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Taiwan Loses Nicaragua as Ally as Tensions With China Rise

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-10 12:27

        Nicaragua has broken diplomatic relations with Taiwan in favor of China, further reducing the number of countries that still recognize the self-governing island as a sovereign nation.        尼加拉瓜与台湾断交,与中国复交,这使得承认该自治岛屿为主权国家的国家又少了一个。
        The decision, announced in a statement by Nicaragua’s foreign minister on Thursday local time, dealt a blow to the progress Taiwan had recently made to win broader international support, if not official recognition.        尼加拉瓜外长于当地时间周四在一份声明中宣布了这一决定。这对台湾最近为赢得更广泛的国际支持——甚至是官方承认——所取得的进展,造成了打击。
        President Biden invited two Taiwanese officials to join the virtual “summit for democracy” now underway in Washington. The small Baltic nation of Lithuania has provoked China’s wrath by agreeing, among other things, to open a trade office with Taiwan under its own name.        拜登总统邀请两名台湾官员参加目前在华盛顿举行的虚拟“民主峰会”。波罗的海小国立陶宛同意台湾以“台湾”为名设立贸易办事处,这一举动加上其他事件激怒了中国。
        Other nations in Eastern Europe, once under the domination of the Soviet Union, have also deepened economic and cultural ties, including the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.        曾在苏联统治下的其他东欧国家——包括捷克共和国、波兰和斯洛伐克——也加深了与台湾的经济和文化联系。
        Such efforts have increasingly turned Taiwan into a potential flash point in China’s relations with the world, particularly the United States, which has sought to shore up Taiwan’s status as a de facto nation with more than 23 million people and the world’s 22nd-largest economy by gross domestic product.        这些努力越来越多地将台湾变成中国与世界关系——特别是与美国——的潜在爆发点。美国一直试图巩固台湾事实国家的地位。按国内生产总值计算,人口超过2300万的台湾位列世界第22大经济体。
        Nicaragua’s foreign minister, Denis Moncada Colindres, did not explain the reasons behind the decision, but China has continually put pressure on Taiwan’s official allies to sever ties with the island, which Beijing claims as a territory under what it calls the “one China” policy.        尼加拉瓜外长丹尼斯·蒙卡达没有解释这一决定背后的原因,但中国不断向台湾的官方盟友施加压力,要求它们与台湾断交,北京在所谓的“一个中国”政策下声称该岛为其领土。
        As recently as 2017, Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, visited Nicaragua, where President Daniel Ortega vowed to help build international support for the island democracy.        就在2017年,台湾总统蔡英文访问了尼加拉瓜,在那里,总统丹尼尔·奥尔特加承诺帮助建立对该岛民主的国际支持。
        “We deeply regret that the government of President Ortega has disregarded the years of solidarity and friendship between the people of the both countries,” Taiwan’s foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday.        台湾外交部周五在一份声明中说:“奥尔特加总统政府罔顾台尼两国人民多年休戚与共的情谊,我国感到十分遗憾。”
        Now only 13 nations and the Vatican still recognize Taiwan, down from 21 in all at the beginning of 2017. Since then, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Burkina Faso, El Salvador, Kiribati, the Solomon Islands and now Nicaragua have switched their recognition to the People’s Republic of China. China has sought to keep Taiwan isolated, even barring it from participating in international forums like the World Health Assembly, in hopes of forcing it to accept unification with the mainland as an inevitability.        现在只有13个国家和梵蒂冈仍然承认台湾,而2017年初共有21个。在那之后,巴拿马、多米尼加共和国、布基纳法索、萨尔瓦多、基里巴斯、所罗门群岛和现在的尼加拉瓜已转向承认中华人民共和国。中国一直试图孤立台湾,甚至禁止其参加世界卫生大会等国际论坛,以期迫使其接受与大陆统一的必然性。
        Within minutes of Nicaragua’s announcement, Chinese state media reported that a delegation of Nicaraguan officials were in Tianjin, the port city where China has been holding diplomatic meetings during the coronavirus pandemic. Their presence indicated coordination between the two nations over the timing of the decision.        在尼加拉瓜宣布这一消息后的几分钟内,中国官方媒体报道称,一个尼加拉瓜官员代表团正在天津。疫情期间,中国的外交会议都安排在这个港口城市。他们的出现表明两国在该决定的时间安排上进行了协调。
        Nicaragua ended diplomatic relations once before, in 1985, after Mr. Ortega first came to power, but reversed that decision five years later, under President Violeta Chamorro.        尼加拉瓜曾在1985年奥尔特加首次上台后与台湾断交,但五年后在总统维奥莱塔·查莫罗的领导下逆转了这一决定。
        The latest switch came a month after Mr. Ortega was re-elected for a fourth consecutive term as president after a vote that was widely criticized for consolidating his increasingly authoritarian rule.        这次转变发生在奥尔特加第四次连任总统后一个月,这次选举遭到广泛批评,指其被用于巩固他日益专制的统治。
        China’s ambassador to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, commended Nicaragua’s decision as one “in line with the prevailing trend of the time and people’s aspiration.”        中国驻联合国大使张军称赞尼加拉瓜的决定“顺应大势,合乎民心”。
        “The One-China principle is a consensus widely accepted by the international community and allows no challenge,” Mr. Zhang wrote on Twitter, which is banned in China.        “‘一个中国’原则是国际社会普遍共识,不容挑战,”张军在被中国屏蔽的Twitter上写道。

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