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Blinken, in Indonesia, Stresses Soft Power to Counter China

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-15 11:28

        JAKARTA, Indonesia — Downplaying direct confrontation between the United States and China, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken on Tuesday pledged to strengthen relations with Indo-Pacific nations through billions of dollars in American investment and aid and, in doing so, counter Beijing’s regional pull.        印度尼西亚雅加达——周二,美国国务卿布林肯淡化了美中之间的直接对抗,承诺美国将拿出数十亿美元的投资和援助加强与印太国家的关系,以此化解北京在该地区的影响力。
        That soft-power pitch was delivered at Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta, the country’s capital, and continued with a series of agreements on maritime cooperation and education and Peace Corps exchanges. The university was also the site of a speech nearly 60 years ago by Robert F. Kennedy, who spoke then of open relations among states, so long as one did not threaten the rights of others.        这一软实力的宣传活动是在雅加达的印度尼西亚大学进行的,双方还接着就海上合作、教育以及和平队交流等方面达成了一系列协议。近60年前,罗伯特·肯尼迪曾在这里举行过一场演讲,当时他谈到只要不威胁到他人权利,国家之间可以存在开放关系。
        Mr. Blinken called it remarkable that the broader goal had changed so little for a region that now accounts for 60 percent of the global economy and is growing faster than anywhere else in the world. The Indo-Pacific covers countries primarily in the Indian Ocean region, including India, Australia, Japan and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN.        布林肯称,对于一个目前占全球经济60%、增长速度超过世界其他地方的地区来说,这一广泛目标几乎未变,这一点是非同凡响的。印太地区主要涵盖印度洋地区的国家,包括印度、澳大利亚、日本和东南亚国家联盟(简称东盟)。
        “We all have a stake in ensuring that the world’s most dynamic region is free from coercion and accessible to all,” he said. “This is good for people across the region, and it’s good for Americans, because history shows that when this vast region is free and open, America is more secure and more prosperous.”        “确保世界上最具活力的地区不受胁迫,并且对所有人开放,这与我们所有人都休戚相关,”他说。“这对整个地区的人民都有好处,对美国人也有好处,因为历史表明,当这个广阔的地区自由开放时,美国就会更安全、更繁荣。”
        But China, the regional heavyweight, overshadows U.S. trade in nearly country in the Indo-Pacific. In Southeast Asia alone, two-way trade with China reached $685 billion in 2020, more than double that of the region’s trade with the United States.        但作为地区重量级国家,中国与印太地区几乎所有国家的贸易额都让美国黯然失色。2020年,仅东南亚地区与中国的双向贸易额就达到了6850亿美元,是该地区与美国贸易额的两倍多。
        China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which is aimed at building infrastructure like ports, railway lines and roads around the world, has continued to make inroads in Southeast Asia even during the pandemic. This month, Laos completed its first high-speed railway, a $6 billion project backed by China. A few weeks before that, Vietnam opened its first metro line in Hanoi, also thanks to China. And in Indonesia, China has spent billions of dollars to build high-speed rail lines, power plants, dams and highways.        中国的“一带一路”倡议旨在世界各地建设港口、铁路和公路等基础设施,即使在疫情期间,它也继续在东南亚取得进展。本月,老挝开通了第一条高速铁路,这是一个由中国支持的价值60亿美元的项目。几周前,越南河内开通了第一条地铁线路,这也归功于中国。而在印度尼西亚,中国已斥资数十亿美元建设高铁、发电厂、水坝和高速公路。
        “The Achilles’ heel of U.S. policy remains economic engagement, with China far outpacing the U.S. in trade and infrastructure investment,” said Jonathan R. Stromseth, a Southeast Asia expert and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.        “美国政策的致命弱点仍然是经济参与,中国在贸易和基础设施投资方面远远超过美国,”东南亚专家、布鲁金斯学会高级研究员乔纳森·斯特罗姆塞斯说。
        Unlike his predecessor, President Biden has avoided directly pressuring other nations to choose between partnering with either the United States or China on a host of issues. Still, Mr. Stromseth said, parallel efforts by China and the United States to outdo each other risks “that a bipolar divide is hardening for the long term, with potentially serious consequences for regional stability and development.”        与前任不同的是,拜登总统避免直接向其他国家施压、要求他们在一系列问题上选择与美国或中国合作。尽管如此,斯特罗姆塞斯说,中美同时努力超越对方,有可能导致“两极分化长期加剧,对地区稳定和发展造成严重后果”。
        China has stepped up its military operations in the Indo-Pacific, with warplanes flying over parts of Taiwan and staking claims over disputed territory in the South China Sea. These actions, among others, have put the Pentagon on alert.        中国加强了在印太地区的军事行动,包括出动战机飞越台湾部分地区,并声称对南海有争议的领土拥有主权。这些和其他行动一起,都使五角大楼处于戒备状态。
        Mr. Blinken said bluntly, “We don’t want conflict in the Indo-Pacific.” Yet he also described “much concern” in the region over Beijing’s actions, which he said has distorted open markets with state-subsidized products, limited trade by its adversaries and engaged in illegal fishing. “Countries across the region want this behavior to change,” Mr. Blinken said. “We do too.”        布林肯直言不讳地说,“我们不希望在印太地区发生冲突。”然而,他也谈及该地区对北京行为的“许多关切”,比如政府对产品进行补贴、扭曲开放市场的行为,限制对手的贸易,还有从事非法捕捞活动等。“这个地区的国家希望改变这种行为,”布林肯说。“我们也是。”
