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Alibaba Dismisses Employee Who Accused Her Boss of Rape

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-13 10:32

        Alibaba, China’s e-commerce giant, has dismissed a woman who accused a superior of raping her during a business trip in July, a case that has highlighted the toxic workplace culture of the country’s tech industry and the hurdles Chinese women face when they experience sexual harassment or assault.        中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴将一名指控上级在7月出差时将其强奸的女子解雇。这一案件凸显了中国科技行业有毒的职场文化,以及经历性骚扰或性侵犯的中国女性所面临的阻碍。
        The woman, identified in court papers only by her last name, Zhou, learned of her dismissal in a letter last month from a company affiliate based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Tmall Technology, a lawyer representing her, Du Peng, said on Sunday.        法庭文件中只公布了该女子姓周。她的律师杜鹏周日表示,她上个月收到公司(浙江天猫科技技术有限公司)邮件,得知自己被解雇。这是阿里的一家子公司,总部位于杭州。
        Her case — and the online furor it has stirred since August — became one of the most prominent of China’s struggling #MeToo movement, which has raised awareness of the issue of sexual abuse but also underscored the deep-rooted cultural and institutional biases that women in China face when they come forward.        她的案件以及自8月以来在网上激起的愤怒已成为中国举步维艰的#MeToo运动中最著名的事件之一,该运动提高了人们对性侵问题的认识,但也凸显了当中国的女性站出来时所面临的根深蒂固的文化和制度偏见。
        Alibaba, one of China’s most valuable private companies and the core of the business empire of Jack Ma, at first moved quickly to address her accusation, which she publicized by unfurling a banner in a company cafeteria and posting a video of her protest on the company’s internal website.        阿里巴巴是中国市值最高的民营企业之一,也是马云商业帝国的核心。这名女子在公司食堂拉起横幅,并在公司的内部网站上发布了抗议视频,阿里起初迅速采取行动回应她的指控。
        The company dismissed the man she accused, while two senior managers resigned for failing to take action after Ms. Zhou reported the episode. Now the company appears to be disputing her accusation, saying in the dismissal letter that she had “spread falsehoods such as ‘raped by executives and the company knew but did not deal with it.’”        公司解雇了她指控的这名男子,而两名高级经理因在周女士举报此事后未能采取行动而辞职。现在,公司似乎对她的指控提出了异议,在解雇信中称她“散布‘遭到高管强奸,公司知情不处理’等虚假信息”。
        “Since August, the incident has gone through several twists and turns,” the letter went on, “and the damage caused to the company and the parties, including you, is incalculable.”        信中继续写道:“8月至今,事件几经波折,对公司和包括你在内的当事人造成的损害难以估量。”
        Her accusation has not been buried by censors, as happened when Peng Shuai, the professional tennis player, posted an allegation of sexual assault against a former vice premier, Zhang Gaoli.        周女士的指控未遭到网络审查的掩盖。这与职业网球运动员彭帅对前副总理张高丽提出的性侵指控遭遇不同。
        Alibaba did not respond to a request for comment on Sunday. Mr. Du, the lawyer, declined to comment beyond confirming her dismissal and the letter informing her, which was previously reported by Dahe Daily, a publication of the state-owned Henan Daily Newspaper Group.        阿里周日没有回应置评请求。除了证实她被解雇和这封通知信外,律师杜鹏拒绝置评,此前河南日报报业集团的《大河报》对此进行了报道。
        The publication posted a lengthy interview with Ms. Zhou, in which she recounted the anguish she experienced in the aftermath of her accusation, including harassment online, the threat of legal action against her and, effective Nov. 25, her firing. Mr. Du said that Ms. Zhou was not immediately available to comment.        该报刊登了对周女士的长篇采访,她在采访中讲述了自己在提出指控后所经历的痛苦,包括网暴、威胁告她,以及自11月25日起被解雇。杜鹏说,无法立即联系到周女士置评。
        In the video she posted on the company’s internal website, she accused her boss, identified in media reports by his surname, Wang, of attacking her in a hotel in the city of Jinan after a drunken evening with a company client, whom she also accused of sexual assault. She said that she had reported the assault to the company but no one acted, prompting her to go public.        她在公司内部网站上发布的视频中指责她的上司(在媒体报道中被称为王某)在与一名公司客户喝醉酒后在济南市的一家酒店袭击她,她还指控该客户性侵。她说已向公司报告了这起性侵事件,但没有人采取行动,这促使她将事情公之于众。
        Prosecutors in Jinan investigated her accusation but announced in September that they would not file charges against Mr. Wang because his behavior did not constitute a crime. The other man, who has been identified in police statements by his last name, Zhang, is still reported to be under investigation for his role in the events that night.        济南的检察官对她的指控进行了调查,但在9月宣布不会对王某提出指控,因为他的行为不构成犯罪。据报道,另一名男子(警方声明中的张某)仍在接受调查,因为他在当晚的事件中起到了重要作用。
        The decision not to prosecute Mr. Wang brought more attention to the case. Its notoriety was fueled by Alibaba’s prominence and, perhaps, by the government campaign against it and its founder, Mr. Ma.        不起诉王某的决定引起了人们对该案的更多关注。阿里的地位——有可能还要加上政府对阿里及其创始人马云的打击运动——助长了该案的传播。
        When Ms. Zhou’s accusation went public, Alibaba said the company had “a zero-tolerance policy against sexual misconduct” and vowed it would write an explicit policy against sexual harassment and create a dedicated channel for employees to report incidents of misconduct.        当周女士提出公开指控时,阿里表示公司“对不当性行为采取零容忍政策”,并发誓将制定明确的性骚扰政策,并为员工建立举报不当行为事件的专门渠道。
        Now, according to her dismissal letter, the company, too, faces legal consequences. It did not specify a case, but Mr. Wang’s wife has said publicly that she intended to sue over his dismissal.        根据她的解雇信,该公司现在也面临法律后果。它没有说明具体案件,但王某的妻子公开表示打算起诉阿里对王某的解雇。
        The letter suggested that the company had sought Ms. Zhou’s cooperation, offering to cover the cost of lawyer fees and psychological consultation. It said that she had not responded. Nor did she respond to what appeared to be an effort to negotiate her termination.        信中暗示,该公司曾寻求周女士的合作,提出承担律师费和心理咨询费用。信中说她没有回应。她也没有回应公司似乎是为了沟通解除劳动合同事宜做出的努力。
        In the end, however, the company cited her original accusation as grounds for dismissal, noting an article in the company’s code of conduct: “Publishing or disseminating inappropriate remarks to the outside world, or deliberately fabricating or disseminating fictitious facts, or disseminating unconfirmed information, causing bad influence.”        但最终,该公司以她原先的指控为由将其解雇,指出其违反了公司行为准则中的一项规定:“对外发表或传播不当言论,或故意捏造,散布虚构的事实,或传播未经证实的消息,造成恶劣影响。”

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