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As Olympics Near, China Tightens Rules and Athletes Invent Their Own

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-24 03:41

        Athletes and sports officials around the world have for months been viewing the approaching Winter Olympics in Beijing, set to take place in February amid a still-raging pandemic, with a mixture of apprehension and weariness. Now, a global surge of cases tied to the highly contagious Omicron variant has given them all the more reason to be on edge.        数月来,世界各地的运动员和体育官员一直在疲倦不安中观望着北京冬奥会,它将于明年2月在肆虐的疫情中举行。现在,与高度传染性的奥密克戎变异株相关的全球病例激增,让他们更有理由感到紧张。
        A single positive test before the opening ceremony on Feb. 4, after all, could derail an athlete’s entire career. An outbreak in China could still derail the entire Games.        毕竟,在2月4日开幕式之前,一次结果呈阳性的病毒检测会打乱运动员的整个职业生涯。如果疫情在中国暴发,仍可能影响整个奥运会的进程。
        “With the new variant being out and about, it’s definitely a little scary,” said Karen Chen, an American figure skater. “I know it’s definitely been going around. All we can do is sanitize our hands, wear a mask and hope for the best.”        “出现新的变种,这肯定有点吓人,”美国花样滑冰运动员陈楷雯说。“我知道它肯定一直在传播。我们所能做的就是给手消毒,戴口罩,并期待一切顺利。”
        China has already announced elaborate precautions to protect against the coronavirus reaching its own population or participants in the Winter Games, and to ensure those two groups have almost no contact with one another. On Thursday, as athletes around the world continued to plot out the safest personal routes to the Games, China detailed some of the strictest rules yet for its own citizens.        中国已经宣布了详尽的预防措施,以防止新冠病毒感染本国民众或冬奥会参与者,并确保这两个群体之间没有任何接触。周四,随着世界各地的运动员各自继续规划前往奥运会的最安全路线,中国为本国公民制定了一些迄今为止最严格的规定。
        Spectators at the Winter Olympics — which were already limited to residents of China — will be allowed to clap, but not shout, in support of athletes. Waiters, cleaners and other support staff will not be allowed to leave Olympic venues to visit their families. And any Olympic participants leaving the vicinity for the rest of China will be required to spend at least one week in quarantine, followed by at least two weeks of isolation at home.        冬奥会的观众(根据规定,仅限于中国居民)在支持运动员的时候可以鼓掌,但不能大喊。服务员、清洁工和其他后勤人员不得离开奥运场馆探望家人。任何离开冬奥会举办地点前往中国其他地区的奥运与会者都将被要求至少隔离一周,然后进行至少两周的居家隔离。
        And still, Chinese officials acknowledged they were bracing for the inevitability that some infections will emerge at the Olympics, where everyone will face daily polymerase chain reaction (P.C.R.) tests.        中国官员承认,即便如此,他们仍在为不可避免地出现感染的情况做准备,在奥运会期间,参与者每天都要接受病毒检测。
        “A certain number of positive cases will become a high probability event,” Han Zirong, the secretary general of Beijing’s Winter Games organizing committee, told reporters on Thursday.        “出现一定数量的阳性病例将成为大概率事件,”北京冬奥会组委会秘书长韩子荣周四对记者说。
        China has barred overseas spectators from entering the country. It is allowing vaccinated foreign athletes, trainers, coaches, referees, journalists and a few others to enter without enduring the usual two or more weeks of quarantine followed by a week of home confinement.        中国已禁止海外观众进入该国。它允许已接种疫苗的外国运动员、训练员、教练员、裁判员、记者和其他一些人入境,他们无需经历通常两周或更久的隔离外加一周的居家隔离。
        The exemption, however, comes with a stringent requirement that foreigners not leave a “closed loop” of hotels and sports venues, linked by special buses and trains.        然而,这项隔离免除附带了一项严格要求,即外国人不得离开由酒店和体育场馆组成的“闭环”,它们之间由专用巴士和火车衔接。
        “We must never go outside the closed loop, let alone reach the city level — this is our bottom line,” said Huang Chun, deputy director of the Olympic organizing committee’s Office of Epidemic Prevention and Control.        奥组委疫情防控办公室副主任黄春说:“绝对不可以跨出闭环到闭环外,更不能接触城市层面,这是我们的底线。”
        For those outside China, getting to the Olympics in the first place remained the most urgent goal.        对于中国以外的人来说,前往冬奥会仍然是最紧迫的目标。
