学合作,培训那里的科学家。
        “I was younger and stupid,” he said. “I want to be recognized for what I’ve done. Everyone wants to be recognized.” He offered a comparison he had given his son, a high school wrestler. The Nobel Prize is “kind of like an Olympic gold medal — it’s very, very rare,” he said.        “我那时年轻而愚蠢,”他说。“我希望我的事业能够得到认可。每个人都想被认可。”他拿自己的儿子做了一个比较,后者是一名高中摔跤手。诺贝尔奖“有点像奥运金牌——是非常非常难得的,”他说。
        A prize he had won recently was more like a bronze medal, he said with a self-deprecating laugh. “That probably is the underlying reason I did this,” he said.        他自嘲地笑着说,他最近拿的奖更像是一块铜牌。“这或许就是我这么做的根本原因,”他说。

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