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She grabbed it and saw it was a black and white photo of a woman in a striped sundress and headscarf holding a little boy in her lap. On the back, written in cursive, it said, “Gertie Swatzell & J.D. Swatzell 1942.” A few hours later, Posten would discover that the photo had made quite a journey - almost 130 miles (209 kilometers) on the back of monstrous winds.她拿起来才发现是一张黑白照,照片上一个女人穿着条纹背心裙,戴着头巾,腿上抱着一个小男孩。背面用连体字写着:“格蒂·斯瓦泽尔和J.D.斯瓦泽尔1942”。几个小时后,波斯顿发现这张照片经历了一段相当长的旅程,被龙卷风从大约209公里之外的地方刮过来的。 |
波斯顿住在印第安纳州新奥尔巴尼,那里与肯塔基州路易斯维尔隔着俄亥俄河相望。由于知道附近地区遭受了龙卷风袭击,因此她立即判断这张“从天而降”的老照片很可能是从受灾地刮来的。于是她便将照片发布在社交媒体上,希望能找到它的主人,随后许多网友也将这条推文转发扩散。 |
“A lot of people shared it on Facebook. Someone came across it who is friends with a man with the same last name, and they tagged him,” said Posten, 30, who works for a tech company.今年30岁的波斯顿在一家科技公司工作,她说:“很多人在脸书上分享了这张照片,有人偶然发现照片上的人与一个男性好友同姓,于是添加了标签提醒他”。 |
In Dawson Springs — a town of about 2,700 people 60 miles (97 kilometers) east of Paducah — homes were leveled, trees were splintered and search and rescue teams continued to scour the community for any survivors. 道森斯普林斯位于帕杜卡以东97公里处,镇上大约有2700人,这里房屋被夷为平地,树木被劈成碎片,搜救队仍在社区内搜寻幸存者。 |
Posten wasn’t alone in finding family photos and school pictures that had traveled dozens of kilometers in the tornadoes’ paths. A Facebook group was set up after the storms so people could post photos and other items like an ultrasound image they had found deposited in their yards.波斯顿并不是唯一一个发现家庭照和校园照的人,这些照片在龙卷风刮过的路径上飞了数公里。暴风雨过后,人们在脸书上建立了一个小组,这样人们就可以发布照片和其他物品,比如他们在院子里发现的超声波图像。 |
斯瓦策尔说,他的家人计划在本周晚些时候与波斯顿会面,并取回照片;波斯顿也已表示要将老照片原样奉还。 |
“社交媒体是一种非常强大的信息工具。当遇到这类事时,它有能力将人与人连接起来,并完成几乎不可能做到的事情”,波斯顿说道。 |
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