        Many are now taking proactive measures to keep the virus at bay before their scheduled departures to Beijing. The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, for instance, has begun strongly encouraging, but not requiring, that its athletes receive booster shots. The British Olympic Association said it was similarly recommending boosters for its athletes “where feasible.” Some teams are going further, specifically telling athletes to try to obtain the Moderna booster after the company announced the results of early studies that appeared to show it was slightly more effective against the Omicron variant. Other studies have suggested those findings are more hopeful than realistic since the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines remain largely unavailable in much of the world.        许多人现在正在采取积极措施,在预定启程前往北京之前防御病毒感染。例如,美国奥委会和残奥会委员会已经开始大力鼓励其运动员接种加强针,但不作强制要求。英国奥林匹克协会表示,它同样“在可行的情况下”推荐其运动员接种加强针。在莫德纳宣布早期研究结果似乎表明它对奥密克戎变体效果稍强后,一些运动队更进一步,特地让运动员尝试打莫德纳加强针。其他研究表明,这些研究发现充满希望但并不实际,因为莫德纳和辉瑞疫苗在世界大部分地区仍然很难获得。
        For many athletes and teams, though, the heartbreak of having years of hard work erased by a positive test on the eve of the Games seemed almost unimaginable. That fear has led to changes large and small.        然而,对许多运动员和团队来说,多年的努力被奥运前夕一次结果为阳性的检测抹去,这样令人心碎的感觉几乎是难以想象的。这种恐惧导致了或大或小的变化。
        In the Netherlands, the national speedskating trials — typically a boisterous, multiday affair held in front of tens of thousands of fans — will take place next week behind closed doors amid nationwide lockdowns, with only teams and select members of the news media allowed to enter the rink.        在荷兰,全国速度滑冰预选赛将于下周全国封锁的情况下闭门进行,只有球队和特定的新闻媒体成员可以进入滑冰场。通常情况下,这项赛事会持续数天,非常热闹,拥有成千上万的观众。
        In Austria, a group of American biathletes training at a high-altitude camp in Ramsau am Dachstein has been sending a single staff member out for sporadic visits to the grocery store with a big shopping list containing the athletes’ various requests, as part of an effort to limit potential exposure.        在奥地利达赫斯坦拉姆绍的高海拔营地,为了避免暴露在病毒中,参训的美国冬季两项赛运动员们派一名工作人员拿着运动员列出的清单,不时去杂货店购物。
        And Olympic hopefuls attending the U.S. figure skating championships next month in Nashville — where masks will be required for fans, but vaccinations will not — are already mapping out plans to avoid risky situations. Madison Hubbell, an American ice dancer, said major figure skating competitions were already infamous for spreading colds and flus. As in previous years, Hubbell will be staying in a rental apartment rather than the team hotel.        参加下月纳什维尔的美国花样滑冰锦标赛的奥运选手已经在制定计划,避免危险情况。在该赛事上,观众需要戴口罩,但不需要接种疫苗。美国冰上舞蹈选手麦迪逊·哈贝尔表示,大型花样滑冰比赛早就有传播感冒和流感的不良名声。和往年一样,哈贝尔将住在出租公寓里,而不是团队下榻的酒店。
        “We have our own accommodations that are walking distance that don’t require ground transportation,” she said. “The N95 mask does wonders, and distance does wonders, and we try to take that same policy that we take into the grocery store here and into the airport.”        “我们有自己的住处,步行就能到达,不需要地面交通,”她说。“N95口罩有奇效,社交距离也有奇效,我们打算在这里的杂货店以及在机场也采取一样的措施。”
        China has reported dozens of coronavirus cases daily this week. On Thursday, the local authorities locked down Xi’an, a city of 13 million people. At least 242 cases have occurred there in an outbreak this month. Beijing has not divulged how many involve the Omicron variant.        本周,中国每天报告数十例新冠病毒病例。周四,当地政府封锁了拥有1300万人口的西安。本月至少有242个病例发生在该地区。北京没有透露其中有多少涉及奥密克戎变异株。
        The country has been mostly successful in controlling the virus by quarantining hundreds of close contacts of infected people, and in some cases contacts of contacts. But similarly broad measures at the Olympics could make it hard to hold the Games.        中国通过隔离数百名与感染者有密切接触的人,以及某些情况下的次密接触者,在控制病毒方面取得了很大的成功。但在奥运会上采取类似的广泛措施可能会使赛事难以举行。