        Mr. Blinken’s main message was that the United States is a better bet as a partner than China.        布林肯的主要信息是,作为合作伙伴,美国比中国更值得选择。
        He said the United States had donated 300 million coronavirus vaccines — one-third of its worldwide contribution — to the Indo-Pacific and would continue to invest billions of dollars in its public health systems.        他说,美国已向印太地区捐赠了3亿支新冠疫苗,占其全球捐助的三分之一,并将继续向后者的公共卫生系统投入数十亿美元。
        The vaccines, which Mr. Blinken said were given “with no strings attached,” may prove to be the United States’ main leverage in Southeast Asia, as hundreds of millions of doses sent by Chinese companies have been found to be largely ineffective against the Delta variant.        按布林肯的话来说,这些疫苗的赠予“没有任何附加条件”,它们最终可能会是美国影响东南亚的主要筹码,因为中国企业送去的数亿剂疫苗被发现对德尔塔变异株基本无效。
        On climate, Mr. Blinken noted a $500 million commitment to help finance a solar manufacturing facility in India as among efforts to help the region stave off environmental crises without disrupting economies. He pledged to pursue agreements to bolster data privacy and secure technology used in economic transactions, “because if we don’t shape them, others will.”        在气候问题上,布林肯提到了出资5亿美元帮助印度建设太阳能设施的承诺,以及其他帮助该地区在不影响经济的情况下避免环境危机的努力。他承诺寻求达成协议,加强保护数据隐私,并保证经济贸易中的技术安全,“因为如果我们不去做,其他人就会去做。”
        And he said the Biden administration would work to ease snarls in the global goods supply chain in a region that buys nearly one-third of all U.S. exports.        他还表示,在这个购买了美国近三分之一出口商品的地区,拜登政府将致力于解决全球商品供应链的混乱。
        Across Southeast Asia, private investments by the United States amounted to $328.5 billion in 2020, outpacing China. “The region has told us loud and clear that it wants us to do more,” Mr. Blinken said. “We’ll meet that call.”        在整个东南亚,美国私人投资在2020年达到3285亿美元,超过了中国。“这一地区再明确不过地告诉我们,它希望我们做得更多,”布林肯表示。“我们会满足这样的诉求。”
        Mr. Blinken’s visit to Indonesia, the largest country in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, was viewed as overdue: Neither Vice President Kamala Harris nor Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III stopped here in recent travels to the region. In a fresh reminder of the nation’s strategic value, Mr. Blinken arrived only a few hours after Nikolai Patrushev, the secretary of the Kremlin’s Security Council; their planes were parked next to each other at Jakarta’s airport.        外界认为,布林肯早就应该访问印尼这个东盟最大国家:副总统哈里斯和国防部长奥斯汀在最近访问该地区时都未在此停留。就在布林肯抵达前的几个小时,俄罗斯联邦安全会议秘书帕特鲁舍夫也刚刚来此,两人乘坐的飞机就并排停靠在雅加达机场,这再次说明了印尼的战略价值。
        Mr. Blinken’s speech was well received by some within Indonesia. Tom Lembong, who was Indonesia’s trade minister from 2015 to 2016, said it “hit the bull's-eye on what policymakers across ASEAN want, which is concrete and practical solutions, and less of the soaring rhetoric that has dominated American official engagement with Southeast Asia over the last two decades.”        布林肯的讲话在印尼国内获得了一些人的欢迎。在2015年至2016年担任印尼贸易部长的汤姆·伦邦表示,他的讲话“击中了东盟各国决策者的要害,那就是具体和实际的解决方案,而不是过去20年里美国官员面对东南亚发出的各种高谈阔论”。
        “I would argue that at this time, the Biden administration is succeeding in Southeast Asia — they’re regaining lost ground and making up for lost time,” Mr. Lembong said in an email.        “我认为在目前,拜登政府在东南亚取得了成果——他们正在收复失地,对失去的时机进行补救。”伦邦在电子邮件中写道。
        Many countries in Southeast Asia remain wary of being drawn into a Cold-War standoff between the United States and China. In November, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore indicated that he was uncomfortable with Mr. Biden’s calls to persuade leaders from democracies to present a more unified front against China.        东南亚仍有许多国家担忧被卷入美中之间的冷战式僵局。11月,新加坡总理李显龙表示,对于拜登敦促民主国家领导人建立更统一的战线对抗中国,他深感不安。
        “We all want to work together with the U.S.,” Mr. Lee said in a November interview with Bloomberg News. But, he added, “I think not very many countries would like to join a coalition against those who have been excluded, chief of whom would be China.”        “我们都希望与美国合作,”李显龙在去年11月接受彭博新闻社的采访时说。但他也表示,“我认为没有多少国家愿意加入一个排他性联盟,尤其是将中国排除在外的联盟。”
        The region is split between countries that are friendlier with China, like Cambodia and Laos, and others that are more hard-line, such as Vietnam. In previous years, the bloc of Southeast Asian states has been torn about how to address the dispute in the South China Sea, with some nations not wanting to offend Beijing.        在东南亚国家当中,一些对中国友好,比如柬埔寨和老挝,而另一些则对中国更为强硬,比如越南。前几年,东盟国家在解决南海争端的问题上一直争论不休,一些国家不愿意得罪北京。
        “The sin of China is undermining and breaking up ASEAN,” said Kasit Piromya, who was Thailand’s foreign minister from 2008 to 2011. “China has the money, they are rich and have their projects and initiatives. But that doesn’t mean that we have to be their doormat. I think we are terrified of China, but this is not based on reality.”        “中国的罪恶在于破坏和分裂东盟,”2008年至2011年间任泰国外长的甲西·披龙耶表示。“中国有的是钱,他们有钱在这里搞他们的项目和倡议。但这并不意味着我们只能做他们的附庸。我认为我们对中国感到恐惧,但这种态度并没有现实的依据。”

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