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South Korea bans gatherings of 5 or more people amid virus surge

来源:中国日报    2021-12-17 15:05

        Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum said Thursday that the new measures will be enforced for at least 16 days after taking effect on Saturday.韩国总理金富谦12月16日表示,新的措施将在18日生效,之后至少实施16天。
        The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency reported 7,622 new cases on Thursday, close to the daily record of 7,850 set a day earlier. That brought the national caseload to 544,117, with nearly 97,000 added in December alone.韩国疾病管理厅12月16日报告了7622例新增确诊病例,与前一天创下的纪录(单日新增7850例)几乎持平。这使得韩国新冠确诊病例达到544117例,仅12月就增加了近97000例。
        More than 890 virus patients died this month, bringing the country’s death toll to 4,518. As of Thursday morning, a record 989 patients were in serious or critical condition.本月有超过890名新冠感染者死亡,该国新冠死亡人数达到4518人。截至16日上午,已有989名危重症患者,创下了新纪录。
        After hesitating for weeks, officials moderately tightened social distancing rules last week, banning gatherings of seven or more people in the Seoul metropolitan area and requiring adults to verify their vaccination status to use restaurants and other businesses, but such measures didn’t meaningfully slow the virus' spread.在犹豫了数周后,官员们上周适度收紧了社交防疫规定,禁止在首尔市区进行7人及以上的聚会,并要求成年人在进入餐馆和其他商户时出示疫苗接种证明,但这些措施并没有有效地减缓病毒的传播。
        Health Minister Kwon Deok-cheol said the four-person gatherings limit will only be applied to fully vaccinated adults. Those who aren't fully vaccinated will be required to eat alone at restaurants, Kwon said. The rules won’t be applied to children 18 years or younger. Restaurants, coffee shops, gyms and karaoke venues will be required to close at 9 pm, while movie theaters, concert halls and private cram schools will have to close at 10 pm.韩国保健福祉部部长权德哲表示,4人聚会的人数上限只适用于已经完成疫苗接种的成年人。他说,那些没有完全接种疫苗的人将被要求单独在餐馆用餐。这些规则不适用于18岁及以下的未成年人。餐厅、咖啡馆、健身房和卡拉OK厅将于晚上9点关门,电影院、音乐厅和私立补习班将于晚上10点关门。

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