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South Korea bans gatherings of 5 or more people amid virus surge

来源:中国日报    2021-12-17 15:05

        South Korea will prohibit private social gatherings of five or more people nationwide and force restaurants to close at 9 pm, rolling out the country's toughest coronavirus restrictions.韩国将实施该国迄今为止最严厉的新冠防疫措施,在全国范围内禁止5人及以上的私人社交聚会,并强制餐馆在晚上9点关门。
        Schools in the densely populated capital Seoul and nearby metropolitan areas, where the virus has hit hardest, will also go back to remote learning after fully reopening in November.人口密集的首都首尔和附近城区的学校在11月全面复课后,也将恢复远程教学。这些地区的疫情是最严重的。
        Most of the transmissions were in the capital region, where officials say more than 86% of intensive care units designated for COVID-19 treatment are already occupied amid a spike in hospitalizations and deaths.疫情主要集中在首尔地区。韩国政府官员表示,首尔地区住院和死亡的新冠患者激增,新冠专用重症监护病房的占用率已经超过86%。
        “During this period of standstill, the government will reinforce the stability of our medical response capabilities,” said Kim during a virus meeting. “We ask our people to respond to these efforts by actively getting vaccinated.”金富谦在疫情发布会上表示:“在全国陷入停滞的时期,政府将提升医疗应对能力的稳定性。我们呼吁民众积极接种疫苗,响应政府的政策。”
        Jung Eun-kyeong said the country could see daily infections exceed 10,000 or 20,000 in the coming weeks if it fails to meaningfully slow transmissions now. 郑银敬表示,如果现在不能有效减缓病毒传播速度,韩国在未来几周内每天的感染人数可能会超过1万至2万人。

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