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Talented hairstylist creates spectacular flower-shaped designs

来源:中国日报    2021-12-22 14:26

        Nguyen Phat Tri, a young hairstylist from Vietnam, has been getting a lot of attention for his eye-catching floral hair designs.        近日,越南青年造型师阮发知凭借他超吸睛的花朵发型设计受到了很多关注。
        Nguyen Phat Tri, 28 years old,  graduated from An Giang University, with a degree in Biotechnology, in 2015, but as he always had an inclination for the arts, he decided to go to Ho Chi Minh City to study makeup and hairdressing. That may have seemed like a controversial career choice, but time proved that it was the right one, as young Phat Tri quickly made a name for himself on the Vietnamese hairstyling scene, thanks to some truly innovating techniques and designs.        现年28岁的阮发知2015年毕业于安江大学生物技术专业并获得学士学位,然而由于他一直很喜爱造型艺术,于是决定去胡志明市学习化妆和美发。这一职业选择似乎颇具争议,但是时间证明他的选择是正确的。凭借自创的新技术和新设计,年轻的阮发知很快就在越南美发界声名鹊起。
        Nguyen Phat Tri’s designs generate millions of views on social media, but few of the people who marvel at them realize just how much work goes into each and every one of them. The simplest designs take 1 to 2 days to complete, but the most complex of them can take 2-3 months to complete.        阮发知设计的花朵发型在社交媒体上浏览量达数百万,但是惊叹于这些作品的人很少能意识到每一个花朵造型要花费多少功夫。最简单的花朵造型也需耗时一到两天,而最复杂的造型可能需要两到三个月才能完成。
        As you can imagine, Phat Tri’s spectacular designs are in very high demand, even though his work isn’t exactly cheap. Bridal designs are priced between 3 and 5 million dong, while his more complex signature hairstyles cost between 5 and 7 million dong.        你可以想象到,阮发知的惊艳造型虽然价格不菲,但需求量很高。给新娘做发型收费在300万到500万越南盾(约合人民币834元到1390元)之间,而更复杂的标志性发型收费为500万到700万越南盾。
        Despite the lucrative business, Nguyen Phat Tri usually declines more requests than he accepts, because he prefers to dedicate his time to researching new designs and techniques.        虽然获利丰厚,但是阮发知拒掉的单往往比接的单还要多,因为他宁愿将时间用于钻研新设计和新技术。
        "I want to inspire creativity in people who share my passion, and I hope to help Vietnam’s hair industry grow and reach the world,” the 28-year-old said.        这位28岁的造型师说道:“我想激发那些同道者的创作热情,希望可以帮助越南美发业成长壮大,走向世界。”
        Nguyen Phat Tri introduced his floral hair designs to the world in the summer of 2020, and he has since delivered various new models, including designs inspired by lotus, hibiscus, chrysanthemum, lily, and more.        2020年夏天,阮发知首次推出花朵发型,自那以后他又推出了多个新造型,灵感来自莲花、木槿花、菊花、百合等多种花卉。
        The Vietnamese artist said that the most important thing for young stylists is to assess their talent because this is a field that requires an “artistic eye”. Then, they need to have the passion, perseverance and determination to pursue their dream.        阮发知表示,对年轻造型师来说,天赋是首要的,因为这是需要“艺术眼光”的一行。此外,他们还需要拥有追求梦想的热情、毅力和决心。

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