        Some precautions are already visible at a ski resort in the mountains near Zhangjiakou, about 100 miles northwest of Beijing, where nearly half of the Olympic events will be held. Thick, clear plastic sheeting from floor to ceiling separates bus drivers from their passengers.        在北京西北部约160公里的张家口附近山区的一个滑雪场,已经可以看到一些预防措施,近一半的奥运赛事都将在这里举行。在大巴车上,从顶棚到天花板,厚厚的透明塑料帘将司机和乘客隔开。
        At the resort’s high-speed-rail station, visitors must provide proof of a negative P.C.R. test in the preceding 48 hours. Also required is proof on a smartphone app that the traveler has not visited any Chinese city in the previous two weeks that has had a recent infection.        在滑雪场的高铁站,来客必须提供48小时核酸检测呈阴性的证明。此外,还需要在智能手机应用程序上证明,在过去两周内没有去过近期发生过病毒感染的中国城市。
        For construction workers putting the finishing touches on the venues, the authorities already do nucleic acid tests once every three days, Jia Maoting, the general manager of the Olympic Sports Construction and Development Company, told reporters during a visit to the Olympic ski jump venue.        奥体建设开发有限公司总经理贾茂亭在参观奥运跳台滑雪场馆时告诉记者,有关部门每三天都会给负责场馆收尾工作的建筑工人做一次核酸检测。
        Han, the secretary general of the Olympic organizing committee, cautioned that further measures may be added in the weeks to come. “Everything depends on the changes in the global and Chinese epidemic situation,” he said, “especially the infectiousness of the new mutant strain, Omicron.”        奥组委秘书长韩子荣警告,未来几周可能推出进一步的措施。“取决于中国国内外疫情的变化,”他说。“尤其是奥密克戎变种的传染性和危害性。”
        For prospective international attendees, unease about the virus itself has been amplified by uncertainty about the official protocols should they test positive or be identified as a close contact of someone who has.        如果与会者被检测出阳性,或被确定为密接,如何处理还存在着不确定性,对于参赛者来说,对病毒本身的不安已经被官方措施中的这种不确定性所放大。
        The National Hockey League this week announced that its players will not participate, a reversal of the league’s earlier position. And Natalie Geisenberger, an Olympic luge champion from Germany, drew attention this month after criticizing the restrictions she experienced during a three-week training trip in China and suggesting she was reconsidering whether she was even willing to travel there again for the Games.        国家冰球联盟本周宣布其球员将不参加比赛,这与该联盟先前的立场截然相反。来自德国的奥运雪橇冠军娜塔莉·盖森伯格本月也引起了关注,她批评了自己在中国为期三周的训练之旅中受到的限制,表示自己正在重新考虑是否愿意再次前往中国参加奥运会。
        Geisenberger, 33, told a German broadcaster that she was identified as a close contact of someone who had tested positive and was forced to quarantine for several days in her room, despite testing negative herself. She said the food provided for her during her isolation fell short of the standard required for an elite athlete in the midst of training and competition.        33岁的盖森伯格告诉一家德国广播公司,她被确认与一名检测为阳性者有密切接触,尽管她自己的检测结果为阴性,但她被迫在房间里隔离了几天。她说,在隔离期间,为她提供的食物达不到顶尖运动员训练和比赛所需要的标准。
        “The conditions that we experienced there speak in favor of not necessarily going back there again,” said Geisenberger, who has won four Olympic gold medals in her career.        “我们在那里经历的情况让我们可能不想再去了,”盖森伯格说。她在职业生涯中赢得了四枚奥运金牌。
        Others, including Zach Donahue, Hubbell’s skating partner, seemed resigned to the fact that many things would be out of their control, and that going to China to chase an Olympic dream in the middle of a pandemic already meant they were willing to encounter some potentially uncomfortable situations.        其他一些人,包括哈贝尔的冰上搭档扎克·多纳休,似乎已经接受了很多事情会超出控制范围的事实,也明白在疫情期间去中国追逐奥运梦想,意味着他们愿意接受一些可能让人不舒服的情况。
        “The decision to continue on to the Games means we choose to accept anything that happens due to testing or anything like that,” he said. “We know going into it that it’s high risk. We know going into a grocery store there’s risk. It’s part of the journey.”        “继续参加奥运会的决定意味着,我们选择接受因为检测或者类似情况而发生的任何事,”多纳休说。“我们知道去奥运会有很大风险。我们知道去杂货店也是有风险的。这是旅程的一部分。”

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